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PAD member seeks to raise Bt7m to cover court fees

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PAD member seeks to raise Bt7m to cover court fees

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BANGKOK: -- A FORMER People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD) leader is soliciting donations to help 13 core PAD leaders cover Bt7 million in court fees.

The 13 are being sued by the Airports of Thailand (AOT) for shutting down Bangkok airports in 2008.

Maleerat Kaewka, one of the PAD leaders, posted a message on Facebook saying she was shocked to hear that the Court of Appeals had ruled that Chamlong Srimuang and 12 others, including herself, must pay Bt600 million in compensation for seizing the Don Mueang and Suvarnabhumi airports. She added they might all have to file for bankruptcy as a result.

She explained that the PAD had been rallying for the amendment of the 2007 Constitution's Article 190 and other important legislation, including the Thai-Cambodia joint statement, which violated Article 190.

Maleerat also pointed out that PAD supporters protesting against the Thaksin regime had been a target of M79 bomb attacks time and again, with many being killed or injured.

After the PAD rallies ended, the AOT took them to court and the lower court ruled that they pay Bt522 million in compensation. This sum was raised to Bt600 million in the Court of Appeals, and if PAD wants to appeal with the Supreme Court, they must produce Bt7 million in court fees.

They have until Friday to raise the funds and secure the right to appeal the case.

Those wanting to help can transfer cash to Thailand Watch Foundation, Kasikorn Bank, savings account number 008-2-26479-7.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/politics/PAD-member-seeks-to-raise-Bt7m-to-cover-court-fees-30263000.html

-- The Nation 2015-06-24

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"Those wanting to help can transfer cash to Thailand Watch Foundation, Kasikorn Bank, savings account number 008-2-26479-7."

Ha, ha, ha, yeah right...


This shouldn't be an issue ... they received a ton of donations during the last round of protests, use that money ... or perhaps (just for once), the "leaders" of these protests (present or not) should be held accountable for any expenses, damages or losses?


A sympathetic article for anti-democrats previously hiding under a color affinity designation, allowing them to shield their true intentions..Does anyone think the Lumpini PDRC had any objectives other than a coup. Their MO is obvious.

Why such soft-ball sympathy in this article for these people can only be speculated about.....Giving them a platform trying to justify themselves, plus soliciting financial wherewithal...Obviously, there is an expectation of significant readership from one side of the political divide here.....Another 'why' we can speculate about.

This just blares out 'double standards'......Until we see these airporters and Govt. house-sackers in jail, can it be otherwise?........ It wont be, and everyone knows it...If nothing else, the arrogant anti-democrats and their judicial friends have "thick faces", as they say.

This same double-standard charade is being played out over the phony Abhisit/Suthep judicial thing and holding those who pulled the triggers killing over 90 civilians at R'song in 2010 accountable.....Not civilians, but people from one side of the political divide. Some of them cowering in a temple. Can anyone identify anyone from the anti-democrat side of the political divide who saw the inside of a jail.........I didn't think so.

Ho-hum, is all one can say...Par for the course.


Send donations for court fees 7M Baht, and if we loose and have to pay 600M Baht compensation, we "MIGHT" have file for bankruptcy.


Yep the "might" sorta suggests that the 7 million should not be an issue to find.


we can only hope that the courts making these idiots pay fro their crap continues, why is it many thais seem to think they can do as they please with no comeback. All the yellows and reds that have caused problems for the country should be held responsible and made to reimburse all the ones that lost out due to what they did, the airport has been done now for the reds to be made to pay compensation for 2010 then the mad monks and their crew for last year plus all the other minor crap in between. Once all the coloured leaders are bankrupt/destitute we might finally see the end of all this garbage.


Desperate attempt to try gain sympathy and to be look as victim. Sorry no one falling for that old trick and most will be disgusted with such silly attempt to ask for donation of 7M. These PAD leaders are not paupers by any standard. Maleerat ex-senator, Chamlong ex-governor and Sonti media tycoon can easily come up with that sum.


You get these people where it hurts the most. Hitting them in the wallet is worst than 10 years in jail to these people.


"Those wanting to help can transfer cash to Thailand Watch Foundation, Kasikorn Bank, savings account number 008-2-26479-7."

Ha, ha, ha, yeah right...

Is this a genuine post? Because I would like to help these people and make a donation. I have great admiration for the PAD because without them we might still be under the evil Taskin regime


This shouldn't be an issue ... they received a ton of donations during the last round of protests, use that money ... or perhaps (just for once), the "leaders" of these protests (present or not) should be held accountable for any expenses, damages or losses?

Perhaps someone will account for all the monies "donated" during those marches around Bangkok. If there is a surplus perhaps they could use it to help their "comrades in arms".


Desperate attempt to try gain sympathy and to be look as victim. Sorry no one falling for that old trick and most will be disgusted with such silly attempt to ask for donation of 7M. These PAD leaders are not paupers by any standard. Maleerat ex-senator, Chamlong ex-governor and Sonti media tycoon can easily come up with that sum.

I thought Sondhi was already bust. Didnt Thaksin refuse to write off his debts back when he was PM, thus rather starting the whole PAD business?


"Those wanting to help can transfer cash to Thailand Watch Foundation, Kasikorn Bank, savings account number 008-2-26479-7."

Ha, ha, ha, yeah right...

Cheques in the mail.


Desperate attempt to try gain sympathy and to be look as victim. Sorry no one falling for that old trick and most will be disgusted with such silly attempt to ask for donation of 7M. These PAD leaders are not paupers by any standard. Maleerat ex-senator, Chamlong ex-governor and Sonti media tycoon can easily come up with that sum.

I thought Sondhi was already bust. Didnt Thaksin refuse to write off his debts back when he was PM, thus rather starting the whole PAD business?

He was busted during the Tom Yam Kong financial meltdown and was given a very generous "help" by the Krung Thai Bank. That generous bank President was eventually fired by Thaksin and that started the PAD madness. In fact he gained lot of wealth from his massive PAD supporters which help his media and satellite businesses to prosper. So in short, the 7 M Baht is chop suey to him.


"Those wanting to help can transfer cash to Thailand Watch Foundation, Kasikorn Bank, savings account number 008-2-26479-7."

Ha, ha, ha, yeah right...

Is this a genuine post? Because I would like to help these people and make a donation. I have great admiration for the PAD because without them we might still be under the evil Taskin regime

Put me down for 25 satang too.

522 million baht compensation payment. They are getting off lite in relation to the disruption

they caused. clap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gif


This shouldn't be an issue ... they received a ton of donations during the last round of protests, use that money ... or perhaps (just for once), the "leaders" of these protests (present or not) should be held accountable for any expenses, damages or losses?

No one ever accused them of stealing money from donations.


This shouldn't be an issue ... they received a ton of donations during the last round of protests, use that money ... or perhaps (just for once), the "leaders" of these protests (present or not) should be held accountable for any expenses, damages or losses?

No one ever accused them of stealing money from donations.

So tell us, just wear is the so-called INDEPENDANT audit for the bags of donated cash?

They claim is what? it was all used up on legal fees, Ahhh lawers guns n money....... BLX

More likely a few new BMW's Mec's a Rolex or two, plots of land swiss bank acc'ts etc, etc, etc,,,,,


This shouldn't be an issue ... they received a ton of donations during the last round of protests, use that money ... or perhaps (just for once), the "leaders" of these protests (present or not) should be held accountable for any expenses, damages or losses?

No one ever accused them of stealing money from donations.


"Those wanting to help can transfer cash to Thailand Watch Foundation, Kasikorn Bank, savings account number 008-2-26479-7."

Ha, ha, ha, yeah right...

Is this a genuine post? Because I would like to help these people and make a donation. I have great admiration for the PAD because without them we might still be under the evil Taskin regime

Yes it is genuine.

The occupation of the airport was beyond stupid.

Those who organised it deserve every bit of shit that comes their way and I hope they drown in it.

PAD's ultra nationalist agenda may not have made them as bad as thaksin, but it was still a dangerous and, at times, a lunatic one.


bankruptcy? there IS justice if that happens

they should all be in jail for terrorist activity for that is what taking over an airport IS

imagine that happening elsewhere? scum

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