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Casinos in Thailand: PM Prayut breaks silence with 'no'


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PM breaks silence with 'no'

The Nation


Police chief told to stop pushing; Abhisit urges society to stop wasting time

BANGKOK: -- PRIME MINISTER General Prayut Chan-o-cha has finally broken his silence on the proposal to launch casinos in Thailand and put the brakes on further discussions.

During the past week, several prominent figures, including National Police chief General Somyot Poompanmoung, have been pushing for the legalisation of casinos or casino-containing entertainment complexes. Opponents, meanwhile, have severely lambasted the proposals.

Prayut had offered no comment on the casino issue until yesterday.

"I can tell you that no casino will materialise today. The government has not made any decision on it," the prime minister said.

He added that he had instructed Somyot to stop speaking in support of casinos.

On Tuesday, National Reform Council (NRC) member Sira Jenjaka suggested that Somyot should face a disciplinary probe for encouraging the opening of local casinos. He also said the council had heard a powerful general was behind the push for the casino legalisation.

"Which general?" Prayut said. "I don't see any such general."

He also said he personally thought that casinos could not be set up in Thailand right now. Asked if casinos would materialise during his government, Prayut said: "No, they won't. The legalisation of casinos will take time. Studies and research must be conducted first."

He said the decision on casino legalisation could not be based simply on opinion surveys.

Observers think his clear stance now may thwart the hopes of several pro-casino figures.

Major Anan Vajarodaya, an NRC member who supports the casino idea, had previously said his group would stop pushing for casino legalisation only if Prayut or the public said no, or if the issue threatened to cause conflict.

Deputy Prime Minister General Prawit Wongsuwan said neither he nor Prayut had time to think about the casino issue.

"We need to focus on other urgent issues like how to help farmers," said Prawit, who is also defence minister.

He also dismissed any suggestion that legalising casinos would threaten the government's stability.

"This is not an entirely new idea. It has been circulating for many years," he said.

Democrat Party leader Abhisit Vejjajiva, a former prime minister, said a casino-legalisation idea had emerged during his government too.

"But my government firmly rejected it. I don't think Thai society should waste time debating this issue. It will be better if we make efforts to solve other important problems like drought and economic issues," he said.

He also said he hoped the government would not include casino legalisation in a public referendum on the charter draft.

"The casino issue can't be as important," he said.

Abhisit also suggested that Prayut should uphold the 12 core values that his National Council for Peace and Order was promoting. Prayut heads the junta, which supposedly promotes morality. Gambling is widely seen as a form of vice.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/national/PM-breaks-silence-with-no-30263055.html

-- The Nation 2015-06-25

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They say that in the land of the blinds, a one eyed man is a king.... good on you PM,

good call, Thailand can't afford it self a casino, as so many things can go wrong with

such establishment, and the con out weigh the pro....

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they will continue to go too the borders and gamble by the thousands.the illegal casino will keep popping up,the thais love to gamble that is no secret.having legal casinos you can control the thai baht leaving the country and provide jobs here

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They say that in the land of the blinds, a one eyed man is a king.... good on you PM,

good call, Thailand can't afford it self a casino, as so many things can go wrong with

such establishment, and the con out weigh the pro....

lost me on this one

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Casinos take money from the poor and uneducated. It's the right decision.

not as much as the illegal gambling rackets do. Prohibition benefits the crooks whilst the elite who can travel and gamble as they wish brush the effects on the poor and uneducated under the carpet and keep the people uneducated.

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You having a laugh aint ya. It will take years for them to have the confidence to whip out a pack of playing cards, 2 small boxes of Do's (domino) and nearest to the wall. I can see it now. All the Thai people opening up, Sod the lose face crack, i going for a flutter. flaunting their Queen of Diamonds, Thinking ''I cant believe im doing this''

Na not a chance! It will always be 24 hours at Gungs house, gamble 20 baht a pop. That game that takes so long you just say <deleted> to it im off! and 24 hours later someones 100 baht up.

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Casinos take money from the poor and uneducated. It's the right decision.

Exactly. Prayut has consistently made the correct decisions for Thailand and I remain a big supporter.

I love that he told the General promoting this bullshit to shutup. Under previous administration this would have been fast tracked so that the politicians could start filling their pockets ASAP.

I put casinos for Thailand in the same category as nuclear reactors for Thailand.

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another stupid decision when it could bring in millions from Chinese and create 1000s jobs

all this does is give freedom to the 1000s illegal gambling dens and ensure ordinary Thais lose big money to the unregulated crooks

dumb, dumb and dumber

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Such stupid comments here, with little to no experience with the "Casino Debate."

Bossier City, Louisiana (google it and look at the casinos on Red River & Shreveport, Louisiana)

My Blessed Departed Parents Were Totally Opposed.

Then ... they watched as the FIVE (5) Riverboats on Red River brought many good jobs, and huge tax dollars

to a very poor state, with horrible education. I was totally educated in Bossier City -- always ranked at the bottom

of USA states pertaining to education.

+ The Casinos employed many of my friends and current friends - good paying jobs with benefits.

+ The Casinos report monthly revenues and tax dollars -- in full-page ads in local newspapers. My Father loved seeing those.

+ Casinos in New Orleans have helped fix many problems in south Louisiana.

+ Most (not all) illegal gambling was eradicated.

+ Brought huge tax dollars, fixing roads, Texas Street Bridge, and finally getting computers into the local schools.

+ Casinos set-up extensive "Gambling Help Facilities" for those with gambling addictions, most of them already addicted prior to the boats. Finally -- those with gambling addictions could get professional help. The State of Louisiana made the casinos put extensive programs in place to help those with problems.

+ The long-time "Mafia Elements" of corrupt Louisiana politics (remember the Long and Edwards family governing - all crooks) were sent packing, and Edwin Edwards went to jail finally.

I was there.

I watched it during high school and college at LA. Tech University.

Most of you are just "speculating" ... with no actual casino experience. Just thoughtless opinions.

Continue to make un-informed comments.

Maybe some day ... you'll open your narrow mind to another world.

A Bright world.

With Possibilities.

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Casinos take money from the poor and uneducated. It's the right decision.

Thank you, Mr. Prime Minister for your absolutely correct decision. Thank you Khun Abbisit for your honest and right advice. For the sake of the Thai people and society, please stick by your wise decision.

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Casinos take money from the poor and uneducated. It's the right decision.

Thank you, Mr. Prime Minister for your absolutely correct decision. Thank you Khun Abbisit for your honest and right advice. For the sake of the Thai people and society, please stick by your wise decision.

uninformed and unintelligent comment which translated means:

allow the unregulated crooks to continue, block the millions in revenue and ignore the well paid job creation opportunities while Singapore, South Korea and Macau thrive

yea wise decision

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Bravo! The right decision and well spoken.

This is a sterling example of why the current government is respected and supported by the people.

Thank you General for being decisive, and making the decision that is BEST FOR THE THAI PEOPLE.

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Bravo! The right decision and well spoken.

This is a sterling example of why the current government is respected and supported by the people.

Thank you General for being decisive, and making the decision that is BEST FOR THE THAI PEOPLE.

"respected and supported by the Thai people" and "best for the Thai people"

you speak for them do you? you psychically 'know'? or do you really believe that YOU know best for the 'Thai people'?

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smokecreen over - i believe it was to take attention from the former fugitive. there was never any intention for a casino anyway, but as it was Taksins project also a few years back, its a tongue in cheek way of stealing the spotlight.

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Casinos take money from the poor and uneducated. It's the right decision.

Agree - so shut down this ridiculous Lottery also, its a scam to poor people and the rich are getting richer

JimLove, Like where you are coming from.

By strongly opposing the casinos and expansion of gaming, the General has placed his feet on ethical bedrock and has a place to stand to erode the influence of the lottery profiteers.

His recent order and follow up to enforce a standard price squeezes out the profiteers and makes distribution less appealing. And distribution is the name of the game, since many ticket purchases are spontaneous "point of sale" whims.

Evey single Thai Visa poster who whines about stemming the tide of corruption in the Kingdom should be chiming in with positive feedback on this site...yet it is strangely quite. No surprise there.

Most outsiders do not understand the methodology or psyche of the Thai way to move forward. They seem to overlook that fact that Thailand is hard wired to respect and embrace a strong central figure whose words and deeds are pointed toward the betterment of the Thai way of life.

They have been blessed with the greatest of Kings, and a country rich in spirit and resources.

The street I live on existed, before there was a United States of America. I think Foreigners need to step back and understand that they live in a place where a single, strong, and ethical leader is highly desired and supported.

To them the idealism of other processes is abstract, they are "less talk, more do" oriented .. and the General has proved to be a powerful and respected leader.

The westerners may not understand or embrace this way .. but that is the way it is ... if it does not work for them is too much to bear ... it is s big world and visa are available in other wonderful countries.

Sometimes "Love it or leave it" ... is actually a very rational idea. Worked for me! That is how I ended up in the Kingdom!

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lol @ people here who think the casinos would bring any ills on Thai society that aren't here already. Anyone who has even had a small taste of the underground gambling scene here would know that it is huge. The focus shouldn't be if they should be allowed, but HOW. How would the regulations be set up. Where are they allowed to be, how is the tax revenue set up, etc. So if they fail on the regulatory end, then yeah shut them down. But if its done right, then it could be a boon to tourism.

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