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Confederate flag sets off debate in 2016 Republican class

Lite Beer

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I saw the flags, still what is your point? Let me try again, the flag display in his tomb is ok with me, it is the flag display on government, be it federal, state or local property that people are rightly upset about. His tomb is a museum, exactly where that flag belongs. A flag is a flag is a flag, NOT. That flag is a symbol of hate, racism and slavery and should never be displayed on any government property. Go fly it in your yard if you wish, good for the neighbors to know what kind of person you are.

Do you know how many statues of Robert E Lee are on government property? Do you know how many graves of confederate soldiers are on government property?

Do you know how many historical exhibits of the Civil War and the Stars and Bars are on government property?

I have never met a person who has served in the Armed forces of the United States of America that does not respect the Confederate soldiers who died during the Civil War and also their battle flag (exception being the soldiers inside LBJ).

I have never met a person who has served in the Armed forces of the United States of America that does not respect the Confederate soldiers who died during the Civil War and also their battle flag.

This astounding statement cannot go uncontested. It is a preposterous claim that causes me as an Army veteran to question the experience of the claimant....was he the full time duty corporal at Lee's church tomb??? laugh.png

In my own military service during the 1960s, which was during the zenith of the Black Civil Rights Movement and the war in Vietnam is exactly contrary. My voluntary military experience was also during the time of military conscription, so the armed forces had a far better representation of the larger society than it has had since the draft was ended in 1974.

During four years of university ROTC and then four years of active duty service in Infantry, I and many other regulars in the armed forces expressed among one another our great contempt of the Confederacy, its soldiers, its symbols such as the battle flag, and all the Confederate States of America in fact were and to the present continue to represent. The Reb soldiers from the Old Confederacy that I shared military service with during the 1960s were dubious soldiers indeed, largely unrepresentative of American society, culture, civilization, as a whole and historically.

The CSA were entirely about treason, a shameless insurrection, human bondage, contempt of the Constitution of the United States of America. I knew many many fellow Americans, who, same as I, were in the uniform of the armed forces of the United States who had only contempt for the Confederacy and of its legacy whether the legacy in our time manifested as civilian or US military, Gov. George Wallace and his kind in particular.

Our black American military personnel tolerantly suffered the rednecks in uniform but only because they had no choice in a racist society that had a history of a racist military as well as racism across its institutions from education to religion to government and so on. Still, there were those of us whites who did not accept it either but we white guyz could speak out without fear of a direct racist backlash, even if one had to often speak discretely in the presence of cracker officers of any rank and nco's too.

Confederate soldiers fought bravely but mostly wildly and each one got what he deserved for his miserable regional cause, society, culture, sub-civilisation.

What???? "Confederate soldiers fought bravely but mostly wildly and each one got what he deserved for his miserable regional cause, society, culture, sub-civislation." You have got to be kidding me. "Each one got what he deserved"????

Most Americans have at least one relative who fought in the Civil War. Many families today have relatives who had fought on both sides. If you were to trace your genealogy, you probably had a relative who had fought for the South as well. What a senseless and despicable thing to say.

Look at any photo of the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) when they were at their height. You won't see the Confederate flag but you will see the Stars and Stripes. I suspect at some time in the near future, the liberals will find the American flag offensive and will want it removed as well.

I suppose you know it was the Stars and Stripes that flew over American slave ships, not to mention flying over the U.S. Calvary units that oversaw ethnic cleansing of native Americans.

I hope the state of South Carolina, will hold on to their historic traditions and keep the Confederate flag flying. Let the liberals whine and weep over something else.

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And exactly what does the Stars and Stripes flying over slave ships have to do with anything to be proud of? Many were British flagged. I'm all too aware of the US Calvary units and ethic cleansing. I'll bet you don't think those at the Battle of the Greasy Grass got what they deserved, Custer certainly did. I hope that South Carolina will apply some intelligence and realize that the flag represents racism, slavery, oppression and death and take it down. Not exactly the "heritage" or traditions I am proud of. The tradition of lynching and enslaving black people, surely you jest. And yea, OTT in the "Confederate soldiers fought bravely but mostly wildly and each one got what he deserved for his miserable regional cause, society, culture, sub-civislation." You have got to be kidding me. "Each one got what he deserved"???? My brothers didn't get what they deserved in Vietnam although that war was illegal, immoral and absolutely unnecessary. Many in the South did not believe in slavery, but they believed in the South, wrong just like we were in VN but....... .

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U.S. Civil War was fought over states rights. I have ancestors who fought for the confederacy, etc. but I wish the US would be more United than it is. There are too many little laws that vary by state and even city and the more consistent we get the better off most of us will be as we share the same moral compass.

I hate racism and any belief system that doesn't appreciate strength in diversity (ISIS) ! However, I see no value in having a confederate flag as a representation of a moral compass for people to believe in because the primary states right that led the confederate south against the north was the use of slavery that made the rich richer at the expense of their fellow human beings.

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I saw the flags, still what is your point? Let me try again, the flag display in his tomb is ok with me, it is the flag display on government, be it federal, state or local property that people are rightly upset about. His tomb is a museum, exactly where that flag belongs. A flag is a flag is a flag, NOT. That flag is a symbol of hate, racism and slavery and should never be displayed on any government property. Go fly it in your yard if you wish, good for the neighbors to know what kind of person you are.

Do you know how many statues of Robert E Lee are on government property? Do you know how many graves of confederate soldiers are on government property?

Do you know how many historical exhibits of the Civil War and the Stars and Bars are on government property?

I have never met a person who has served in the Armed forces of the United States of America that does not respect the Confederate soldiers who died during the Civil War and also their battle flag (exception being the soldiers inside LBJ).

I have never met a person who has served in the Armed forces of the United States of America that does not respect the Confederate soldiers who died during the Civil War and also their battle flag.

This astounding statement cannot go uncontested. It is a preposterous claim that causes me as an Army veteran to question the experience of the claimant....was he the full time duty corporal at Lee's church tomb??? laugh.png

In my own military service during the 1960s, which was during the zenith of the Black Civil Rights Movement and the war in Vietnam is exactly contrary. My voluntary military experience was also during the time of military conscription, so the armed forces had a far better representation of the larger society than it has had since the draft was ended in 1974.

During four years of university ROTC and then four years of active duty service in Infantry, I and many other regulars in the armed forces expressed among one another our great contempt of the Confederacy, its soldiers, its symbols such as the battle flag, and all the Confederate States of America in fact were and to the present continue to represent. The Reb soldiers from the Old Confederacy that I shared military service with during the 1960s were dubious soldiers indeed, largely unrepresentative of American society, culture, civilization, as a whole and historically.

The CSA were entirely about treason, a shameless insurrection, human bondage, contempt of the Constitution of the United States of America. I knew many many fellow Americans, who, same as I, were in the uniform of the armed forces of the United States who had only contempt for the Confederacy and of its legacy whether the legacy in our time manifested as civilian or US military, Gov. George Wallace and his kind in particular.

Our black American military personnel tolerantly suffered the rednecks in uniform but only because they had no choice in a racist society that had a history of a racist military as well as racism across its institutions from education to religion to government and so on. Still, there were those of us whites who did not accept it either but we white guyz could speak out without fear of a direct racist backlash, even if one had to often speak discretely in the presence of cracker officers of any rank and nco's too.

Confederate soldiers fought bravely but mostly wildly and each one got what he deserved for his miserable regional cause, society, culture, sub-civilisation.

What???? "Confederate soldiers fought bravely but mostly wildly and each one got what he deserved for his miserable regional cause, society, culture, sub-civislation." You have got to be kidding me. "Each one got what he deserved"????

Most Americans have at least one relative who fought in the Civil War. Many families today have relatives who had fought on both sides. If you were to trace your genealogy, you probably had a relative who had fought for the South as well. What a senseless and despicable thing to say.

Look at any photo of the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) when they were at their height. You won't see the Confederate flag but you will see the Stars and Stripes. I suspect at some time in the near future, the liberals will find the American flag offensive and will want it removed as well.

I suppose you know it was the Stars and Stripes that flew over American slave ships, not to mention flying over the U.S. Calvary units that oversaw ethnic cleansing of native Americans.

I hope the state of South Carolina, will hold on to their historic traditions and keep the Confederate flag flying. Let the liberals whine and weep over something else.

I hope the state of South Carolina, will hold on to their historic traditions and keep the Confederate flag flying

South Carolina isn't a done deal yet but governors and legislatures across the South are issuing executive orders or otherwise in the process of voting to haul down the Confederate flag from their state capitol buildings as the country and the world can believe the days are past of the Battle Flag or any Confederate flag having any official recognition, respect, position of honor, in the United States of America.

My post you quoted had already demolished a particularly preposterous proposition in respect of all of us who have served honorably in the armed forces of the United States of America and who haven't ever stood for or sung Dixie..That's several score millions of us.

Hope btw is not a strategy.

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And exactly what does the Stars and Stripes flying over slave ships have to do with anything to be proud of? Many were British flagged. I'm all too aware of the US Calvary units and ethic cleansing. I'll bet you don't think those at the Battle of the Greasy Grass got what they deserved, Custer certainly did. I hope that South Carolina will apply some intelligence and realize that the flag represents racism, slavery, oppression and death and take it down. Not exactly the "heritage" or traditions I am proud of. The tradition of lynching and enslaving black people, surely you jest. And yea, OTT in the "Confederate soldiers fought bravely but mostly wildly and each one got what he deserved for his miserable regional cause, society, culture, sub-civislation." You have got to be kidding me. "Each one got what he deserved"???? My brothers didn't get what they deserved in Vietnam although that war was illegal, immoral and absolutely unnecessary. Many in the South did not believe in slavery, but they believed in the South, wrong just like we were in VN but....... .

Liberals find many things offensive and now they want the Confederate flag banned. It is almost like they think they were born to tell others what to do.

The liberal PC crowd, have tried to ban junk food in schools, tobacco products from the military, guns from law abiding citizens, regulate cow farts, tee-shirts with the American flag in school, Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, and Obama rodeo clowns, just to name a few.

If these people bully South Carolina from flying the Confederate flag, I'm fairly certain the American flag will be next on their list. Are you going to side with the PC crowd on that issue as well?

You bring up the "Vietnam War" in many of your posts. You should be proud you fought against communist aggression in Vietnam, especially as a United States Marine. The United States did have the legal right to assist South Vietnam. If you respond, please wait until your psychotropic medication wears off.

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General Robert E Lee was against flying this flag and left instructions that at his funeral, the confederate flag should not be flown, nor should any southern army uniforms be worn.

His reasons were to heal the nation and end the divisiveness that was the legacy of the civil war.

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General Robert E Lee was against flying this flag and left instructions that at his funeral, the confederate flag should not be flown, nor should any southern army uniforms be worn.

His reasons were to heal the nation and end the divisiveness that was the legacy of the civil war.

Wise man. Seems he was right then, as he is right today.

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Dumping the rebel flag is the right thing to do.

TIme for Old Dixie to finally move on.

One can be for dumping that flag and ALSO for gun control and ALSO for better programs for people with psycho problems.

But no republicans will be like that. That's their problem.

I hope the bad guys also stop having guns if you take away the guns from the good guys.

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South Carolina government can vote to keep or remove the damn thing from their grounds. Any American has a right to wear or fly the Confederate flag, just as any American can burn the American flag - both are guaranteed under the United States Constitution as protected free speech. Voltaire said it best, "I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."

But for those who embrace the fairytale revisionist view of American history by pretending the stars and bars are flown to remind Southerners of their rich heritage, I'll set it straight for you. From the Civil War through the civil rights movement to today, the Confederate flag (any version) has always been about one thing: white supremacy.
Period. When the South tried to expand slavery to new territories (later states), the North put its proverbial foot down.

The Confederacy was founded to preserve slavery and promote white supremacy, and that flag embraces those 'ideals.' Mississippi's opening declaration of secession is very clear: "Our position is thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery — the greatest material interest of the world."

Alexander Stephens, the Confederacy's vice president stated unequivocally in his 1861 Savannah, Georgia address that the Confederacy's cornerstone "rests upon the great truth that the Negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery — subordination to the superior race — is his natural and normal condition."

Why was the Confederate flag always waved by crowds at anti-integration rallies, and at segregated schools in Little Rock, Selma, and Birmingham?

Why did Alabama have the state flag changed to include the Confederate emblem during their school segregation battles in the 1960's?

Why did Gov. George Wallace have the Confederate flag flown in 1963 when Robert Kennedy came to Alabama to discuss college integration ?

It wasn't to remind them of Scarlett O`Hara.

But it's protected free speech. About 650,000 Americans died for that bloody flag and all the bad it represented. So wave it and wear it proudly. That way, it makes it easier for the rest of us to know we are dealing with a racist good ol' boy yayhoo.

Edited by lifeincnx
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'If these people bully South Carolina from flying the Confederate flag, I'm fairly certain the American flag will be next on their list.'


It is already happening. Can anybody honestly say this surprises them?


Farrakhan: I Don’t Get Debate Over Confederate Flag, ‘We Need to Put the American Flag Down’

by Ian Hanchett

24 Jun 2015

Louis Farrakhan stated “We need to put the American flag down. Because we’ve caught as much hell under that as the Confederate flag” in remarks before the Metropolitan AME Church in Washington, DC on Wednesday first reported by DC’s WMAL.

Farrakhan said, “White folks march with you because they don’t want you upsetting the city, they don’t give a damn about them nine.”

He added that when the police took suspected shooter Dylann Roof to Burger King they were saying “You did a good job. Kill all them [bleep.]”


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General Robert E Lee was against flying this flag and left instructions that at his funeral, the confederate flag should not be flown, nor should any southern army uniforms be worn.

His reasons were to heal the nation and end the divisiveness that was the legacy of the civil war.

After Lee surrendered to Grant many union generals wanted to try Lee for treason then hang him, but Grant and President Lincoln immediately placed Lee on Parole for life so Lee had to walk the straight and narrow until he died in 1870.

Lee did have "misgivings" about fighting for a Slaveholder Republic and Lee did object to the "Stars & Bars" flags, however, Lee changed uniforms and flags anyway. Lee as a hero of the Confederacy and of its flags substantially perpetuates the false myths of the slaveholder Confederacy to the present time.

As a general Lee conducted eight major campaigns of the Civil War but Lee won only half of 'em, four, yet in war there is no second place finish. Indeed, Lee demonstrated at the more than 72-hour Battle of Gettysburg he was not a field marshal in the classic European tradition as his armies were destroyed under him and all around him. Lee attacked up hills and up mountains, across miles of open fields under cannon fire, bizarrely told his commanders to attack when each was ready which led to chaos in the Confederate armies and their slaughter.

He courted disaster when he tried to cross the Potomac, just barely escaping at the bloody battle known as Antietam. In it, nearly 14,000 of his men were captured, wounded or killed.

From July 1 to July 3, 1863, Lee's forces suffered another round of heavy casualties in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. The three-day stand-off, known as the Battle of Gettysburg, almost destroyed his army, ending Lee's invasion of the North and helping to turn the war around for the Union.

By early 1865 the fate of the war was clear, a fact driven home on April 2 when Lee was forced to abandon Richmond. A week later, a reluctant and despondent Lee surrendered to Grant at a private home in Appomattox, Virginia.

"I suppose there is nothing for me to do but go and see General Grant," he told an aide. "And I would rather die a thousand deaths."


Lee's great reluctance to join the Confederacy was due to his objection to a nation based on the institution of slavery. Lee did not like the X that was common in almost all Confederate flags and I doubt greatly Lee would approve of the official and indeed the private use of these flags as they have been used in the southern states of the Old Confederacy since the Black Civil Rights Movement of the mid-20th century.

Edited by Publicus
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'If these people bully South Carolina from flying the Confederate flag, I'm fairly certain the American flag will be next on their list.'


It is already happening. Can anybody honestly say this surprises them?


Farrakhan: I Don’t Get Debate Over Confederate Flag, ‘We Need to Put the American Flag Down’

by Ian Hanchett

24 Jun 2015

Louis Farrakhan stated “We need to put the American flag down. Because we’ve caught as much hell under that as the Confederate flag” in remarks before the Metropolitan AME Church in Washington, DC on Wednesday first reported by DC’s WMAL.

Farrakhan said, “White folks march with you because they don’t want you upsetting the city, they don’t give a damn about them nine.”

He added that when the police took suspected shooter Dylann Roof to Burger King they were saying “You did a good job. Kill all them [bleep.]”


No one pays attention to the nutcase Farrakhan or his organization that has been kicking around for many many years. People who are alike do draw one another's attention however.

No one is going to take down the flag of the USA in the USA no matter who it may be that tries, or considers trying.

The lunar right white Republicans are already making a long list of new threats to the USA flag, presumably from the courts and also liberals, yet there is no possibility the Stars n' Stripes will cease to be the standard banner of the USA.

The right's bill of particulars imagining the Stars n' Stripes will be brought down or put in the closet fail. The courts won't go to that place and neither will the Congress or the president. Nor would "liberals" whether we're in the "liberal-left" MSM or just ordinary citizens. The long and the short of it is that the right is again ideologically hallucinating.

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A threat to the American flag? Somebody has been drinking way too much right wing wacko kool aid, watching too much faux (not the) news, reading breitbrat, infowars and other right wing bull. I'm not and never have been P.C. Communist aggression in Vietnam, go back to school. It was their country, not French, not American. We started that damned war by not honoring the Geneva Accords. At the very least and giving them some leeway, the idiots running our government at the time perceived a unified "commie" threat to the world when in fact there never was. Ho Chi Minh was our ally until we stabbed him in the back. Now back to the subject. The call is for the state and local governments to put the flag in a museum where it belongs, not on government property. Fly it, wear, bumper sticker it, along with your nazi symbols, I'm all for it. It helps identify the racist, bigoted, and mentally incompetent. I could not have said this better, but there sure would be a lot more cuss words. "Spare me the ongoing justification of the Confederate flag as a symbol of the "virtues" of the South. The excuses for revering the Confederate flag are self-serving claptrap that distracts from the evil of slavery."


Another one: Well, golly gee thanks Orange, Texass for adding another embarrassment to being from there. And to think I used to be just a little bit proud of the place. Now I am proud to have gotten the hell out of there. Maybe now they will stop this disgrace, and on MLK, tell me it isn't a deliberate slap in the face.


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General Robert E Lee was against flying this flag and left instructions that at his funeral, the confederate flag should not be flown, nor should any southern army uniforms be worn.

His reasons were to heal the nation and end the divisiveness that was the legacy of the civil war.

The last time I checked, America has already healed from the Civil War. If General Robert E. Lee were here today, I don't think he would be opposed to South Carolina flying the Confederate flag. I think General Lee would be surprised to see the loony left getting all upset over a flag that represents Southern historic tradition.

When the dust settles from the Confederate flag controversy, will you be supporting the leftist movement to remove the American flag from all government buildings?

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When the dust settles from the Confederate flag controversy, will you be supporting the leftist movement to remove the American flag from all government buildings?

Who's been listening to Rush dribbling on then?


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A threat to the American flag? Somebody has been drinking way too much right wing wacko kool aid, watching too much faux (not the) news, reading breitbrat, infowars and other right wing bull. I'm not and never have been P.C. Communist aggression in Vietnam, go back to school. It was their country, not French, not American. We started that damned war by not honoring the Geneva Accords. At the very least and giving them some leeway, the idiots running our government at the time perceived a unified "commie" threat to the world when in fact there never was. Ho Chi Minh was our ally until we stabbed him in the back. Now back to the subject. The call is for the state and local governments to put the flag in a museum where it belongs, not on government property. Fly it, wear, bumper sticker it, along with your nazi symbols, I'm all for it. It helps identify the racist, bigoted, and mentally incompetent. I could not have said this better, but there sure would be a lot more cuss words. "Spare me the ongoing justification of the Confederate flag as a symbol of the "virtues" of the South. The excuses for revering the Confederate flag are self-serving claptrap that distracts from the evil of slavery." http://truth-out.org/buzzflash/commentary/glorifying-the-confederate-flag-just-perpetuates-the-evil-it-symbolizes Another one: Well, golly gee thanks Orange, Texass for adding another embarrassment to being from there. And to think I used to be just a little bit proud of the place. Now I am proud to have gotten the hell out of there. Maybe now they will stop this disgrace, and on MLK, tell me it isn't a deliberate slap in the face. http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2015/06/24/america-s-newest-confederate-memorial.html?via=newsletter&source=CSAMedition

Apparently, the Confederate flag is an emotionally charged issue for you or maybe your doctor just needs to adjust your meds. Comparing the Confederate flag to Nazi symbols may be a little over dramatising this issue don't you think?

Semper Fi

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When the dust settles from the Confederate flag controversy, will you be supporting the leftist movement to remove the American flag from all government buildings?

Who's been listening to Rush dribbling on then?


Well Chicog, I don't listen to Rush. Maybe you can share what Rush has to say about this issue since you brought it up.

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When the dust settles from the Confederate flag controversy, will you be supporting the leftist movement to remove the American flag from all government buildings?

Who's been listening to Rush dribbling on then?


Well Chicog, I don't listen to Rush. Maybe you can share what Rush has to say about this issue since you brought it up.

Sure, you must have missed it being gleefully repeated on Fox every hour.

He said much the same thing - "I'll guarantee the next thing to go will be the American flag".

LIMBAUGH: It's not going to stop with the Confederate flag, because it's not about the Confederate flag. It is about destroying the South as a political force. It's about isolating, targeting, and identifying the South as Dylann Roof.


The speed and rapidity with which the left is conducting this assault on all of these American traditions and institutions -- if you don't think the American flag is in their crosshairs down the road, you had better stop and reconsider. The American flag is what? It's the symbol of America. The left, what? Doesn't like this country very much and never has. [Premiere Radio Networks, The Rush Limbaugh Show, 6/23/15]

What a load of tosh.

Mind you, he's as racist as they come so it's no surprise.

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When the dust settles from the Confederate flag controversy, will you be supporting the leftist movement to remove the American flag from all government buildings?

Who's been listening to Rush dribbling on then?


Well Chicog, I don't listen to Rush. Maybe you can share what Rush has to say about this issue since you brought it up.

He can't do that. It would mean turning off Fox News for 20 minutes or so.

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I suppose you liberal tub thumpers can show where I ever supported getting rid of the American flag? Yeah, I thought not.

That is coming from Obama's old neighbor, Farrakhan, a very liberal lefty.

Get a life.

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Here we go again folks....

Every time there is a presidential campaign in the US, both parties come up with trivial issues to distract the voters from the important issues that they do not want address.

The gullible American public gets sucked in every time.

The people should insist the candidates stay on topic with the topics that matter.

Wars? Global warming,? the economy? Jobs? Education?

No..let's get all worked up about flags!

Edited by willyumiii
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'If these people bully South Carolina from flying the Confederate flag, I'm fairly certain the American flag will be next on their list.'


It is already happening. Can anybody honestly say this surprises them?


Farrakhan: I Don’t Get Debate Over Confederate Flag, ‘We Need to Put the American Flag Down’

by Ian Hanchett

24 Jun 2015

Louis Farrakhan stated “We need to put the American flag down. Because we’ve caught as much hell under that as the Confederate flag” in remarks before the Metropolitan AME Church in Washington, DC on Wednesday first reported by DC’s WMAL.

Farrakhan said, “White folks march with you because they don’t want you upsetting the city, they don’t give a damn about them nine.”

He added that when the police took suspected shooter Dylann Roof to Burger King they were saying “You did a good job. Kill all them [bleep.]”


No one pays attention to the nutcase Farrakhan or his organization that has been kicking around for many many years. People who are alike do draw one another's attention however.

No one is going to take down the flag of the USA in the USA no matter who it may be that tries, or considers trying.

The lunar right white Republicans are already making a long list of new threats to the USA flag, presumably from the courts and also liberals, yet there is no possibility the Stars n' Stripes will cease to be the standard banner of the USA.

The right's bill of particulars imagining the Stars n' Stripes will be brought down or put in the closet fail. The courts won't go to that place and neither will the Congress or the president. Nor would "liberals" whether we're in the "liberal-left" MSM or just ordinary citizens. The long and the short of it is that the right is again ideologically hallucinating.

If there is anyone who knows ideological hallucinations it would certainly be you. Actually, Farrakhan does enjoy the support of many racists blacks.

I tend to agree with you "no one is going to take down the flag of the USA" although this is a dream of many liberals. I doubt if the Confederate flag will be taken down either.

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When the dust settles from the Confederate flag controversy, will you be supporting the leftist movement to remove the American flag from all government buildings?

Who's been listening to Rush dribbling on then?


Well Chicog, I don't listen to Rush. Maybe you can share what Rush has to say about this issue since you brought it up.

He can't do that. It would mean turning off Fox News for 20 minutes or so.

Hey it's Ramadhan and everyone goes home early, so I stick it on in the background and brew a cuppa.


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Who's been listening to Rush dribbling on then?


Well Chicog, I don't listen to Rush. Maybe you can share what Rush has to say about this issue since you brought it up.

Sure, you must have missed it being gleefully repeated on Fox every hour.

He said much the same thing - "I'll guarantee the next thing to go will be the American flag".

LIMBAUGH: It's not going to stop with the Confederate flag, because it's not about the Confederate flag. It is about destroying the South as a political force. It's about isolating, targeting, and identifying the South as Dylann Roof.


The speed and rapidity with which the left is conducting this assault on all of these American traditions and institutions -- if you don't think the American flag is in their crosshairs down the road, you had better stop and reconsider. The American flag is what? It's the symbol of America. The left, what? Doesn't like this country very much and never has. [Premiere Radio Networks, The Rush Limbaugh Show, 6/23/15]

What a load of tosh.

Mind you, he's as racist as they come so it's no surprise.

Thanks for sharing Rush Limbaugh's thoughts on the flag issue. Limbaugh is right about the liberal left conducting an assault on American traditions and institutions. There is nothing racist about his comments.

I see many of your posts where you quote Fox News, as well. You must be quite a fan of Fox News. Good for you, lol.

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The Confederate flag has already come down in one southern state and is coming down in some more of the southern states. Even Texass has exercised the right to NOT have it on their license plates. I have never in my life heard one single person say take down the American flag. What a delusional, right wing, teabagging, idiotic statement. If it is "the dream" of anybody it would be the right wing racists that would replace it with the Confederate flag. Damn, what a load of crap. Night Rider, we do all know what that means, correct?, perhaps you should try logic, facts and reality instead of attacking the person which is an old right wing trick used when their argument is zero. Also part of that old right wing trick of change the subject. The subject here is the Confederate battle flag and the racism, hatred and slavery it represents.

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'If these people bully South Carolina from flying the Confederate flag, I'm fairly certain the American flag will be next on their list.'


It is already happening. Can anybody honestly say this surprises them?


Farrakhan: I Don’t Get Debate Over Confederate Flag, ‘We Need to Put the American Flag Down’

by Ian Hanchett

24 Jun 2015

Louis Farrakhan stated “We need to put the American flag down. Because we’ve caught as much hell under that as the Confederate flag” in remarks before the Metropolitan AME Church in Washington, DC on Wednesday first reported by DC’s WMAL.

Farrakhan said, “White folks march with you because they don’t want you upsetting the city, they don’t give a damn about them nine.”

He added that when the police took suspected shooter Dylann Roof to Burger King they were saying “You did a good job. Kill all them [bleep.]”


No one pays attention to the nutcase Farrakhan or his organization that has been kicking around for many many years. People who are alike do draw one another's attention however.

No one is going to take down the flag of the USA in the USA no matter who it may be that tries, or considers trying.

The lunar right white Republicans are already making a long list of new threats to the USA flag, presumably from the courts and also liberals, yet there is no possibility the Stars n' Stripes will cease to be the standard banner of the USA.

The right's bill of particulars imagining the Stars n' Stripes will be brought down or put in the closet fail. The courts won't go to that place and neither will the Congress or the president. Nor would "liberals" whether we're in the "liberal-left" MSM or just ordinary citizens. The long and the short of it is that the right is again ideologically hallucinating.

If there is anyone who knows ideological hallucinations it would certainly be you. Actually, Farrakhan does enjoy the support of many racists blacks.

I tend to agree with you "no one is going to take down the flag of the USA" although this is a dream of many liberals. I doubt if the Confederate flag will be taken down either.

Farrakhan does enjoy the support of many racists blacks.

Yep, the 0.01 percent of black Americans that are racist blacks, the guyz some nutter marginals insist are going to start a race war cheesy.gif .

The natonal Republican party wants this Confederate flag madness out of the R party presidential primary voting in the many states. The R party wants the Reb flag issue dead before debates begin after next month. Otherwise the R party debates will be the same as last time, in 2012....a circular firing squad.

The Rebel flag stuff is a political dagger in the heart to the R party swarm of right wing eccentric reactionaries who want to get in to the White House to turn back the clock.

Edited by Publicus
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The Rebel flag stuff is a political dagger in the heart to the R party swarm of right wing eccentric reactionaries who want to get in to the White House to turn back the clock.

Nonsense. The Democrat Party owns the Confederate flag. The Confederacy were Democrats. The heirs of the Confederacy were Democrats. The segregationists were all Democrats. The Confederacy was Democrats. Bill Clinton, George Wallace and Gore all used it to campaign with. What a bunch of hypocrites.

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The Rebel flag stuff is a political dagger in the heart to the R party swarm of right wing eccentric reactionaries who want to get in to the White House to turn back the clock.

Nonsense. The Democrat Party owns the Confederate flag. The Confederacy were Democrats. The heirs of the Confederacy were Democrats. The segregationists were all Democrats. The Confederacy was Democrats. Bill Clinton, George Wallace and Gore all used it to campaign with. What a bunch of hypocrites.
At the moment it is not the Democrats having problems with the flag but the Republicans.
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