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TV pages not loading.


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For a couple of days now I keep getting "web page not available...ERR connection reset" or "No data...ERR empty response".

It happens when navigating, posting, and even "liking" throughout TVF....often, but not always (obviously, if you're reading this post.

I have considered TVF traffic....but it happens at night and early in the morning...6000 off members on right now and it's happening 3 out of 4 cicks I make.

I doubt if it's my computer or my ISP as I have no problems anywhere else on the internet, including watching videos, but I have rebooted both laptop and router, just in case...no change.

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Problems with any other websites?

Have either of you tried loading with other browsers, or with all browser extensions disabled?

Other computers on your network, off your network?

Notice any messages in the pop-up STATUS area during rendering delay (like, "Waiting for google-analytics.com") ?

Experimented with using other DNS Servers (like Google's public DNS at and

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Currently unable to load the Sports section, and clicking on a direct link to a thread inside doesn't work either.

edit: Either you're really quick or, after trying a third device and then posting this message, the problem disappeared and I'm back in.

Edited by naboo
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I have the same problem. I have to refresh multiple times before a page will load. It's only been happening since last week but it's making the site unusable

I have the same experience... Other sites I go to are fine but TV seems to stall out 1/3 ton1/2 way and I must refresh to get it going again...

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Post a damn trace route and a dump of the http session but be sure to delete the cookies please. The only way to usually see if there is anything wonky is to compare good vs bad ideally both from inside Thailand on same ISP but I'll take whatever .

If those come back good, it's most likely network or server load issues at the web server end.

Edited by jcisco
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  • 4 weeks later...

For the last three days at night BKK time between ~10pm to 1am TV pages do not load, or only partially. Same for TV pages linked from emails, or directly accessing home page...no joy. Can access other webpage in Thailand (i.e Stock Exchange Thailand, Bangkok Bank), or international (Yahoo, Sony) without any problems. At other times no loading problems at all.

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