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probably will need a good insurance, if one drowns, or falls of one of them toys

Hi Maidee ,

As I mentioned have allready received a figure for public liablity insurance and its not out there on price.


I was a late developer.

I didn't become human until I was 17 years old.

It is in youth's nature to rebel. If they don't they grow up as conventional and boring.

If you don't rebel by the time you are 16, you have no heart. If you don't conform by 30, you have no brains.

"I didn't become human until I was 17 years old." - you are not a human in Thailand. Officially, you are an Alien. biggrin.png

My idea is to offer pedalos for the lake , have a section of land for animals ( goats , geese etc etc ) and also an inflatable slide / bouncy castle.

Doesn't this island have too many classy restaurants already ? laugh.png


Well a few more discussions have happened over the last few days with the exisiting owner.

Now in a bit of a catch 22 I think , so opinions welcome again :-).

So he has come around to the idea that hes happy to sell but is in no rush.

Now heres the thing , during the rainy season the place may as well be closed so I do I proceed now while the deal can be done , or wait till the rainy season ends. I know its several months away from now so two things have crossed my mind.

I could wait and let him cope with the next few months downturn due to the weather , but do I take the chance that he changes his mind again and decides to keep it ?



Is this going to be a business or a kindergarden? Children playing at a restaurant for westerners is a big no-no. And if a business has to close for rainy season....what a waste of time and money. You get this place you will be doomed. Business, business, business is what you should be thinking. Will it make you money? That is what you should be thinking about, not this other nonsense. I am scratching my head at why you would ever purchase a business that is closed due to weather. You are already starting in a negative position. If the guy who owns it now doesnt make money, why do you think you can? Business is all about location and local customers. Is there a customer base close?


^^ please read all the posts from the begining of the thread and your answers you will find.

The restaurant is not closed for rainy reason but as its an outdoor venue it does of course effect custom.

As for the kindergarden bit , probably a good idea Mcdonalds didnt get your advice before they started aiming the buisiness model towards children with play areas and happy meals.

Have not said at any point it doesnt make money , of course it does . I feel as I have posted prior that it is not being utalised to its potential and the present owner doesnt see it and I do , hence my continual discussions with him as its NoT Openly up for sale.

The customer base consists of around 10,000 locals within a 5km radius if that helps and its not exposed to high/low season foreign tourist numbers.

Think ive covered most of points there.

Edit , just noticed your username .

Guess you would advise nobody buy a fishing buisiness because you will have to close during bad weather too !

Constructive comments , please resume ...


This is simple, if the guy who owns the business is doing so well....he would never sell it. And your own words "the place may as well be closed" during rainy season. That says you will have months without business and that's what I was talking about as starting in a negative situation. Restaurants are extremely tough places to make money. You see "western potential" and as your customer base is Thai, it wont work. But actually none of this matters you already have your mind made up. Let me ask you, do you have a business plan made up already? Do you know how long will take to make your initial investment back? Do you know anything about the previous business and how it did? These are the questions you should be asking first. Business and economics, not schemes for a children park. What will this place be a restaurant or park? Soooooo many reasons for a white guy to NOT open a restaurant catering to Thais only. I cant think if a single reason why you should do this. This island is FULL of restaurants that make no money and many of them falter.

And of course Thais dont care about rowdy and misbehaved children.....


^^ ill leave your thoughts and questions with you.

Except to say I didnt fall off the last plane.

Ive been fortunate enough to own and run a successfull buisiness in Thailand ( based out of Phuket ) for the last decade or so , so have a fair idea of how things click with the local market.

But seems to me you know it all allready so no point to continue this debate.

Thanks very much to the other posts they have been helpfull and its clear in the replies who has lived here for a long time and those who havent in the reasons for and against

The thread is for opinions of concept and of course I expect differing opinions from a wide range of people hence the reason for the OP.


After thought ,

Do you like "chinky" English Chinese food , may well be on the menu but excuse the kids


The terminology used may be appropriate amongst your racist friends, but a restaurateur who wants to be successful needs to stay away from derogatory language.

You might well be driving customers away before you start.

You want to be a business owner, start acting like one!


As stated before , the terminology is not meant to be derogatary in any way.

It is a common and accepted term from the UK and various parts of Europe.

Lets just call another 100 million people racist should we?

Context of a word or statement is very important so please accept it as it was meant.

Or view the other post this statement refers too.

Theres a particular word in the English vocabulary you may well be very aware of , how would you like me to put that into context to you ?

I think the meaningfull posts have been allready posted and as is usual for TV ......

I would like to thank the intial feedback both positive and negative , it all helps when considering options.


As stated before , the terminology is not meant to be derogatary in any way.

It is a common and accepted term from the UK and various parts of Europe.

Lets just call another 100 million people racist should we?

Context of a word or statement is very important so please accept it as it was meant.

Or view the other post this statement refers too.

Theres a particular word in the English vocabulary you may well be very aware of , how would you like me to put that into context to you ?

I think the meaningfull posts have been allready posted and as is usual for TV ......

I would like to thank the intial feedback both positive and negative , it all helps when considering options.

Chink and chinky are racist terms, no ifs, ands, or buts. If it's common in the UK you guys have problems.

If you refer to food or your customers that way, you'll have problems.

Your argument smacks of when n@gg#r was accepted as a descriptive word for black people.

In any context, the word you used is absolutely, 100% inappropriate.

But go ahead, it's your business if you want to be openly racist on a forum, the Chinese customers may choose somewhere else for their holiday.


Theres a particular word in the English vocabulary you may well be very aware of , how would you like me to put that into context to you ?

Aaaaand, what is the word. As an English speaker, I probably know it but your sentence doesn't put it into context. It doesn't even hint at it.

Maybe hint a bit at the word so I can respond or just be an obtuse <deleted> , up to you.


If kids were human, there's a chance I might like them.

Trouble is, they don't really reach that stage until they are about 15 years old wink.png


Very True Though no longer Victorian Parents from another era just spoilt brats 90% of the time.


You got many good comments. Oilinkis idea with Pizza is sure good for this part of Phuket and i will support it.

Whatever concept for the menu you will choose please stay focused.

Nothing is more worse then having a menu with 200 dishes and one is more average then the another.

Better have only 20 dishes but this 20 then top!

In my personal review on restaurant here on Phuket, i'm only a constant customer when you offer 1-5 top dishes in your part of the island.

To some restaurants here i'm loyal more then 20 years because they have a exeptional dish and this is sure one of the reasons why they still in business.

Offer home delivery! No extra effort for you but sure a big increase in profit(30%). Here in this area you don't have a real competitor.

Many villas with many thais and many rainy days mixed together => profit for you.

Good luck with your decesion and put me on your mailing list for the opening of your "Pizza at the lake".....biggrin.png


So many anti children people here. Fair enough but they forget their parents wanted kids it seems. I hate that attitude of if kids will be eating there, we won't. Seriously get a life.


If children are well behaved , that's fine by me, but I do feel nowadays Children run a mock and there Parents just sit and say nothing....Great or what.....


As stated before , the terminology is not meant to be derogatary in any way.

It is a common and accepted term from the UK and various parts of Europe.

Lets just call another 100 million people racist should we?

Context of a word or statement is very important so please accept it as it was meant.

Or view the other post this statement refers too.

Theres a particular word in the English vocabulary you may well be very aware of , how would you like me to put that into context to you ?

I think the meaningfull posts have been allready posted and as is usual for TV ......

I would like to thank the intial feedback both positive and negative , it all helps when considering options.

Chink and chinky are racist terms, no ifs, ands, or buts. If it's common in the UK you guys have problems.

If you refer to food or your customers that way, you'll have problems.

Your argument smacks of when n@gg#r was accepted as a descriptive word for black people.

In any context, the word you used is absolutely, 100% inappropriate.

But go ahead, it's your business if you want to be openly racist on a forum, the Chinese customers may choose somewhere else for their holiday.

Please no american cry train, next we'll have you crying over people using christmas instead of holidays? Calling westernized food chinky does not hurt anybody. If a chinese person gets offended he can very well speak up himself and ask for an apology, we do not need a speech-nazi setting rules for everyone.

Thanks! :>

as for OP, there's so little business aimed towards famillies that you would for sure suceed. If the place is half decent you will get a lot regulars.


As stated before , the terminology is not meant to be derogatary in any way.

It is a common and accepted term from the UK and various parts of Europe.

Lets just call another 100 million people racist should we?

Context of a word or statement is very important so please accept it as it was meant.

Or view the other post this statement refers too.

Theres a particular word in the English vocabulary you may well be very aware of , how would you like me to put that into context to you ?

I think the meaningfull posts have been allready posted and as is usual for TV ......

I would like to thank the intial feedback both positive and negative , it all helps when considering options.

Chink and chinky are racist terms, no ifs, ands, or buts. If it's common in the UK you guys have problems.

If you refer to food or your customers that way, you'll have problems.

Your argument smacks of when n@gg#r was accepted as a descriptive word for black people.

In any context, the word you used is absolutely, 100% inappropriate.

But go ahead, it's your business if you want to be openly racist on a forum, the Chinese customers may choose somewhere else for their holiday.

Please no american cry train, next we'll have you crying over people using christmas instead of holidays? Calling westernized food chinky does not hurt anybody. If a chinese person gets offended he can very well speak up himself and ask for an apology, we do not need a speech-nazi setting rules for everyone.

Thanks! :>

as for OP, there's so little business aimed towards famillies that you would for sure suceed. If the place is half decent you will get a lot regulars.

I'm not American and I'm not crying. The word is racist and nasty. I don't care a fig about Christmas or holidays. I'm not a speech Nazi setting

rules, I'm just a guy pointing out that the word "chink" is offensive and derogatory. Use it all you want. If the OP wants to open a business and uses

inappropriate language, basically calling some of his customers foul names, up to him.


Duane, you're either trolling or have your panties in a bunch over nothing. Also, slightly arrogant/naive to go preaching political correctness to this bunch..........

OP, many restaurants closing now, serious downward trend due to the dependence on mass tourism (50% gone due to Russian ruble problem), and currency matters for the rest. Actual population of people here I've seen marked at around 350,000, not sure the restaurant business is a good venture at this point in time. Do your due diligence and if still wanting a go, open mid-November, iron out the crinks (not "chink" Duane, easy there buddy), and have good service and quality food full bore going into December. That'll start you out at peak season with your utmost chance at success. Best of luck, GOM


Duane, you're either trolling or have your panties in a bunch over nothing. Also, slightly arrogant/naive to go preaching political correctness to this bunch..........

OP, many restaurants closing now, serious downward trend due to the dependence on mass tourism (50% gone due to Russian ruble problem), and currency matters for the rest. Actual population of people here I've seen marked at around 350,000, not sure the restaurant business is a good venture at this point in time. Do your due diligence and if still wanting a go, open mid-November, iron out the crinks (not "chink" Duane, easy there buddy), and have good service and quality food full bore going into December. That'll start you out at peak season with your utmost chance at success. Best of luck, GOM

Grumpy, neither. I was simply pointing out that the word "chink" is every bit as offensive as the word "nigger" Somehow some people don't think it's harmful, it is.

My panties aren't in a bunch as it is Sunday and they're drying on the clothes line.

You know some political correctness is just plain good manners and respect, but some of it goes out of hand like the Christmas terminology.

The words I quoted are a serious lack of respect for race.


Duane, you're either trolling or have your panties in a bunch over nothing. Also, slightly arrogant/naive to go preaching political correctness to this bunch..........

OP, many restaurants closing now, serious downward trend due to the dependence on mass tourism (50% gone due to Russian ruble problem), and currency matters for the rest. Actual population of people here I've seen marked at around 350,000, not sure the restaurant business is a good venture at this point in time. Do your due diligence and if still wanting a go, open mid-November, iron out the crinks (not "chink" Duane, easy there buddy), and have good service and quality food full bore going into December. That'll start you out at peak season with your utmost chance at success. Best of luck, GOM

Grumpy, neither. I was simply pointing out that the word "chink" is every bit as offensive as the word "nigger" Somehow some people don't think it's harmful, it is.

My panties aren't in a bunch as it is Sunday and they're drying on the clothes line.

You know some political correctness is just plain good manners and respect, but some of it goes out of hand like the Christmas terminology.

The words I quoted are a serious lack of respect for race.



n. Offensive Slang
Used as a disparaging term for a person of Chinese birth or descent.
[Probably alteration of Chinese.]

Calling someone Chink and Chinky food is not the same thing.

Calling someone a chink is a negative act. Calling food chinky is simply a popular way to describe a certain kind of food. I'd never heard of that before and i asked around a few chinese and none of them minded the term. Only Mr white here seems to care.

You don't see any black americans whining about Tyler Perries shitty movies being called "black people movie" do you? Chinky is not even on the same level as "black people movies". Black people movies actually implies negativity when Chinky food does not.


Off topic bickering will stop now please. Further posts using derogatory words to descibe Chinese people will be removed.

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf

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