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3 thai men drove on to my lawn and sprayed chemicals.

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I just had 3 Thai on a scooter with side span drive up to my lawn, park right in front of my house, and started blowing enormous clouds with their noisy machine. I ran out and shouted them to leave. On second though i should have ran to them, take out their bike key and demanded money for the trees i just planted, which are now covered in chemicals. Lucky enough the wind was blowing the other direction, so my house is not covered with it.

Right now my whole skin is itching/burning an have a headache, as they spray the whole area here. Stuff really stinks

What can i do? Is there anywhere where i can complain or even file a lawsuit?

I guess putting up a sign with no trespassing won't keep them outside.

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It sounds as if they were trying to protect you from catching dengue fever.

Where are you in Thailand?


that is everywhere in Thailand to kill mosquitoes....

Next time make a video....I want to see their face when a crazy farang runs to them and shout.....or better take their motorbike key and run away with it cheesy.gif


It's for Dengue mosquito's. Harmless to your lawn and trees, maybe not so much for you if you inhaled a good lung full. They usually do it after someone in your area has been hospitalized with Dengue and they go around the housing area of the person in hospital and spray this gas/smoke to hopefully stop anyone else in the area catching it. They were actually doing you a favor and not trying to kill your garden.


It's for Dengue mosquito's. Harmless to your lawn and trees, maybe not so much for you if you inhaled a good lung full. They usually do it after someone in your area has been hospitalized with Dengue and they go around the housing area of the person in hospital and spray this gas/smoke to hopefully stop anyone else in the area catching it. They were actually doing you a favor and not trying to kill your garden.

That explains it. The OP must be feeling a bit silly....or does he even get it?


Pai, Mae Hong Son. I know it's to prevent mosquito's from breeding but, great favor... Burning itch, headache and feeling dizzy. Cant i at least exercise my right of no trespassing on private property?

Eddy, any idea what it is they are spraying?


As mentioned, mosquito fogger which is a good thing for stopping malaria and dengue breeders. The smell is from either diesel or kerosene mixed in with the insecticide for it to stick and generate the fog thermally. They went through our moo bahn a few weeks ago. I can hear them in plenty of time to close my doors & windows though. wink.png Either malathion or permethrine as the insecticide.


Probably Malathion mixed with diesel. At least that's what it smells like they use here in Chiang Mai. That's a common fogging mixture used in the U.S. for mosquito control. Will do a nice job of killing unwanted insects on those newly planted trees, too.

I had one Thai language teacher who says when she was a kid, the families in her neighborhood used to ask the guys doing the fogging to stick the fogger nozzles into their homes to get the mozzies inside!


Yep, this is what they are doing to my neighbors house right now.

In my previous house they sprayed from the road right onto my pans and dishes i kept under the house.

Nice stuff that Malathion...

  • Airways and lungs
    • Chest tightness
    • Difficulty breathing
  • Bladder and kidneys
  • Eyes, ears, nose, and throat
  • Heart and blood
    • Low or high blood pressure
    • Slow or rapid heart rate
    • Weakness
  • Nervous system
  • Skin
    • Blue skin (lips and fingernails)
    • Sweating
  • Stomach and gastrointestinal tract
    • Abdominal cramps
    • Diarrhea
    • Loss of appetite
    • Nausea
    • Vomiting

i welcome the debuggers, smell like a combo of diesel and other chemical, plus god knows what was left over from last year and mixed in to give a double whammy then agin they may thin it as they do paint and that is served as dessert on the baffet table..


i have an industrial grade gas mask specifically for occasions like these. and i dont eat anything that doesnt come out of a sealed container for two days after. one has to just hope that the contents werent subject to fogging the day the contents went into the container.


Yep, this is what they are doing to my neighbors house right now.

In my previous house they sprayed from the road right onto my pans and dishes i kept under the house.

Nice stuff that Malathion...

  • Airways and lungs
    • Chest tightness
    • Difficulty breathing
  • Bladder and kidneys
  • Eyes, ears, nose, and throat
  • Heart and blood
    • Low or high blood pressure
    • Slow or rapid heart rate
    • Weakness
  • Nervous system
  • Skin
    • Blue skin (lips and fingernails)
    • Sweating
  • Stomach and gastrointestinal tract
    • Abdominal cramps
    • Diarrhea
    • Loss of appetite
    • Nausea
    • Vomiting

You could of course weigh up the pros & cons:

Dengue hemorrhagic fever

Dengue hemorrhagic fever is a severe, potentially deadly infection spread by some mosquitos.

Four different dengue viruses are known to cause dengue hemorrhagic fever. Dengue hemorrhagic fever occurs when a person is bitten by a mosquito that is infected with the virus. The mosquito Aedes aegypti is the main species that spreads this disease.

There are more than 100 million new cases of dengue fever every year throughout the world. A small number of these develop into dengue hemorrhagic fever. Most infections in the United States are brought in from other countries. Risk factors for dengue hemorrhagic fever include having antibodies to dengue virus from an earlier infection.


Early symptoms of dengue hemorrhagic fever are similar to those of dengue fever. But after several days the infected person becomes irritable, restless, and sweaty. These symptoms are followed by a shock-like state.

Bleeding appears as tiny spots of blood on the skin and larger patches of blood under the skin. Minor injuries can cause bleeding.

Shock can lead to death. If the person survives, recovery begins after a 1-day crisis period.

Early symptoms include:

  • Decreased appetite
  • Fever
  • Headache
  • Joint or muscle aches
  • General ill feeling
  • Vomiting

Acute phase symptoms include restlessness followed by:

  • Patches of blood under the skin
  • Tiny spots of blood on the skin
  • Generalized rash
  • Worsening early symptoms

The acute phase also includes a shock-like state with:

  • Cold, clammy arms and legs
  • Sweating
Exams and Tests

A physical examination may reveal:

Tests may include:

  • Arterial blood gases
  • Blood tests (to find signs of the virus in the blood)
  • Coagulation studies
  • Electrolytes
  • Hematocrit
  • Liver enzymes
  • Platelet count
  • Serum studies from samples taken during acute illness and afterwards
  • Tourniquet test (causes blood patches to form below the tourniquet)
  • X-ray of the chest (may show buildup of fluid in the lungs and chest)

Because dengue hemorrhagic fever is caused by a virus for which there is no known cure or vaccine.

Wouldn't wish this on many people......................wink.png

Edit: This is what kills in Thailand: https://www.bumrungrad.com/healthpoint/November-2011/Dengue-Fever-in-Thailand--Important-Things-to-Know


Where i am in Chiang Mai city they do it every couple of weeks. I have never had any headaches or itching but i dont near the smoke while they are doing it.


Yep, this is what they are doing to my neighbors house right now.

In my previous house they sprayed from the road right onto my pans and dishes i kept under the house.

Nice stuff that Malathion...

  • Airways and lungs
    • Chest tightness
    • Difficulty breathing
  • Bladder and kidneys
  • Eyes, ears, nose, and throat
  • Heart and blood
    • Low or high blood pressure
    • Slow or rapid heart rate
    • Weakness
  • Nervous system
  • Skin
    • Blue skin (lips and fingernails)
    • Sweating
  • Stomach and gastrointestinal tract
    • Abdominal cramps
    • Diarrhea
    • Loss of appetite
    • Nausea
    • Vomiting

that's in case of high dose and prolonged exposure... did you know that too much water can kill u too?

the spraying does not only protect from contracting dengue from moskitoes, because moskitoes also transmit malaria.

if you keep pans and plates under the house, you certainly wash them before use anyway?


After that experience off course. That was just the place to keep washed dishes. I did not have a kitchen upstairs in my old house, so i improvised a thai kitchen under the house.

Last year a friend of mine drove past a pickup truck with one of those smoke machines and got it full in her face. Red tearing eyes for hours, no energy and feeling sick for a few days.

Malaria hasn't been spotted for a long time here in the north as far as i know.

Yes, too much water will kill you. Walking is bad for your knees. Living causes death. Still i'd rather stay away from exposure to chemicals.

It's good they do something against the dengue, but an option to opt-out would be much appreciated. I'd rather not have strange people driving about 50 meters up to my lawn, park right in front of my house, to direct that exhaust pipe straight at my front door, and start spraying stinking sickening chemicals all over the place.


Malaria hasn't been spotted for a long time here in the north as far as i know.

and your point is ?, they are spraying for dengue fever not Malaria ?

"What can i do? Is there anywhere where i can complain or even file a lawsuit?"

Write to your MP ? but seeing your willingness to file a lawsuit, maybe write to your Senator ?...whistling.gif

go for it call the cops, throw them off your property, get your shotgun out .....it will you getting fined

Seemingly another one just off the banana boat rolleyes.gif


It's good they do something against the dengue, but an option to opt-out would be much appreciated. I'd rather not have strange people driving about 50 meters up to my lawn, park right in front of my house, to direct that exhaust pipe straight at my front door, and start spraying stinking sickening chemicals all over the place.

WOW, definitely just off the banana boat...rolleyes.gif ...clueless

"Your lawn" your a farang, you cant own lawns


Yep, this is what they are doing to my neighbors house right now.

In my previous house they sprayed from the road right onto my pans and dishes i kept under the house.

Nice stuff that Malathion...


  • Airways and lungs
    • Chest tightness
    • Difficulty breathing
  • Bladder and kidneys
  • Eyes, ears, nose, and throat
  • Heart and blood
    • Low or high blood pressure
    • Slow or rapid heart rate
    • Weakness
  • Nervous system
  • Skin
    • Blue skin (lips and fingernails)
    • Sweating
  • Stomach and gastrointestinal tract
    • Abdominal cramps
    • Diarrhea
    • Loss of appetite
    • Nausea
    • Vomiting

Don't worry. If you have all those symptoms, I doubt whether a mozzy will want to come anywhere near you.

After that experience off course. That was just the place to keep washed dishes. I did not have a kitchen upstairs in my old house, so i improvised a thai kitchen under the house.

Last year a friend of mine drove past a pickup truck with one of those smoke machines and got it full in her face. Red tearing eyes for hours, no energy and feeling sick for a few days.

Malaria hasn't been spotted for a long time here in the north as far as i know.

Yes, too much water will kill you. Walking is bad for your knees. Living causes death. Still i'd rather stay away from exposure to chemicals.

It's good they do something against the dengue, but an option to opt-out would be much appreciated. I'd rather not have strange people driving about 50 meters up to my lawn, park right in front of my house, to direct that exhaust pipe straight at my front door, and start spraying stinking sickening chemicals all over the place.

it has no use if people opt out because the mozzies will multiply from there, next time before you start shouting try asking some questions

Yep, this is what they are doing to my neighbors house right now.

In my previous house they sprayed from the road right onto my pans and dishes i kept under the house.

Nice stuff that Malathion...


  • Airways and lungs
    • Chest tightness
    • Difficulty breathing
  • Bladder and kidneys
  • Eyes, ears, nose, and throat
  • Heart and blood
    • Low or high blood pressure
    • Slow or rapid heart rate
    • Weakness
  • Nervous system
  • Skin
    • Blue skin (lips and fingernails)
    • Sweating
  • Stomach and gastrointestinal tract
    • Abdominal cramps
    • Diarrhea
    • Loss of appetite
    • Nausea
    • Vomiting

Don't worry. If you have all those symptoms, I doubt whether a mozzy will want to come anywhere near you.

one suspects the mozzy would be scared of catching "farangism"


  • Sense of self entitlement
  • An opinion that all the natives are idiots and cant do anything right
  • An opinion that all natives should kow tow down to the all knowing farang
  • a preference for white socks with their sandal's
  • a preference for "Chang" wife beater's and walking shorts
  • Causes delusions of grandeur
  • Causes sufferers to become bitter and twisted

At least you gave the guys doing the spraying something to talk about over their Lao Khao tonight!!

Next time do what the rest of Thailand does and shut the doors and windows.

Running around in it like a crazed bull shouting get off my land!!!

Haha, would of loved to have seen the faces on those Thai workers.

Some people.........

Do you feel a bit stupid now??


Yep, this is what they are doing to my neighbors house right now.

In my previous house they sprayed from the road right onto my pans and dishes i kept under the house.

Nice stuff that Malathion...


  • Airways and lungs
    • Chest tightness
    • Difficulty breathing
  • Bladder and kidneys
  • Eyes, ears, nose, and throat
  • Heart and blood
    • Low or high blood pressure
    • Slow or rapid heart rate
    • Weakness
  • Nervous system
  • Skin
    • Blue skin (lips and fingernails)
    • Sweating
  • Stomach and gastrointestinal tract
    • Abdominal cramps
    • Diarrhea
    • Loss of appetite
    • Nausea
    • Vomiting

Don't worry. If you have all those symptoms, I doubt whether a mozzy will want to come anywhere near you.

one suspects the mozzy would be scared of catching "farangism"


  • Sense of self entitlement
  • An opinion that all the natives are idiots and cant do anything right
  • An opinion that all natives should kow tow down to the all knowing farang
  • a preference for white socks with their sandal's
  • a preference for "Chang" wife beater's and walking shorts
  • Causes delusions of grandeur
  • Causes sufferers to become bitter and twisted

Seems to me we already have an epedemic !! as those symptoms are very clearly prevelant in many areas including this forum .


What can i do? Is there anywhere where i can complain or even file a lawsuit?

I guess putting up a sign with no trespassing won't keep them outside.

Come back and tell us if you file the lawsuit.

We love a good laugh here


I am happy that I don't live next to the OP, the chemical smoke is a small price to pay to be safe from dengue. If people near you don't allow them to spray then its effectiveness on the whole area suffers. That would be a real selfish act of a farang with an inflated sense of ego.


At least you gave the guys doing the spraying something to talk about over their Lao Khao tonight!!

Next time do what the rest of Thailand does and shut the doors and windows.

Running around in it like a crazed bull shouting get off my land!!!

Haha, would of loved to have seen the faces on those Thai workers.

Some people.........

Do you feel a bit stupid now??

ting tong farang ?....


I am happy that I don't live next to the OP, the chemical smoke is a small price to pay to be safe from dengue. If people near you don't allow them to spray then its effectiveness on the whole area suffers. That would be a real selfish act of a farang with an inflated sense of ego.

I actually oppose the use of chemicals, but in this case it is really better than dengue.

checking for open water and put this anti mosquito virus into any open water you don't want to remove. But isn't practical possible country wide.


I am happy that I don't live next to the OP, the chemical smoke is a small price to pay to be safe from dengue. If people near you don't allow them to spray then its effectiveness on the whole area suffers. That would be a real selfish act of a farang with an inflated sense of ego.

I actually oppose the use of chemicals, but in this case it is really better than dengue.

checking for open water and put this anti mosquito virus into any open water you don't want to remove. But isn't practical possible country wide.

I actually have a hard time to define "chemicals".

Vitamin C is OK because natural while ascorbic acid is one of these dreaded chemicals, right?

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