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New Bt2000 fine for spitting, blowing nose and littering in public places


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Blowing nose ??? seems a bit extreme

I 'think' this maybe refers to the method of covering one nostril and emitting fluid from the other ( footballers beware ) -

> maybe an inclusion of nose picking in public, might boost the government coffers a tad ?

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None of these ridiculous 'bylaws' would be necessary if people were educated on the related health issues, were taught to have pride in their environment, and, had any sense of social responsibility. Social responsibility does not rest solely with the general populace, they only follow the example of those to whom they kow tow.

It would not stop the spitting, but surely they could get litter bins in some form. Maybe there are hardly any because they would have to empty them from time to time.

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W:T:F is this Bullshit,,,,START TO FINE PEOPLE 5000 BAHT FOR TROWING RUBBISH EVERYWHERE OR IS THIS ALLOWED ? Get them stupid money hungry so called cops of their <deleted> and do their Jobs for a change Clean up or put the bastards in Jail, the City stinks and rats everywhere and the bastards are worried about spitting on the road this is the biggest F,,,n laugh of the century,,,,,C'mon ban this admin be pissweak.

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send the perps to Singapore for a week. That'd sort them out quick smart

35 years ago even, it was a S$500 fine for spitting.

Beggars had to be cleanly shaven, and no long haired one allowed either.

If you arrived at Immigration looking like one, you had to get cleaned up before they'd consider letting you In.

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I think the blowing nose means covering one nostril and bleing the snot out the other, which is pretty gross but who wants to walk around with a handkerchief full of snot sitting in their pocket in this climate?

You could always use a tissue and throw it into a trash bin later. You could even carry a 7/11 plastic bag with you to put used tissues into.

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Last week I took my wife to her Birthday dinner at the Mandarin Oriental. Beautiful table on the riverside.

At the table next to us, were seated four men.

One of them leaned over and blew his nose "Farmer Style" onto the floor. His three friends didn't even blink.

Certainly did not help my appetite any.

You would think that at a 5 Star restaurant, rated as one of the world's "must go once" destinations ... the customers would have some class.

Some times the lack of manners of Farang amaze me.

Oh, did I forget to mention he was Farang?

I believe you of course. But doing that in a restaurant is "almost" unbelievable! Pretty sure he would not have done that in his own country.sad.png

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I don't believe cities are the problem. When I lived in Bangkok they'd be out collecting the trash/hosing down the pavements every day. back on erstwhile green and pleasant Phuket there's shit every damn where. All thrown around the sois into the once pristine green areas around the houses/klongs. Disgusting. Start there.

Absolutely true. When I am out on my bicycle I see garbage everywhere. Pristine, my arse. Make all the laws you want, but until there are real consequences for wrongdoing, Thailand will never change. (See anyone riding motorbike without a helmet lately?) Talk talk talk...so boring.

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I think the blowing nose means covering one nostril and bleing the snot out the other, which is pretty gross but who wants to walk around with a handkerchief full of snot sitting in their pocket in this climate?

Germans. I swear - every German male eating in a Khao Lak restaurant whips out a handkerchief at least twice during the meal and blows into it with an amazingly loud, 'honking' noise.

So... you walk around with a handkerchief full of snot in a cooler climate?

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They are talking about blowing into a hanky, they are talking about the one nostril blast on to the sidwalk., Me thinks ! What about picking your nose and depositing it on the sidewalk (Motorcycle path) ??

Blowing nose ??? seems a bit extreme

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just had this dejavu from 1983:

Here we were at the top of the SURAD tower, and I quipped to my offsider Techo about how grouse it's be to 'ptoowee' a yonnie over the side, and what'd happen if someone was on the ground, and copped it?

So I made a really noisy one, and looked over - aw Nooooooo! , my Commanding Officer was down there and looking up at the time - doing a surprise site-visit!!!

There must have been a breeze somewhere, as nothing reached the ground in his vicinity...

... when I got down, I said nothin' and neither did he, but I did get a second glance dry.png



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I would like to see the first Thai fined 2.000 baht for spitting or littering but I guess before that happens they will charge 2.000 farrangs.

Not many Thais who are walking will have 2,000 baht on them!

...and that should matter...why??

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Blowing nose ??? seems a bit extreme

I don't think it means blowing nose into a tissue. I think that means putting your finger over the top of your nose or over one nostril and snotting out.

You will see many athletes do this.

Or blowing your nose into a plastic bag?

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It is so obvious that people litter where there are no trash cans. Go to Koh Chang. They have trash cans about every 20 feet, and people use them. If it weren't for 7-11's, I don't know if you could find a trash can in Bangkok. There is a solution, except for the fact that there is too much traffic to send out a garbage truck. The rest of the world has street sweeping equipment. I would love to see a street sweeper cleaning Walking Street in Pattaya once a week. Should be done daily, but I would settle for once a week.

You can find trash cans/litter bins outside all 7-11s and Family Marts. Also, in the last few months bins have been put out along Sukhumvit Road, every 100 metres or so. Hopefully a positive development.

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During the 18+ years I lived in Norway, I'd often wished I had the power to arrest the spitting youth, and sentence them to a week in Singapore. Yes, there are many thoroughly decent young folk in Norway, but there are the spitters. So, ... their families to pay the return airfare, and the fines incurred in Singapore, including the cost to Singapore penal system for their incarceration. Because I recon that very few of them would get through the first 24 hours without being caught slagging on footpath somewhere. It would contribute to cleaning up Norway, if nothing else. But they would laugh at a fine of Bt2000. A couple of nights in the slammer, then to escort them to the airport for deportation would be more effective.

However, I do commend the Thai authorities for taking this step, 100%

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I would like to see the first Thai fined 2.000 baht for spitting or littering but I guess before that happens they will charge 2.000 farrangs.

Not many Thais who are walking will have 2,000 baht on them!

...and that should matter...why??

I didn't say it should matter, it's just a fact. I doubt it would be worth the police/court time trying to prosecute them.

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Well, first of all I won’t be going to Japan anytime soon.

Second, blowing your nose in public will result in a fine?
That’s pathetic!
Give it a day, it will be retracted.
Maybe they should think about cleaning some of the garbage off the streets first and come up with a better solution than leaving piles of garbage for the trash collectors to pick up right off the sidewalk. Can you say trash bins?
Leaving trash on the street should be a crime.
Or maybe they think those rats who are bigger than my dogs are a good thing.
That’s a lot more of a health hazard than spitting or blowing ones nose.
Is this becoming Singapore?
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