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Pope's stance leaks; calls for urgent action on environment


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Pope's stance leaks; calls for urgent action on environment
NICOLE WINFIELD, Associated Press

VATICAN CITY (AP) — A draft copy of Pope Francis' eagerly awaited encyclical on the environment calls for urgent action to protect the Earth and fight global warming, which the pope says is "mostly" due to human activity and the burning of fossil fuels.

The Vatican spokesman, the Rev. Federico Lombardi, said the document that was leaked to the Italian newsweekly L'Espresso and published on its website Monday was not the final version and that the official encyclical would still be released as scheduled on Thursday.

The L'Espresso draft, which was published in galley form in Italian, makes many of the same points that Francis and his advisers have been making in the months-long rollout of the document.

In the draft, Francis lays out both the scientific and the moral reasons for protecting God's creation, noting that the poor are already suffering the most from air pollution and toxic dumping and will continue to bear the brunt of rising sea levels and extreme weather conditions. The draft says population growth isn't to blame for ecological problems but rather the consumerist, wasteful behavior of the rich.

Francis backs up his comments with science showing the impact on the planet of the continual loss of biodiversity in Amazonian rainforests, the melting of Arctic glaciers, the overfishing of the seas and the pollution of the world's water supply.

Francis has said he wanted the encyclical to be read by everyone — not just Catholics — and he notes in the introduction that the document is now part of the formal teaching "magisterium" of the Catholic Church. That could be read as a warning of sorts to climate skeptics, including many Catholics in the U.S. who have suggested they simply will ignore the encyclical since the pope's views on the environment clash with their doubts about climate change.

Francis in September will travel to the United States and address both the United Nations and the U.S. Congress. Some Republicans are vocal climate skeptics and many conservatives have criticized the pope from even taking up the environment in an encyclical, the most authoritative teaching document a pope can issue.

Francis has said previously that climate change is "mostly" man-made and that humankind has a moral imperative to radically change its behavior to protect the planet for future generations — as well as to prevent the poor from suffering due to the sins of the rich.

In the draft, the pope repeats that scientific studies have shown that global warming is due "mostly" to human activity and the emission of gasses that prevents heat from dispersing in the atmosphere. He says that is worsened by a development model based on using fossil fuels as the main source of energy in the world.

The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, as well as many environmental groups, declined to comment on the content of the document, noting the Thursday embargo set by the Vatican for the official release.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-06-16

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The climate changes, it is undeniable. "Climate Change" however, the mental manipulation of "Global Warming," is a political agenda who's name evolved to account for the fact that there was no demonstrable global warming for which to send people screaming "The sky is falling, the sky is falling." Were a man to wake up with no idea of the seasons of recent years he could simply observe who is pushing this Climate Change agenda, the polices devised to implement the ends, and conclude with great accuracy that this is no more than a political ploy to unite a regional/global population to give up sovereignty in pursuit of shared aims, shared salvation, and head off destruction- Progressive, Fabian, Socialist, Utopian. That geoengineering has failed to actually manipulate the environment in such a way as to force peoples to cry to be saved make no difference. Where this has failed they simply fudge numbers, openly, brazenly, and contrary to all known and accepted practices of modern science.

There is a clear, demonstrable lineage to the packaging and selling of Global Warming and Climate Change to 1960s Freedom from War documents and evaluations whereby it was sought to insidiously replace the glue that bound nation states with another, global, cataclysmic glue that was so outrageous as to have disparate peoples holding hands singing "We are the world," and imploring Big Government to save them, whereby the prepared groundwork of regional alliances, economic blocks, currency, and treaties would provide the coincidental framework to usher in a New World Order, Global Governance by progressive steps. Climate Change would be the stalking horse. To me this is self evident.

What is surprising, at first glance, is that the Pope would be bought and sold. But then again, if one considers the warnings of Jesuit Malachi Martin in The Jesuits it is not that surprising at all. As previously noted on TV, the Society of Jesus is a radical political organization that has slipped so far into militant theology that past popes have allowed them to exist, but only at a great distance. Jesuits, among the most well schooled and brilliant people on earth or also savagely socialist to a man. It cannot be otherwise for if so, they would not continue in the Jesuit camp.

The great papal mystery of our time now appears quite designed if not orchestrated. It is clear that only a Jesuit could appeal for secular Global Governance. Only a redistribution papist could make the argument because his entire life has been spent in the sacraments and in socialism. Find me an argument that suggests Jesuits are not socialists, believing a contrary policy of Jesus, that Caesar's coin is actually Christ's, and I will find a liar. What is shocking is that there is no longer an appeal for existing institutions to improve the general plight of the masses but a concession to world Corporatocracy to facilitate a Global State, accountable to the elite, where terrorist states have an equal say as a US representative on the affairs of domestic life. See the horrible machine that is the evolving Agenda 21. That Corporatacracy motivates this end is self evident, they fund and provide the machinery toward this end. Those Christians who believe in end times dispensation theology have a very palpable issue upon which to count days.


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He's just scared by that passage in Revelation about God destroying those who are destroying the earth.

Won't work, Popey, God's got your number. He knows about all the death and destruction your church has brought about, grabbing up gold for centuries.

Oh, and let's not forget about the kiddies. Kinda destroyed some lives there, too, huh?

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Actually, the alliance between the Catholic Church and the climate alarmists is entirely natural.

Both are used to making absurd pronouncements which are not allowed to be challenged by those outside the group, whom they consider beneath them; and both lost their monopoly on the "truth" due to technology.

In the Church's case it was the invention of printing, which enables Church "skeptics" to read the Bible for themselves, and in the alarmists' case it was the proliferation of the Internet, which enabled climate skeptics broad access to the raw data.

Thus, the church and the alarmists were no longer able to hide the truth, and no longer able to control the message.

Boy, do they resent it.

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Good on him. Another that has left the flat earth society and acknowledges what the rest of the world has done so with proved science.

Good to see a man willing to accept the evidence like the rest of society.

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Good to see a man willing to accept the evidence like the rest of society.

As in the matters of creationism v evolution, for example?

“The Big-Bang, that is placed today at the origin of the world, does not contradict the divine intervention but exacts it. The evolution in nature is not opposed to the notion of Creation, because evolution presupposes the creation of beings that evolve.” - Pope Francis

Yup, a true scientist .....

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Good to see a man willing to accept the evidence like the rest of society.

As in the matters of creationism v evolution, for example?

The Big-Bang, that is placed today at the origin of the world, does not contradict the divine intervention but exacts it. The evolution in nature is not opposed to the notion of Creation, because evolution presupposes the creation of beings that evolve. - Pope Francis

Yup, a true scientist .....

Who said he was a scientist. The scientists have already decided on this issue, except for some neanderthals that want to get their name in lights.

All he has done is accept the scientific facts as decided.

Good on him.

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All he has done is accept the scientific facts as decided.


That's exactly what he hasn't done in the case of creationism/evolution.

To say that he is "willing to accept the evidence" is therefore absurd.

Edited by RickBradford
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All he has done is accept the scientific facts as decided.


That's exactly what he hasn't done in the case of creationism/evolution.

To say that he is "willing to accept the evidence" is therefore absurd.

That is exactly what he has done. Great admission by him. Moving religion with the times. ??

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LOL. I love all of this shit. There are two sides debating and no one has facts. Science is claimed because "scientists believe." In debating that's called "the bandwagon fallacy" and it's remorseless and ineffectual. Get on the bandwagon is reason enough to insult another side. Who needs facts?

The intelligence of each side is sharply insulted by both sides, but neither side makes an intelligent claim. Ad hominem comments abound.

The "Burden of Proof Reversal" abounds. The Pope makes a claim and others agree but it would be up to dissenters to prove the claimant wrong. That will lose a real debate really fast.

There isn't one shred of proof offered in this whole thread. It's all bullshit and that includes the Pope.


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The top scirntists in the world considered all the evidence for and against and have made their decision.

If its all the same to you I will accept their expertise instead of unknowns in a chat forum.

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There are two sides debating and no one has facts.

That may well be true, but the burden of proof must lie with the side that seeks to change the entire way that the modern world operates (for example, Naomi Klein, who wants to reverse 150 years of capitalism in order to address climate change) with regulation, tariffs and limits on democracy and free speech.

After 25 years and countless billions of dollars wasted, the climate alarmists have utterly failed to make their case.

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