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Israeli archaeologists find inscription of name from Bible


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The jar has been found in the region of the Valley of Elah.

The valley is famous for its battles, read clashes of civilizations. One of them is the battle between Israelites and Philistines.

Canaanites were in the region long before the Israelites.

It's known that more archeological pieces with Canaanite inscriptures were discovered in the region than archeological pieces with Hebrew insciptures.

Canaanite archeological piece from OP and many others date from before the Israelite conquest of the region.

Edited by Thorgal
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In regards to Jews in Israel, I am talking here about ETHNICITY and NOT about religion.

The Jewish PEOPLE are indeed indigenous people in the region.

The Jewish people of the Israel region were spread in an international diaspora in ancient times.

Then a largely SECULAR political movement emerged called Zionism which held the belief that the Jewish PEOPLE required a homeland ... a main reason being thousands of years of being persecuted in the diaspora.

The material manifestation of that movement which wasn't always popular among Jews was the creation of the modern state of Israel in 1948.

Not news ... final borders of modern Israel remain in contention.

Note: the above post was a response to another post which has been deleted. I'll let it stand but it doesn't make as much sense that I posted it without that context.

You do realise that DNA testing has proven that the Palestinians are mostly decended from ethnic Israeli Jews and Christians don't you? Do you feel a bit silly claiming that Israel is ethnically Jewish now knowing that Palestinians are exactly the same ethnicity? LOL

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In regards to Jews in Israel, I am talking here about ETHNICITY and NOT about religion.

The Jewish PEOPLE are indeed indigenous people in the region.

The Jewish people of the Israel region were spread in an international diaspora in ancient times.

Then a largely SECULAR political movement emerged called Zionism which held the belief that the Jewish PEOPLE required a homeland ... a main reason being thousands of years of being persecuted in the diaspora.

The material manifestation of that movement which wasn't always popular among Jews was the creation of the modern state of Israel in 1948.

Not news ... final borders of modern Israel remain in contention.

Note: the above post was a response to another post which has been deleted. I'll let it stand but it doesn't make as much sense that I posted it without that context.

You do realise that DNA testing has proven that the Palestinians are mostly decended from ethnic Israeli Jews and Christians don't you? Do you feel a bit silly claiming that Israel is ethnically Jewish now knowing that Palestinians are exactly the same ethnicity? LOL

Dude, don't even try to put words in my mouth. I said no such thing. I said the Jewish people are INDIGINOUS to the Israel region and that is a fact. As far as modern Arabs who identify as Palestinians, don't play games about lecturing to me based on twisted misinformation. You want to get into genetics, not sure how productive that is, but yes there are genetic connections between ethnic Jews, ethnic Palestinian Arabs, ethnic Italians, and some other groups as well. Saying they are the "same" ethnicity is simply wrong. By that twisted logic, all ethnic Jews could claim Italian ancestry.

Edited by Jingthing
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The jar has been found in the region of the Valley of Elah.

The valley is famous for its battles, read clashes of civilizations. One of them is the battle between Israelites and Philistines.

Canaanites were in the region long before the Israelites.

It's known that more archeological pieces with Canaanite inscriptures were discovered in the region than archeological pieces with Hebrew insciptures.

Canaanite archeological piece from OP and many others date from before the Israelite conquest of the region.

Canaanite Schmanaanite ... the tribes from those times are basically gone ... except for the Jews.

Yes, the history of the Jewish people is very amazing and unlikely ... it is amazing even if you have no religious belief at all.

Without splitting hairs, you're not going to find ancient archaeological connections of Belgium in the Congo.

In the Israel region, already found and more to come, rich rich archaeological evidence of the ancient connection of the Jewish people there.

This is important to Jews, Israelis, and righteous supporters because of the obsessive Israel demonization movement trying to paint Jews in Israel as white colonialists having no connection to that land, when that is obviously and totally wrong.

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I think some people are confused here.

Now when the Belgians went into Congo, now THAT was a case of white colonialists going into a place where they had no indigenous connection.

Yes they are JT, seeing as Man kind as species came out of Africa, the Belgians were merely going back to their ancestral homes...whistling.gif

and DNA tests can prove this...thumbsup.gif

You and one other have turned a rather light hearted thread into the typical paranoid/defensive "everyone is an Anti-Semite prose" which is so typical facepalm.gif

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I agree with you we all came out of Africa, and there are no human races, only ONE race, the human race.

But there ARE ethnicities and peoples.

No, please do not lie here, I have never said everyone is Judeophobic. But people pushing the lie that Jewish people don't belong in Israel and have no ancient connection to Israel definitely fit that bill, and such people are very active on this forum (and pretty much any forum where Israel and Jews are a topic).

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Ben Gurion instructed Jewish archeologists to dig up the land of Isreal to find the evidence that the Jewish people had in fact left Egypt,wandered the desert for years before reaching the promised land and lived there in antiquity as claimed in the Bible.

Please provide some credible evidence. I am not accusing you of being a liar, but there are a lot of trolls that make up stories about Jews and Israel that are groundless and post it on the Internet If you are going to post this kind of thing please provide proof that it actually happened.

Eric Cline, writing in Jerusalem Besieged, “In 1993 and 1994, archaeologists excavating at Tel Dan in northern Israel discovered an inscription that commemorates a military campaign in Israel by Hazael of Aram about the year 841 BCE and that mentions the House of David.” Tel Aviv University ancient historian Nadav Na’aman has stated based on this excavation that, in his opinion, the facts “strongly support the biblical claims that David conquered Jerusalem and made it his capital and cool.png that he founded the royal dynasty of Jerusalem.”


Providing evidence that Ben Gurion combined archeology and ideology to prove the Jewish heritage after the exodus is not difficult.

Moreover, Dayan, was known to have 'taken' archeological artefacts for his own.

To tell that even today, nothing has been found or proven of this whole premeditated set-up.

Jar from OP is just another example of it !


Quote from link :

'There started a veritable attack on archeological sites. The upper layers of Ottoman and Mamelukes, Arabs and Crusaders, Byzantines and Romans and Greeks and Persians were uncovered and removed in order to lay bare the ancient layer of the Children of Israel and to prove the Bible right.'

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Ben Gurion instructed Jewish archeologists to dig up the land of Isreal to find the evidence that the Jewish people had in fact left Egypt,wandered the desert for years before reaching the promised land and lived there in antiquity as claimed in the Bible.

Please provide some credible evidence. I am not accusing you of being a liar, but there are a lot of trolls that make up stories about Jews and Israel that are groundless and post it on the Internet If you are going to post this kind of thing please provide proof that it actually happened.

Eric Cline, writing in Jerusalem Besieged, In 1993 and 1994, archaeologists excavating at Tel Dan in northern Israel discovered an inscription that commemorates a military campaign in Israel by Hazael of Aram about the year 841 BCE and that mentions the House of David. Tel Aviv University ancient historian Nadav Naaman has stated based on this excavation that, in his opinion, the facts strongly support the biblical claims that David conquered Jerusalem and made it his capital and cool.png that he founded the royal dynasty of Jerusalem.


If you want credible evidence then I would not suggest posting a link to a United with Isreal site.

In other words, you are talking out of your hat - the usual stupid crap about all Jews or Israelis are lying. The quotes are from historians, archaeologists, and experts on ancient history and archaeology. There is PLENTY of evidence that the Jews lived in the area in antiquity as claimed in the Bible.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Ben Gurion instructed Jewish archeologists to dig up the land of Isreal to find the evidence that the Jewish people had in fact left Egypt,wandered the desert for years before reaching the promised land and lived there in antiquity as claimed in the Bible.

Please provide some credible evidence. I am not accusing you of being a liar, but there are a lot of trolls that make up stories about Jews and Israel that are groundless and post it on the Internet If you are going to post this kind of thing please provide proof that it actually happened.

Eric Cline, writing in Jerusalem Besieged, In 1993 and 1994, archaeologists excavating at Tel Dan in northern Israel discovered an inscription that commemorates a military campaign in Israel by Hazael of Aram about the year 841 BCE and that mentions the House of David. Tel Aviv University ancient historian Nadav Naaman has stated based on this excavation that, in his opinion, the facts strongly support the biblical claims that David conquered Jerusalem and made it his capital and cool.png that he founded the royal dynasty of Jerusalem.


If you want credible evidence then I would not suggest posting a link to a United with Isreal site.

In other words, you are talking out of your hat - the usual stupid crap about all Jews or Israelis are lying. The quotes are from historians, archaeologists, and experts on ancient history and archaeology. There is PLENTY of evidence that the Jews lived in the area in antiquity as claimed in the Bible.

You obviouly can't read. I never claimed anything of the sort. I stated that there was no evidence to support the biblical narrative. I never claimed that all jews or israelis are liars and I made it plain that my thoughts on this matter extended to all of the 3 monotheistic religions.

Your's is the kind of pi$$ poor argument i expect though. Someone doesn't agree with you and the childish name calling begins i.e. I must be a liar, I am talking out of my hat, I must hate all Jews and Israelis.

Pathetic and laughable.

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You pulled the usual crap about whining about the JEWISH website, instead of the information that came from historians, archaeologists, and experts on ancient history and archaeology. This is typical of your ilk.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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"Eshbaal Ben Beda" scripture is not a name from the Bible.

'Eshbaal Ben Saul' is the correct Biblical character, who was the fourth son of Saul.

If used as in Arabic language, 'Ben' means 'Son of'.

So this amphora belongs to the son of Beda...just another Eshbaal...

Why took it 3 years to discover the scriptures ?

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I think some people are confused here.

Whether you are religious or not, there is an anti-Israel propaganda movement trying to paint Jews as foreign "white" colonialists in Israel.

But that's wrong.

The Jewish people are INDIGINOUS to Israel.

Modern Hebrew was sourced from ancient Hebrew ... the language of Israel.

If the Jewish people created a modern state of Israel, it was a "colony" for which "white" country? Answer ... none.

The ancient history of the Jewish people in that region is no fairy tale, whether you're religious or not.

Now when the Belgians went into Congo, now THAT was a case of white colonialists going into a place where they had no indigenous connection.

You are 100% correct Jingthing. Jewish people are indiginous to Israel. The archaeology proves that whilst at the same time disproving the biblical narative that they came from Egypt in the Exodus.

The Jewish people have as much right to live in peace on that peice of land as any of the other indiginous peoples who have lived there for millenia. IMHO the problem is that the different peoples are using their so called God given rights to that land to bring anything but peace to the area. If we woke up tomorrow and religion had vanished then we would find other things to fight over (resources) but to fight over ancient mumbo jumbo when our civilisation is so advanced and knowledgeable seems crazy me.

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You pulled the usual crap about whining about the JEWISH website, instead of the information that came from historians, archaeologists, and experts on ancient history and archaeology. This is typical of your ilk.

Ok, My last post on this one. I really should be working just now but I'm bored.

Let me clarify so there is no confusion, that I beleive that the archaeology proves that the Jews are from Israel. There is no disputing that. I just believe that the archaeological evidence does not support any of the biblical narratives whether Judaism, Christianity or Islam.

A quote from rationalwiki on the mainstream historical consensus regarding archaeological evidence for the Exodus. This includes Israeli archaeologists.

"Despite being regarded in Judaism as the primary factual historical narrative of the origin of the religion, culture and ethnicity, Exodus is now accepted by scholars as having been compiled in the 8th–7th centuries BCE from stories dating possibly as far back as the 13th century BCE, with further polishing in the 6th–5th centuries BCE, as a theological and political manifesto to unite the Israelites in the then‐current battle for territory against Egypt.[2]

Archaeologists from the 19th century onward were actually surprised not to find any evidence whatsoever for the events of Exodus. By the 1970s, archaeologists had largely given up regarding the Bible as any use at all as a field guide.

The archaeological evidence of local Canaanite, rather than Egyptian, origins of the kingdoms of Judah and Israel is "overwhelming," and leaves "no room for an Exodus from Egypt or a 40‐year pilgrimage through the Sinai wilderness."[3] The culture of the earliest Israelite settlements is Canaanite, their cult objects are of the Canaanite god El, the pottery is in the local Canaanite tradition, and the alphabet is early Canaanite. Almost the sole marker distinguishing Israelite villages from Canaanite sites is an absence of pig bones.

It is considered possible that those Canaanites who started regarding themselves as the Israelites were joined or led by a small group of Semites from Egypt, possibly the Hyksos people, possibly carrying stories that made it into Exodus. As the tribe expanded, they may have begun to clash with neighbors, perhaps sparking the tales of conflict in Joshua and Judges.

William Dever, an archaeologist normally associated with the more conservative end of Syro-Palestinian archaeology, has labeled the question of the historicity of Exodus “dead.” Israeli archaeologist Ze'ev Herzog provides the current consensus view on the historicity of the Exodus: “The Israelites never were in Egypt. They never came from abroad. This whole chain is broken. It is not a historical one. It is a later legendary reconstruction—made in the seventh century [bCE]—of a history that never happened.”[

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Ben Gurion instructed Jewish archeologists to dig up the land of Isreal to find the evidence that the Jewish people had in fact left Egypt,wandered the desert for years before reaching the promised land and lived there in antiquity as claimed in the Bible.

Please provide some credible evidence. I am not accusing you of being a liar, but there are a lot of trolls that make up stories about Jews and Israel that are groundless and post it on the Internet If you are going to post this kind of thing please provide proof that it actually happened.

Eric Cline, writing in Jerusalem Besieged, “In 1993 and 1994, archaeologists excavating at Tel Dan in northern Israel discovered an inscription that commemorates a military campaign in Israel by Hazael of Aram about the year 841 BCE and that mentions the House of David.” Tel Aviv University ancient historian Nadav Na’aman has stated based on this excavation that, in his opinion, the facts “strongly support the biblical claims that David conquered Jerusalem and made it his capital and cool.png that he founded the royal dynasty of Jerusalem.”


If you want credible evidence then I would not suggest posting a link to a United with Isreal site.

Hardly unbiased. Believers always love asking non believers to prove a negative. You have asked me to provide proof of something that I believe never happened. If it never happened how can I provide proof? If it did happen then perhaps proof can be found but as of yet non has been provide. The believer always explains the lack of proof by saying it is faith.

I am definitely not trolling but just stating an opinion. I have the same opinion about the Christian biblical story, the Islamic one and all of the other pagan stories that ignorant illiterate stone age men came up with to try and describe and understand the mysterious world they lived in.

There are many who dispute the claims you make as they are based on an old Hebrew inscription. Hebrew has no vowels and therefore there is dispute about the translation.

A quote from Wikipedia.

"It has generated much excitement because the inscription includes the letters 'ביתדוד', Hebrew for "house of David".[44] Proponents of that reading argue that it is the first time that the name "David" has been recognized at any archaeological site, lending evidence for the Bible account of David's kingdom. Others read the Hebrew letters 'דוד' as "beloved," "uncle" "kettle," or "a god named Dod," (all of which are possible readings of vowel-less Hebrew), and argue this is not a reference to Biblical David."

Anyway, I have said my peice so I'll sign off now.

Thanks for clearing that up, it's amazing how many otherwise bright people have been sucked into this continuing "folk story"! facepalm.gifthumbsup.gifwai.gif

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perhaps visulizing the borders at the time helps

I must emphazise that I have no idea to what extend these maps are "politically " tainted

Maps of the Middle East, Nabataea, & Arabia


These are wonderful maps, starting 2500 BC

2000 BC The Land of Canaan before Abraham

1500 BC The Land Allotted to the Twelve Tribes of Israel

1000 BC The Kingdoms of Judah and Israel

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You pulled the usual crap about whining about the JEWISH website, instead of the information that came from historians, archaeologists, and experts on ancient history and archaeology. This is typical of your ilk.

So far, Israeli archeologists only commented on the text written on the amphora and the media is falsely connecting the name with another person in the bible.

For me it's not an amphora for drinking or washing purposes.

Child burials resulting from ritual sacrifices were usually done with this type of 2 eared amphoras in the ME Early, Middle Bronze and Late Bronze ages period and even much later in Roman civilization.

Again, the word 'Ben' means 'Son of' and burial amphoras were normally forseen with a name scripture and/or divine symbols on the amphora.

Here an example with pictures from Askelon, not far from the artefacts from OP :


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In regards to Jews in Israel, I am talking here about ETHNICITY and NOT about religion.

The Jewish PEOPLE are indeed indigenous people in the region.

The Jewish people of the Israel region were spread in an international diaspora in ancient times.

Then a largely SECULAR political movement emerged called Zionism which held the belief that the Jewish PEOPLE required a homeland ... a main reason being thousands of years of being persecuted in the diaspora.

The material manifestation of that movement which wasn't always popular among Jews was the creation of the modern state of Israel in 1948.

Not news ... final borders of modern Israel remain in contention.

Note: the above post was a response to another post which has been deleted. I'll let it stand but it doesn't make as much sense that I posted it without that context.

You do realise that DNA testing has proven that the Palestinians are mostly decended from ethnic Israeli Jews and Christians don't you? Do you feel a bit silly claiming that Israel is ethnically Jewish now knowing that Palestinians are exactly the same ethnicity? LOL

Dude, don't even try to put words in my mouth. I said no such thing. I said the Jewish people are INDIGINOUS to the Israel region and that is a fact. As far as modern Arabs who identify as Palestinians, don't play games about lecturing to me based on twisted misinformation. You want to get into genetics, not sure how productive that is, but yes there are genetic connections between ethnic Jews, ethnic Palestinian Arabs, ethnic Italians, and some other groups as well. Saying they are the "same" ethnicity is simply wrong. By that twisted logic, all ethnic Jews could claim Italian ancestry.

It was you who got into genetics dumbo. Your generalisations don't actually give Jews as much "right" to Israel as the Palestinians though do they? NO, because the Jews are made up of all races whereas the Palestinians are actually decended from people from Israel. SOME Jews also share this ancestory with the Palestinians, an ancestory origninating in Israel, but to give this to all Jews would be no different than giving it to all Muslims. Utterly ridiculous and unfortunatly a common trick by the zionists to confuse religion and race.

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It was you who got into genetics dumbo.


(Remainder of trollish post above intentionally snipped.)

Dumbo, you say? It's obvious that the extremely crude low level of "debate" that you bring to this issue is not worthy of people's time who are serious about these issues. Even more unacceptable, the pattern of your tendency to put words in my mouth of POV's I never said. Thus, welcome to my IGNORE list. Enjoy your "play" with others. Ba-bye.

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It was you who got into genetics dumbo.


(Remainder of trollish post above intentionally snipped.)

Dumbo, you say? It's obvious that the extremely crude low level of "debate" that you bring to this issue is not worthy of people's time who are serious about these issues. Even more unacceptable, the pattern of your tendency to put words in my mouth of POV's I never said. Thus, welcome to my IGNORE list. Enjoy your "play" with others. Ba-bye.

So you have no arguement and so instead are sulking like a little child because you have been called a dumbo.

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While they argue the religious mumbo jumbo of the middle east here in the UK we have the stone circles of Stonehenge which pre date any sort of existing modern religion.

Built 5000 years ago by neolithic man it begs the question where were the so called gods of the Jewish,Muslim and Christian religions?

As a staunch non believer all I see from religion is death and destruction.

However, the Middle East is also full of Pre-Abrahamic sites. Gilgal Refaim and the Dolmen in parts of Golan, for one. Generally I would say that ideological systems such as the Abrahamic family are merely very gradual mutations over a vast range of time of far more ancient myths / practice's / perceptions of the world, and how groups of people sought to make meaning out of life and how a few people in such communities worked out that you can create elites with such concepts and skim the cream off the top of the mixture. If someone looks at Religion and only sees death and destruction, there is certainly plenty of blood soaked torturous history to go back through and highlight and then exclude everything else if someone wished to, but equally a vast amount of history of community support, life purpose and stability if one cares to look. We can look at non religious society's today and easily find a sadistic amount of merciless selfish dog eat dog and misery present. We see what we want to see, really.

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While they argue the religious mumbo jumbo of the middle east here in the UK we have the stone circles of Stonehenge which pre date any sort of existing modern religion.

Built 5000 years ago by neolithic man it begs the question where were the so called gods of the Jewish,Muslim and Christian religions?

As a staunch non believer all I see from religion is death and destruction.

However, the Middle East is also full of Pre-Abrahamic sites. Gilgal Refaim and the Dolmen in parts of Golan, for one. Generally I would say that ideological systems such as the Abrahamic family are merely very gradual mutations over a vast range of time of far more ancient myths / practice's / perceptions of the world, and how groups of people sought to make meaning out of life and how a few people in such communities worked out that you can create elites with such concepts and skim the cream off the top of the mixture. If someone looks at Religion and only sees death and destruction, there is certainly plenty of blood soaked torturous history to go back through and highlight and then exclude everything else if someone wished to, but equally a vast amount of history of community support, life purpose and stability if one cares to look. We can look at non religious society's today and easily find a sadistic amount of merciless selfish dog eat dog and misery present. We see what we want to see, really.

Newgrange: 1,000 yrs older than Stonehenge. 500 yrs older than the oldest Pyramid of Egypt

Rumour has it that an ancient inscription inside translates as " Paddy was here"

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Intersting , that is 1000 years before Christ is said to have been born.

It is often better to be quiet than to expose lack of knowledge. Reread....this reference was to the time of King David. Yes, Old Testament, long before the time of Jesus so....your point is?

seeing as there is no conclusive proof a geezer called Jesus ever existed, and as we are being pedantic, you should word your post...long before the "supposed" time of Jesus...

further if said geezer did exist, he wasn't called "Jesus" which is a latin form taken from the Greek.....the name would have been "Yeshua"

So yes often better to be quiet than expose a lack of knowledge

I hear crucifictions are back in fashion in the Middle East.

Maybe time for another resurection?

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Intersting , that is 1000 years before Christ is said to have been born.

It is often better to be quiet than to expose lack of knowledge. Reread....this reference was to the time of King David. Yes, Old Testament, long before the time of Jesus so....your point is?

seeing as there is no conclusive proof a geezer called Jesus ever existed, and as we are being pedantic, you should word your post...long before the "supposed" time of Jesus...

further if said geezer did exist, he wasn't called "Jesus" which is a latin form taken from the Greek.....the name would have been "Yeshua"

So yes often better to be quiet than expose a lack of knowledge

I think if we are going to be pedantic (as you are) then you should word your post...long before the time of the "supposed"Jesus., as the time period associated with the supposed person definitely existed where bye the question is of the existence of the person himself. So yes again, sometimes it's just better to be quiet ;)

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Intersting , that is 1000 years before Christ is said to have been born.

It is often better to be quiet than to expose lack of knowledge. Reread....this reference was to the time of King David. Yes, Old Testament, long before the time of Jesus so....your point is?

seeing as there is no conclusive proof a geezer called Jesus ever existed, and as we are being pedantic, you should word your post...long before the "supposed" time of Jesus...

further if said geezer did exist, he wasn't called "Jesus" which is a latin form taken from the Greek.....the name would have been "Yeshua"

So yes often better to be quiet than expose a lack of knowledge

I think if we are going to be pedantic (as you are) then you should word your post...long before the time of the "supposed"Jesus., as the time period associated with the supposed person definitely existed where bye the question is of the existence of the person himself. So yes again, sometimes it's just better to be quiet wink.png

cheesy.gif ....yes miss... "where" are we ? and what are we "buying" ? a dictionary ?

so in addition to explaining the difference between "by" and "buy" to you English class Monday morning, maybe also discuss "sarcasm" with your students

So yes, sometimes it is better to be quiet, and let people think your a fool, rather than opening your mouth and confirming it thumbsup.gif

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Intersting , that is 1000 years before Christ is said to have been born.

It is often better to be quiet than to expose lack of knowledge. Reread....this reference was to the time of King David. Yes, Old Testament, long before the time of Jesus so....your point is?

seeing as there is no conclusive proof a geezer called Jesus ever existed, and as we are being pedantic, you should word your post...long before the "supposed" time of Jesus...

further if said geezer did exist, he wasn't called "Jesus" which is a latin form taken from the Greek.....the name would have been "Yeshua"

So yes often better to be quiet than expose a lack of knowledge

I hear crucifictions are back in fashion in the Middle East.

Maybe time for another resurection?

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