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Red-shirt activist Jaran grateful France granted him political asylum


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So in other words, you are perfectly happy to see Thai citizens persecuted for their political beliefs to the point where they are forced to leave the country - THEIR country.

Jesus Christ, I don't know what is wrong with some people on here, I really don't...

If it is their political belief that a corrupt criminal should rule the country

if it is their political belief that it is good news when innocent children are killed

if it is their political belief that artist with other political beliefs should be violently hindered from performing

if it is their political belief that Bangkok should be burnt down

if it is their political belief corruption is a way of making politics

if it is their political belief that violence like firing grenades on people whose belief they don't like is a legal way of politics

if ... if ... if....

than I am perfectly happy that those citizens should be forced to completely abandon those believes

and I would not be sad if they

leave the country for France . or better Siberia or may be the moon?

I take it that it is your political belief that a corrupt general should rule Thailand.

I take it that it is your political belief that PM Prayuth is corrupt

It's not political, it's based upon evidence: http://thediplomat.com/2014/10/thai-junta-beset-by-corruption-scandals/

and statements in Foreign Policy, a respected journal:

"...Prayuth soon became a prominent member of the Eastern Tigers, a royalist military faction based in eastern Thailand. In the 1990s, Chambers said, the Eastern Tigers amassed considerable wealth by trading gems with Cambodian Khmer Rouge insurgents based along the two countries’ border, a racket which “directly benefited” the faction and some of its commanders. Within a decade, the Eastern Tigers dominated the Thai military."

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Perhaps he might ask his political master for a pension, since he seems to still be devoting his time to political-activities, or doesn't that fit with his communist ideals ?

Quite correct my friend. He certainly deserves a pension from the convicted criminal, accused terrorist, accused mass murderer fugitive. He is one of his biggest fans.

Some will say "he was" to further their agenda, but the fact of the matter is they are living in the past. It is "he is" that is important.

This guy travelled to Washington DC to consort with the National Endowment for Democracy and America's largest corporations for support in their bid to return his ousted criminal leader, Thaksin Shinawatra to power. This is treason and is in tune with cancerous red shirt ideals that have no qualms with convicted criminals running the country as they themselves are cut from the same jib.

"He was" is living in the past, but that does not surprise me as the same people still refer to elections 4 years ago to gauge a certain parties popularity. What is important is "He is" and he is a thaksin fan through and through. He loves him. I actually follow this moron on twitter as it fascinates me how red shirts think and what they like to pass as facts. He uses twitter as his platform to spew misguided rhetoric to the gullible. Up until May the 8th he is still defending the criminal. My favourite post from this terrorist supporter that blatantly shows his twisted interpretation of facts was on March 26th. He fails to mention any background into the reasons given for the shutdown and as per standard MO refers to yellow TV who of course had different content on their channel. Content that DID NOT break the law...

With education comes responsibilities and unfortunately this man is a great big fat failure when it comes to responsibility. Instead of harnessing his education to further Thailand like the Right Honorable Abhisit is doing currently, but uses it to split the country and not surprisingly is supporting a small, but very violent and vocal minority that have the audacity to spout majority backing through a belief structure that only the most ardent supporters still believe.

<deleted>. Do you ever take your Yellow Raybans off?

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Perhaps he might ask his political master for a pension, since he seems to still be devoting his time to political-activities, or doesn't that fit with his communist ideals ?

Quite correct my friend. He certainly deserves a pension from the convicted criminal, accused terrorist, accused mass murderer fugitive. He is one of his biggest fans.

Some will say "he was" to further their agenda, but the fact of the matter is they are living in the past. It is "he is" that is important.

This guy travelled to Washington DC to consort with the National Endowment for Democracy and America's largest corporations for support in their bid to return his ousted criminal leader, Thaksin Shinawatra to power. This is treason and is in tune with cancerous red shirt ideals that have no qualms with convicted criminals running the country as they themselves are cut from the same jib.

"He was" is living in the past, but that does not surprise me as the same people still refer to elections 4 years ago to gauge a certain parties popularity. What is important is "He is" and he is a thaksin fan through and through. He loves him. I actually follow this moron on twitter as it fascinates me how red shirts think and what they like to pass as facts. He uses twitter as his platform to spew misguided rhetoric to the gullible. Up until May the 8th he is still defending the criminal. My favourite post from this terrorist supporter that blatantly shows his twisted interpretation of facts was on March 26th. He fails to mention any background into the reasons given for the shutdown and as per standard MO refers to yellow TV who of course had different content on their channel. Content that DID NOT break the law...

With education comes responsibilities and unfortunately this man is a great big fat failure when it comes to responsibility. Instead of harnessing his education to further Thailand like the Right Honorable Abhisit is doing currently, but uses it to split the country and not surprisingly is supporting a small, but very violent and vocal minority that have the audacity to spout majority backing through a belief structure that only the most ardent supporters still believe.

You must be a massively huge troll!

You can not even half believe the bullenscheiss you spout!

DM07 " Vocal minority"" ???? Now then I do not regard Prayut as being very smart but he is a heap smarter than you in that he recognises immediately his opposition is not a minority which is why he is dead scared of elections. He is using his powers vested in himself to avoid elections at all costs, smarter than you by a country mile.

Dear Glen...you better learn reading!

That is not my comment, you are responding to!

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Perhaps he might ask his political master for a pension, since he seems to still be devoting his time to political-activities, or doesn't that fit with his communist ideals ?

Quite correct my friend. He certainly deserves a pension from the convicted criminal, accused terrorist, accused mass murderer fugitive. He is one of his biggest fans.

Some will say "he was" to further their agenda, but the fact of the matter is they are living in the past. It is "he is" that is important.

This guy travelled to Washington DC to consort with the National Endowment for Democracy and America's largest corporations for support in their bid to return his ousted criminal leader, Thaksin Shinawatra to power. This is treason and is in tune with cancerous red shirt ideals that have no qualms with convicted criminals running the country as they themselves are cut from the same jib.

"He was" is living in the past, but that does not surprise me as the same people still refer to elections 4 years ago to gauge a certain parties popularity. What is important is "He is" and he is a thaksin fan through and through. He loves him. I actually follow this moron on twitter as it fascinates me how red shirts think and what they like to pass as facts. He uses twitter as his platform to spew misguided rhetoric to the gullible. Up until May the 8th he is still defending the criminal. My favourite post from this terrorist supporter that blatantly shows his twisted interpretation of facts was on March 26th. He fails to mention any background into the reasons given for the shutdown and as per standard MO refers to yellow TV who of course had different content on their channel. Content that DID NOT break the law...

With education comes responsibilities and unfortunately this man is a great big fat failure when it comes to responsibility. Instead of harnessing his education to further Thailand like the Right Honorable Abhisit is doing currently, but uses it to split the country and not surprisingly is supporting a small, but very violent and vocal minority that have the audacity to spout majority backing through a belief structure that only the most ardent supporters still believe.

Still glue-sniffing hey Jamie.

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Having in power an army top brass who granted himself absolut power, use of LM law to shut up opposition, using extra judicial trials, and a dictature harsh government is why France accepted to grant him asylum....

If i follow the way of thinking of some posters here, that means that 3/4 of isaan people should go to jail....

You can't shut up opposition forever, especially if the ones in power abuse their ranks and are absolutly uncapable of governing a country....

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Perhaps he might ask his political master for a pension, since he seems to still be devoting his time to political-activities, or doesn't that fit with his communist ideals ?

Quite correct my friend. He certainly deserves a pension from the convicted criminal, accused terrorist, accused mass murderer fugitive. He is one of his biggest fans.

Some will say "he was" to further their agenda, but the fact of the matter is they are living in the past. It is "he is" that is important.

This guy travelled to Washington DC to consort with the National Endowment for Democracy and America's largest corporations for support in their bid to return his ousted criminal leader, Thaksin Shinawatra to power. This is treason and is in tune with cancerous red shirt ideals that have no qualms with convicted criminals running the country as they themselves are cut from the same jib.

"He was" is living in the past, but that does not surprise me as the same people still refer to elections 4 years ago to gauge a certain parties popularity. What is important is "He is" and he is a thaksin fan through and through. He loves him. I actually follow this moron on twitter as it fascinates me how red shirts think and what they like to pass as facts. He uses twitter as his platform to spew misguided rhetoric to the gullible. Up until May the 8th he is still defending the criminal. My favourite post from this terrorist supporter that blatantly shows his twisted interpretation of facts was on March 26th. He fails to mention any background into the reasons given for the shutdown and as per standard MO refers to yellow TV who of course had different content on their channel. Content that DID NOT break the law...

With education comes responsibilities and unfortunately this man is a great big fat failure when it comes to responsibility. Instead of harnessing his education to further Thailand like the Right Honorable Abhisit is doing currently, but uses it to split the country and not surprisingly is supporting a small, but very violent and vocal minority that have the audacity to spout majority backing through a belief structure that only the most ardent supporters still believe.

You must be a massively huge troll!

You can not even half believe the bullenscheiss you spout!

Ha ha - if you want to accuse an intelligent comment of being a troll, you need to sort out your semi-literate responses so you don't come across as the stereotype, bitter red-shirt half-wit.

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Could be worse. Britain could have been blind enough to grant him asylum. Stay in France, mate! coffee1.gif

Britain would be better with him than the likes of Abu Qatada and his mates/family!

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With apologies to DM07 who never said what I quoted. Sorry about that. Could it be worthy of LM?/

The French connection I find very interesting.

90 odd years ago when Ho Chi Minh and Saloth Sar ( Pol Pot) were studying their future tactics in France a parallel group of bright young Thais in Paris were plotting the overthrow of the absolute Thai monarchy.

The coup they planned in France and conducted in Thailand was something of an ambush and initially successful. However the leader of this group, Pridi Banomyang, who had a doctorate in law, composed a constitution for Thailand which had a very short life. Their vision for Thailand was a French style democracy including universal suffrage and equal rights for all citizens in the law. The Siamese elite quickly regained their composure and grip on things, tore up the constitution and bannished Pridi as a fugitive criminal.

However Pridi was made of stern stuff, returning to Thailand he became the legendary code named " Ruth" in the Free Thai resistance movement opposing the Japanese occupation.

He became powerful enough to mastermind the overthrow of the pro Japan government of Field Marshal Phibun, He then ordered the declarations of war against the Allies to be destroyed and claimed Thailand's position to be pro Allies. These acts prompted the USA to oppose and veto Britain's attempts to punish Thailand for war crimes in 1946.

In 1946 Pridi became the first PM of Thailand to be elected by popular vote. However the Bangkok elite, sons and daughters of the Siamese elite had their knives out. Pridi's crime was that he was a committed socialist who believed in justice, fairness and equality. Accused of many crimes, he fled Thailand to die in France as a fugitive criminal. To the world at large Pridi goes down in history as a leading world figure, a hero, a patriot and a man vilified and hated in Bangkok. France could have played a big role in shaping a democratic system in Thailand with both left and right factions represented. But the Bangkok elite say no. Anyone who opposes the elite is a fugitive and a criminal. Some of the vaccuum now left in Thai politics has been exploited by TS.

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Perhaps he might ask his political master for a pension, since he seems to still be devoting his time to political-activities, or doesn't that fit with his communist ideals ?

Quite correct my friend. He certainly deserves a pension from the convicted criminal, accused terrorist, accused mass murderer fugitive. He is one of his biggest fans.

Some will say "he was" to further their agenda, but the fact of the matter is they are living in the past. It is "he is" that is important.

This guy travelled to Washington DC to consort with the National Endowment for Democracy and America's largest corporations for support in their bid to return his ousted criminal leader, Thaksin Shinawatra to power. This is treason and is in tune with cancerous red shirt ideals that have no qualms with convicted criminals running the country as they themselves are cut from the same jib.

"He was" is living in the past, but that does not surprise me as the same people still refer to elections 4 years ago to gauge a certain parties popularity. What is important is "He is" and he is a thaksin fan through and through. He loves him. I actually follow this moron on twitter as it fascinates me how red shirts think and what they like to pass as facts. He uses twitter as his platform to spew misguided rhetoric to the gullible. Up until May the 8th he is still defending the criminal. My favourite post from this terrorist supporter that blatantly shows his twisted interpretation of facts was on March 26th. He fails to mention any background into the reasons given for the shutdown and as per standard MO refers to yellow TV who of course had different content on their channel. Content that DID NOT break the law...

With education comes responsibilities and unfortunately this man is a great big fat failure when it comes to responsibility. Instead of harnessing his education to further Thailand like the Right Honorable Abhisit is doing currently, but uses it to split the country and not surprisingly is supporting a small, but very violent and vocal minority that have the audacity to spout majority backing through a belief structure that only the most ardent supporters still believe.

You must be a massively huge troll!

You can not even half believe the bullenscheiss you spout!

Ha ha - if you want to accuse an intelligent comment of being a troll, you need to sort out your semi-literate responses so you don't come across as the stereotype, bitter red-shirt half-wit.

You must consider Sean Hannity quite the intellectual in that case, if you thought the above diatribe was in any way intelligent comment...

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Lots of posters are claiming Jaran did many terrible things. If Thailand tried to extradite him for burning buildings or murder and had evidence these charges were legitimate I'm sure France would be cooperative. However the only reasons mentioned for the extradition are refusing to report to the military junta when summoned and possible lese majeste offenses. I can think of no civilized countries that will extradite someone for these "offenses".

I can't find one post that claiming Jaran did terrible things like burning buildings......

Post #11 accused him of treason, post #19 ties him to a list of offenses including burning Bangkok, post #21 calls him a Redshirt activist who wants to burn down...Wait a second, you posted #21. Why are you asking?

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So in other words, you are perfectly happy to see Thai citizens persecuted for their political beliefs to the point where they are forced to leave the country - THEIR country.

Jesus Christ, I don't know what is wrong with some people on here, I really don't...

If it is their political belief that a corrupt criminal should rule the country

if it is their political belief that it is good news when innocent children are killed

if it is their political belief that artist with other political beliefs should be violently hindered from performing

if it is their political belief that Bangkok should be burnt down

if it is their political belief corruption is a way of making politics

if it is their political belief that violence like firing grenades on people whose belief they don't like is a legal way of politics

if ... if ... if....

than I am perfectly happy that those citizens should be forced to completely abandon those believes

and I would not be sad if they

leave the country for France . or better Siberia or may be the moon?

I take it that it is your political belief that a corrupt general should rule Thailand.

Please show evidence or even rumors about corruption of the general.

I covered this in post #31, but it's worth repeating:

It's not political, it's based upon evidence: http://thediplomat.c...ption-scandals/

and statements in Foreign Policy, a respected journal:

"...Prayuth soon became a prominent member of the Eastern Tigers, a royalist military faction based in eastern Thailand. In the 1990s, Chambers said, the Eastern Tigers amassed considerable wealth by trading gems with Cambodian Khmer Rouge insurgents based along the two countries’ border, a racket which “directly benefited” the faction and some of its commanders. Within a decade, the Eastern Tigers dominated the Thai military."

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With apologies to DM07 who never said what I quoted. Sorry about that. Could it be worthy of LM?/

The French connection I find very interesting.

90 odd years ago when Ho Chi Minh and Saloth Sar ( Pol Pot) were studying their future tactics in France a parallel group of bright young Thais in Paris were plotting the overthrow of the absolute Thai monarchy.

The coup they planned in France and conducted in Thailand was something of an ambush and initially successful. However the leader of this group, Pridi Banomyang, who had a doctorate in law, composed a constitution for Thailand which had a very short life. Their vision for Thailand was a French style democracy including universal suffrage and equal rights for all citizens in the law. The Siamese elite quickly regained their composure and grip on things, tore up the constitution and bannished Pridi as a fugitive criminal.

However Pridi was made of stern stuff, returning to Thailand he became the legendary code named " Ruth" in the Free Thai resistance movement opposing the Japanese occupation.

He became powerful enough to mastermind the overthrow of the pro Japan government of Field Marshal Phibun, He then ordered the declarations of war against the Allies to be destroyed and claimed Thailand's position to be pro Allies. These acts prompted the USA to oppose and veto Britain's attempts to punish Thailand for war crimes in 1946.

In 1946 Pridi became the first PM of Thailand to be elected by popular vote. However the Bangkok elite, sons and daughters of the Siamese elite had their knives out. Pridi's crime was that he was a committed socialist who believed in justice, fairness and equality. Accused of many crimes, he fled Thailand to die in France as a fugitive criminal. To the world at large Pridi goes down in history as a leading world figure, a hero, a patriot and a man vilified and hated in Bangkok. France could have played a big role in shaping a democratic system in Thailand with both left and right factions represented. But the Bangkok elite say no. Anyone who opposes the elite is a fugitive and a criminal. Some of the vaccuum now left in Thai politics has been exploited by TS.

Great post and hopefully will educate some deluded people here.

The grand children of those anti pridi elites are running Thailand today. Still looking down and sneering at the masses. I can't wait for the day they get their comeuppance.

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Perhaps he might ask his political master for a pension, since he seems to still be devoting his time to political-activities, or doesn't that fit with his communist ideals ?

Quite correct my friend. He certainly deserves a pension from the convicted criminal, accused terrorist, accused mass murderer fugitive. He is one of his biggest fans.

Some will say "he was" to further their agenda, but the fact of the matter is they are living in the past. It is "he is" that is important.

This guy travelled to Washington DC to consort with the National Endowment for Democracy and America's largest corporations for support in their bid to return his ousted criminal leader, Thaksin Shinawatra to power. This is treason and is in tune with cancerous red shirt ideals that have no qualms with convicted criminals running the country as they themselves are cut from the same jib.

"He was" is living in the past, but that does not surprise me as the same people still refer to elections 4 years ago to gauge a certain parties popularity. What is important is "He is" and he is a thaksin fan through and through. He loves him. I actually follow this moron on twitter as it fascinates me how red shirts think and what they like to pass as facts. He uses twitter as his platform to spew misguided rhetoric to the gullible. Up until May the 8th he is still defending the criminal. My favourite post from this terrorist supporter that blatantly shows his twisted interpretation of facts was on March 26th. He fails to mention any background into the reasons given for the shutdown and as per standard MO refers to yellow TV who of course had different content on their channel. Content that DID NOT break the law...

With education comes responsibilities and unfortunately this man is a great big fat failure when it comes to responsibility. Instead of harnessing his education to further Thailand like the Right Honorable Abhisit is doing currently, but uses it to split the country and not surprisingly is supporting a small, but very violent and vocal minority that have the audacity to spout majority backing through a belief structure that only the most ardent supporters still believe.

You must be a massively huge troll!

You can not even half believe the bullenscheiss you spout!

..............."You must be a massively huge troll!"..................

It takes one to know one !

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With apologies to DM07 who never said what I quoted. Sorry about that. Could it be worthy of LM?/

The French connection I find very interesting.

90 odd years ago when Ho Chi Minh and Saloth Sar ( Pol Pot) were studying their future tactics in France a parallel group of bright young Thais in Paris were plotting the overthrow of the absolute Thai monarchy.

The coup they planned in France and conducted in Thailand was something of an ambush and initially successful. However the leader of this group, Pridi Banomyang, who had a doctorate in law, composed a constitution for Thailand which had a very short life. Their vision for Thailand was a French style democracy including universal suffrage and equal rights for all citizens in the law. The Siamese elite quickly regained their composure and grip on things, tore up the constitution and bannished Pridi as a fugitive criminal.

However Pridi was made of stern stuff, returning to Thailand he became the legendary code named " Ruth" in the Free Thai resistance movement opposing the Japanese occupation.

He became powerful enough to mastermind the overthrow of the pro Japan government of Field Marshal Phibun, He then ordered the declarations of war against the Allies to be destroyed and claimed Thailand's position to be pro Allies. These acts prompted the USA to oppose and veto Britain's attempts to punish Thailand for war crimes in 1946.

In 1946 Pridi became the first PM of Thailand to be elected by popular vote. However the Bangkok elite, sons and daughters of the Siamese elite had their knives out. Pridi's crime was that he was a committed socialist who believed in justice, fairness and equality. Accused of many crimes, he fled Thailand to die in France as a fugitive criminal. To the world at large Pridi goes down in history as a leading world figure, a hero, a patriot and a man vilified and hated in Bangkok. France could have played a big role in shaping a democratic system in Thailand with both left and right factions represented. But the Bangkok elite say no. Anyone who opposes the elite is a fugitive and a criminal. Some of the vaccuum now left in Thai politics has been exploited by TS.

Great post and hopefully will educate some deluded people here.

No it won't. They will just accuse Pridi of being a Thaksin stooge...

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Could be worse. Britain could have been blind enough to grant him asylum. Stay in France, mate! coffee1.gif

What a stupid comment!!

Khun Jaran is not a terrorist or is inciting violence in any form.

He is a long time political activist (former HRW commissioner) brave enough to speak his mind even if is against the mighty and powerful!!

As for his LM charges, remember this case:

Contrary to Gen Thanasak’s speech to the UN, Thailand, since the 2014 coup, has seen the highest number of lèse majesté prisoners in any period of Thai history, according to iLaw.

Recently, Patiwat S. and Pornthip M., two student activists, were recently sentenced to five years imprisonment for their involvement in ‘The Wolf Bride’, a political play allegedly defaming the monarchy. The jail term, however, was halved because the two pleaded guilty.

Mr Jaran's "crime" was that he defended the students right to express their opinion, also known as free speech.

Khun Jaran keep up the good work, Thailand need people like you to question the powers and institutions of Thailand!!

Red Shirt activist.....take bottles we burn down Bangkok, etc activist or did he ever distance himself from the red violence?

LM...most of the LM prisoners would be also in jail in any other country as they would be over the limits of free speech.....

LM...most of the LM prisoners would be also in jail in any other country as they would be over the limits of free speech.....

you have posted this nonsense before.

it is still just nonsense. coffee1.gif

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With apologies to DM07 who never said what I quoted. Sorry about that. Could it be worthy of LM?/

The French connection I find very interesting.

90 odd years ago when Ho Chi Minh and Saloth Sar ( Pol Pot) were studying their future tactics in France a parallel group of bright young Thais in Paris were plotting the overthrow of the absolute Thai monarchy.

The coup they planned in France and conducted in Thailand was something of an ambush and initially successful. However the leader of this group, Pridi Banomyang, who had a doctorate in law, composed a constitution for Thailand which had a very short life. Their vision for Thailand was a French style democracy including universal suffrage and equal rights for all citizens in the law. The Siamese elite quickly regained their composure and grip on things, tore up the constitution and bannished Pridi as a fugitive criminal.

However Pridi was made of stern stuff, returning to Thailand he became the legendary code named " Ruth" in the Free Thai resistance movement opposing the Japanese occupation.

He became powerful enough to mastermind the overthrow of the pro Japan government of Field Marshal Phibun, He then ordered the declarations of war against the Allies to be destroyed and claimed Thailand's position to be pro Allies. These acts prompted the USA to oppose and veto Britain's attempts to punish Thailand for war crimes in 1946.

In 1946 Pridi became the first PM of Thailand to be elected by popular vote. However the Bangkok elite, sons and daughters of the Siamese elite had their knives out. Pridi's crime was that he was a committed socialist who believed in justice, fairness and equality. Accused of many crimes, he fled Thailand to die in France as a fugitive criminal. To the world at large Pridi goes down in history as a leading world figure, a hero, a patriot and a man vilified and hated in Bangkok. France could have played a big role in shaping a democratic system in Thailand with both left and right factions represented. But the Bangkok elite say no. Anyone who opposes the elite is a fugitive and a criminal. Some of the vaccuum now left in Thai politics has been exploited by TS.

Great post and hopefully will educate some deluded people here.

No it won't. They will just accuse Pridi of being a Thaksin stooge...

Pridi Banomyong was indeed the father of Thai democracy but it is rather difficult to find any Thai (non-military) government to hold in any way close to his ideals, or the ideals of democracy for that matter.

It is a blatant lie to say he is villified in Bangkok as there is a major thoroughfare named after him as well as an institute, both in Bangkok.

I certainly am not a red shirt or Shin supporter but one cannot lump the whole lot under one or even a number of banners & cannot help feeling some support for Jaran (and Ji Ungpakorn) who has to flee his country because of the insidious LM law. It & the defamation laws are used by all sides of politics here to shut up opponents.

Edited by khunken
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Could be worse. Britain could have been blind enough to grant him asylum. Stay in France, mate! coffee1.gif

What a stupid comment!!

Khun Jaran is not a terrorist or is inciting violence in any form.

He is a long time political activist (former HRW commissioner) brave enough to speak his mind even if is against the mighty and powerful!!

As for his LM charges, remember this case:

Contrary to Gen Thanasak’s speech to the UN, Thailand, since the 2014 coup, has seen the highest number of lèse majesté prisoners in any period of Thai history, according to iLaw.

Recently, Patiwat S. and Pornthip M., two student activists, were recently sentenced to five years imprisonment for their involvement in ‘The Wolf Bride’, a political play allegedly defaming the monarchy. The jail term, however, was halved because the two pleaded guilty.

Mr Jaran's "crime" was that he defended the students right to express their opinion, also known as free speech.

Khun Jaran keep up the good work, Thailand need people like you to question the powers and institutions of Thailand!!

Red Shirt activist.....take bottles we burn down Bangkok, etc activist or did he ever distance himself from the red violence?

LM...most of the LM prisoners would be also in jail in any other country as they would be over the limits of free speech.....

LM...most of the LM prisoners would be also in jail in any other country as they would be over the limits of free speech.....

you have posted this nonsense before.

it is still just nonsense. coffee1.gif

It is still true....I assume you know what was spoken in most cases....It was not critic of the monarchy...

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Lots of posters are claiming Jaran did many terrible things. If Thailand tried to extradite him for burning buildings or murder and had evidence these charges were legitimate I'm sure France would be cooperative. However the only reasons mentioned for the extradition are refusing to report to the military junta when summoned and possible lese majeste offenses. I can think of no civilized countries that will extradite someone for these "offenses".

I can't find one post that claiming Jaran did terrible things like burning buildings......

Post #11 accused him of treason, post #19 ties him to a list of offenses including burning Bangkok, post #21 calls him a Redshirt activist who wants to burn down...Wait a second, you posted #21. Why are you asking?

"Red Shirt activist.....take bottles we burn down Bangkok, etc activist or did he ever distance himself from the red violence?"

Where does this tell that he burned down buildings? It says that he silently agreed by being member of this criminal organization and by not distance from this. Not a word.....And all these red free speech supporter threaten the yellows with violence when they met. I can't understand how someone can be sympathetic to them. In downtown Bangkok, where you could see them in action, you won't find any red supporters.....You find supporters only at brainwashed people somewhere outside who are victims of the propaganda and some of the old communists who want to change Thailand their way with the help of Thaksins money.

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What a stupid comment!!

Khun Jaran is not a terrorist or is inciting violence in any form.

He is a long time political activist (former HRW commissioner) brave enough to speak his mind even if is against the mighty and powerful!!

As for his LM charges, remember this case:

Contrary to Gen Thanasak’s speech to the UN, Thailand, since the 2014 coup, has seen the highest number of lèse majesté prisoners in any period of Thai history, according to iLaw.

Recently, Patiwat S. and Pornthip M., two student activists, were recently sentenced to five years imprisonment for their involvement in ‘The Wolf Bride’, a political play allegedly defaming the monarchy. The jail term, however, was halved because the two pleaded guilty.

Mr Jaran's "crime" was that he defended the students right to express their opinion, also known as free speech.

Khun Jaran keep up the good work, Thailand need people like you to question the powers and institutions of Thailand!!

Red Shirt activist.....take bottles we burn down Bangkok, etc activist or did he ever distance himself from the red violence?

LM...most of the LM prisoners would be also in jail in any other country as they would be over the limits of free speech.....

LM...most of the LM prisoners would be also in jail in any other country as they would be over the limits of free speech.....

you have posted this nonsense before.

it is still just nonsense. coffee1.gif

It is still true....I assume you know what was spoken in most cases....It was not critic of the monarchy...


sorry, but to list the stupid charges for which people have been imprisoned under the LM laws would be completely lost on you. But let's say that a taxi driver talking to his fare would not be in jail in other countries, students in a theatrical play would not be in jail in other countries, a janitor in a shopping mall would not be in jail in in other countries, a woman seen wearing black in December on her facebook page would not be charged with any crime in other countries, academics pointing out the policies of people who lived centuries ago would not be in jail, ... gosh I could go on and on...

So, no, your little fantasy about LM and how most of these people would be in jail anywhere else is ... complete ... non-sense.

of course you don't know that, but that was already clear.

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Hopefully there will be plane loads of Red shirts,leaving Thailand

in the very near future.for France.

regards Worgeordie

So in other words, you are perfectly happy to see Thai citizens persecuted for their political beliefs to the point where they are forced to leave the country - THEIR country.

Jesus Christ, I don't know what is wrong with some people on here, I really don't...

If it is their political belief that a corrupt criminal should rule the country

if it is their political belief that it is good news when innocent children are killed

if it is their political belief that artist with other political beliefs should be violently hindered from performing

if it is their political belief that Bangkok should be burnt down

if it is their political belief corruption is a way of making politics

if it is their political belief that violence like firing grenades on people whose belief they don't like is a legal way of politics

if ... if ... if....

than I am perfectly happy that those citizens should be forced to completely abandon those believes

and I would not be sad if they

leave the country for France . or better Siberia or may be the moon?

Why don't we have Democratic elections and see ... You probably belief in selective democracy.

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With apologies to DM07 who never said what I quoted. Sorry about that. Could it be worthy of LM?/

The French connection I find very interesting.

90 odd years ago when Ho Chi Minh and Saloth Sar ( Pol Pot) were studying their future tactics in France a parallel group of bright young Thais in Paris were plotting the overthrow of the absolute Thai monarchy.

The coup they planned in France and conducted in Thailand was something of an ambush and initially successful. However the leader of this group, Pridi Banomyang, who had a doctorate in law, composed a constitution for Thailand which had a very short life. Their vision for Thailand was a French style democracy including universal suffrage and equal rights for all citizens in the law. The Siamese elite quickly regained their composure and grip on things, tore up the constitution and bannished Pridi as a fugitive criminal.

However Pridi was made of stern stuff, returning to Thailand he became the legendary code named " Ruth" in the Free Thai resistance movement opposing the Japanese occupation.

He became powerful enough to mastermind the overthrow of the pro Japan government of Field Marshal Phibun, He then ordered the declarations of war against the Allies to be destroyed and claimed Thailand's position to be pro Allies. These acts prompted the USA to oppose and veto Britain's attempts to punish Thailand for war crimes in 1946.

In 1946 Pridi became the first PM of Thailand to be elected by popular vote. However the Bangkok elite, sons and daughters of the Siamese elite had their knives out. Pridi's crime was that he was a committed socialist who believed in justice, fairness and equality. Accused of many crimes, he fled Thailand to die in France as a fugitive criminal. To the world at large Pridi goes down in history as a leading world figure, a hero, a patriot and a man vilified and hated in Bangkok. France could have played a big role in shaping a democratic system in Thailand with both left and right factions represented. But the Bangkok elite say no. Anyone who opposes the elite is a fugitive and a criminal. Some of the vaccuum now left in Thai politics has been exploited by TS.

Great post and hopefully will educate some deluded people here.

No it won't. They will just accuse Pridi of being a Thaksin stooge...

Pridi Banomyong was indeed the father of Thai democracy but it is rather difficult to find any Thai (non-military) government to hold in any way close to his ideals, or the ideals of democracy for that matter.

It is a blatant lie to say he is villified in Bangkok as there is a major thoroughfare named after him as well as an institute, both in Bangkok.

I certainly am not a red shirt or Shin supporter but one cannot lump the whole lot under one or even a number of banners & cannot help feeling some support for Jaran (and Ji Ungpakorn) who has to flee his country because of the insidious LM law. It & the defamation laws are used by all sides of politics here to shut up opponents.

Ok Khun Ken I will concede to you and should have said was disliked. I was basing on a study of the criminal charges against him which I would have termed outrageous vilification, they threw a thousand more vicious and nasty charges at Pridi, a life long socialist, than the minor affairs the Shinawatra clan are facing. My point is that we have been through all this before with the Bangkok elite, nearly 100 years of it. It is a shame that Pridi was not the father of Thai democracy Democracy cannot exist in this country due to the absence of any left wing politicians. Without a left wing movement there can be no natural rotation of leadership as occurs in European and other democracies. Vilification may not be the right word but given that Pridi spent the last 22 years of his life outside the country he loved, he must have felt very unwelcome here in spite of the fact that he now has some features in BKK named after him. His successors who have recently fled must also be feeling the same way. In a democracy politicians do not normally have to live outside the country. Even the most disgraced of politicians abroad, and including some dictators, have been allowed to die in their own country.

I agree with you about LM in Thailand, just a political tool. I think there is a misunderstanding with some people who state that other countries have a LM law. That is quite different in that in a number of countries it is in place to protect visiting dignitaries from local insult, not to protect the local monarch.

Edited by glenmohr
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Great post and hopefully will educate some deluded people here.

No it won't. They will just accuse Pridi of being a Thaksin stooge...

Pridi Banomyong was indeed the father of Thai democracy but it is rather difficult to find any Thai (non-military) government to hold in any way close to his ideals, or the ideals of democracy for that matter.

It is a blatant lie to say he is villified in Bangkok as there is a major thoroughfare named after him as well as an institute, both in Bangkok.

I certainly am not a red shirt or Shin supporter but one cannot lump the whole lot under one or even a number of banners & cannot help feeling some support for Jaran (and Ji Ungpakorn) who has to flee his country because of the insidious LM law. It & the defamation laws are used by all sides of politics here to shut up opponents.

Ok Lil Dragon I will concede to you and should have said was disliked. I was basing on a study of the criminal charges against him which I would have termed outrageous vilification, they threw a thousand more vicious and nasty charges at Pridi, a life long socialist, than the minor affairs the Shinawatra clan are facing. My point is that we have been through all this before with the Bangkok elite, nearly 100 years of it. It is a shame that Pridi was not the father of Thai democracy Democracy cannot exist in this country due to the absence of any left wing politicians. Without a left wing movement there can be no natural rotation of leadership as occurs in European and other democracies. Vilification may not be the right word but given that Pridi spent the last 22 years of his life outside the country he loved, he must have felt very unwelcome here in spite of the fact that he now has some features in BKK named after him. His successors who have recently fled must also be feeling the same way. In a democracy politicians do not normally have to live outside the country. Even the most disgraced of politicians abroad, and including some dictators, have been allowed to die in their own country.

I agree with you about LM in Thailand, just a political tool. I think there is a misunderstanding with some people who state that other countries have a LM law. That is quite different in that in a number of countries it is in place to protect visiting dignitaries from local insult, not to protect the local monarch.

I agree with most of what you say, especially that no real left-of-centre party has emerged. Certainly Pridi WAS vilified in the distant past but he is recognised - even by the mythical Bangkok 'elite' - as the father of Thai democracy.

The problem with most of the left-wing individuals is that they have attached themselves to politicians or groups funded by politicians (elites) who have no use for their ideology but only to use them to further their power and enrichment aims.

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Perhaps he might ask his political master for a pension, since he seems to still be devoting his time to political-activities, or doesn't that fit with his communist ideals ?

Your knee jerk reaction demonstrates that you don't know very much about the man. He was a major critic of former PM Thaksin's war on drugs. As a human rights commissioner (2001-2007), he was one of the loudest voices. His criticism of the Thaksin administration, the police and the army's conduct during the enforcement action did not endear him to the military. When the military seized power in 2006, he was terminated as a human rights commissioner by the military appointed "legislature".

In respect to his communist ideals, again you don't know much about the students who joined the communist party back in the 1970's. There was no opposition allowed during the heyday of the military dictatorship(s). Young people who felt strongly about freedom and civil liberties were forced into joining the communists if they wanted to fight for freedom. That's what one party rule and a suspension of civil rights does.

This is not an ignorant man. He was a university professor and he does have a connection to France as he did his post grad studies there. He is entitled to his pension from Thailand as he paid into it both as a professor and as a state employee. Instead of trying to denigrate the man, you should pay more attention to the slap in the face France gave Thailand.

Somehow the word 'allegedly' seems missing.

BTW the 'he' is k. Jaran Ditapichai. As for pension, well, he is entitled to come and get it. Governments mostly do not 'wire' money to fugitives even if they're alleged to have been granted political asylum. I wonder about the asylum granted as mostly people who requested asylum are told be refrain from political activities while their request is being processed. Even after having been granted asylum there tend to be restrictions, even in the democratic West.

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"he 68-year-old Jaran spent his time in France contacting officials at various European Foreign Ministries, European parliamentarians, lobbying the United Nation's Human Rights Council and trying to convince the European Union on his version of Thailand"

Whatever his political version is, I agree.

His political version; A. Thaksin is always right. B. Murder, Arson, Terror, Theft, Division of the country, Monk beating and all around mayhem are permissible when supporting the Red Shirt vision. Good to see that you support his vision, no matter what it is, says a lot about your vision.

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I agree with most of what you say, especially that no real left-of-centre party has emerged. Certainly Pridi WAS vilified in the distant past but he is recognised - even by the mythical Bangkok 'elite' - as the father of Thai democracy.

The problem with most of the left-wing individuals is that they have attached themselves to politicians or groups funded by politicians (elites) who have no use for their ideology but only to use them to further their power and enrichment aims.

If Pridi was the father of Thai democracy, it would have been better if he had married its mother. Perhaps she was his sister, certainly inbreeding could explain the deformed bastard it produced.

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Lots of posters are claiming Jaran did many terrible things. If Thailand tried to extradite him for burning buildings or murder and had evidence these charges were legitimate I'm sure France would be cooperative. However the only reasons mentioned for the extradition are refusing to report to the military junta when summoned and possible lese majeste offenses. I can think of no civilized countries that will extradite someone for these "offenses".

Was extradition even mentioned at all?

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I agree with most of what you say, especially that no real left-of-centre party has emerged. Certainly Pridi WAS vilified in the distant past but he is recognised - even by the mythical Bangkok 'elite' - as the father of Thai democracy.

The problem with most of the left-wing individuals is that they have attached themselves to politicians or groups funded by politicians (elites) who have no use for their ideology but only to use them to further their power and enrichment aims.

If Pridi was the father of Thai democracy, it would have been better if he had married its mother. Perhaps she was his sister, certainly inbreeding could explain the deformed bastard it produced.

Well, actually on the 24th of June 2012 the UDD commemorated the 80th anniversary of Thai Democracy. That would make Phraya Phahol Pholphayuhasena and Phraya Songsuradej the fathers even though some might see them as Bangkok Amart.

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No it won't. They will just accuse Pridi of being a Thaksin stooge...

Pridi Banomyong was indeed the father of Thai democracy but it is rather difficult to find any Thai (non-military) government to hold in any way close to his ideals, or the ideals of democracy for that matter.

It is a blatant lie to say he is villified in Bangkok as there is a major thoroughfare named after him as well as an institute, both in Bangkok.

I certainly am not a red shirt or Shin supporter but one cannot lump the whole lot under one or even a number of banners & cannot help feeling some support for Jaran (and Ji Ungpakorn) who has to flee his country because of the insidious LM law. It & the defamation laws are used by all sides of politics here to shut up opponents.

Ok Lil Dragon I will concede to you and should have said was disliked. I was basing on a study of the criminal charges against him which I would have termed outrageous vilification, they threw a thousand more vicious and nasty charges at Pridi, a life long socialist, than the minor affairs the Shinawatra clan are facing. My point is that we have been through all this before with the Bangkok elite, nearly 100 years of it. It is a shame that Pridi was not the father of Thai democracy Democracy cannot exist in this country due to the absence of any left wing politicians. Without a left wing movement there can be no natural rotation of leadership as occurs in European and other democracies. Vilification may not be the right word but given that Pridi spent the last 22 years of his life outside the country he loved, he must have felt very unwelcome here in spite of the fact that he now has some features in BKK named after him. His successors who have recently fled must also be feeling the same way. In a democracy politicians do not normally have to live outside the country. Even the most disgraced of politicians abroad, and including some dictators, have been allowed to die in their own country.

I agree with you about LM in Thailand, just a political tool. I think there is a misunderstanding with some people who state that other countries have a LM law. That is quite different in that in a number of countries it is in place to protect visiting dignitaries from local insult, not to protect the local monarch.

I agree with most of what you say, especially that no real left-of-centre party has emerged. Certainly Pridi WAS vilified in the distant past but he is recognised - even by the mythical Bangkok 'elite' - as the father of Thai democracy.

The problem with most of the left-wing individuals is that they have attached themselves to politicians or groups funded by politicians (elites) who have no use for their ideology but only to use them to further their power and enrichment aims.


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I agree with most of what you say, especially that no real left-of-centre party has emerged. Certainly Pridi WAS vilified in the distant past but he is recognised - even by the mythical Bangkok 'elite' - as the father of Thai democracy.

The problem with most of the left-wing individuals is that they have attached themselves to politicians or groups funded by politicians (elites) who have no use for their ideology but only to use them to further their power and enrichment aims.

If Pridi was the father of Thai democracy, it would have been better if he had married its mother. Perhaps she was his sister, certainly inbreeding could explain the deformed bastard it produced.

Well, actually on the 24th of June 2012 the UDD commemorated the 80th anniversary of Thai Democracy. That would make Phraya Phahol Pholphayuhasena and Phraya Songsuradej the fathers even though some might see them as Bangkok Amart.

If my Thai history isn't too rusty, the 2012 UDD commemoration was more about the end of Rama VII's absolute monarchy and Pridi's unrealized vision for the end of feudalism and not about the start of +80 years of 'army inspired' coups and counter coups.

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