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Yingluck misses date with NACC, claims 'urgent business'


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I genuinely am interested in what posters believe for every time it is the same, something that cant be talked about, you should know.


I, we, haven't the faintest idea I, we, are just parroting what others have written, said.

I do know however what is being implied and it is an absolute load of crap invented for political ends to make someone look like the champion of the poor.

But that is another topic altogether.

If you took off your hatred blinkers, just for a single moment, and see past Thaksin, you will know exactly why the PTP cannot be in control when a certain day arrives, but it's the fear that's being generated that's causing the behind the scenes movements.

For someone who has lived in the Kingdom for such a long time, and seen the military grow stronger and stronger, and less and less accountable, you don't seem to have a problem with that.. I would call that Apathy.

You, and many others keep labelling anti junta people and pro Shins, I think you'd find that most don't want the Shins back in power, but what IS the solution Robby? Demographically the Poor areas have the greater electorate, you constantly whine and whine and whine about the Shins, but just answer this simple question.. what did they do between 2011 and 2014 to you personally, that effected your daily life?

You and many other Kool aid farangs really need to get over yourselves, your opinions, like mine are just like farts in the wind, but you get so irate and wound up, it's like you live and breath Thai Politics, if it irks you so much, and you have PR, why not run as an prospective MP against whatever the PTP will reinvent themselves as.

You're also naive if you think that ALL the stops are being pulled out to prevent the likes of Thaksin ever having control over the Government isn't happening.

Personally I couldn't care less about the PTP or Thaksin, it's not me who has the vote, it's all my family and friends, its up to the powers that be to convince them, and every other PTP voter that there are alternatives, and those alternatives HAVE to live up to whatever it is that they pledge to swing votes... but how can they swing such votes, when it's not allowed to be put to them. The Junta and the NCPO have stamped out political gatherings, so how exactly do you convince people that their right to vote, should be done for the right reason, so that the right people can run the country.

The Junta running the country should have only been a short term fix, but it won't be, the playing field still has too many obstacles on it, and the junta has the ball, and they're not letting go of it. The rumblings from the PDRC should be a combat indicator to may as well, Suthep and Issara are becoming more vocal, and as every day passes, their roadmap is looking like what the General is working to.

You just don't want to see past your own hatred for the Shins, and you lap up the Junta for all it's worth, yes its great the Shins are being pushed further away, but it's quite obvious there's a huge purge ongoing, you don't have to be a red supporter to see this, Christ, even outside of Thailand the press and TV are looking at what's going on in the same light, are they all PTP/Shin fans too.... that's just Childish when grown, senior citizens spout that nonesense.

All that hatred for the Shins on here from a certain section of Frangs will leave them nasty bitter old men, for some it's maybe too late wink.png

I would like the electorate to be given the chance to prove the PTP are in the minority, hold the elections as planned, and IF the PTP are outvoted, the winners can Reform away till their 4-5 year tenure is up. even if the PTP were to win, they know full well if they didn't cow tow to the likes of Suthep and Co, or to the Army for that matter, they too will be out on their erses.

Reforms before a referendum/election is nothing short of delaying tactics, and want to bet that is exactly what will happen, as the Junta don't wish to see the whistle blowing crowds back on the streets. Prayuth will do what he's told, he cannot allow a repeat of 2014.

The country is as divided today as it was then... reconcilliation seems to have worked well, more like a token gesture, whilst the ducks were being lined up. Reforms are needed, right through the whole infrastructure of the country, from the Army itself, 1000-1500 Generals says it all doesn't it?, through Educations, the economy all the way down to Family values.

You and a few others might think the Junta are the people to be able to do this, I and many others don't, and therein lies the problem, the Thai people have the same Status Quo, and until the people can start chosing their prospective politicians, then it's never going to get any better, but then again, who knows, and that might actually be the long term master plan. wink.png

You are getting right into the insults arent you.

I have no blinkers, can probably see things far more clearly than many on here for I have no agenda or hatred.

I do however keep up with the news and move around this country a fair bit and am a good observer, taking a lot of photos.

I have a lot of experience telling truth from BS and see a lot of the latter on here by those who do have an agenda.

I suspect you have noticed I can and often do post links and sometimes photos to back up what I write but even those are unacceptable to those who refuse to believe the truth.

For someone who wants to attack me call me bias you seem to an unreasonable hate against the army and Suthep.

Perhaps you would have preferred the amnesty bill to go through in its amended form and all the corruption that is now being exposed forgiven with the corrupt keeping their ill gotten gains, PT still in power with more threats and intimidation by their red arm to the courts NACC and anyone else they thought might prevent them doing what they want.

The rice pledging continuing racking up farther debt, did you know that the principal and interest repayments on the loans taken out since the inception of the scheme to the present day are 64 billion baht a year.

Had PT been allowed to continue in the way they were going do you really believe there would have been a free and fair election at the end of their term ?

You write about elections and letting the people decide, tell me what is the use of letting politicians who have proven themselves corrupt back into positions of power ?

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Oh I'm sorry, by saying you are wearing blinkers you class that as an insult? Grow up Robby, it's no more an insult than to be constantly called a PTP/Red supporter..water off a ducks back, as should the blinkers comment, it means you see what you want to see, nothing insulting in that ;)

You have no agenda or hatred? seriously? So you have no hatred towards the previous Governmemt and the family who ran it? That's odd as you come across as a very noticeable anti red hater.

I don't have a hate for the Army, I have a deep mistrust, having been in the Army, I can assure you, there's NOTHING democratic about it, you don't get to vote on what you want to do, you are told what to do... and that's exactly the way the junta is contrlling things now, like the people are to serve the Army.. sorry Robby, but the Army are there to serve and protect the people, not the other way around, like I said, you might feel happy about this line and direction, I'm not.

I have repeated this time and time and time again, I'd have prefered the elections to have gone unimpeded and the spinless Dems to have stood up and been counted, and to have proved once and for all that the PTP were the minority, after all the claims of the Shins and the PTP are that, simple claims, the proof would have come in an election.

Again, you completey focus on the trees, you avoid like the plague everything that's going on behind the scenes, with the much bigger picture, and you say you have a better grasp of what's going on ? Do you? That's what's great about having an open mind, and access to information that isn't banned within the Kingdom... you sound more like a frightened man, who wouldn't dare read prohibited articles, I would have hoped that in your years here your own curiosity would be the better judge, there's reasons as to why things are going the way they are, the Kool aid drinkers never acknowledge this... why is this? Like I said, I call it Apathy.

As for the Amnesty Bill, you're having a laugh, the Junta keep giving themselves one, so really, what is the big deal about it being as good for the goose, as it is for the gander?

The PTP had to go, no two doubts about it, and if you seriously keep believeing that the PTP and the Shins will keep manipulating these elections, then what you're really hoping for is for you and your family to live under a military rule for the rest of your days, and to hell with what the Thai people want ?

You really think and believe Corruption is dead and buried under the Junta? You mean it's buried, but rest assured, it's far from dead, it never will be, and corruption only becomes the big banner waving item after someone has been caught ot exposed, the last lot are being exposed, but with the amnesties, the current lot are about as transparent as pea and lentil soup!!

Again for someone who has lived in Thailand for so long, you really cannot be that naive as to the power play going on away from all the news and reporters, and that corruption is over.. that's not insulting you, it's an observation that you despite what you claim, do have an agenda, everyone has one.. mine, and at least I'm honest about this, is my mistrust for the Military, and the coup isn't what it seems..

Use your vote if you have one wisely, and vote for the person you believe will fulfil their obligations, if you don't have one, then it shouldn't worry you to the extent it does as to what Thais do with their votes, as there will only be another coup to sort it out anyway ;)

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Oh I'm sorry, by saying you are wearing blinkers you class that as an insult? Grow up Robby, it's no more an insult than to be constantly called a PTP/Red supporter..water off a ducks back, as should the blinkers comment, it means you see what you want to see, nothing insulting in that wink.png

You have no agenda or hatred? seriously? So you have no hatred towards the previous Governmemt and the family who ran it? That's odd as you come across as a very noticeable anti red hater.

I don't have a hate for the Army, I have a deep mistrust, having been in the Army, I can assure you, there's NOTHING democratic about it, you don't get to vote on what you want to do, you are told what to do... and that's exactly the way the junta is contrlling things now, like the people are to serve the Army.. sorry Robby, but the Army are there to serve and protect the people, not the other way around, like I said, you might feel happy about this line and direction, I'm not.

I have repeated this time and time and time again, I'd have prefered the elections to have gone unimpeded and the spinless Dems to have stood up and been counted, and to have proved once and for all that the PTP were the minority, after all the claims of the Shins and the PTP are that, simple claims, the proof would have come in an election.

Again, you completey focus on the trees, you avoid like the plague everything that's going on behind the scenes, with the much bigger picture, and you say you have a better grasp of what's going on ? Do you? That's what's great about having an open mind, and access to information that isn't banned within the Kingdom... you sound more like a frightened man, who wouldn't dare read prohibited articles, I would have hoped that in your years here your own curiosity would be the better judge, there's reasons as to why things are going the way they are, the Kool aid drinkers never acknowledge this... why is this? Like I said, I call it Apathy.

As for the Amnesty Bill, you're having a laugh, the Junta keep giving themselves one, so really, what is the big deal about it being as good for the goose, as it is for the gander?

The PTP had to go, no two doubts about it, and if you seriously keep believeing that the PTP and the Shins will keep manipulating these elections, then what you're really hoping for is for you and your family to live under a military rule for the rest of your days, and to hell with what the Thai people want ?

You really think and believe Corruption is dead and buried under the Junta? You mean it's buried, but rest assured, it's far from dead, it never will be, and corruption only becomes the big banner waving item after someone has been caught ot exposed, the last lot are being exposed, but with the amnesties, the current lot are about as transparent as pea and lentil soup!!

Again for someone who has lived in Thailand for so long, you really cannot be that naive as to the power play going on away from all the news and reporters, and that corruption is over.. that's not insulting you, it's an observation that you despite what you claim, do have an agenda, everyone has one.. mine, and at least I'm honest about this, is my mistrust for the Military, and the coup isn't what it seems..

Use your vote if you have one wisely, and vote for the person you believe will fulfil their obligations, if you don't have one, then it shouldn't worry you to the extent it does as to what Thais do with their votes, as there will only be another coup to sort it out anyway wink.png

I wont carry on with this as its way off topic other than to say you have me completely wrong, try looking around this site at some of the other pages to which I contribute and you may get a better idea.

Possibly another time, have a good day.

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  • 3 weeks later...

With such urgent business that won't allow 2 hours out of her day to attend this hearing how on earth would she find time to be on a TV show to represent the majority (as she purports to) and move the country forward.

Below is her "urgent business" in Thailand she had on the day she was supposed to attend the hearing. She certainly has an affinity to fruit when Thailand needs her to be pro active...Even when her terrorist supporters killed the innocent protestors in Trat she decided to run away from her responsibilities and inspect fruit in the North.

Contempt for the majority comes to mind when looking at her FB page. Her excuses should at least match the facts. She can't even get that right and she lies so much the lies are completely accepted now or at the least ignored.


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With such urgent business that won't allow 2 hours out of her day to attend this hearing how on earth would she find time to be on a TV show to represent the majority (as she purports to) and move the country forward.

Below is her "urgent business" in Thailand she had on the day she was supposed to attend the hearing. She certainly has an affinity to fruit when Thailand needs her to be pro active...Even when her terrorist supporters killed the innocent protestors in Trat she decided to run away from her responsibilities and inspect fruit in the North.

Contempt for the majority comes to mind when looking at her FB page. Her excuses should at least match the facts. She can't even get that right and she lies so much the lies are completely accepted now or at the least ignored.

Just like yours.

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I wonder why this month old thread has been suddenly been resurrected - it couldn't be anything to do with deflecting attention from discussion about the summary arrest of students, or bizarre claims that the students have been brainwashed by foreign agencies, or the Government being challenged to show proof of such brainwashing, or rumours that Prayut transferred six million baht to a foreign bank account, and concomitant discussion of proposals to control the internet now could it?

Edited by JAG
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