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US police plagued by WARRIOR SPIRIT of shoot more, talk less

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One white officer, Michael Brelo, jumps on the hood and fires his Glock 17 pistol 49 times at driver Timothy Russell and passenger Malissa Williams

Are they sure about this??? Sounds pretty crazy considering a Glock 17 holds 17 rounds
Does it matter? 17 times, 49, or 100 shots.....way over-kill.
If I recall, he fired his weapon 49 times during the chase and the subsequent bonnet-leaping. 15 of those shots were fired while he was on the bonnet.
Must have had a bee in his bonnet.
I've never killed anyone, but have been told by some who have that it is a real rush.

I have killed, more times than I care to think about, during 20 year in the Marines, and I got a news flash for you. There is no "rush" involved. You do what the circumstances dictate at the time, and when it's over, you are quietly thankful that you're still alive. Yeah, I've seen the guys who think they are Rambo, and it's a big kick for them, but trust me, they are a serious minority overall.

You acknowledge Rambos get a big kick, but deny 'rush.'
Newsflash: these are synonymous terms.
So excuse me if I don't necessarily buy your 'seriously minor' assessment.
Probably doesn't seem minor to hundreds of thousands of non-combatants my country's military has killed and injured since our last declared war, WW2.
We ne'er declared war against them as required by our Constitution, which you probably swore to uphold, sir.

Search YouTube will reveal large number of heinous incidents of police brutality including execution of unarmed, non-criminals.
Depressingly large number.
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Too many police departments are stone cold bureaucracies that serve no one but themselves and protect only themselves. Even in a suburb such as Ferguson Missouri the police department is a corrupt shitthole beholden to no one and acting with impunity. Police in NYC blame the mayor instead of considering their own right wing impudence. Baltimore cops care about themselves not the public.

The relentless beat goes on.


Only the lunatic far left baby killers would believe this opinion piece was representative of American police officers.

Warriors? Damned right I want my officers to be tough. Not some Nancy-boys. Instead of emphasizing the rarity of bad cops (a few million police-civilian interactions every day), no this article tries to reinforce the idea that cops are all bad.

And the clowns that agree with it.


Warrior spirit? Nice euphamism for gung-ho cowboy yeeeeee haa shoot-em-up I watched too many Rambo movies and played too much Call of Duty idiocy.

I mean, seriously, standing on the bonnet of a stationary car and pumping bullets into the unarmed occupants? Was one bullet each not enough? The car was stopped, it was no longer a deadly weapon. That's not "warrior spirit", that's verging on psycopathy.

Being someone who carried a firearm for many years in one country, and then subsequently went to live and work in the US for a couple of years, got to agree, too many nut jobs running around there and living some Hollywood movie in their heads and its not just the "civilians" either

In the US a percentage of Police are ex military. My reading indicates that number has risen in recent years. So your taking someone from a combat background where possibly they served in Iraq etc and then ask them to serve civilians where previously they were possibly enemy. Recipe for disaster.

The majority of police in the USA are conservative Republican, a hard core are right wing extremists.

The 100 year old Fraternal Order of Police, which is the largest police union in the US, endorses Republicans for elective office, president in particular since Richard Nixon.

From the Civil Rights movement of the 1950s on up to the present, the police have come down on black Americans and often with brutality to include dogs. The first organized municipal police departments in the US, from 1705 onward were formed from among the voluntary Slave Patrols that hunted down escaped slaves.

The history of policing since the Civil Rights movement has resulted in an irreversible harm and damage to policing in the US from which the police will never recover. It long ago became an act of legitimate civil disobedience in certain black communities to resist police in almost all situations and circumstances.

As the police sow, so do they reap.

Of course "the majority of police in the USA are conservative Republican," and they do tend to share a warrior spirt. This is not a bad trait to have when confronted with criminals who care little for others, and rather take from those who are trying to work and live decent lives.

Law enforcement agencies require a psychological exam just to be considered a candidate for becoming a police officer. Passing psychological screening is a giant hurdle for most liberal individuals who hate guns, are generally gender confused, and have extreme leftist views.

The author of this article is just another liberal leftists, who has distain for American police. I'm surprised this police hatred is so prevalent among leftists. The author forgot to mention, most police officers share a belief in God, which many liberals tend to find offensive.


Warrior spirit? Nice euphamism for gung-ho cowboy yeeeeee haa shoot-em-up I watched too many Rambo movies and played too much Call of Duty idiocy.

I mean, seriously, standing on the bonnet of a stationary car and pumping bullets into the unarmed occupants? Was one bullet each not enough? The car was stopped, it was no longer a deadly weapon. That's not "warrior spirit", that's verging on psycopathy.

Being someone who carried a firearm for many years in one country, and then subsequently went to live and work in the US for a couple of years, got to agree, too many nut jobs running around there and living some Hollywood movie in their heads and its not just the "civilians" either

In the US a percentage of Police are ex military. My reading indicates that number has risen in recent years. So your taking someone from a combat background where possibly they served in Iraq etc and then ask them to serve civilians where previously they were possibly enemy. Recipe for disaster.

The majority of police in the USA are conservative Republican, a hard core are right wing extremists.

The 100 year old Fraternal Order of Police, which is the largest police union in the US, endorses Republicans for elective office, president in particular since Richard Nixon.

From the Civil Rights movement of the 1950s on up to the present, the police have come down on black Americans and often with brutality to include dogs. The first organized municipal police departments in the US, from 1705 onward were formed from among the voluntary Slave Patrols that hunted down escaped slaves.

The history of policing since the Civil Rights movement has resulted in an irreversible harm and damage to policing in the US from which the police will never recover. It long ago became an act of legitimate civil disobedience in certain black communities to resist police in almost all situations and circumstances.

As the police sow, so do they reap.

Of course "the majority of police in the USA are conservative Republican," and they do tend to share a warrior spirt. This is not a bad trait to have when confronted with criminals who care little for others, and rather take from those who are trying to work and live decent lives.

Law enforcement agencies require a psychological exam just to be considered a candidate for becoming a police officer. Passing psychological screening is a giant hurdle for most liberal individuals who hate guns, are generally gender confused, and have extreme leftist views.

The author of this article is just another liberal leftists, who has distain for American police. I'm surprised this police hatred is so prevalent among leftists. The author forgot to mention, most police officers share a belief in God, which many liberals tend to find offensive.
. You are so out of the Loop with your as$&@?% Conservative Views, Open your eyes and not look through your Rose Colored Glasses, The Police , Government, whatever you want to call it, Have Militerised the Country , obviously you have No Idea, but at least the members of TVF , Have seen your Agenda... Psychological Tests Have been a Failure, if you even watch the News , With this Spiel, Not Living in Reality. Faux News is Not Reality...

The author of this article is just another liberal leftists, who has distain for American police. I'm surprised this police hatred is so prevalent among leftists. The author forgot to mention, most police officers share a belief in God, which many liberals tend to find offensive.

What has a belief in god got to do with any of this ? blink.png

Surely your not suggesting they can do what they want because of their belief in god ergo are doing gods work ?

that sort of rhetoric is the same sort of stuff being spouted by radical muslins as justification to kill and maim people....blink.png


Warrior spirit? Nice euphamism for gung-ho cowboy yeeeeee haa shoot-em-up I watched too many Rambo movies and played too much Call of Duty idiocy.

I mean, seriously, standing on the bonnet of a stationary car and pumping bullets into the unarmed occupants? Was one bullet each not enough? The car was stopped, it was no longer a deadly weapon. That's not "warrior spirit", that's verging on psycopathy.

Being someone who carried a firearm for many years in one country, and then subsequently went to live and work in the US for a couple of years, got to agree, too many nut jobs running around there and living some Hollywood movie in their heads and its not just the "civilians" either

In the US a percentage of Police are ex military. My reading indicates that number has risen in recent years. So your taking someone from a combat background where possibly they served in Iraq etc and then ask them to serve civilians where previously they were possibly enemy. Recipe for disaster.

The majority of police in the USA are conservative Republican, a hard core are right wing extremists.

The 100 year old Fraternal Order of Police, which is the largest police union in the US, endorses Republicans for elective office, president in particular since Richard Nixon.

From the Civil Rights movement of the 1950s on up to the present, the police have come down on black Americans and often with brutality to include dogs. The first organized municipal police departments in the US, from 1705 onward were formed from among the voluntary Slave Patrols that hunted down escaped slaves.

The history of policing since the Civil Rights movement has resulted in an irreversible harm and damage to policing in the US from which the police will never recover. It long ago became an act of legitimate civil disobedience in certain black communities to resist police in almost all situations and circumstances.

As the police sow, so do they reap.

Of course "the majority of police in the USA are conservative Republican," and they do tend to share a warrior spirt. This is not a bad trait to have when confronted with criminals who care little for others, and rather take from those who are trying to work and live decent lives.

Law enforcement agencies require a psychological exam just to be considered a candidate for becoming a police officer. Passing psychological screening is a giant hurdle for most liberal individuals who hate guns, are generally gender confused, and have extreme leftist views.

The author of this article is just another liberal leftists, who has distain for American police. I'm surprised this police hatred is so prevalent among leftists. The author forgot to mention, most police officers share a belief in God, which many liberals tend to find offensive.

. You are so out of the Loop with your as$&@?% Conservative Views, Open your eyes and not look through your Rose Colored Glasses, The Police , Government, whatever you want to call it, Have Militerised the Country , obviously you have No Idea, but at least the members of TVF , Have seen your Agenda... Psychological Tests Have been a Failure, if you even watch the News , With this Spiel, Not Living in Reality. Faux News is Not Reality...

Gee Dannyboy666, what loop am I out of touch with, and what agenda do you think I have? Maybe you should wait until the hallucinations stop and you are no longer hearing voices in your head before posting.


The majority of police in the USA are conservative Republican, a hard core are right wing extremists.

The 100 year old Fraternal Order of Police, which is the largest police union in the US, endorses Republicans for elective office, president in particular since Richard Nixon.

From the Civil Rights movement of the 1950s on up to the present, the police have come down on black Americans and often with brutality to include dogs. The first organized municipal police departments in the US, from 1705 onward were formed from among the voluntary Slave Patrols that hunted down escaped slaves.

The history of policing since the Civil Rights movement has resulted in an irreversible harm and damage to policing in the US from which the police will never recover. It long ago became an act of legitimate civil disobedience in certain black communities to resist police in almost all situations and circumstances.

As the police sow, so do they reap.

Of course "the majority of police in the USA are conservative Republican," and they do tend to share a warrior spirt. This is not a bad trait to have when confronted with criminals who care little for others, and rather take from those who are trying to work and live decent lives.

Law enforcement agencies require a psychological exam just to be considered a candidate for becoming a police officer. Passing psychological screening is a giant hurdle for most liberal individuals who hate guns, are generally gender confused, and have extreme leftist views.

The author of this article is just another liberal leftists, who has distain for American police. I'm surprised this police hatred is so prevalent among leftists. The author forgot to mention, most police officers share a belief in God, which many liberals tend to find offensive.

I'm surprised this police hatred is so prevalent among leftists.

Perhaps there's less surprise than might be indicated. The statement is nonetheless a gross mischaracterisation and is reckless and irresponsible. I can see however from over there on the marginal right it could appear the mass of the population would be "leftists."

I for one have stated many times at these threads I agree with IACP President, Chief Richard Beary that "ninety-eight percent of the time the police do the right thing."

It's the other two percent of the time that are of great concern to so many Americans. The cops making the headlines the past several years are the conservative Republican right wingers who are burned out and unstable, deadly to the public, so this issue needs to be immediately recognized and addressed. Carrying on about God further misses the point, woefully so.


The author of this article is just another liberal leftists, who has distain for American police. I'm surprised this police hatred is so prevalent among leftists. The author forgot to mention, most police officers share a belief in God, which many liberals tend to find offensive.

What has a belief in god got to do with any of this ? blink.png

Surely your not suggesting they can do what they want because of their belief in god ergo are doing gods work ?

that sort of rhetoric is the same sort of stuff being spouted by radical muslins as justification to kill and maim people....blink.png

. Well Said, What World does he live in... I wouldn't even give a Response to his Rhetorical Nonsense. GOD, Look at The World Now, Really do you think their is a Higher Power, you think a Higher Power would allow the world we live in , You re an Organism, the end is the End... Or some Alien Experiment, Gone Wrong .btw my father was a DEA Agent, Major in the Marine Corps, and had PHD in Humanities, so I know Law Enforcement, I know all about Cop Mentality, since they were at our house all the time, DEA and Local Police and also he died on the Tarmac at Milan Airport at 41, Serving our Country , and I also know how my Mother was treated by our Govt. Atrocious Behavior for questions she had about his Death, btw she had a PHD also, a lil too smart for our Govt. So go pull the wool over some other mentally challenged Clowns .God fearing Cops, Never heard the word God uttered by Police or DEA, in my surroundings so you can go Blow Smoke up Someone Else's Behind... I think it's Time he rode off into the Sunset, Never to Return. Spiel about god and I'm the one Hallucinating, Please...

Warrior spirit? Nice euphamism for gung-ho cowboy yeeeeee haa shoot-em-up I watched too many Rambo movies and played too much Call of Duty idiocy.

I mean, seriously, standing on the bonnet of a stationary car and pumping bullets into the unarmed occupants? Was one bullet each not enough? The car was stopped, it was no longer a deadly weapon. That's not "warrior spirit", that's verging on psycopathy.

Being someone who carried a firearm for many years in one country, and then subsequently went to live and work in the US for a couple of years, got to agree, too many nut jobs running around there and living some Hollywood movie in their heads and its not just the "civilians" either

In the US a percentage of Police are ex military. My reading indicates that number has risen in recent years. So your taking someone from a combat background where possibly they served in Iraq etc and then ask them to serve civilians where previously they were possibly enemy. Recipe for disaster.

The majority of police in the USA are conservative Republican, a hard core are right wing extremists.

The 100 year old Fraternal Order of Police, which is the largest police union in the US, endorses Republicans for elective office, president in particular since Richard Nixon.

From the Civil Rights movement of the 1950s on up to the present, the police have come down on black Americans and often with brutality to include dogs. The first organized municipal police departments in the US, from 1705 onward were formed from among the voluntary Slave Patrols that hunted down escaped slaves.

The history of policing since the Civil Rights movement has resulted in an irreversible harm and damage to policing in the US from which the police will never recover. It long ago became an act of legitimate civil disobedience in certain black communities to resist police in almost all situations and circumstances.

As the police sow, so do they reap.

Of course "the majority of police in the USA are conservative Republican," and they do tend to share a warrior spirt. This is not a bad trait to have when confronted with criminals who care little for others, and rather take from those who are trying to work and live decent lives.

Law enforcement agencies require a psychological exam just to be considered a candidate for becoming a police officer. Passing psychological screening is a giant hurdle for most liberal individuals who hate guns, are generally gender confused, and have extreme leftist views.

The author of this article is just another liberal leftists, who has distain for American police. I'm surprised this police hatred is so prevalent among leftists. The author forgot to mention, most police officers share a belief in God, which many liberals tend to find offensive.
. Liberals, Gender Confused, you are a Piece of Work, Brain Washed by Faux News, 55555, take a look at your Profile Views after this Nonsense, I'm sure members will want want to see what Planet you re operating from, On Your Bike...

Too many police departments are stone cold bureaucracies that serve no one but themselves and protect only themselves. Even in a suburb such as Ferguson Missouri the police department is a corrupt shitthole beholden to no one and acting with impunity. Police in NYC blame the mayor instead of considering their own right wing impudence. Baltimore cops care about themselves not the public.

The relentless beat goes on.

. Cops are a Brotherhood, Not many Socialize with Civilians outside of work, Right or Wrong, Cops Support each other...

The author of this article is just another liberal leftists, who has distain for American police. I'm surprised this police hatred is so prevalent among leftists. The author forgot to mention, most police officers share a belief in God, which many liberals tend to find offensive.

What has a belief in god got to do with any of this ? blink.png

Surely your not suggesting they can do what they want because of their belief in god ergo are doing gods work ?

that sort of rhetoric is the same sort of stuff being spouted by radical muslins as justification to kill and maim people....blink.png

. Well Said, What World does he live in... I wouldn't even give a Response to his Rhetorical Nonsense. GOD, Look at The World Now, Really do you think their is a Higher Power, you think a Higher Power would allow the world we live in , You re an Organism, the end is the End... Or some Alien Experiment, Gone Wrong .btw my father was a DEA Agent, Major in the Marine Corps, and had PHD in Humanities, so I know Law Enforcement, I know all about Cop Mentality, since they were at our house all the time, DEA and Local Police and also he died on the Tarmac at Milan Airport at 41, Serving our Country , and I also know how my Mother was treated by our Govt. Atrocious Behavior for questions she had about his Death, btw she had a PHD also, a lil too smart for our Govt. So go pull the wool over some other mentally challenged Clowns .God fearing Cops, Never heard the word God uttered by Police or DEA, in my surroundings so you can go Blow Smoke up Someone Else's Behind... I think it's Time he rode off into the Sunset, Never to Return. Spiel about god and I'm the one Hallucinating, Please...

So you think you are an organism from some Alien experiment? After reading your posts, I think you might be on to something. Do your imaginary friends believe they are part of this experiment too? Just curious.


Of course "the majority of police in the USA are conservative Republican," and they do tend to share a warrior spirt. This is not a bad trait to have when confronted with criminals who care little for others, and rather take from those who are trying to work and live decent lives.

Law enforcement agencies require a psychological exam just to be considered a candidate for becoming a police officer. Passing psychological screening is a giant hurdle for most liberal individuals who hate guns, are generally gender confused, and have extreme leftist views.

The author of this article is just another liberal leftists, who has distain for American police. I'm surprised this police hatred is so prevalent among leftists. The author forgot to mention, most police officers share a belief in God, which many liberals tend to find offensive.

. Liberals, Gender Confused, you are a Piece of Work, Brain Washed by Faux News, 55555, take a look at your Profile Views after this Nonsense, I'm sure members will want want to see what Planet you re operating from, On Your Bike...

Unfortunately, I don't get "Fox News." What is it about Fox News that liberals find so disturbing? I'm beginning to think most liberals view Fox News. If I didn't like a news station, I certainly wouldn't spend time viewing it. It appears the "gender confused" part hit a nerve, OMG!


Of course "the majority of police in the USA are conservative Republican," and they do tend to share a warrior spirt. This is not a bad trait to have when confronted with criminals who care little for others, and rather take from those who are trying to work and live decent lives.

Law enforcement agencies require a psychological exam just to be considered a candidate for becoming a police officer. Passing psychological screening is a giant hurdle for most liberal individuals who hate guns, are generally gender confused, and have extreme leftist views.

The author of this article is just another liberal leftists, who has distain for American police. I'm surprised this police hatred is so prevalent among leftists. The author forgot to mention, most police officers share a belief in God, which many liberals tend to find offensive.

. Liberals, Gender Confused, you are a Piece of Work, Brain Washed by Faux News, 55555, take a look at your Profile Views after this Nonsense, I'm sure members will want want to see what Planet you re operating from, On Your Bike...

Unfortunately, I don't get "Fox News." What is it about Fox News that liberals find so disturbing? I'm beginning to think most liberals view Fox News. If I didn't like a news station, I certainly wouldn't spend time viewing it. It appears the "gender confused" part hit a nerve, OMG!

This is what really upsets them.....http://tvbythenumbers.zap2it.com/2015/06/19/cable-news-ratings-for-thursday-june-18-2015/419183/

Viewers 25 to 54 Fox blows away the competition. They will try to tell you it's only old white men but not so it's everyone.


The author of this article is just another liberal leftists, who has distain for American police. I'm surprised this police hatred is so prevalent among leftists. The author forgot to mention, most police officers share a belief in God, which many liberals tend to find offensive.

What has a belief in god got to do with any of this ? blink.png

Surely your not suggesting they can do what they want because of their belief in god ergo are doing gods work ?

that sort of rhetoric is the same sort of stuff being spouted by radical muslins as justification to kill and maim people....blink.png

Well Soutpeel, since you asked, the belief in God tends to go hand and hand with the warrior spirt. I'm not certain how you came up with "radical muslims as justification to kill and maim people" as related to U.S. police. Those are your words, not mine.


What has a belief in god got to do with any of this ? blink.png

Surely your not suggesting they can do what they want because of their belief in god ergo are doing gods work ?

that sort of rhetoric is the same sort of stuff being spouted by radical muslins as justification to kill and maim people....blink.png

Well Soutpeel, since you asked, the belief in God tends to go hand and hand with the warrior spirt. I'm not certain how you came up with "radical muslims as justification to kill and maim people" as related to U.S. police. Those are your words, not mine.

I think beer and steroids are far more hand and hand with a warrior spirit than belief in God.


Unfortunately, I don't get "Fox News." What is it about Fox News that liberals find so disturbing? I'm beginning to think most liberals view Fox News. If I didn't like a news station, I certainly wouldn't spend time viewing it. It appears the "gender confused" part hit a nerve, OMG!

This is what really upsets them.....http://tvbythenumbers.zap2it.com/2015/06/19/cable-news-ratings-for-thursday-june-18-2015/419183/

Viewers 25 to 54 Fox blows away the competition. They will try to tell you it's only old white men but not so it's everyone.

. This is the Midwest Mentality, I can't stand in the U.S. The U.S. Should Split so the Bible Thumpers can stay Clueless Together, So Embarrasing for us Coastal State Residents...

Coastal states? I think somebody needs a class in geography. Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, and Virginia are also all coastal states--and frequently considered as home to your hated "Bible Thumpers." Is there some claim that living near water increases IQ? Be careful you don't embarrass your fellow coastal state Eloi.

. Eloi, 2 Post Human -Races in HG Wells The Time Machine, I'm at a Loss...

The author of this article is just another liberal leftists, who has distain for American police. I'm surprised this police hatred is so prevalent among leftists. The author forgot to mention, most police officers share a belief in God, which many liberals tend to find offensive.

What has a belief in god got to do with any of this ? blink.png

Surely your not suggesting they can do what they want because of their belief in god ergo are doing gods work ?

that sort of rhetoric is the same sort of stuff being spouted by radical muslins as justification to kill and maim people....blink.png

Well Soutpeel, since you asked, the belief in God tends to go hand and hand with the warrior spirt. I'm not certain how you came up with "radical muslims as justification to kill and maim people" as related to U.S. police. Those are your words, not mine.

Nice try at attempting to muddy the waters, but suggest you brush up on your English comprehension skills

So once again...What has a belief in God got to do with any of this ?

...but what is interesting "God tends to go hand in hand with the warrior spirit " - these are cops we are talking about - peace keepers, not the bloody Spartans, so if there is a general belief running around that they are some sort of "warriors" then this goes along way justify the premise of this whole piece, your words not mine..


Police departments throughout the country provide readjustment programs for police officers who have been called to active military duty since 9/11 and have returned to their departments after active duty deployment in Iraq or Afghanistan (or elsewhere). This includes PTS assistance.

Police departments nationally do actively recruit former military personnel who have retired before 20 years of military service, to include giving retirement credit to each officer for the military service.

The berserk cop in McKinney Texas who resigned got retirement of something like 22 years, counting his 12 years as a police officer in Texas and his ten years before that in the USN.

Raw numbers or percentages of national data are hard to come by however. Police departments like hiring veterans because the vets like action, comraderie, a structured and disciplined work environment, guns.

The International Association of Chiefs of Police, the Justice Department and Klein Associates work jointly to recruit or provide adjustment assistance to veterans, police, from active duty to police work.


What??? "Police departments like hiring veterans because the vets like action, camaraderie, a structured and disciplined work environments, guns."????? You have got to be kidding. You have displayed hatred for police over and over again in your posts but this hatred is now directed towards war veterans as well.

Police departments as well as any number of companies and corporations in America, like hiring vets, not only because they served their country but they tend to be mature, focused, responsible, and hard workers. It has nothing to do with enjoying action, and guns. Grow up.


Warrior spirit? Nice euphamism for gung-ho cowboy yeeeeee haa shoot-em-up I watched too many Rambo movies and played too much Call of Duty idiocy.

I mean, seriously, standing on the bonnet of a stationary car and pumping bullets into the unarmed occupants? Was one bullet each not enough? The car was stopped, it was no longer a deadly weapon. That's not "warrior spirit", that's verging on psycopathy.

"...watched too many Rambo movies and played too much Call of Duty idiocy."

Unfortunately that sort of mentality is what draws in a majority of those who apply to be police, especially in urban areas. The sheriff in a small town might legitimately want to "serve and protect" his small community, but the motivation to become a policeman in LA or New York or places where there are often "us versus them" tensions between races or other factions has got to have something to do a power trip and the perceived authority to bash some heads together or to use lethal force like they do in the movies or video games.

It's one of the occupations, like being a proctologist or an embalmer, where you really have to wonder why would someone want to do that?

I see you are another police hater. What makes you think "becoming a police officer in LA or New York, have something to do with a power trip and need to bash heads or use lethal force like they do in the movies or video games."??

Being a police officer takes dedication and long hours of training. Those who successfully become police officers tend to have a strong sense of right and wrong, and enjoy helping people. It's a noble line of work.

It's interesting to see who likes your idiotic post.


"The Washington Post last month examined 385 deaths by police gunshot and found 80 per cent of the victims had been armed with lethal weapons. Half were white, half black. Sixteen per cent - or 62 of the dead - were unarmed people, two-thirds of them black or Hispanics."

The above quote says it all, if I were a policeman on the beat in any of the trouble prone cities,

I would watch my back, and when you have people like Al Sharpton, De Blasio and Eric

holder, giving the offending population a tail wind support, I'd too be quick to draw...

In an earlier post of the same topic, I have posted a comment defending the police action,

so after I got a private message berating and accusing me of being a US cop of a sort,

Here is a couple of articles for you to show you the problem:



Sorry there is another article I cant trackdown now but it shows how out of preportion compared to the rest of the world its become. If I remember correctly the facts was that Iceland with +- 320 000 people had one police killing in the last 50 years compare to a town in the US that had 3 police killings in March this year. The police killings in March this year in the US was +- the same as total in Australia between 1994 and 2011.

There is problem in the US, its either the police have become too violent or the population have become too violent which force the police to act more violent.

A good deal of this problem comes from the government itself, and it's stupid laws.

When we outlawed alcohol during prohibition, we got the bootleggers and ultimately the mafia. With the mountains of money being made, they were able to arm themselves to the teeth, and had an economic incentive to do so. Hence, the police needed to escalate along with the criminals.

Fast forward to the war on drugs and you have the same phenomenon, but on a much grander scale. Automatic weapons, armor piercing rounds, hollow points, etc. I don't blame the police for being scared shitless.

Had the government not been so stupid, the millions/billions of dollars wasted trying to stop people from doing something they will inevitably do anyway could have been spent on more productive things, like education, assisting the disenfranchised, handling addiction with treatment centers as opposed to prison, etc., etc., etc. The money would have been spent by society for sensible things, as opposed to being handed to criminals who have created the mess we have now.

When will the American people wake up and realize that their government is not the answer to every problem, and often times the source of the problem?

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