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Parents could be held accountable for their children's involvement in street racing


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Parents could be held accountable for their children's involvement in street racing


BANGKOK, 16 June 2015 (NNT) – Parents’ may be held accountable if their children are found to be involved in street racing, while Article 44 is set to be imposed to solve this issue, says the Minister of Justice.

The Minister of Justice Gen Paiboon Koomchaya has revealed the outcome of the meeting regarding the government's solution for street motorcycle racing held by youths and the sales of alcoholic drinks near education institutes with 40 related agencies. Both issues have continued to torment the public and caused social problems

On illegal street racing, the Justice Minister has said that parents will be held accountable for their children's actions if it is confirmed that the youth has been involved, while all stores selling motorcycle accessories will have their licenses revoked by the Ministry of Industry if they were found to be supporting the race or racers.

The Justice Minister added that the government's meeting has considered the feasibility in implementing the Article 44 of the interim constitution to urgently solve this matter.

The use of Article 44 for this issue will be presented to the Prime Minister next week, while authorities are now discussing law amendment to prevent street racing. The amended law will be expanded to prevent the issue in the race preparations the gathering of involved individuals.

-- NNT 2015-06-16 footer_n.gif

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impound the bikes, fine the parents and the racers, if they refuse to pay then crush the bikes and pass on the costs of the crushing to the racers. Why are the government trying to appease these people exactly. Be robust in your approach and they'll be more likely to take you seriously

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way past time parents were held accountable for many things their kids do. At the moment most seem to let them do as they please with no parental control at all, if they are forced to actually control their kids actions we might see a major improvement in the way many thais act as they get older. Holding parents responsible is a good thing, means they have to teach their kids what is right and what isnt, big fines and bike crushing is also a great way to make them see they need to change.

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A major problem in this country is the pathetic nature of Thai parenting.

Off course they should be held accountable for the behavior and actions of their children which is not rocket science ,however accountability in any form is a stranger and represents the elephant in the room that all see but no one acknowledges.

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A major problem in this country is the pathetic nature of Thai parenting.

Off course they should be held accountable for the behavior and actions of their children which is not rocket science ,however accountability in any form is a stranger and represents the elephant in the room that all see but no one acknowledges.

I see more than a couple of Thai kids who must have been born with two broken legs, which means they have to be carried everywhere, until their feet can reach the pedals that is, then they stop being the parents responsibility apparently.

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Police to propose Section 44 to stop street racing


BANGKOK: -- The Royal Thai Police may propose the prime minister to invoke Section 44 of the first interim constitution to solve street racing problem that has become a serious threat to road safety.

Police spokesman Pol Lt Gen Prawut Tavornsiri said the police might propose the execution of power under the section to speed up bureaucratic red tapes regarding law amendments if the problem is needed to be resolved within one month.

He said he believed the public could understand the need and accept the use of such power to escalate the legal process.

He said after spending law procedures, the police will the get tough with motorcycle shops which provide modification for racing motorcycles.

They are required to register with authorities and seek operation licences with condition that they must not encourage street racing, he said.

For parents, they also must be held responsible if they let their kids out to the streets to join in the race.

They might be charged with conspiracy and could face either a maximum jail term of three months or a fine of 30,000 baht, or facing both penalties, he said, adding that this needed to amend all the laws involved.

But he said the police and relevant government agencies will have another meeting within a week to conclude what laws would be amended, and proposals for change.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/police-to-propose-section-44-to-stop-street-racing

-- Thai PBS 2015-06-16

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I thought Prayut already invoked Article 44 and published his 12 Values to cure all of Thailand's social issues.

Is he now admitting defeat by young racers?

If the current government can't rely on current organic laws to control illegal street racing by people of ANY age, maybe it should disassociate itself from law enforcement.

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Like in the states, you break the law, bye-bye bike, car, boat, house, art, property, jewelry and everything you worked for. They endanger other people and property and think it's funny. Like other posting make them watch their bikes crushed or sold at auction.

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Uh, I need some help here understanding. Fail parenting aside that's going on worldwide, though not denying it's another magnitude worse here yet again.

This is going from the assumption that the parents are not aware of their kids racing and do know they are a holder of a valid drivers license (not that it would mean much besides not getting a fine for not having one). If they know their kid has no DL, then they should be held accountable alright.

...why in the world are the parents held accountable for that then? The moment you issued a drivers license to [teen in question], I dare say said teen should be fully held accountable for their action and not the parent whatsoever. For all I would know then, parents would have to go with them whenever they would use the bike just to avoid a possible charges and what have you.

Which would bring us back to (revision of) laws and enforcement, common sense and other stuff. Free joke, you're welcome.

I admit I genuinely fail to compete with Thai's League of Logic, which is probably the reason why I'm having a hard time with this.

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I do not agree with the make parents responsible thing.... Yes, if they are under 16 but I have seen racers well into their 30s and you can not make parents responsible for an adult.

I have been telling the wife they should either crush the bikes of all riders who break EVERY road law, or confiscate the bikes and auction them off if they are worth any money for years now. But road racers it must be mandatory.

Last Friday night me and the wife were having some food at a roadside food place and there was a bunch of about 50 racers roaring up and down the duel carriageway constantly on their noisy bikes with drilled out exhausts, and they were pissing everyone off. There were a couple deliberately riding the wrong way up the carriageway in the fast lane with their lighhts off... That was the last straw for me and I told the wife to call the police.

She called them and they said they would send someone, half an hour later still no police, then we left..... There is a very large police station literally 3 minutes drive away from where this was happening.

The thing is.... They can make all the laws they want, if the police have no desire to enforce them, then they are wasting their time and money.

Huge fines and confiscation of bikes or if they are not worth much, then crush them.

Edited by RustBucket
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Why crush the bikes? They can be sold at auctions and the money used for a good cause. But something else caught my attention - shops that sell bike parts to the racers will have their license revoked. You need a license to sell bike parts? Finally, they can talk all they like about punishing parents but, as RustBucket pointed out, the police have absolutely no interest in enforcing the law 95 percent of the time. They get paid anyway so why work seems to be their way of thinking.

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It's not rocket science! Crush the bikes and fine the parents.

why crush them, you can just seize them and sell them in a other city, or even in a other country...sure in Lao they would love some modded bikes

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