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Phuket police called to Bangkok not suspects in Vard corruption case, says lead investigator

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Phuket police called to Bangkok not suspects in Vard corruption case, says lead investigator
Tanyaluk Sakoot

Lt Col Chai Sanguansin (crouching, in blue shirt) of Interpol Thailand hears Colin Vard’s plea in Bangkok.

PHUKET: -- The six Phuket police officers called to Bangkok to answer questions about the alleged extortion and embezzlement of B65 million of assets from Phuket resident Colin Vard and and his family are not suspects in the case, The Phuket News has been told.

The six officers were questioned personally by national police chief Gen Somyot Pumpunmuang last week, confirmed Pol Lt Col Chai Sanguansin, deputy superintendent of Interpol Thailand.

“It was a failure of communication problem,” he explained. “They each received a complaint filed by Mr Vard, but all of them treated the complaint they received individually. They did not check with each other about the other complaints filed.

“It is a very complicated case. We’ve been given three months to conclude our investigation, which we will need to figure out what happened.”

Col Chai, who was ordered directly by Gen Somyot to lead the investigation into the Vard complaint, declined to name the six Phuket officers called to Bangkok.

“At this stage, we cannot reveal the identities of the people accused in this case, including officials,” he said.

“But I can say that it involves officials, a property broker in Phuket and a lawyer, as well as witnesses.”

Meanwhile, the Vard family has been granted police protection.

“We know that Mr Vard has received threats over the phone. We are watching this and we have to provide security for them,” Col Chai said.

Gen Somyot ordered Col Chai to lead the investigation after hearing Mr Vard’s complaint in person on June 2.

The police chief also ordered Pol Col Veerawat Chantaravijit, deputy chief of the Phuket Provincial Police, and Yodmongkol Sappaisansook, a senior lawyer from the Justice Ministry, to assist Col Chai in the investigation.

Mr Vard last Friday (June 5) posted a message of gratitude to the Royal Thai Police for the new investigation, and for the strong support that his daughter Jessie has received through her “Justice For Jessie” Facebook page, which has gone viral and now has more than 18,000 people following her posts.

“It is easy to criticize. Harder to be humble and that is how we feel today. Humbled by the support and kindness of the Thai people,” Mr Vard wrote.

“It is impossible not to be encouraged by so many young voices supporting us and demanding an end to corruption. While our Government and embassy abandoned us the Thai people have taken us to their hearts. Something we had no right to expect… Thank you.”

Mr Vard was especially thankful for the decisive action taken by Gen Somyot.

we were taken to meet with Commissioner Pol Maj Gen Somyot Poonpanmoung who listened to what we had to say, expressed his concern and issued instructions that our cases were to be investigated immediately and an experienced detective task force was to be set up.

“The situation now is that Pol Maj Gen Kokiat Wongvorachart reviews our cases every morning with four Interpol detectives under the leadership of Pol Lt Col Chai Sanguansin who has assured me, and I believe him, that he and his staff will investigate thoroughly and that everybody guilty will be punished.

“After working with them for two days I have to say that this is one team I would not like to come up against,” he wrote.

“Our sincere thanks to you the kind and caring Thai people and the Royal Thai Police for acting so quickly and decisively.”

Source: http://www.thephuketnews.com/phuket-police-called-to-bangkok-not-suspects-in-vard-corruption-case-says-lead-investigator-52710.php

-- Phuket News 2015-06-11

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All after the fact he will never get his money back because that is how it works in Thailand he should have known it and I have no sympathy for people who invest money knowing full well it is a 100% corrupt country. Never one cent of my hard earned wealth will make its way into "Investing with Thais" and their "Businesses" what a joke.


“It is impossible not to be encouraged by so many young voices supporting us and demanding an end to corruption. While our Government and embassy abandoned us the Thai people have taken us to their hearts. Something we had no right to expect… Thank you.”

What do they expect. An embassy can only give advise about the laws. He should have contacted the embassy before he burned 65 millions. Rule 1, take a lawyer recommended from the embassy for all real-estate transactions.


Obviously we shall have to wait and see how this progresses but it would seem to be an excellent development, hopefully this investigation will be expedited and the Vard family will receive some form of compensation.

They may not receive all of their money back but I am sure any compensation will be better than what they have now.

An added bonus will be that it might shut up the habitual and cynical contributors we see all too often on TVF, there are legitimate and rewarding business deals done every day in Thailand so I can safely say it i not a "100% corrupt country"

I don't think I have to quote cases when I say that there is corruption outside of Thailand, Thailand may have it's fair share of con men and scammers but it is not alone in the world when it comes to financial crime...


Obviously we shall have to wait and see how this progresses but it would seem to be an excellent development, hopefully this investigation will be expedited and the Vard family will receive some form of compensation.

They may not receive all of their money back but I am sure any compensation will be better than what they have now.

An added bonus will be that it might shut up the habitual and cynical contributors we see all too often on TVF, there are legitimate and rewarding business deals done every day in Thailand so I can safely say it i not a "100% corrupt country"

I don't think I have to quote cases when I say that there is corruption outside of Thailand, Thailand may have it's fair share of con men and scammers but it is not alone in the world when it comes to financial crime...

Only one name outside Thailand springs to mind - FIFA


Obviously we shall have to wait and see how this progresses but it would seem to be an excellent development, hopefully this investigation will be expedited and the Vard family will receive some form of compensation.

They may not receive all of their money back but I am sure any compensation will be better than what they have now.

An added bonus will be that it might shut up the habitual and cynical contributors we see all too often on TVF, there are legitimate and rewarding business deals done every day in Thailand so I can safely say it i not a "100% corrupt country"

I don't think I have to quote cases when I say that there is corruption outside of Thailand, Thailand may have it's fair share of con men and scammers but it is not alone in the world when it comes to financial crime...

Only one name outside Thailand springs to mind - FIFA

Should have read "only one name out of many outside Thailand that springs to mind - FIFA"


Good for you Col, finally you might get the justice you are seeking. I wish you all the best and hope it all finally comes out.


Invited down to Bangkok to get an award for solving a crime so professionally and catching the perpetrators and tracing the victims funds so quickly, well done to the boys in brown on top of things as usual prior to being despatched to a less stressful post .


“It was a failure of communication problem,” he explained. “They each received a complaint filed by Mr Vard, but all of them treated the complaint they received individually. They did not check with each other about the other complaints filed."

In other words they failed to get their story straight So their big boss is lecturing them with a bit of being in the RTP 101. "Get the story straight" and maybe taking the opportunity to get a piece of the action as well.


“It was a failure of communication problem,” he explained. “They each received a complaint filed by Mr Vard, but all of them treated the complaint they received individually. They did not check with each other about the other complaints filed."

The reason they didn't communicate with each other, was that none of the six acted on the complaint they received.


The fool factor on this thread is very high.

Its all about. jealousy. I get it all the time. ..Im just so stupid for living here and making so much money for almost 25years....With Thai partners.

I wish the best for Colin and his kids.


Troll posts and replies removed

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf


“It is impossible not to be encouraged by so many young voices supporting us and demanding an end to corruption. While our Government and embassy abandoned us the Thai people have taken us to their hearts. Something we had no right to expect… Thank you.”

What do they expect. An embassy can only give advise about the laws. He should have contacted the embassy before he burned 65 millions. Rule 1, take a lawyer recommended from the embassy for all real-estate transactions.


I felt and do feel sorry for him and his family for their loss at the hands of scheming cheats. However, he has not been " abandoned " by his government and embassy. It is Thailand and it is Thai law. His government and embassy can do no more than a Thai embassy attempting to interfere in a land/civil dispute in Ireland.

His " praise " of the Thai police will quickly disappear once the TV, newspapers and cameras have faded out of sight and the Police will then rapidly lose interest in his case.

Plenty of ' tea and sympathy ' or in Thailand's case water, will be given but not much else.


In Thailand it is worthless to fight a case if you don't have a high profile lawyer who can at least make the judge be neutral, some/many of the judges knows what these lawyers/lawyer company can dish out if they don't judge by the law and evidence presented.

Its not hard to find these judges as they work for foreign law firms that has been established here for over 40 years, there is one which is over 100. But again, you need very deep pockets to hire them also. For folks who have no money, you are truly at the mercy of the judge to be fair.


“It is impossible not to be encouraged by so many young voices supporting us and demanding an end to corruption. While our Government and embassy abandoned us the Thai people have taken us to their hearts. Something we had no right to expect… Thank you.”

What do they expect. An embassy can only give advise about the laws. He should have contacted the embassy before he burned 65 millions. Rule 1, take a lawyer recommended from the embassy for all real-estate transactions.

I don't think that the British embassy has a list of 'recommended' lawyers.

The one time I needed a lawyer whilst overseas the embassy (not in Thailand I should say) gave me a list of lawyers who could speak English but the list also stated that in no way did inclusion on the list mean that the lawyers were in any way recommended by the embassy.

Perhaps other embassies are different in their approach.


I hope everything turns out ok for this man and his family but there is something which doesn't seem right is how on earth did this man manage to acquire land and property worth 65million baht when according to thai law a farang cannot own land and property unless there is a thai company involved ? there is more to this case than meets the eye I wait with bated breath for the outcome .


INCREDIBLE,!! How can anyone with an IQ above 50 feel sorry for this greedy Irishman?

FACT: No foreigner can own land, house, property in Thailand...PERIOD,!! You may own a

Condo if in the 49% reserved for Foreigners, 51% must be Thai Owner...THE LAW!!!

Any attempt to circumvent the law, Buying land, house in A Company Name, made up by some

Real Estate Lawyers can be changed any time and you lose everything...PERIOD

This GREEDY person got caught up in a Real Estate Scam. Anyone that would put $2mn into

Property without attempting to make "a killing in profits" is not telling the truth. Perhaps HE could

COACH his CHILDERN in the next picture to CRY so they can get sympathy for their GREEDY

FATHER. ,!! This won't work either....$2mn was not enough to retire on in Thailand?? GREED



would like to know if they take any real action against the bangkok taxi driver who abused his daughter. I read that the police laughed at her, and the judge. Surely people on here are either , female, have sisters, daughters, mothers, surely not the lowest . Hopefully we get a pic so we can keep our own family away from such a taxi driver, you know like a beware of this driver type thing....

Ok the cops in puket are corrupt, the face needs saving because - buddha knows perhaps if one loses face then all faces of entire police force is lost for the next 10 generations or something. then we find it is given back and vards told no it is accidnet we mislayed your papers and we return your fines.

I hope things get sorted out for them, however a light being shone at least prevents a dissapearance, which may be all that can be hoped for....

as for corruption outside of Thailand, need I mention weapons of mass destruction, how many countries fell for that? how many innocients got murdered for that crock. I think we are all aware that corruption exists within our own civilised countries, we just carry out the theft on a larger scale.



I may have to think in bring the Thai police to the US.

There....I didn't have any chance or reponse in demanding investigation about all the money the US banks and lenders got from my business during the well designed real estate "crash" in 2008.....

Talking about corruption and fraud......


Just FRUSTRATED by these Greedy People that get coauthor up in their own

Stupidity and "Cry like a baby" to every one else....Stupid is as Stupid Does...


You really need to take a valium!


“It is impossible not to be encouraged by so many young voices supporting us and demanding an end to corruption. While our Government and embassy abandoned us the Thai people have taken us to their hearts. Something we had no right to expect… Thank you.”

What do they expect. An embassy can only give advise about the laws. He should have contacted the embassy before he burned 65 millions. Rule 1, take a lawyer recommended from the embassy for all real-estate transactions.

laugh.png My 'lawyer recommended by the embassy' ended up being engaged to act for my opponent in a serious criminal case I was pursuing them for. You couldn't make this place up blink.png


Like the rest of us ..I do hope this guy can get some justice and or some of his money back while some sort of retribution is applied upon the low life perpetrators....but that is wishful thinking for the most part.

Meantime...his case can be used as a good example of just how risky it can be and how vulnerable a foreigner is, if and when a foreigner decides to invest or use their money to buy land or house properties....as compared to a long list of other types of money generating business enterprises to be pursued in this country.

For myself and I surmise most others the land and house properties business would be on the bottom of the list as to where to apply your hard earned money as compared to many other means and ways to generate income and profits in a country that is the same or similar as near every country in the world having well over a hundred different money generating business possibilities and opportunities, as compared to investing into land and house properties here in Thailand.

Just saying



INCREDIBLE,!! How can anyone with an IQ above 50 feel sorry for this greedy Irishman?

FACT: No foreigner can own land, house, property in Thailand...PERIOD,!! You may own a

Condo if in the 49% reserved for Foreigners, 51% must be Thai Owner...THE LAW!!!

Any attempt to circumvent the law, Buying land, house in A Company Name, made up by some

Real Estate Lawyers can be changed any time and you lose everything...PERIOD

This GREEDY person got caught up in a Real Estate Scam. Anyone that would put $2mn into

Property without attempting to make "a killing in profits" is not telling the truth. Perhaps HE could

COACH his CHILDERN in the next picture to CRY so they can get sympathy for their GREEDY

FATHER. ,!! This won't work either....$2mn was not enough to retire on in Thailand?? GREED


Has someone had their fingers burned little Mary angermanagment?

Little Ray of Sunshine. You prove 2 things. That a little knowledge is a dangerous thing and God has a twisted sense of humor. Oh and don't bother responding I wont be checking back in to read another misinformed rant. You are the type of person that turns what could be fantastic helpful forum into what is known as the fools forum.


Just FRUSTRATED by these Greedy People that get coauthor up in their own

Stupidity and "Cry like a baby" to every one else....Stupid is as Stupid Does...


Why are you calling him greedy? Did he have more than you did. You sound pathetic and no one wants your comments here. Why should you be frustrated? Really?

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