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Video of US officer who drew gun on black teens raises tension


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Again, FWIW, a variety of news reports says that a mob of over 100 crashed the "pool party." The housing estate's policy clearly states that there should be no more than 20 people at a pool party. https://secure.associationvoice.com/ResourceCenter/DocViewer/10389?doc_filename=Amenity%20Rental%20Usage%20Policy.pdf&find=pool&doc_id=59648&print=1

There is a question whether the organizers, Tatyana Rhodes and her mother, Lasagna Burkes actually went through the process of formally asking to use the facility. They did apparently employ a DJ outside the area from which people crashed the pool and Tatyana was using the event to sell tickets to some musical promotion. All this from Dallas radio and TV.

None of that has anything to do with this man's actions. He immediately was aggressive whilst other officers where calm. He was the only officer going off his rocker inflaming a situation that was already under control as the kids where obeying instructions by either leaving or sitting down.

A cool calm head was all that was needed, just like the other officers acted. There was absolutely no reason for him to go all commando. All he did was inflame things.

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I am not very sure abouth what I would do beeing in front of a lot of youg. yes or no- drunk - stoned ? youngsters ??

And in my opinion, the 14 year old, could earn a good living in Pattaya.

Nice to note you fancy yourself as a fine judge in what pedophiles want. How on earth could you say something like that about a child.

I hope you dont have children.

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I am not very sure abouth what I would do beeing in front of a lot of youg. yes or no- drunk - stoned ? youngsters ??

And in my opinion, the 14 year old, could earn a good living in Pattaya.

Nice to note you fancy yourself as a fine judge in what pedophiles want. How on earth could you say something like that about a child.

I hope you dont have children.

Hello Linky,

I really do appologize if I offended you in any way!

Maybe it is because of my small knowlidge of English language.

I only want to say: She does not look like an innocent 14 year old girl to me.

Not in her looks, not in her behaviour and not in her way of speaking.

But she could really be the most perfect girl in the world.

Sorry again for the misunderstanding.

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I learned at a very young age: don't argue with cops. Be respectful. If they end up being jackasses, do exactly what they say. They say get on the ground face down, that means on the ground face down. Argue and you get what you get.

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I learned at a very young age: don't argue with cops. Be respectful. If they end up being jackasses, do exactly what they say. They say get on the ground face down, that means on the ground face down. Argue and you get what you get.

White cop beats up black kids in bathing suits .......... good one!

Kneeling on the girl in a bikini, he should be jailed for assault, or charged with feeling her up.

Me, I don't lie on the ground for anyone, shoot me if you must.

Edited by MaeJoMTB
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I am not very sure abouth what I would do beeing in front of a lot of youg. yes or no- drunk - stoned ? youngsters ??

And in my opinion, the 14 year old, could earn a good living in Pattaya.

Nice to note you fancy yourself as a fine judge in what pedophiles want. How on earth could you say something like that about a child.

I hope you dont have children.

Hello Linky,

I really do appologize if I offended you in any way!

Maybe it is because of my small knowlidge of English language.

I only want to say: She does not look like an innocent 14 year old girl to me.

Not in her looks, not in her behaviour and not in her way of speaking.

But she could really be the most perfect girl in the world.

Sorry again for the misunderstanding.

Understood, thank you for clarifying. I did not realise English was not your first language and it is not an easy thing to learn.

My apologies too.

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Wonder what his actions had have been if the kids where white and wearing suits acting in the same compliant way those kids where acting.

What was with the commando roll at the start anyway? Who did he think he was, Chuck Norris?

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I learned at a very young age: don't argue with cops. Be respectful. If they end up being jackasses, do exactly what they say. They say get on the ground face down, that means on the ground face down. Argue and you get what you get.

Times have changed, which does not always make things easier.
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Again, FWIW, a variety of news reports says that a mob of over 100 crashed the "pool party." The housing estate's policy clearly states that there should be no more than 20 people at a pool party. https://secure.associationvoice.com/ResourceCenter/DocViewer/10389?doc_filename=Amenity%20Rental%20Usage%20Policy.pdf&find=pool&doc_id=59648&print=1

There is a question whether the organizers, Tatyana Rhodes and her mother, Lasagna Burkes actually went through the process of formally asking to use the facility. They did apparently employ a DJ outside the area from which people crashed the pool and Tatyana was using the event to sell tickets to some musical promotion. All this from Dallas radio and TV.

None of that has anything to do with this man's actions. He immediately was aggressive whilst other officers where calm. He was the only officer going off his rocker inflaming a situation that was already under control as the kids where obeying instructions by either leaving or sitting down.

A cool calm head was all that was needed, just like the other officers acted. There was absolutely no reason for him to go all commando. All he did was inflame things.

The problem here and with a lot of these videos we are seeing is that the events precipitating the short clips we see are not captured on video. This cop was the first on the scene and the situation was pretty crazy and out of control when he arrived. There was about 5 or 6 youths that jumped on the resident there that made the stupid Section 8 comment.

I totally get that kids of all races act stupid, but time and time again we see large groups of black high school age children acting violently an in pack mentality beating the crap out 1 or 2 out numbered victims. Although not nonexistent, you rarely see large groups of white high school students acting in a pack mentality to gang up and violently beat someone up.

The residents in this neighborhood that witnessed the entire event, not just that portion on video played over and over, say they are thankful to the police, the police acted appropriately and that the situations was much more out of control when the police officer arrived.

Edited by F430murci
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I think a Nation wide strike by Police for 48 to 72 hours (duly announced so that all 'kids' 15 to 18 years could be well prepared) would do USA Citizens a lot of good.

It would do marvels to restoring Police officers image in the communities of all colors.

And it would put the stress Internal Police Investigators subject field Police officers to in the right direction.

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I totally get that kids of all races act stupid, but time and time again we see large groups of black high school age children acting violently an in pack mentality beating the crap out 1 or 2 out numbered victims. Although not nonexistent, you rarely see large groups of white high school students acting in a pack mentality to gang up and violently beat someone up.

But to be fair, I've never seen teenage girls in bikinis beating anyone up.

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Wonder what his actions had have been if the kids where white and wearing suits acting in the same compliant way those kids where acting.

What was with the commando roll at the start anyway? Who did he think he was, Chuck Norris?

I have seen the video more than one time.

There where more white kids involved and less black kids.

Only listen to the police, and nothing will happen.

Put up a very big mouth, and you got a risk !

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One thing's for sure that cop isn't even competent enough to deal with school yard squabbles which is all this appears to be.

From what I can tell that is what America has become since 9/11, making mountains out of molehills for the sake of the National Security State. That is some pathetic stuff on that video and unfortunately for the police state black America is not feeling tolerant anymore and summer is fast approaching.

No harm appears to have been done, but all the elements were in place for another Trayvon, except this time it would have been a 15 year old girl in a bikini at a birthday pool party in some nice middle class suburb? Once again I fully embarassed to come from such a country and proud to say i escaped with some sense of the tragdy and stupidity of the situation here. Good luck America.

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I totally get that kids of all races act stupid, but time and time again we see large groups of black high school age children acting violently an in pack mentality beating the crap out 1 or 2 out numbered victims. Although not nonexistent, you rarely see large groups of white high school students acting in a pack mentality to gang up and violently beat someone up.

But to be fair, I've never seen teenage girls in bikinis beating anyone up.

Forget the bikini crap. There are plenty of videos out there of a group of black girls beating the crap out of a single victim. The bikini does not remove that mentality. The girl smarted off at the wrong time. Minimal force was used. The cop drew his gun when several people seemed to charge him. I don't blame him. A group of high school students is more than capable of knocking him on the ground, taking his gun and etc.

My brother was a police officer in a nicer suburb of a very rough racially divided, gang ridden city. He told me stories about how some of these young (less than 18) year old gang bangers acted. Unbelievable and boggles the mind. One 14 year old gang banger decided to use a chair to beat his young female teacher to death (metal detectors at the school kept the guns out) in front a class full of students that cheered him on. WTH is wrong with these people. No morals, no regard for authority or human life. This is why young blacks in groups situations cause heightened awareness and concern for police officers.

This is what we are dealing with. Animal mentality in human form.



This is just awful:


Edited by F430murci
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I totally get that kids of all races act stupid, but time and time again we see large groups of black high school age children acting violently an in pack mentality beating the crap out 1 or 2 out numbered victims. Although not nonexistent, you rarely see large groups of white high school students acting in a pack mentality to gang up and violently beat someone up.

But to be fair, I've never seen teenage girls in bikinis beating anyone up.

Forget the bikini crap. There are plenty of videos out there of a group of black girls beating the crap out of a single victim. The bikini does not remove that mentality. The girl smarted off at the wrong time. Minimal force was used. The cop drew his gun when several people seemed to charge him. I don't blame him. A group of high school students is more than capable of knocking him on the ground, taking his gun and etc.

My brother was a police officer in a nicer suburb of a very rough racially divided, gang ridden city. He told me stories about how some of these young (less than 18) year old gang bangers acted. Unbelievable and boggles the mind. One 14 year old gang banger decided to use a chair to beat his young female teacher to death (metal detectors at the school kept the guns out) in front a class full of students that cheered him on. WTH is wrong with these people. No morals, no regard for authority or human life. This is why young blacks in groups situations cause heightened awareness and concern for police officers.

This is what we are dealing with. Animal mentality in human form.


I totaly agree !

One gets only what he/she is looking for !

Simply follow the law --- Never problem !!!

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I think a Nation wide strike by Police for 48 to 72 hours (duly announced so that all 'kids' 15 to 18 years could be well prepared) would do USA Citizens a lot of good.

It would do marvels to restoring Police officers image in the communities of all colors.

And it would put the stress Internal Police Investigators subject field Police officers to in the right direction.

Wow, fair thought experiment. I wonder what would happen. I think its pretty clear that the smoke would be forever lifted on where the crime genesis primarily resides in the US. Without question every time law enforcement is sidelined or incapacitated, either by civil disturbance or natural disaster, we see entire cities destroyed by people looting, committing other crimes, violence, rape, etc. The observation is as stunning as is the contrast of who is not doing these acts- generally. So yes, generalizations are valid as ample statistics exist to amplify this reality. What is really taking place is the intentional paralysis of political correctness to mandate a society without judgement and a nation without accountability.

If people assume all these initiatives, labeling, political correctness, etc., are coincidental they are gravely mistaken. Everything that is now noted regarding race relations in the US has for a long time been the principle talking points of black militant theology. The green light to motivate this previously unstructured inner city social movement was clearly given by Eric Holder's refusal to prosecute the ready for prosecution case of the New Black Panthers for intimidation at the voting polls. Moreover, vast sums of monies were again directed into new ACORN subsidiaries from buried text in funding bills.




Black people cannot be racist.


After so many generations of awful circumstances, 1/2 citizenship secondary to Jim Crow laws, unimaginable progress secondary to the Great Society, shattering of ceilings because of affirmative action, the appointment of a black Secretary of State, the first black president (twice!), two black Attorneys General, evidencing the nature of the possible, the promised, and that there is no limit to human ability is not even remotely trafficked back to black America as role models, examples, and promise. Instead, hatred, victimization, alienation, contempt, jealousy, envy, guilt, grievance, and indictment is the sole product that the pinnacle of black progress in America seems fit to enshrine as its legacy. If this behavior is exercised to its possible logical ends there is simply nothing but grief and violence on the horizon.

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One thing's for sure that cop isn't even competent enough to deal with school yard squabbles which is all this appears to be.

From what I can tell that is what America has become since 9/11, making mountains out of molehills for the sake of the National Security State. That is some pathetic stuff on that video and unfortunately for the police state black America is not feeling tolerant anymore and summer is fast approaching.

No harm appears to have been done, but all the elements were in place for another Trayvon, except this time it would have been a 15 year old girl in a bikini at a birthday pool party in some nice middle class suburb? Once again I fully embarassed to come from such a country and proud to say i escaped with some sense of the tragdy and stupidity of the situation here. Good luck America.

School yard squabbles ain't what they used to be. The pack or gang mentality can turn relatively benign appearing situations in to brutal violent situations without warning.

Here is another video taking place in a city with which I have much familiarity. Urban high schools and grade schools in this city have metal detectors to keep guns out of schools and the level of violence even toward teachers is simply alarming. Interestingly, the problem seems primarily limited to schools with large minority populations or where minorities are bussed.


You pretty much have to send your children to private schools in this city to keep them safe as bussing has gradually dragged down the once safe schools.

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I totally get that kids of all races act stupid, but time and time again we see large groups of black high school age children acting violently an in pack mentality beating the crap out 1 or 2 out numbered victims. Although not nonexistent, you rarely see large groups of white high school students acting in a pack mentality to gang up and violently beat someone up.

But to be fair, I've never seen teenage girls in bikinis beating anyone up.

Forget the bikini crap. There are plenty of videos out there of a group of black girls beating the crap out of a single victim. The bikini does not remove that mentality. The girl smarted off at the wrong time. Minimal force was used. The cop drew his gun when several people seemed to charge him. I don't blame him. A group of high school students is more than capable of knocking him on the ground, taking his gun and etc.

The bikini is important, the guy assaulted a near naked teenage girl for no reason.

Are you suggesting she was a threat to him, had a gun or knife hidden somewhere, was big and aggressive?

Minimal force? He threw her to the ground, knelt on her back, pulled his gun and she was nearly naked.

In the country I come from, Britain, talking back to the police doesn't give them just cause to arrest or assault you.

This guy shouldn't be a police man, if only for the reason he behaved like an animal while being videoed.

Illegal pool party, police turn up, kids run off, job done, no need to arrest or beat anyone.

Edited by MaeJoMTB
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I totally get that kids of all races act stupid, but time and time again we see large groups of black high school age children acting violently an in pack mentality beating the crap out 1 or 2 out numbered victims. Although not nonexistent, you rarely see large groups of white high school students acting in a pack mentality to gang up and violently beat someone up.

But to be fair, I've never seen teenage girls in bikinis beating anyone up.

Forget the bikini crap. There are plenty of videos out there of a group of black girls beating the crap out of a single victim. The bikini does not remove that mentality. The girl smarted off at the wrong time. Minimal force was used. The cop drew his gun when several people seemed to charge him. I don't blame him. A group of high school students is more than capable of knocking him on the ground, taking his gun and etc.

My brother was a police officer in a nicer suburb of a very rough racially divided, gang ridden city. He told me stories about how some of these young (less than 18) year old gang bangers acted. Unbelievable and boggles the mind. One 14 year old gang banger decided to use a chair to beat his young female teacher to death (metal detectors at the school kept the guns out) in front a class full of students that cheered him on. WTH is wrong with these people. No morals, no regard for authority or human life. This is why young blacks in groups situations cause heightened awareness and concern for police officers.

This is what we are dealing with. Animal mentality in human form.



This is just awful:


The cop came unhinged at the scene...he lost it.

The stressed out cop had no cause to assault and subdue an unarmed 15 year old girl a quarter his size while also being deliberate not to have any contact with any males at the scene. The cop's assault against the girl escalated the situation to the point the unstable cop drew his firearm, escalating it further still.

The right need to deal specifically with this incident and this unstable cop, not other kids or cops elsewhere. For one thing, the kids here cannot be compared to riots elsewhere or to violence elsewhere. The only violence in McKinney Texas was by the police who were the only ones armed with any kind of weapon, power, authority, attitude.

Nothing linked in the post relates to this incident by a semi-berzerk cop carrying on at a summertime pool party.

Speaking of brothers, I have three of 'em and none are cops, none of us ever were cops and none of us have ever been redneck bubba racialists to boot.

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It's interesting to note that the other officers don't seem to have the same issue controlling their temper or the crowd. Their focus is on crowd dispersal. What the hell the short guy is hoping to accomplish is beyond me.

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'Oh your treating us badly because we're black' blah blah blah, what an absolute load of crap! People think because they're kids, they can't do any damage, many children, black white whatever carry guns knives and are prepared to use them, stop using the race card, get your head out of your arse and look at the world around you, these kids were repeatedly told to disperse but they wouldn't listen and hung around.

The policeman did the right thing and considering his life could of been in danger, I think he was valid in drawing his gun.

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These kids at the pool party in McKinney Texas were not harming or threatening others, the community, the police....not anyone.

Conversely, the unstable and self-frenzied cop was dashing about to round up kids who were trying to drift away. Other kids that had drifted away from the unstable cop stood harmlessly across the street to watch and observe his dubious one man show.

The shaky cop showed up at a pool party in a panic and with a determination to alone and by himself round up everyone at the scene, which was impossible and irrational to attempt. Failing to command the entire scene and everyone there, the unstable cop further aggravated himself and made matters worse for everyone.

Instead of the cop identifying the principals at the party and interacting with them, the cop tried to take on to stop and detain a couple of dozen high school aged kids exiting a summertime pool party in all directions. He quickly found out he didn't have a net big enough but he didn't let that stop him.

The cop is a nutcase who after a dozen years in law enforcement failed to show he knew anything about it.

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Yes, yes, exactly. The situation seemed well in control by a police officer doing community policing- cop1 I will call him. He was validating their protests, their antics, yet sternly trying to exert authority and control when a piece of crap emotional mess of a man in uniform (cop 2) stumbled into the scene and like a wolf on patrol began looking for prey. There is a reason the camera immediately transferred to the cop at issue and stayed with him. It was as if the observers already took for granted that something out of control would happen from this cop. It is basic human body language he conveyed. He was hungry, emotional, and dangerous. This cop was expressing his emotion on citizens. Indeed, he even bitched about the unbearable burden of having to wear 30 lbs of gear- pussy! I would wear a single piece of equipment at work that weighed as much.

I get that cops are concerned and rightfully so. I get that certain populations of people are more prone to violence- this is a fact irrespective of how PC the topic is. But in this instance the cop perpetrated the entire affair. And why could those children not gather on the sidewalk. What was the purpose of commenting on the black girl's ass? Had the ass not been in the view this might hardly have been meaningful but it was stated as soon as she turned to walk away.

I believe black racial divides are being actively agitated in America and there is numerous examples of this happening, and the black population responding as an aggrieved body. Sure, when anyone is told they are a victim they race to embrace the label these days. There is considerable incentive to be a wounded population. Besides the benefits, there is no accountability for actions. This cop is a piece of crap but when those two young black men drew up on him the way soi dogs round about and draw up on the ankles he was correct in drawing his weapon and scanning his area. However, he did all of this. He brought on this entire issue. He should never be entrusted with a public service job again.

I would note there is little prophecy in the world or history but it is inescapable that a certain political savvy class of people keenly predicted these balkanization events within the past 7 years. They were not predicted based on tangible distortions in American access to opportunity rather they were predicted based on elected officials deportment, the relationship of organizations to color revolutions around the world, and the demonstrable re-tasking of the Justice Department's Civil Rights Division to actually deploy to areas and instruct and guide community organizers in how to foment protest, dissent, and open conflict. The US media rarely identifies what is actually taking place in America these past few years and it is basically a widespread, wholesale assault on white America. Indeed, a major push is now present in all schools to teach a required pillar of black militant theology theory regarding "White privilege-"

all White people are guilty by virtue of being born white and black people, by definition, can never be racist because they ostensibly do not control the apparatus of state. How utterly vacant and diabolical.

Edit: My post just hit as one posted ahead of mine suggesting exactly what I speak of. However, this is not the curricula of white privilege, this is an example of the self loathing that the curricula is designed to trigger in white people. First it was a corruption of blood for slavery. Then it was affirmative action in the great society. Now it is a larger net cast to forever label white people guilty just for being born. If one thinks this is extreme or sensational posting read the news, look at the facts. What I assert is widespread and endorsed through the Dept Education. White privilege? This is dark, dark stuff. The only thing that can evolve from this is war and conflict. Why? Because there is nothing left to give.

the demonstrable re-tasking of the Justice Department's Civil Rights Division to actually deploy to areas and instruct and guide community organizers in how to foment protest, dissent, and open conflict.

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 authorized the Community Relations Service at DoJ which the hard core right sees instead as "diabolical" not to mention "vacant." The post is yet another post from the moon that requires being 100% corrected then dismissed for the rubbish that it is.

The Justice Department's soft side: How one federal agency hopes to change Ferguson

The Community Relations Service is just one part of four Justice Department operations here.

But the Community Relations Service a 50-person, $12 million-a-year unit is entirely different from those three larger operations. It has no investigative authority. Its mediators have been in St. Louis quietly working on disputes long before Browns death thrust Ferguson into the global consciousness.

And its goal, said Director Grande H. Lum in an interview last week with the Post-Dispatch, isnt to make arrests or file lawsuits, but to give all sides a private place to talk, and, hopefully, solve their own problems.

Those are the longest-lasting solutions when the people themselves resolve their own disputes, Lum said. His unit, he said, allows people to speak.


One issue about the cop in McKinny Texas is why he chose to ignore the menacing strong black guy every racially oriented right winger sees at every black event to instead assault a 15 year old girl wearing a two piece pool setup who is a quarter the cop's size. A cop has to shoot a black guy, every time, always??? The only armed people at this incident were the cops, to include one bizzare cop who should never be allowed near a police firearm as has only now become unmistakably apparent.

The teenagers at the summer pool party were broadly and consistently compliant. It was the frantic and disoriented cop who was dashing and tumbling about scaring the wits out of everyone at the scene. The 15 year old girl was decidedly manhandled by the disoriented cop who was not in control of his faculties. The cop went after the tiny girl while avoiding physical contact with any male at the scene.

How the Justice Department can change things??? They can start by getting the rift raft to stop acting like violent little thugs that commit violent acts, steal and act like little heathens. You want respect, act respectable.

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These kids at the pool party in McKinney Texas were not harming or threatening others, the community, the police....not anyone.

Conversely, the unstable and self-frenzied cop was dashing about to round up kids who were trying to drift away. Other kids that had drifted away from the unstable cop stood harmlessly across the street to watch and observe his dubious one man show.

The shaky cop showed up at a pool party in a panic and with a determination to alone and by himself round up everyone at the scene, which was impossible and irrational to attempt. Failing to command the entire scene and everyone there, the unstable cop further aggravated himself and made matters worse for everyone.

Instead of the cop identifying the principals at the party and interacting with them, the cop tried to take on to stop and detain a couple of dozen high school aged kids exiting a summertime pool party in all directions. He quickly found out he didn't have a net big enough but he didn't let that stop him.

The cop is a nutcase who after a dozen years in law enforcement failed to show he knew anything about it.

Not harming anyone? Dude, wake up. 5 or 6 of them were kicking the crap out of the woman who said go back to Section 8 housing and there was reportedly a second fight where someone else got jumped.

The nut case is someone other than the cop that was actually able to get control over the situation pretty quickly. You haven't a clue. Kids like those have no respect for authority. He did exactly what he had to do to take control of that situation.

We are no seeing what happens when cops are not proactive in Baltimore where murder and crime rate has risen dramatically since the indictment of the 6 cops.

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There is more to this story than we know at this time! Did you see how many people were around that area

in comparison to how many police were there? I think over the next few days we will all hopefully hear a bit more of what was said

and the reason why the black girl in the bikini was taken down. Possibly she had a big mouth and was used to getting away

with shooting it off without getting any flack! At least no one was shot, and only some feelings were hurt.

In Edmonton Alberta, Canada, There was a city policeman , shot and killed by a nut case, who they were trying to

serve an arrest warrant to. The man was known to the police as being dangerous, but they had no idea that he had a rifle. The officer who was

killed had came to Canada from Britain and worked as a city policeman for 8 years, after being in the police force in

Manchester England before that. RIP to him . His wife and 2 children have had their lives torn apart by this tragedy.

I am just saying that policing is dangerous all over the world, and it is certainly a job that most of us would not want to

do considering that they face danger every day. As for Publicus, this story happened in Texas USA, and that country

has many many people who pack pistols, and more pack knives. The real bad ones have all of those as well as

rifles and more. Try to remember that fact, before figuring that the policeman was the only one in the wrong, since he lived in that area

and likely knew the situation a lot better than us arm chair critics, and likely knew a bit about the mentality of the crowd, better than you or I

It may be better to wait a few days before condemning this police man to the welfare line.

Just my opinion of course and I am a Red neck Canadian

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What was with the commando barrel roll the cop did at the start? Did he think he was going to be assaulted by a bikini?
Classic example of short man syndrome and over compensation.
When the cop pulled the gun on the guy who subsequently ran, you can see his two colleagues make towards the cop to try to hold him back, as if they could see what was coming. That the guy ran probably saved his life.

Edited by katana
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