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Thailand and China - TIES OF BLOOD AND CULTURE

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Thailand and China - TIES OF BLOOD AND CULTURE

In a little over a week, China and Thailand will celebrate 40 years of deepening diplomatic relations.

BANGKOK: -- Thailand was not one of the first to recognise the People's Republic of China - over 100 countries were ahead of us - but the recognition was a major breakthrough that marked the end of a very difficult period.

The Indochina war, cold war and concerns over the diffusion of Communism had kindled multifaceted tensions. Thailand had rebuffed Chinese overtures of friendship.

Finally in 1973, the ice was broken by a visit of the Chinese table tennis team. This was warmly welcomed by Thais, especially Chinese descendants. The friendliness and cordiality of the Chinese guests helped to allay concerns on our side.

Diplomatic relations

Thailand also had a change of government and in March 1974, the new prime minister, MR Kukrit Pramoj, proposed to the House of Representatives that Thailand open diplomatic ties with China to "balance superpower influences".

This was accepted and the joint declaration of recognition was signed on July 1, 1975 by Kukrit and Chinese premier Zhou Enlai.

The establishment of diplomatic relations in 1975 was greatly welcomed by both sides. Indeed it was as if a breach in family relations had finally been mended because of the close kinship between the Chinese and Thai peoples.

The earliest settlers in this country were mainly of Chinese origin. Merchants from the mainland have been trading at Thai coasts for centuries, exchanging their goods for Thai commodities such as rice, timber and spices.

Chinese merchants played a major role in forming marketplaces and commercial centres in places in Ayutthaya, Bangkok and other provinces.

Chinese craftsmen passed on their skills such as boatbuilding, |silk-making and porcelain-making. Chinese artisans helped Thais |decorate their palaces and |temples.

Over the centuries millions of Chinese made their home in Thailand and today many Thais are of Chinese ancestry.

Thanks to these bonds of blood and culture, the association between the two countries is described as "zhong tai yi jia xin" - China and Thailand are like one family.

Expanded links

Since the start of diplomatic relations, family and business |links have been expanded to |the government level. There have been many trade and cooperation agreements and diplomatic exchanges.

In times of difficulty, we have often extended each other a helping hand.

China supported Thailand during the financial crisis of 1997-98 with financial aid while Thailand mediated to smooth China's interactions with Asean, which were tense due to territorial disputes in the South China Sea.

We now stand on the eve of the Asean Economic Community. China is Asean's biggest trading partner, a major investor in the region and a force behind the construction of a vast transport network connecting countries, opening up markets and driving the development of emerging economies.

This presents an important opportunity for Thailand, which will be reflected in the 40th anniversary celebrations.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/opinion/Thailand-and-China--TIES-OF-BLOOD-AND-CULTURE-30262804.html

-- The Nation 2015-06-22

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Thailand is ruled by the Chinese Elite, anyone who says different is seriously deluded.....HI/So Hey......


Thailand is ruled by the Chinese Elite, anyone who says different is seriously deluded.....HI/So Hey......

So why do you think they (Thai-Chinese,BKK elite Hi-so) can't accept the poor farmers electing their own political rep to PM? Hold power at any cost.

Just take a look at what they (China) are doing to their neighbor's and others, claiming the whole south China sea, citing old trade routs as proof they are owners, What a load of Bull,,, I would suggest the Polynesians and their descendants would have a much earlier proof of trade routs using that format.

Not satisfied with the repression and control via politics and military force of their own countrymen but trying to annex others with saber rattling, subterfuge, and direct confrontation, the goal, global domination, don't laugh,cheesy.gif just a theory.

"War is a matter not so much of arms as of money" (Thucydides) 460-400 BC. Greek historian.

Throughout history every super-power that has tried to dominate the world has risen and eventually fallen.

China has a big check book and half the worlds gold locked up and it's currency the (Yuan) which will be backed by gold rather the fiat system as is the US Dollar is now playing a much bigger role today and tomorrow.

But hey, he who pays the piper calls the tunes.


Thailand is ruled by the Chinese Elite, anyone who says different is seriously deluded.....HI/So Hey......

I don't agree with you, the the rulers of this country are Thai in some cases of Chinese ancestry but they are Thai, and as the 99% of the Thai -Chinese they don't even speak Chinese, and in my experience most of Thai people that I know-even those of Chinese ancestry- don't like Chinese people in general, they regard them as barbarians, nasty and unworthy of trust.


whistling.gif I admire the Thai-Chinese

In my first two years in Thailand I became friends with a Thai-Chinese who ran a guesthouse I frequently stayed in.

His family was not originally well off.

He was one of the smallest in the family whose business was to clean our septic tanks, at least that is how they got their start.

As the smallest in the family, it was his job to, after the septic tank was drained, to climb down a ladder wearing a mask and to wash down the walls of the septic tank with a hose and a long scrub brush.

From scrubbing down septic tanks to running a guesthouse in Thailand.... that is a true story of working you way up from S- -t to success in a Thai-Chinese family of businessmen in Bangkok.

The Thai-Chinese small businessmen loaned money to other Thai-Chinese at low interest rates back when Thai banks looked down on them. That is how many Thai-Chinese businessmen got money to finance their business and expand.

That is how many Thai-Chinese businesses grew the businesses.

The last thing I know about him was that he was retiring from the guesthouse and he built a large house for him and his family in Soi 101 off Sukhumvit.Road.

When he bought land in Soi 101 many people though he was crazy to buy land so "far away" from the "center" of Bangkok.... that would never be worth anything they said.

He was right, they were wrong.


Thai history, the official version, prides itself on declaring that Thailand has never been colonized -- even though most of the region was Khmer for several hundred years, Ayuttaya was in the possession of Myanmar for a long time (after having been sacked more than twice), and Thailand is now colonized by Chinese sperm, Chinese currency, and even Chinese banks. The Thais in power are of Chinese descent, not local blood at all -- and they hate any Thai with skin darker than China white. Hilariously, the Chinese they worship are Han, and not even the majority in China by a long shot....

Go figure... blink.png


Thailand is ruled by the Chinese Elite, anyone who says different is seriously deluded.....HI/So Hey......

I don't agree with you, the the rulers of this country are Thai in some cases of Chinese ancestry but they are Thai, and as the 99% of the Thai -Chinese they don't even speak Chinese, and in my experience most of Thai people that I know-even those of Chinese ancestry- don't like Chinese people in general, they regard them as barbarians, nasty and unworthy of trust.

True. But why do many (most?) Thais of Chinese descent only allow their children to marry others of the same descent. That is, they would balk at allowing their sons or daughters from marrying an ethnic Thai. They think of themselves as Thai in all respects and yet their actions don't correspond with their thoughts.


yes, Thailands blood for Chinese culture, they have to show thais where they sit compared to the mighty chineseblink.png


Thailand is ruled by the Chinese Elite, anyone who says different is seriously deluded.....HI/So Hey......

I don't agree with you, the the rulers of this country are Thai in some cases of Chinese ancestry but they are Thai, and as the 99% of the Thai -Chinese they don't even speak Chinese, and in my experience most of Thai people that I know-even those of Chinese ancestry- don't like Chinese people in general, they regard them as barbarians, nasty and unworthy of trust.

Just as well that unworthiness of trust extends to banks, industry, and just about any major business in Thailand

Thai Chinese rule Thailand very efficiently. The companies get what they want when they want, in order to feather their nest at the expense of the population.

You do realise China was a horribly status riven place? Why do you think the Chinese in Thailand would consider themselves inferior to the domestic Chinese?


Thailand is ruled by the Chinese Elite, anyone who says different is seriously deluded.....HI/So Hey......

I don't agree with you, the the rulers of this country are Thai in some cases of Chinese ancestry but they are Thai, and as the 99% of the Thai -Chinese they don't even speak Chinese, and in my experience most of Thai people that I know-even those of Chinese ancestry- don't like Chinese people in general, they regard them as barbarians, nasty and unworthy of trust.

True. But why do many (most?) Thais of Chinese descent only allow their children to marry others of the same descent. That is, they would balk at allowing their sons or daughters from marrying an ethnic Thai. They think of themselves as Thai in all respects and yet their actions don't correspond with their thoughts.

I don't know about that, but we are not in the middle ages, if she wants to marry you she just need to go to ampuer and sign ;)


Thailand is ruled by the Chinese Elite, anyone who says different is seriously deluded.....HI/So Hey......

I don't agree with you, the the rulers of this country are Thai in some cases of Chinese ancestry but they are Thai, and as the 99% of the Thai -Chinese they don't even speak Chinese, and in my experience most of Thai people that I know-even those of Chinese ancestry- don't like Chinese people in general, they regard them as barbarians, nasty and unworthy of trust.

Just as well that unworthiness of trust extends to banks, industry, and just about any major business in Thailand

Thai Chinese rule Thailand very efficiently. The companies get what they want when they want, in order to feather their nest at the expense of the population.

You do realise China was a horribly status riven place? Why do you think the Chinese in Thailand would consider themselves inferior to the domestic Chinese?

So...? Remember that this is Thailand, here things work like that, I think that is more or less the same in all SA.


Thailand is ruled by the Chinese Elite, anyone who says different is seriously deluded.....HI/So Hey......

I don't agree with you, the the rulers of this country are Thai in some cases of Chinese ancestry but they are Thai, and as the 99% of the Thai -Chinese they don't even speak Chinese, and in my experience most of Thai people that I know-even those of Chinese ancestry- don't like Chinese people in general, they regard them as barbarians, nasty and unworthy of trust.

Just as well that unworthiness of trust extends to banks, industry, and just about any major business in Thailand

Thai Chinese rule Thailand very efficiently. The companies get what they want when they want, in order to feather their nest at the expense of the population.

You do realise China was a horribly status riven place? Why do you think the Chinese in Thailand would consider themselves inferior to the domestic Chinese?

So...? Remember that this is Thailand, here things work like that, I think that is more or less the same in all SA.

What is the same? That the Chinese population consider themselves the equal of the indigenous population or that they consider themselves slightly apart and superior?

This must obviously be why Malaysia still has Bumi legislation right? Note two countries which have flourished wonderfully, have managed to get a handle on corruption and are democracies in Asia, Japan and South Korea, have no imported Chinese population.

Taiwan has done well too, and Singapore and Hong Kong have colonial history. All the others are riven with corruption and some distinct ethnic Chinese population. Hell its only 20 years ago that the Indonesians were burning shop fronts and chasing them to the airport.


Are they including The Thai's Non intervention in Japan's use of Thai Sovereign Territory to exert pressure on Burmese and Chinese armies in an attempt to cut them off from ammunition and rations. I'm wondering is if that is one of these"Ties of blood" they are fantasizing about. Sounds like one of those WW2 comics from the 70s , Ties of Blood my Arse !


Bangkok has a chinese population of 4 million, I would say Thailand is a colony!

Britain has a population of at least 4 million persons of Irish decent. Would you say that Britain is a colony?


Thailand is ruled by the Chinese Elite, anyone who says different is seriously deluded.....HI/So Hey......

look at the last Prime Ministers:

Chuan: Chinese

Thaksin: Chinese

Surayud: Chinese (I think, not 100% sure)

Samak: Chinese

Somchai: Don't know, but stay in a Chinese clan

Abhisit: Chinese

Yingluck: Chinese

Prayut: Don't know


Thailand is ruled by the Chinese Elite, anyone who says different is seriously deluded.....HI/So Hey......

look at the last Prime Ministers:

Chuan: Chinese

Thaksin: Chinese

Surayud: Chinese (I think, not 100% sure)

Samak: Chinese

Somchai: Don't know, but stay in a Chinese clan

Abhisit: Chinese

Yingluck: Chinese

Prayut: Don't know

Abhisit is English , bless him


Bangkok has a chinese population of 4 million, I would say Thailand is a colony!

Britain has a population of at least 4 million persons of Irish decent. Would you say that Britain is a colony?

Mummy Expratt is a Paddy


Thailand is ruled by the Chinese Elite, anyone who says different is seriously deluded.....HI/So Hey......

look at the last Prime Ministers:

Chuan: Chinese

Thaksin: Chinese

Surayud: Chinese (I think, not 100% sure)

Samak: Chinese

Somchai: Don't know, but stay in a Chinese clan

Abhisit: Chinese

Yingluck: Chinese

Prayut: Don't know

Abhisit is English , bless him

Well Geordie anyway:)


Bangkok has a chinese population of 4 million, I would say Thailand is a colony!

Britain has a population of at least 4 million persons of Irish decent. Would you say that Britain is a colony?

Mummy Expratt is a Paddy

You colonial oppressor you:)


Bangkok has a chinese population of 4 million, I would say Thailand is a colony!

Britain has a population of at least 4 million persons of Irish decent. Would you say that Britain is a colony?

Mummy Expratt is a Paddy

You colonial oppressor you:)

She's a Paddy . I'm Engerlund. My father is also Engerlund in fact when my Mother told him she wanted to name me Liam my Father responded with "We aint a'vin any Bleeding Irish names in this Oouse" A rather boystrous argument then developed apparently


Lets get a few things clear about this so-called Chinese colonisation:

The Chinese went everywhere in SE Asia, including Singapore, Malaya, Laos, Vietnam, Philippines. They did not come as conquerors or colonisers but as labour. Certain cities, such as Bangkok, were in effect Chinese cities because of the numbers of Chinese labourers working there. The indigenous people preferred to stay in the countryside locations, including in cities, as they were more wedded to the land than to the trade links via the sea.

Over time, the cities like Bangkok became richer due to trade and opening up to the world and the Chinese or mixed-Chinese did better than the indigenous people.

But there was no love lost between the communist regime in China and the overseas Chinese living in these other places around SE Asia. Thailand and Singapore with their Chinese dominated elite were virulently anti-communist. As were the unmixed folks in Taiwan. Just because you were Chinese does not mean that you were pro the Peoples Republic of China.

The writer of the article in question seems to be making the point that Thailand was really breaking out by creating diplomatic ties with China back in the early seventies. But in fact, Nixon had already visited China by then and Thailand was only following suit once their favourite superpower had made it ok.

Despite the so-called Chinese elite in Thailand, this does not mean that they necessarily see themselves as Chinese (as opposed to Thai) nor do they see themselves as pro the current mainland Chinese government. The reason is that the Chinese elite are usually mixed - they married Thais - they had no intention of returning to mainland China. And now culturally, they are quite different, despite some family connections that Thaksin might claim concerning their family in China. In any case, most of the Chinese elite do not speak Mandarin or what is known as Standard Chinese. Some of the older Thai-Chinese may speak some of a number Chinese languages (none are mutually understandable) and may speak a little Cantonese or some of the other minority Chinese languages but they could not make themselves understood to speakers of what is known as Standard Chinese (based on a version of Mandarin and spoken by the majority in the People's Republic, especially by the elite there).


Lets get a few things clear about this so-called Chinese colonisation:

The Chinese went everywhere in SE Asia, including Singapore, Malaya, Laos, Vietnam, Philippines. They did not come as conquerors or colonisers but as labour. Certain cities, such as Bangkok, were in effect Chinese cities because of the numbers of Chinese labourers working there. The indigenous people preferred to stay in the countryside locations, including in cities, as they were more wedded to the land than to the trade links via the sea.

Over time, the cities like Bangkok became richer due to trade and opening up to the world and the Chinese or mixed-Chinese did better than the indigenous people.

But there was no love lost between the communist regime in China and the overseas Chinese living in these other places around SE Asia. Thailand and Singapore with their Chinese dominated elite were virulently anti-communist. As were the unmixed folks in Taiwan. Just because you were Chinese does not mean that you were pro the Peoples Republic of China.

The writer of the article in question seems to be making the point that Thailand was really breaking out by creating diplomatic ties with China back in the early seventies. But in fact, Nixon had already visited China by then and Thailand was only following suit once their favourite superpower had made it ok.

Despite the so-called Chinese elite in Thailand, this does not mean that they necessarily see themselves as Chinese (as opposed to Thai) nor do they see themselves as pro the current mainland Chinese government. The reason is that the Chinese elite are usually mixed - they married Thais - they had no intention of returning to mainland China. And now culturally, they are quite different, despite some family connections that Thaksin might claim concerning their family in China. In any case, most of the Chinese elite do not speak Mandarin or what is known as Standard Chinese. Some of the older Thai-Chinese may speak some of a number Chinese languages (none are mutually understandable) and may speak a little Cantonese or some of the other minority Chinese languages but they could not make themselves understood to speakers of what is known as Standard Chinese (based on a version of Mandarin and spoken by the majority in the People's Republic, especially by the elite there).

I was talking along similar lines to a Singaporean Chinese fella the other day. The Mainland PRC peoples no longer resemble their migrant cousins . They may have done so a 100 years ago before what ever you want to call the regime in China took control and changed the people and the Nation. There is No comparison between PRC ans Migrant Chinese imo


Lets get a few things clear about this so-called Chinese colonisation:

The Chinese went everywhere in SE Asia, including Singapore, Malaya, Laos, Vietnam, Philippines. They did not come as conquerors or colonisers but as labour. Certain cities, such as Bangkok, were in effect Chinese cities because of the numbers of Chinese labourers working there. The indigenous people preferred to stay in the countryside locations, including in cities, as they were more wedded to the land than to the trade links via the sea.

Over time, the cities like Bangkok became richer due to trade and opening up to the world and the Chinese or mixed-Chinese did better than the indigenous people.

But there was no love lost between the communist regime in China and the overseas Chinese living in these other places around SE Asia. Thailand and Singapore with their Chinese dominated elite were virulently anti-communist. As were the unmixed folks in Taiwan. Just because you were Chinese does not mean that you were pro the Peoples Republic of China.

The writer of the article in question seems to be making the point that Thailand was really breaking out by creating diplomatic ties with China back in the early seventies. But in fact, Nixon had already visited China by then and Thailand was only following suit once their favourite superpower had made it ok.

Despite the so-called Chinese elite in Thailand, this does not mean that they necessarily see themselves as Chinese (as opposed to Thai) nor do they see themselves as pro the current mainland Chinese government. The reason is that the Chinese elite are usually mixed - they married Thais - they had no intention of returning to mainland China. And now culturally, they are quite different, despite some family connections that Thaksin might claim concerning their family in China. In any case, most of the Chinese elite do not speak Mandarin or what is known as Standard Chinese. Some of the older Thai-Chinese may speak some of a number Chinese languages (none are mutually understandable) and may speak a little Cantonese or some of the other minority Chinese languages but they could not make themselves understood to speakers of what is known as Standard Chinese (based on a version of Mandarin and spoken by the majority in the People's Republic, especially by the elite there).

I was talking along similar lines to a Singaporean Chinese fella the other day. The Mainland PRC peoples no longer resemble their migrant cousins . They may have done so a 100 years ago before what ever you want to call the regime in China took control and changed the people and the Nation. There is No comparison between PRC ans Migrant Chinese imo

Comparison in terms of what? That isn't the point.

The Guanzhou immigrant collection who fell in Thailand are today among the wealthiest in Asia. They have done so by getting successive Thai govts to provide them protection and thus have essential.monopoly in Thailand.

Several have spread their businesses back to China and are now brokers to enact business back in Thailand or in China.

They have become pan Asian Chinese businesses. To say they resemble means little. They are just as happy to exploit mainland Chinese as much as Thais or Malays


Lets get a few things clear about this so-called Chinese colonisation:

The Chinese went everywhere in SE Asia, including Singapore, Malaya, Laos, Vietnam, Philippines. They did not come as conquerors or colonisers but as labour. Certain cities, such as Bangkok, were in effect Chinese cities because of the numbers of Chinese labourers working there. The indigenous people preferred to stay in the countryside locations, including in cities, as they were more wedded to the land than to the trade links via the sea.

Over time, the cities like Bangkok became richer due to trade and opening up to the world and the Chinese or mixed-Chinese did better than the indigenous people.

But there was no love lost between the communist regime in China and the overseas Chinese living in these other places around SE Asia. Thailand and Singapore with their Chinese dominated elite were virulently anti-communist. As were the unmixed folks in Taiwan. Just because you were Chinese does not mean that you were pro the Peoples Republic of China.

The writer of the article in question seems to be making the point that Thailand was really breaking out by creating diplomatic ties with China back in the early seventies. But in fact, Nixon had already visited China by then and Thailand was only following suit once their favourite superpower had made it ok.

Despite the so-called Chinese elite in Thailand, this does not mean that they necessarily see themselves as Chinese (as opposed to Thai) nor do they see themselves as pro the current mainland Chinese government. The reason is that the Chinese elite are usually mixed - they married Thais - they had no intention of returning to mainland China. And now culturally, they are quite different, despite some family connections that Thaksin might claim concerning their family in China. In any case, most of the Chinese elite do not speak Mandarin or what is known as Standard Chinese. Some of the older Thai-Chinese may speak some of a number Chinese languages (none are mutually understandable) and may speak a little Cantonese or some of the other minority Chinese languages but they could not make themselves understood to speakers of what is known as Standard Chinese (based on a version of Mandarin and spoken by the majority in the People's Republic, especially by the elite there).

I was talking along similar lines to a Singaporean Chinese fella the other day. The Mainland PRC peoples no longer resemble their migrant cousins . They may have done so a 100 years ago before what ever you want to call the regime in China took control and changed the people and the Nation. There is No comparison between PRC ans Migrant Chinese imo

Comparison in terms of what? That isn't the point.

The Guanzhou immigrant collection who fell in Thailand are today among the wealthiest in Asia. They have done so by getting successive Thai govts to provide them protection and thus have essential.monopoly in Thailand.

Several have spread their businesses back to China and are now brokers to enact business back in Thailand or in China.

They have become pan Asian Chinese businesses. To say they resemble means little. They are just as happy to exploit mainland Chinese as much as Thais or Malays

You don't have to tell me what is and isnt the point mate , I was making a comment Not asking for you're "Critique"Ive worked in China for a few years .Yeah it is the point , because they are no longer anything like the people of their former homeland


Lets get a few things clear about this so-called Chinese colonisation:

The Chinese went everywhere in SE Asia, including Singapore, Malaya, Laos, Vietnam, Philippines. They did not come as conquerors or colonisers but as labour. Certain cities, such as Bangkok, were in effect Chinese cities because of the numbers of Chinese labourers working there. The indigenous people preferred to stay in the countryside locations, including in cities, as they were more wedded to the land than to the trade links via the sea.

Over time, the cities like Bangkok became richer due to trade and opening up to the world and the Chinese or mixed-Chinese did better than the indigenous people.

But there was no love lost between the communist regime in China and the overseas Chinese living in these other places around SE Asia. Thailand and Singapore with their Chinese dominated elite were virulently anti-communist. As were the unmixed folks in Taiwan. Just because you were Chinese does not mean that you were pro the Peoples Republic of China.

The writer of the article in question seems to be making the point that Thailand was really breaking out by creating diplomatic ties with China back in the early seventies. But in fact, Nixon had already visited China by then and Thailand was only following suit once their favourite superpower had made it ok.

Despite the so-called Chinese elite in Thailand, this does not mean that they necessarily see themselves as Chinese (as opposed to Thai) nor do they see themselves as pro the current mainland Chinese government. The reason is that the Chinese elite are usually mixed - they married Thais - they had no intention of returning to mainland China. And now culturally, they are quite different, despite some family connections that Thaksin might claim concerning their family in China. In any case, most of the Chinese elite do not speak Mandarin or what is known as Standard Chinese. Some of the older Thai-Chinese may speak some of a number Chinese languages (none are mutually understandable) and may speak a little Cantonese or some of the other minority Chinese languages but they could not make themselves understood to speakers of what is known as Standard Chinese (based on a version of Mandarin and spoken by the majority in the People's Republic, especially by the elite there).

I was talking along similar lines to a Singaporean Chinese fella the other day. The Mainland PRC peoples no longer resemble their migrant cousins . They may have done so a 100 years ago before what ever you want to call the regime in China took control and changed the people and the Nation. There is No comparison between PRC ans Migrant Chinese imo
Comparison in terms of what? That isn't the point.

The Guanzhou immigrant collection who fell in Thailand are today among the wealthiest in Asia. They have done so by getting successive Thai govts to provide them protection and thus have essential.monopoly in Thailand.

Several have spread their businesses back to China and are now brokers to enact business back in Thailand or in China.

They have become pan Asian Chinese businesses. To say they resemble means little. They are just as happy to exploit mainland Chinese as much as Thais or Malays

You don't have to tell me what is and isnt the point mate , I was making a comment Not asking for you're "Critique"Ive worked in China for a few years .Yeah it is the point , because they are no longer anything like the people of their former homeland

Define " like".

Yes, I worked in and visited China for 18 years. The Thai Chinese community of Thailand considers itself Thai and Chinese. Like hasn't got anything to do with it.

That is like claiming no shared history among the slave colonies of Africa. The Chinese of South East Asia have a connection between themselves and a kindred spirit back to the homeland.

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