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Thai-English actress 'Anna Reese' kills cop in car crash


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Like the rich and famous everywhere in the world, there will be a media circus ... power, influence and money will put a lid on it, and in short order....it will be forgotten.

This is not a Thai thing, this is the way the world has been, and will always be.

The Golden Rule is as old as time ..

"Those with the Gold ... make the Rules"

Th only difference in the world today, and the reason for all the fuss, is because of recent technology, we all get a front row seat in real time.

There are many exapmles of this. In America, people are "shocked" by the way police beat, maim, and kill minorities. They seem to not understand, it has always been there, there was just never any public evidence of it.

Now we have a new level. A 28 year old actress, turning on screen fiction into real time reality.

And except for a monetary short term loss, it is "move on, nothing to see here."

My sad prediction is that over time, SHE will be cast in the role of the "victim" ... her popularity and wealth will soar, and we will be left just shaking our heads at the level of absurdity of life's bizarre plot twists.

Although I do believe "accidents happen" .. it is impossible to ram a parked car if you are sober, sane, and conform to the law.

Mark my words, a year from now, her agent will be thinking, "Career wise killing that cop was a stroke of genius" and fans will be waring "3344" trinkets (car license number)

I will try to restrain myself while the Thai Bash crowd rails on like this only happens in Thailand, that the rich and famous are not "consequence proof" everywhere... since it is a predictable back and forth I am tired of.

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Not sure if she was really traumatized or drunk, either. But that breathalyzer test is crucial if you want the closest reading at the time of crash. You can't just wait for her to calm down whenever she thinks she's ready. By that time, she may be hoping that while she sobers up, calms down, or recollect (or fabricate her story), blood/alcohol level would be down. If she was drunk driving, hopefully there was still enough blood/alcohol content left to say it was past the legal limit. Otherwise, she may be charged w/ reckless driving if she was at fault.

*Most Southeast Asians do not know how to drive, and that also includes 'police' That's why there's defensive driving, good or bad. SMH

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Thats quite a performance put on by the young actress... And she was doing a fair speed when she hit the poor policeman, looks her car was written off so no chance to drive off, had to face the music. This will be big news for a while then it will disappear before we hear the end result like all of them do. My guess is a million to the cops family and a media frenzy at the funeral while she makes tamboon.

not correct !

50% for the family,

50% for the investigating RTP ;

and how much for the Hospital to certify no alcohol but traumaticed by a bad GHOST ???

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Not sure if she was really traumatized or drunk, either. But that breathalyzer test is crucial if you want the closest reading at the time of crash. You can't just wait for her to calm down whenever she thinks she's ready. By that time, she may be hoping that while she sobers up, calms down, or recollect (or fabricate her story), blood/alcohol level would be down. If she was drunk driving, hopefully there was still enough blood/alcohol content left to say it was past the legal limit. Otherwise, she may be charged w/ reckless driving if she was at fault.

*Most Southeast Asians do not know how to drive, and that also includes 'police' That's why there's defensive driving, good or bad. SMH

Just heared the latest news ::

The breathing test is not valid,

as the acting police officer did missread the operating instruction ( was propably in english )

because he blowed insted of her !! so the 1,6%% are not related to the actress ; so said

not be able to show her innocent !!

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We all know the routine.

An honest accident but a donation to,the family of the cop and no chance of a conviction.

One law for the rich...another for the poor.

This Is Thailand.

It's the same law for the rich and the poor, the poor also have the right to compensate the victims to encourage more lenient sentencing, they're just not compassionate enough.

You must be kidding right?

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Every day another accident - or more. Same story. Same 'This is Thailand' replies.

It is a shame people want to record and share the grief, no need for such film to dramatize the event. Lets just keep to the facts.

Everyone wants to point fingers and attribute blame. Rather than stand back and try to avoid such situations in the first place.

TiT - cars - even police cars, lorries and Coaches will stop in stupid places and even drive against the traffic.

TiT - People will drive too fast for the conditions.

TiT - Many road users are under the influence of alcohol.

TiT - Accidents like this will continue to happen every day until some big changes happen.

The choice is to make change happen or live/die with the current situation.

No surprise - no accident.

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A timely reminder to us all to keep our side lights and seat belt on when stopped at the side of the road.

Side lights & a seat belt does not help you in the land of blind drivers !!

Better not to stop on the side of the road but to pull off well out of the way of anything moving !!!

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Just another paragraph of the same story.

The proper police proceadure was followed to the T. Anna needed to go home shower the shit off her and change clothes. sleep and sober up. Mom needs to call all the big people she knows.....Then to the police station Sat.

dont forget, blacked dressed,

and a lot of onion drops to get enough tears out !!!

she is an actress, she knows to play the game !!

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A timely reminder to us all to keep our side lights and seat belt on when stopped at the side of the road.

But when other drivers, incapacitated by weather or other factors, come up behind you, they can mistakenly assume you are moving with results like this.

It says in the Thai Highway code, "You should be driving at a speed you can stop short of an obstruction". So if incapacitated by bad weather you should be driving slower.

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Watched the video and it was sickening and horrible.

I am concluding that this is a case of either extreme reckless or dangerous driving or both, that is a 100% certainty. Whether the woman was drunk, or on drugs, texting, racing another vehicle or even fell asleep at the wheel I have no idea.

All I can say is; I sincerely hope that the policeman and his family receive justice

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What are the chances that the policeman was wearing a seat belt? They very seldom use them when they are moving yet alone, stopped.

Wearing a seatbelt or not, after getting hit that hard from behind, would have made little or no difference to the outcome. A seatbelt only restrains you from being thrown forward, not backwards. The chances are that the back of his seat collapsed with the impact and he was hit and killed by the crumpling rear end of his own car.

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I wonder what will happen to this woman is she thai or English and it looks like she may be on drugs she may have lost control of the car obviously speeding or she wouldn't have rammed the police car. dangerous driving put her in jail and throw away the key .

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I would vote for a soap opera Oscar for Anna's performance here. I assume the performance combined with a generous contribution to the policemen's ball fund was also good enough to earn her an exemption from routine alcohol and substance tests.

A very sharp contrast to the spoiled 16-year old who sat nonchalantly posting on Facebook that she had just killed 9 van passengers by making them somersault off the expressway (due to the lack of seat belts in their passenger van).

She also beats hands down the coked up red bull brat's wooden performance at the funeral of the policeman he offed by dragging him 200 metres up Thonglor on his Ferrari and then tried to cover up the crime.

Edited by Dogmatix
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speeding was not 80 !!!

look, the backside lights are pushed in until the roof of the car !

thats sure over 100 !

She of cause no damage ,

she drove the German Star limousine ! ( reservated ib Th for the reach and ... ) !

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We all know the routine.

An honest accident but a donation to,the family of the cop and no chance of a conviction.

One law for the rich...another for the poor.

This Is Thailand.

It's the same law for the rich and the poor, the poor also have the right to compensate the victims to encourage more lenient sentencing, they're just not compassionate enough.

You must be kidding right?

"You must be kidding right?"

God, I hope so ...

And if not, let's pray he pays the tab and takes a taxi"

this drama does not need a sequel.

What next, "If fish do not like life in the pond, they should fly to the ocean" ??

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We all know the routine.

An honest accident but a donation to,the family of the cop and no chance of a conviction.

One law for the rich...another for the poor.

This Is Thailand.

It's the same law for the rich and the poor, the poor also have the right to compensate the victims to encourage more lenient sentencing, they're just not compassionate enough.

What! Compensation equals $$$$$$$. If the poor don't have money then how can they compensate? You are trying to balance the scales of justice via compensation ($). Give us a break turkey, just because a person is/.may be poor does not mean they are not compassionate

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oh well, nice to see the resident TV "experts" are out in force as usual try to impress everyone with their wisdom and expertise at Googling

You lost me there. yes, there is the normal banter and bickering, but unlike a gun debate, or debate on social statistics, heavy in Google information ... these are just normal people doing what normal people do when something horrid, stupid and wrong gets jammed up their nose.

They huddle together and try to make sense of something, that makes no sense.

One might say, with your staggering number of postings (20,000 +) ... the only thing you got right was that badger, or whatever the hell it is as your picture.

Yes, the "Experts" who seem to know everything there is to know about an event they were no part of gets funny at times...my objection here is your Google reference...

In a moment of irony, it makes you ... the EXPERT .. on EXPERTS!

not sure you will get that .. but it is what it is.

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I thought if somebody is killed in a road crash and the driver of the other vehicle is fit enough to be arrested then they are as a matter of course. Soiled briches aside I see no reason why this stupid wench didn't get nicked.
There are suspicions of alcohol being a factor, wouldn't it be in everybody's interest to get her on the intoxilyzer just to check.. I mean it's a cop who was killed, wouldn't hurt to be sure would it

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Can't tell from the video if she is traumatised, drunk or thinks she is on the set of a lakorn.

Spoken like a person better to keep their mouth shut. Nothing of interest, just noise. Very uncomfortable in their body.

Police officer -RIP

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The fact that she soiled herself and remains at the site, weeping and cradling the dead body of the police guy leads me to feel she is genuinely upset and traumatised by this incident.

Don't know her from Adam, but its obviously a tremendously sad incident.

Some of the TV posters might like show a bit more self respect and stop sniggering.

to allow her to go into the police car and tuch the victim is more than senseless !!

And to put this all on a Video and on website , where we are ? in Hollowood - or is it 1 April ??

Oh !!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry, we are in LOS !!!

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Honestly, what's wrong with this country and it's people ? There's been an accident, and a mans been killed, and an unfortunate woman has been allowed to belittle herself and exacerbate this grim unfortunate situation all on camera to be lapped up by anyone and his dog......... What's wrong with this place ?

Edited by SupermarineS6B
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Just saw on the news that she has finally been alcohol tested and it turns out she is not over the alcahol limit at this time. So thats all good then, just an accident, lets all move on shall we?

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oh well, nice to see the resident TV "experts" are out in force as usual try to impress everyone with their wisdom and expertise at Googling

Thats mobile - chattting sick LOS peoples and youngsters !!

like yesterday - texting and falling on the rails,

so said we missed the train coming too !!

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But when other drivers, incapacitated by weather or other factors, come up behind you, they can mistakenly assume you are moving with results like this.

Fair point. Depending on where you're stopped, it might be better to keep your vehicle in reverse gear to show white lights at the rear, or to use your hazard warning lights. If you're at risk of being shunted from the rear, you're as well keeping your handbrake on and your car in gear to minimise risk of injury and get full benefit of your crumple zones.

It's also a timely reminder of the risks of driving traumatised...


Eh?????????? surely better in no gear handbrake off so car can be shunted down the road a bit and absorbing some of that impact.

If you keep the car stationary then the crumple zones absorb the impact, rather than transferring the momentum direct to your body, and then, via your neck, to your head. In a case like this, the crumpling of the car takes time during which the victim's car will be accelerated and shunted forward. If there is no resistance other than the inertia of the car, the car will be accelerated much faster by the impact, resulting in severe whiplash injuries to the occupant.

It depends on whether you worry more about damage to the car or damage to your neck.

The damage to the occupant is caused by a rapid change in relative velocity between the car and its occupant - either with the car stopping suddenly .when it hits something, or accelerates dramatically when something hits it. A reasonably high headrest that would help the head accelerate with the rest of his body which would help reduce the risk of a broken neck.


At a lower speed collision id agree but this looks like a hard whack, way more than crumple zones could handle and no brake on would have reduced the severity, example would be you hit a concrete wall or you hit a concrete wall on rollers absorbing some of the force, either way the neck is gonna take a pounding unless he was sitting with head restraint back to his neck etc

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Just saw on the news that she has finally been alcohol tested and it turns out she is not over the alcahol limit at this time. So thats all good then, just an accident, lets all move on shall we?

There is no such thing as "just an accident"

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