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Thai editorial: When is a right NOT A RIGHT?


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When is a right NOT A RIGHT?


BANGKOK: -- The junta-backed government's repeated vows to uphold citizens' rights were not matched by its own actions last week, when the authorities ordered the cancellation of a panel discussion organised by the Thai Lawyers for Human Rights (TLHR).

The group was planning to unveil a report on the rights situation in Thailand a year after the military coup.

Shortly before the meeting was to begin at the Foreign Correspondents Club of Thailand, police delivered a letter to club officials, asking for "cooperation" in cancelling an event authorities deemed "risky and politically sensitive".

Under the watchful eye of plainclothes security officials, TLHR members then distributed the report to journalists who had gathered.

A junta spokesman explained the event had been prohibited because the rights group had failed to inform the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) of its plans.

Had the NCPO been given time to consider the report and check that it was factual and contained nothing that might incite conflict, the event could have gone ahead, the spokesman said. The TLHR was known to have reported false information before and had offered legal support to people involved in cases against the NCPO, he added.

The spokesman's explanations were unsatisfactory, to say the least, but they did shed light on the junta's perception of basic rights such as the freedom of expression. The NCPO and its government have repeatedly claimed to respect fundamental democratic rights and to have no problem with those who seek to uphold basic freedoms.

Meanwhile they demand that, before expressing an opinion, citizens must first gain permission from the authorities. But, according to the universal understanding of human rights, a right is not a right if you need permission to exercise it.

Banning talk on rights violations under the military junta only proves that the situation has not improved in the year since the coup, said TLHR member Yaowalak Anuphan.

Last week's crackdown on free speech wasn't the first under this junta. The TLHR reports that the authorities have interrupted at least 71 public events since the military takeover on May 22 last year, adding that such suppression will get us no closer to the re-establishment of democracy.

Intervening against public speech is just one method being used by the junta to suppress voices of dissent.

Last month authorities arrested more than 40 students who were seeking to peacefully voice their opposition to junta-backed rule on the first anniversary of the coup, marking the largest crackdown on dissidents since the NCPO seized power. Appeals for the junta to drop the charges against the youths are likely to go unheeded.

The junta's actions only back the claims made by Yaowalak and the TLHR report. And the fact that its latest gag on free speech was applied at the Foreign Correspondents Club means that the international community is now fully aware of the situation in Thailand. The government can cease its diplomatic efforts to convince the United Nations that it is in compliance with international norms, since it has already broadcast the truth far and wide.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/opinion/When-is-a-right-NOT-A-RIGHT-30261881.html

-- The Nation 2015-06-09

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When is a right NOT A RIGHT?

When a 2000 pound gorilla is standing over you and saying, "I know I made you believe you had this right, but don't do it or I'll have to adjust your attitude and sometimes I don't know my own strength".

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Now they are super active...where were they all when no one paid?

When Thaksin killed 3000 people, when Thaksin threaten the media.....When the demonstrators got shot and bombed.....

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"the international community is now fully aware of the situation in Thailand."

I don't think the international community needed to know that The Nation has discovered missing freedom of expression in Thailand to be fully aware. General Prayut since he came to power has always made clear that Thais rights and liberties are his alone to decide. Article 44 of the NCPO Interim Charter made that clear as well in "black and white."

The Thai government is indivisable under military control.

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Now they are super active...where were they all when no one paid?

When Thaksin killed 3000 people, when Thaksin threaten the media.....When the demonstrators got shot and bombed.....

Who is "they"?

Do you mean international observers of events in Thailand in the past?

Perhaps your memory is selective or you are simply not aware.

For example, regarding the Thai "war on drugs", read something like this:


or this piece from 2003, by none other than the BBC's Jonathan Head


Edited by phoenixdoglover
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has The Nation gone bi-polar on us?

polishing junta posteriors in one article, bemoaning human rights violations in the next...

OK, it's still about 95% posterior polishing... wink.png

It comes down to self-interest in the end. Even a yellow rag like The Nation can recognize when the denial of free speech begins to have a direct impact on themselves since they are, after all, in the information business.

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rights here are like Miranda rights in USA:
"You have the right to remain silent

anything you say, read, write or think can and will be held against you in a military court of our laws"

Also have the right to agree with everything government does, vote for who and what they tell you to (if vote is ever allowed)

You have right to assemble to applaud all you are told

Reminds me of quote "No government ever shut down a press that supported it"

Edited by Emster23
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Now they are super active...where were they all when no one paid?

When Thaksin killed 3000 people, when Thaksin threaten the media.....When the demonstrators got shot and bombed.....

That's more like it, only 5 posts for Thaksin to get a mention. Was starting to think the junta apologists had forgotten him.

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Now they are super active...where were they all when no one paid?

When Thaksin killed 3000 people, when Thaksin threaten the media.....When the demonstrators got shot and bombed.....

Who is "they"?

Do you mean international observers of events in Thailand in the past?

Perhaps your memory is selective or you are simply not aware.

For example, regarding the Thai "war on drugs", read something like this:


or this piece from 2003, by none other than the BBC's Jonathan Head


I am shocked and amazed that Jonathan Head would write such a piece on the "all-out war against narcotics ".

But then again that was 12 years ago and Johnathan's current articles are a lot different.

And I had the idea that h90 was referring to The Nation, but I may be wrong. thumbsup.gif

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Now they are super active...where were they all when no one paid?

When Thaksin killed 3000 people, when Thaksin threaten the media.....When the demonstrators got shot and bombed.....

That's more like it, only 5 posts for Thaksin to get a mention. Was starting to think the junta apologists had forgotten him.

Grow a brain ! h90 was using the governments' war on drugs as an example and that oxygen thief just happened to be the PM at the time (in the first two cases at least, the third one concerning demonstrators being killed, well his little sister was PM then. Must run in the family.) whistling.gif

How could anyone in Thailand possibly forget him anyway ? His promotional team keep him in the news every bloody day !

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thai lawyers wanting the law followed when they dont abide by their own legal requirements as lawyers, what a joke. How often do we read in here of thai lawyers shafting their clients so they can make even more money by not doing what they were hired to do and being paid by the other side to make sure their client doesnt succeed or how they rip of their clients and steal everything from them. as they say, how do you know when a lawyer is lying? their lips are moving. I think the other one is more appropriate here, the only good lawyer is a dead one, these people only bitch when they cant make money or rip people off.

Edited by seajae
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Now they are super active...where were they all when no one paid?

When Thaksin killed 3000 people, when Thaksin threaten the media.....When the demonstrators got shot and bombed.....

That's more like it, only 5 posts for Thaksin to get a mention. Was starting to think the junta apologists had forgotten him.

Grow a brain ! h90 was using the governments' war on drugs as an example and that oxygen thief just happened to be the PM at the time (in the first two cases at least, the third one concerning demonstrators being killed, well his little sister was PM then. Must run in the family.) whistling.gif

How could anyone in Thailand possibly forget him anyway ? His promotional team keep him in the news every bloody day !

If TS walked around and executed all of those people personally you can guarantee he would have been charged multiple times over. The fact that many people who are probably in Govt now or hold high ranking positions of the police and army now being involved is much more likely...... Thats why no charges are ever brought.

All of the human rights abuses over the past 15 years have been carried out by high ranking officials, some of whom did their duty to the Govts at the time, and have now moved up the rankings. They are not going to charge themselves. And this is not to mention tactile approval from higher powers....

And for someone like you who basically calls people brain dead if they are in prison i am surprised you were not fully supportive of this.... Maybe you would be if it was done now.

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Now they are super active...where were they all when no one paid?

When Thaksin killed 3000 people, when Thaksin threaten the media.....When the demonstrators got shot and bombed.....

That's more like it, only 5 posts for Thaksin to get a mention. Was starting to think the junta apologists had forgotten him.

Grow a brain ! h90 was using the governments' war on drugs as an example and that oxygen thief just happened to be the PM at the time (in the first two cases at least, the third one concerning demonstrators being killed, well his little sister was PM then. Must run in the family.) whistling.gif

How could anyone in Thailand possibly forget him anyway ? His promotional team keep him in the news every bloody day !

If TS walked around and executed all of those people personally you can guarantee he would have been charged multiple times over. The fact that many people who are probably in Govt now or hold high ranking positions of the police and army now being involved is much more likely...... Thats why no charges are ever brought.

All of the human rights abuses over the past 15 years have been carried out by high ranking officials, some of whom did their duty to the Govts at the time, and have now moved up the rankings. They are not going to charge themselves. And this is not to mention tactile approval from higher powers....

And for someone like you who basically calls people brain dead if they are in prison i am surprised you were not fully supportive of this.... Maybe you would be if it was done now.

You are replying to mikemac.

If you are referring to this topic: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/831336-songkhla-prison-riot-leaves-a-dozen-of-wardens-injured/


I am not aware mikemac posted on that topic.

If you agree, you owe him an apology.

If the topic was the one you refer to, then halloween's post # 16 refers to "mentally deficient & mentally ill) I never saw "brain dead.

If I am incorrect I am prepared to apologize..

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Farting will be next.....gigglem.gif

I always do a perimeter check before expelling gas which at 77 I get a lot of. My g/f constantly complains about the smell but I tell her it a natural reflex and when it smells its a sign your healthy (Hers do not smell but are loud. Mine are strung out sneakers putt putt putt). Its like when you gotta go you gotta go. It will be Depends time soooon I guess.

You'll be in a diaper soon. That'll get her in the mood.

Edited by EmptyHead
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Now they are super active...where were they all when no one paid?

When Thaksin killed 3000 people, when Thaksin threaten the media.....When the demonstrators got shot and bombed.....

That's more like it, only 5 posts for Thaksin to get a mention. Was starting to think the junta apologists had forgotten him.

Grow a brain ! h90 was using the governments' war on drugs as an example and that oxygen thief just happened to be the PM at the time (in the first two cases at least, the third one concerning demonstrators being killed, well his little sister was PM then. Must run in the family.) whistling.gif

How could anyone in Thailand possibly forget him anyway ? His promotional team keep him in the news every bloody day !

If TS walked around and executed all of those people personally you can guarantee he would have been charged multiple times over. The fact that many people who are probably in Govt now or hold high ranking positions of the police and army now being involved is much more likely...... Thats why no charges are ever brought.

All of the human rights abuses over the past 15 years have been carried out by high ranking officials, some of whom did their duty to the Govts at the time, and have now moved up the rankings. They are not going to charge themselves. And this is not to mention tactile approval from higher powers....

And for someone like you who basically calls people brain dead if they are in prison i am surprised you were not fully supportive of this.... Maybe you would be if it was done now.

Huh ???

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When someone with more firepower than you says it's no longer a right. It's the way of the world. Been that way since the dawn of homo sapiens. Now move along. No loitering.

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Exactly, and well put. I'll add one more. When someone can amend or abridge it.

+1 ...

Just food for thought.

Do you really think there are still any "rights" left for you as a peasant?

  • Any commercial interaction (= business) needs the approval and permission of the state, aka licenses.
  • Any financial transaction is potentially suspicious and has to be proven to not support terrorism, drug trafficking, money laundring, tax evasion, etc.
  • Any of your private/commercial expressions/associations can be sued for sexism, racism (or Thai bashing on this forum; Which it is not, btw.),... If somebody feels offended by you he/she is eligible to sue you; If a certain quota of your local employees is not fulfilled, you can lose your business (license)...
  • Any non-state-approved substance in your own body can provide you with a life in a cage.
  • As an employer you have to perform drug tests on your employees. Yes, I have to!!!
  • You have no right of privacy; Phone calls, emails,... Where can you complain, if it is not respected and you find out.
  • The state tells you for what (minimum) wage you have to apply for a job, if you have no skills and education.
  • You (foreigner) can't buy any real estate even if the seller would like to (see first point, as in fact and de jure the state owns any "private" Thai property).
  • You have the right to accept that convicted criminal state servants are transferred to inactive post.
  • You have the right to accept that convicted fugitive criminals keep their police ranks. (This is just an actual example, I have no affiliation with whaterver political colour)
  • ...

Actually there are not many real "rights" left, especially if they are explicitly "guaranteed" by a kind of a so called constitution 555. By accepting any right "guaranteed" by any constitution, you explicitly approve the implication that this right can be modified or withdrawn at any time from you by the same gang that "guaranteed" it to you in the fist place.

What real rights do you think you still have?

PS: The argument that you have the right to choose between a strawberry or a chocolate ice cone in a seven-11 doesn't count wink.png

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