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Officer caught on video in Texas pool party incident resigns

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They just don't seem to be doing quite as well lately as they did previously.

Gee Whiz, I wonder what could possibly be the reasons for that.

Lack of training and accepting neanderthals into the force.

And of course that explains the skyrocketing murder rate* in Baltimore and elsewhere, doesn't it?

* = Which was the context I had intended with my reply to Credo's "don't seem to be doing quite as well lately ...". Or should it be "the communities don't seem to be doing so well ..."?

What does a murder rate in Baltimore have to do with this moron tossing around a young girl in a bikini?

Your question speaks for itself.

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Had this been a black cop this probably wouldn't have even been in the news. Certainly not international news.


Whether or not the cop talked about the MSM is irrelevant. The problem is obvious. A minor altercation without injury has been blown way out of proportion into an international news event by the MSM. Why? Because the cop was white and the girl black.

No, it was because the girl was 13, crying for her mother and nearly naked.

The colour of the individuals was irrelevant.

I'm absolutely certain a black cop kneeling on a nearly naked 13 year old white girl would have received as much (if not more) attention from the news media.


The facts are the cop was wrong and he's gone from the McKinney PD.

The guy has apologized via his lawyer who said the cop had a bad day. The cop meanwhile is not talking about some leftist and MSM conspiracy.

We need to work to prevent the political and cultural right from advancing laws that would prevent citizens/residents making videos of police on the job. The right wants to censor private citizens and put us at risk of arrest and jail if we video police doing the things they do throughout the country. There's a proposal now by a Republican in the state legislature to do it in Texas.

The courts have been pretty good on the related issue of audio taping of police on duty....

Supreme Court rejects plea to ban taping of police

The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday declined to hear an appeal of a controversial Illinois law prohibiting people from recording police officers on the job.

By passing on the issue, the justices left in place a federal appeals court ruling that found that the state's anti-eavesdropping law violates free-speech rights when used against people who audiotape police officers.


Whether or not the cop talked about the MSM is irrelevant. The problem is obvious. A minor altercation without injury has been blown way out of proportion into an international news event by the MSM. Why? Because the cop was white and the girl black. The agenda of black victimhood and white racism has been once again shoved down our throats. The far greater problem of violent black-on-white crime and general lawlessness in the black community is being ignored. Every day is white-guilt-day in the MSM.

There's a small hard core on the marginal right that despite all of the daily reality do somehow manage to stay immune.

Everything just bounces right off to come back at us again and again as right wing ideological spam.


Had this been a black cop this probably wouldn't have even been in the news. Certainly not international news.


Whether or not the cop talked about the MSM is irrelevant. The problem is obvious. A minor altercation without injury has been blown way out of proportion into an international news event by the MSM. Why? Because the cop was white and the girl black.

No, it was because the girl was 13, crying for her mother and nearly naked.

The colour of the individuals was irrelevant.

I'm absolutely certain a black cop kneeling on a nearly naked 13 year old white girl would have received as much (if not more) attention from the news media.

Sorry, Ms Dajerria Becton, the qirl being detained/arrested by Cpl Casebolt, is reportedly 15. I watched an interview with her where she stated that the kids were verbally abusive to the cops when they arrived.

She also stated that she that Cpl Casebolt did not like what she was yelling at him, but she attempted to soften it and did not state what, exactly, she was yelling. She had gotten his attention, probably by verbally abusing him, although it cannot be heard on the video what she had said to him as he approached her.

If she had simply stayed at a distance and kept her mouth shut, she wouldn't have provoked him to detain her. She was obviously resisting arrest, an extension of her verbal abuse.

Anyone want to volunteer to bad-mouth a police officer after, say, being pulled over for a moving violation?

Anyone want to volunteer to interfere with a police officer who is making an arrest?

Anyone want to volunteer to resist a police officer who is arresting you?

Additionally, two other girls tried to interfere with Cpl Casebolt he was dealing Ms Becton. They had been told to stay away, but, instead, ran up to the Corporal and Ms Becton.

Screen-grab of the two young women running up to officer Casebolt and Ms. Becton:


This type of interference was to occur a few seconds later with 18-year-old Adian Martin who later claimed that someone "bumped him toward the officer". Yeah, right. Mr. Martin forgot or didn't know that he was on video which doesn't support his claim, in my view.

Screen-grab of Mr. Martin just before Cpl Casebolt decided things could really go south and decided to protect himself from a possible attempt to grab his weapon, sucker-punch him or otherwise interfere with his arrest of Ms Becton:


Yes, Corporal Casebolt might have been having a "bad day" and, perhaps, had made a bad choice in attempting to arrest Ms. Becton, but he had a lot of assistance in that department from the unruly, disrespectful and even interfering youngsters.


Sorry, Ms Dajerria Becton, the qirl being detained/arrested by Cpl Casebolt, is reportedly 15. I watched an interview with her where she stated that the kids were verbally abusive to the cops when they arrived.

Anyone want to volunteer to interfere with a police officer who is making an arrest?

Anyone want to volunteer to resist a police officer who is arresting you?

In an earlier News post her Dad is quoted as saying "My 13 year old daughter", I assume he knows her age.

Off Topic

As for your suggestions on arrest, in the UK, been there, done that, many times.

Once they backed down in front of a crowd, once they arrested me and subsequently paid 10,000GBP in compensation for false arrest.

(Both times 3-5 police officers facing me)

If I'm right, I don't back down, and neither should anyone else.


Many people have seen the video, many have seen it more than once, along with other videos and aspects of the man-in-blue made incident.

Saw Adrian Martin sliding on a sloping spot of grass toward the cop after Martin tried to make a sudden stop from a quick dash and trying to keep his balance, which proves for one thing chivalry is not yet dead.

The cop was unbalanced where it mattered, between his ears where his brain should have been. It's just impossible to believe this guy had 12 years as some kind of police officer and that he had some rank besides....and was training less experienced officers who performed infinitely better on the scene than he did.

The cop was wrong but the right can't accept the fact nor can the dogged right let it go. The right have posted about "animals in human form" and riots and looting and MSM and its usual laundry list of apologists, deceivers, liberals, leftists, black racists etc etc -- anything to avoid the fact the McKinney Texas incident was a one man police riot from start to finish.

The cop had physical assault on his menu against the girl and pulled his weapon against a guy. There's a problem in this that the right just keeps on missing.


Sorry, Ms Dajerria Becton, the qirl being detained/arrested by Cpl Casebolt, is reportedly 15. I watched an interview with her where she stated that the kids were verbally abusive to the cops when they arrived.

Anyone want to volunteer to interfere with a police officer who is making an arrest?

Anyone want to volunteer to resist a police officer who is arresting you?

In an earlier News post her Dad is quoted as saying "My 13 year old daughter", I assume he knows her age.

Off Topic

As for your suggestions on arrest, in the UK, been there, done that, many times.

Once they backed down in front of a crowd, once they arrested me and subsequently paid 10,000GBP in compensation for false arrest.

(Both times 3-5 police officers facing me)

If I'm right, I don't back down, and neither should anyone else.

Do some better research and, perhaps, thinking in the future.

Looks like the U.S. is not the only country with officers that make bad judgment calls. I wouldn't press my luck if I were you. A bad judgment call be an officer could prove to be fatal.

Ms Becton is lucky she wasn't hurt and that she went down finally on the grass. She might even be able to pull your stunt and end up being the richest 15-year-old brat in McKinney. Maybe she could buy her own private pool with the loot from the city ... then there are the deep-pocket insurance companies aren't there? And the TV interviews ... and the best-selling book: "How I Got My Grass Stains Last Summer".


I wouldn't press my luck if I were you. A bad judgment call be an officer could prove to be fatal.

It would be a sad world if every man was a coward.

"A coward dies many times but a brave man dies only once"

Bullies, uniformed or not, need people to stand up to them.


Many people have seen the video, many have seen it more than once, along with other videos and aspects of the man-in-blue made incident.

Saw Adrian Martin sliding on a sloping spot of grass toward the cop after Martin tried to make a sudden stop from a quick dash and trying to keep his balance, which proves for one thing chivalry is not yet dead.

The cop was unbalanced where it mattered, between his ears where his brain should have been. It's just impossible to believe this guy had 12 years as some kind of police officer and that he had some rank besides....and was training less experienced officers who performed infinitely better on the scene than he did.

The cop was wrong but the right can't accept the fact nor can the dogged right let it go. The right have posted about "animals in human form" and riots and looting and MSM and its usual laundry list of apologists, deceivers, liberals, leftists, black racists etc etc -- anything to avoid the fact the McKinney Texas incident was a one man police riot from start to finish.

The cop had physical assault on his menu against the girl and pulled his weapon against a guy. There's a problem in this that the right just keeps on missing.

Maybe you, too, should watch the video.

My previous post clearly showed Mr Adrian Martin's left foot was firmly half on a concrete sidewalk and he was not sliding and there wasn't any slope. I'm surprised that he or you didn't claim that a brief gust of wind off the Texas prairie didn't push him into close proximity to Cpl Casebolt.

In any event, he had absolutely no business being that close to Cpl Casebolt under the circumstances.

Do you get your kicks only making this stuff up and trying to get naive, sheeple readers to buy it?

Or is this part of your heroic effort to "Protect" us from that "Right Wing" ... something or other?

I don't see how you can rationalize to yourself calling Cpl Casebolt "unbalanced" in view of the content of your posts.


Had this been a black cop this probably wouldn't have even been in the news. Certainly not international news.


Whether or not the cop talked about the MSM is irrelevant. The problem is obvious. A minor altercation without injury has been blown way out of proportion into an international news event by the MSM. Why? Because the cop was white and the girl black.

No, it was because the girl was 13, crying for her mother and nearly naked.

The colour of the individuals was irrelevant.

I'm absolutely certain a black cop kneeling on a nearly naked 13 year old white girl would have received as much (if not more) attention from the news media.

Sorry, Ms Dajerria Becton, the qirl being detained/arrested by Cpl Casebolt, is reportedly 15. I watched an interview with her where she stated that the kids were verbally abusive to the cops when they arrived.

She also stated that she that Cpl Casebolt did not like what she was yelling at him, but she attempted to soften it and did not state what, exactly, she was yelling. She had gotten his attention, probably by verbally abusing him, although it cannot be heard on the video what she had said to him as he approached her.

If she had simply stayed at a distance and kept her mouth shut, she wouldn't have provoked him to detain her. She was obviously resisting arrest, an extension of her verbal abuse.

Anyone want to volunteer to bad-mouth a police officer after, say, being pulled over for a moving violation?

Anyone want to volunteer to interfere with a police officer who is making an arrest?

Anyone want to volunteer to resist a police officer who is arresting you?

Additionally, two other girls tried to interfere with Cpl Casebolt he was dealing Ms Becton. They had been told to stay away, but, instead, ran up to the Corporal and Ms Becton.

Screen-grab of the two young women running up to officer Casebolt and Ms. Becton:


This type of interference was to occur a few seconds later with 18-year-old Adian Martin who later claimed that someone "bumped him toward the officer". Yeah, right. Mr. Martin forgot or didn't know that he was on video which doesn't support his claim, in my view.

Screen-grab of Mr. Martin just before Cpl Casebolt decided things could really go south and decided to protect himself from a possible attempt to grab his weapon, sucker-punch him or otherwise interfere with his arrest of Ms Becton:


Yes, Corporal Casebolt might have been having a "bad day" and, perhaps, had made a bad choice in attempting to arrest Ms. Becton, but he had a lot of assistance in that department from the unruly, disrespectful and even interfering youngsters.

Maybe some might have been somewhat "unruly,' and maybe some might have been a bit "disrespectful," and some could be considered to have been "interfering youngsters," but if Officer Casebolt had shot to wound any one of the unarmed kids seen in the entire video, or would have shot and killed any one of the whole bunch of 'em, what would it be called....


In this screengrab it would appear Officer Casebolt has placed the firearm in the palm of his left hand which likely would be a part of his training to include mental conditioning. If I'm one of any of these kids however, on the business end of this police firearm, I'd be more than apprehensive for my life. Officer Casebolt had no cause or justification to conduct himself in this way while in possession of a firearm among unarmed minor children.
  • This is #McKinney. I'm sure these kids thought Officer Eric Casebolt was about to kill them. Infuriating.

    2,443 retweets1,220 favorites

Officer on the left deserves a commendation for preventing #EricCasebolt from using his gun on unarmed teenagers.


Everything You Need To Know About McKinney Police Officer Eric Casebolt



Many people have seen the video, many have seen it more than once, along with other videos and aspects of the man-in-blue made incident.

Saw Adrian Martin sliding on a sloping spot of grass toward the cop after Martin tried to make a sudden stop from a quick dash and trying to keep his balance, which proves for one thing chivalry is not yet dead.

The cop was unbalanced where it mattered, between his ears where his brain should have been. It's just impossible to believe this guy had 12 years as some kind of police officer and that he had some rank besides....and was training less experienced officers who performed infinitely better on the scene than he did.

The cop was wrong but the right can't accept the fact nor can the dogged right let it go. The right have posted about "animals in human form" and riots and looting and MSM and its usual laundry list of apologists, deceivers, liberals, leftists, black racists etc etc -- anything to avoid the fact the McKinney Texas incident was a one man police riot from start to finish.

The cop had physical assault on his menu against the girl and pulled his weapon against a guy. There's a problem in this that the right just keeps on missing.

Maybe you, too, should watch the video.

My previous post clearly showed Mr Adrian Martin's left foot was firmly half on a concrete sidewalk and he was not sliding and there wasn't any slope. I'm surprised that he or you didn't claim that a brief gust of wind off the Texas prairie didn't push him into close proximity to Cpl Casebolt.

In any event, he had absolutely no business being that close to Cpl Casebolt under the circumstances.

Do you get your kicks only making this stuff up and trying to get naive, sheeple readers to buy it?

Or is this part of your heroic effort to "Protect" us from that "Right Wing" ... something or other?

I don't see how you can rationalize to yourself calling Cpl Casebolt "unbalanced" in view of the content of your posts.

Maybe you should just accept the police chief and the officer himself knOw what happened was wrong and has apologised.


I wouldn't press my luck if I were you. A bad judgment call be an officer could prove to be fatal.

It would be a sad world if every man was a coward.

"A coward dies many times but a brave man dies only once"

Bullies, uniformed or not, need people to stand up to them.

Well then, brave man, why don't you do something useful and volunteer to go Iraq and stand up to some really nasty bullies: ISIS.

So then you will be out of the faces of people who are (had been?) trying their best to maintain civilized societies that seem to be getting increasingly dangerous for everyone.


Had this been a black cop this probably wouldn't have even been in the news. Certainly not international news.


Whether or not the cop talked about the MSM is irrelevant. The problem is obvious. A minor altercation without injury has been blown way out of proportion into an international news event by the MSM. Why? Because the cop was white and the girl black.

No, it was because the girl was 13, crying for her mother and nearly naked.

The colour of the individuals was irrelevant.

I'm absolutely certain a black cop kneeling on a nearly naked 13 year old white girl would have received as much (if not more) attention from the news media.

Sorry, Ms Dajerria Becton, the qirl being detained/arrested by Cpl Casebolt, is reportedly 15. I watched an interview with her where she stated that the kids were verbally abusive to the cops when they arrived.

She also stated that she that Cpl Casebolt did not like what she was yelling at him, but she attempted to soften it and did not state what, exactly, she was yelling. She had gotten his attention, probably by verbally abusing him, although it cannot be heard on the video what she had said to him as he approached her.

If she had simply stayed at a distance and kept her mouth shut, she wouldn't have provoked him to detain her. She was obviously resisting arrest, an extension of her verbal abuse.

Anyone want to volunteer to bad-mouth a police officer after, say, being pulled over for a moving violation?

Anyone want to volunteer to interfere with a police officer who is making an arrest?

Anyone want to volunteer to resist a police officer who is arresting you?

Additionally, two other girls tried to interfere with Cpl Casebolt he was dealing Ms Becton. They had been told to stay away, but, instead, ran up to the Corporal and Ms Becton.

Screen-grab of the two young women running up to officer Casebolt and Ms. Becton:


This type of interference was to occur a few seconds later with 18-year-old Adian Martin who later claimed that someone "bumped him toward the officer". Yeah, right. Mr. Martin forgot or didn't know that he was on video which doesn't support his claim, in my view.

Screen-grab of Mr. Martin just before Cpl Casebolt decided things could really go south and decided to protect himself from a possible attempt to grab his weapon, sucker-punch him or otherwise interfere with his arrest of Ms Becton:


Yes, Corporal Casebolt might have been having a "bad day" and, perhaps, had made a bad choice in attempting to arrest Ms. Becton, but he had a lot of assistance in that department from the unruly, disrespectful and even interfering youngsters.

Maybe some might have been somewhat "unruly,' and maybe some might have been a bit "disrespectful," and some could be considered to have been "interfering youngsters," but if Officer Casebolt had shot to wound any one of the unarmed kids seen in the entire video, or would have shot and killed any one of the whole bunch of 'em, what would it be called....


  • This is #McKinney. I'm sure these kids thought Officer Eric Casebolt was about to kill them. Infuriating.

    2,443 retweets1,220 favorites

Officer on the left deserves a commendation for preventing #EricCasebolt from using his gun on unarmed teenagers.


Everything You Need To Know About McKinney Police Officer Eric Casebolt


"... but if Officer Casebolt had shot to wound any one of the unarmed kids seen in the entire video, or would have shot and killed any one of the whole bunch of 'em, what would it be called...."

So, apparently you did break down and watch the video.

And now you proceed to fantasize/obsess about what could have happened.

It was obvious that Corporal Casebolt's situational awareness, training and self-control w/r his weapon were what prevented that eventuality. I don't give him very high self-control scores in the areas of professionally addressing the public and deciding whom to detain/arrest, however.

And someone finds that Corporal Casebolt's effort to defend himself "infuriating"?

Well then we'll just have to train the police to never draw their weapons under any circumstances - problem solved, huh? Or would you and your ilk prefer to see them disarmed? That would save the law enforcement agencies a lot of money that could be better invested on social welfare, huh?

If the Corporal was trying to get the video recording stopped, then he was pretty deluded, huh?

I smiled and shook my head when I saw that. He jumped the shark with his efforts to control with that, didn't he? Maybe the person recording was lucky not to be shot (to continue your shooting fantasy/obsession).


Now, now.

I have seen the video several times. Why is it two people watch the identical video and see radically different occurrences.

Right wing self-righteous politics and ideology seems to be a regular culprit.

Time to take a break from the thread till people who can't create a riot in which black kids can be menaced with a bizarre justification can calm themselves.

Vet to vet, discretion is indeed the better part of valour and that would be true often enough.


Well then we'll just have to train the police to never draw their weapons under any circumstances - problem solved, huh?

Training them not to draw their guns at a childrens birthday party would seem to be a good idea.


Many people have seen the video, many have seen it more than once, along with other videos and aspects of the man-in-blue made incident.

Saw Adrian Martin sliding on a sloping spot of grass toward the cop after Martin tried to make a sudden stop from a quick dash and trying to keep his balance, which proves for one thing chivalry is not yet dead.

The cop was unbalanced where it mattered, between his ears where his brain should have been. It's just impossible to believe this guy had 12 years as some kind of police officer and that he had some rank besides....and was training less experienced officers who performed infinitely better on the scene than he did.

The cop was wrong but the right can't accept the fact nor can the dogged right let it go. The right have posted about "animals in human form" and riots and looting and MSM and its usual laundry list of apologists, deceivers, liberals, leftists, black racists etc etc -- anything to avoid the fact the McKinney Texas incident was a one man police riot from start to finish.

The cop had physical assault on his menu against the girl and pulled his weapon against a guy. There's a problem in this that the right just keeps on missing.

Maybe you, too, should watch the video.

My previous post clearly showed Mr Adrian Martin's left foot was firmly half on a concrete sidewalk and he was not sliding and there wasn't any slope. I'm surprised that he or you didn't claim that a brief gust of wind off the Texas prairie didn't push him into close proximity to Cpl Casebolt.

In any event, he had absolutely no business being that close to Cpl Casebolt under the circumstances.

Do you get your kicks only making this stuff up and trying to get naive, sheeple readers to buy it?

Or is this part of your heroic effort to "Protect" us from that "Right Wing" ... something or other?

I don't see how you can rationalize to yourself calling Cpl Casebolt "unbalanced" in view of the content of your posts.

Maybe you should just accept the police chief and the officer himself knOw what happened was wrong and has apologised.

Thanks, but no thanks. I believe I'll go with the video. biggrin.png

But now that you mentioned it, "apologised" for what?

Being a law enforcement officer in a society that is becming increasingly immoral, corrupt, politicized and dangerous?

Corporal Casebolt may have been quite happy to resign (and retire to Thailand!).


Well then we'll just have to train the police to never draw their weapons under any circumstances - problem solved, huh?

Training them not to draw their guns at a childrens birthday party would seem to be a good idea.

Errrrrrr ... children can be quite deadly, in case you haven't noticed (maybe even especially at birthday parties).

Actually, with these overblown, distorted/exaggerated-by-the-MSM incidents, we're training the cops to not be proactive in stopping crime and could eventually train them to not respond in a hurry to 911 calls or maybe park down the street and watch with binoculars. This type of training in Baltimore has already resulted in the deaths of many innocent (and maybe not so innocent) residents not to mention other crime.


Many people have seen the video, many have seen it more than once, along with other videos and aspects of the man-in-blue made incident.

Saw Adrian Martin sliding on a sloping spot of grass toward the cop after Martin tried to make a sudden stop from a quick dash and trying to keep his balance, which proves for one thing chivalry is not yet dead.

The cop was unbalanced where it mattered, between his ears where his brain should have been. It's just impossible to believe this guy had 12 years as some kind of police officer and that he had some rank besides....and was training less experienced officers who performed infinitely better on the scene than he did.

The cop was wrong but the right can't accept the fact nor can the dogged right let it go. The right have posted about "animals in human form" and riots and looting and MSM and its usual laundry list of apologists, deceivers, liberals, leftists, black racists etc etc -- anything to avoid the fact the McKinney Texas incident was a one man police riot from start to finish.

The cop had physical assault on his menu against the girl and pulled his weapon against a guy. There's a problem in this that the right just keeps on missing.

Maybe you, too, should watch the video.

My previous post clearly showed Mr Adrian Martin's left foot was firmly half on a concrete sidewalk and he was not sliding and there wasn't any slope. I'm surprised that he or you didn't claim that a brief gust of wind off the Texas prairie didn't push him into close proximity to Cpl Casebolt.

In any event, he had absolutely no business being that close to Cpl Casebolt under the circumstances.

Do you get your kicks only making this stuff up and trying to get naive, sheeple readers to buy it?

Or is this part of your heroic effort to "Protect" us from that "Right Wing" ... something or other?

I don't see how you can rationalize to yourself calling Cpl Casebolt "unbalanced" in view of the content of your posts.

Maybe you should just accept the police chief and the officer himself knOw what happened was wrong and has apologised.

Thanks, but no thanks. I believe I'll go with the video. biggrin.png

But now that you mentioned it, "apologised" for what?

Being a law enforcement officer in a society that is becming increasingly immoral, corrupt, politicized and dangerous?

Corporal Casebolt may have been quite happy to resign (and retire to Thailand!).

Apologised for the way he acted because of emotional issues and was sorry for his actions. Police chief decribed his actions as indefensible.

Indefensible is obviously a concept you dont understand.

If its all the same to you I will agreee with the man himself that he did wrong instead of someone who wasnt there that thinks otherwise.


Had this been a black cop this probably wouldn't have even been in the news. Certainly not international news.


Whether or not the cop talked about the MSM is irrelevant. The problem is obvious. A minor altercation without injury has been blown way out of proportion into an international news event by the MSM. Why? Because the cop was white and the girl black.

No, it was because the girl was 13, crying for her mother and nearly naked.

The colour of the individuals was irrelevant.

I'm absolutely certain a black cop kneeling on a nearly naked 13 year old white girl would have received as much (if not more) attention from the news media.

Absolute rubbish. Black cop-on-black citizen police violence ( no matter what the degree) gets very little media attention and you know it. Black cops in general are much tougher on their own race than white cops. White-on-black ; is what the MSM chooses to publicize. A cop holding down a girl with his weight is hardly the crime-of-the-century.....unless the cop is white and the girl black for brain-dead leftists.

Maybe you should just accept the police chief and the officer himself knOw what happened was wrong and has apologised.

Thanks, but no thanks. I believe I'll go with the video. biggrin.png

But now that you mentioned it, "apologised" for what?

Being a law enforcement officer in a society that is becming increasingly immoral, corrupt, politicized and dangerous?

Corporal Casebolt may have been quite happy to resign (and retire to Thailand!).

Apologised for the way he acted because of emotional issues and was sorry for his actions. Police chief decribed his actions as indefensible.

Indefensible is obviously a concept you dont understand.

If its all the same to you I will agreee with the man himself that he did wrong instead of someone who wasnt there that thinks otherwise.

As painful as it may be, maybe you should apply a little more due-diligence and read all of my posts before forming some off-the-wall opinion.

I've listed Cpl Casebolt's actions that I had problems with in at least two of my posts.

However, I think the most unacceptable action on Cpl Casehart's part was that, being senior officer on the scene, he should have acted as if he were and primarily directed the other officers.

His quarterly performance review will doubtlessly suffer for this oversight (kidding, for Rio Linda residents).

I must say though that from the limited scope of the video that we cannot conclude that he hadn't at some point directed the other officers and then decided to participate in the action himself.

I didn't have to be there to witness his actions and those of others, thanks to the video. If I'd had to rely on any eyewitness account, it would have been hopeless.

What I thought was really cool on Cpl Casebolt's part (at the very beginning of the video) was his slipping while running and his rapid, rolling recovery from the upset. I'm sure you noted that he was running in the direction of a parking lot where another officer was also running in the distance.

What was also cool to me was that an honest kid found the flashlight that he had lost when he had his rolling recovery and eventually returned it to one of the officers.

There may be some yet for the American society, such as it is.


Who is Cpl Casehart?

I hope you ream write up the right guy.

You might wanna watch the video again or somethin', read the OP again maybe.

Good luck.


Well then we'll just have to train the police to never draw their weapons under any circumstances - problem solved, huh?

Training them not to draw their guns at a childrens birthday party would seem to be a good idea.

While we are doing all this training, let's train all the 15 year old girls to put some clothes on when they are out in the public.

Going half naked to a "childrens" (sic) birthday party shouldn't be considered the thing to do if you are apt to get arrested for trespassing.


Well then we'll just have to train the police to never draw their weapons under any circumstances - problem solved, huh?

Training them not to draw their guns at a childrens birthday party would seem to be a good idea.

While we are doing all this training, let's train all the 15 year old girls to put some clothes on when they are out in the public.

Going half naked to a "childrens" (sic) birthday party shouldn't be considered the thing to do if you are apt to get arrested for trespassing.

How dare they wear swimming clothes to a pool party. Outrageous of them and clearly reason for police to abuse and arrest them on that alone. ?


Well then we'll just have to train the police to never draw their weapons under any circumstances - problem solved, huh?

Training them not to draw their guns at a childrens birthday party would seem to be a good idea.

While we are doing all this training, let's train all the 15 year old girls to put some clothes on when they are out in the public.

Going half naked to a "childrens" (sic) birthday party shouldn't be considered the thing to do if you are apt to get arrested for trespassing.

How dare they wear swimming clothes to a pool party. Outrageous of them and clearly reason for police to abuse and arrest them on that alone. ?

"...apt to get arrested for trespassing."

Which big word in this part of my post are you having trouble with?


Well then we'll just have to train the police to never draw their weapons under any circumstances - problem solved, huh?

Training them not to draw their guns at a childrens birthday party would seem to be a good idea.

While we are doing all this training, let's train all the 15 year old girls to put some clothes on when they are out in the public.

Going half naked to a "childrens" (sic) birthday party shouldn't be considered the thing to do if you are apt to get arrested for trespassing.

The fashion police have arrived on the scene.

And their orders to all kids of a certain kind going to pool parties this summer is to dress for arrest. Never mind the pool and fun in the water stuff...just keep Al Sharpton's number handy cause you're gonna need it.

People going to tea parties are of course exempted and are free to throw things into the water, starting with liberals then inappropriately attired kids and so forth.

The Fashion Police are of course self-appointed and are indeed in a desperate search of an issue.

The berserk now unemployed cop is the unfortunate issue because it's all about him and the fact the cop was berzerk with a badge and a gun.

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