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Bangkok city police to take harsh actions against litterbugs and vandals


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Don't look now, but garbage is strewn around this country in many empty lots and along hundreds of roads. You might want to consider a serious NATIONAL campaign instead of being Bangkok centric.

Isn't that what Thais do? Have you EVER seen a Thai pick up trash?

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The tough actions stemmed from serious flooding in parts of Bangkok on Monday which was blamed on garbage clogging drainage system.

Yeah, always good to blame someone ore something else.... that is Thainess

Every year there is rain coming, and every year it is the same same.... Flooding....

would it not be a idea to flush out ALL the drains and not only 70% before rainy season.....

Silly me, i forgot where i was....

When we were in BKK, I saw them making new drain holes along Thonglor. lol It was a/b 16 inched deep and a/b 12 inches wide. Do they really think things like that will have much effect?

I'll tell ya the mentality here is really mindboggling.

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Yes great now that

traficking people drugs,

slavery,vice,food adulteration

price gouging,scams,insurance fraud

dangerous vehicles and drivers

corruption all solved litterbugs is a great use of Krung Thep's finest

with such a spotless record what could go wrong

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