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Thai-English actress 'Anna Reese' kills cop in car crash

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I am glad I drive a merc makes me feel alot safer unless it was a 10 ton truck that hit me whistling.gif

i do in EU,

bad must say said , in LOS for me to expensive

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unless he was sitting with head restraint back to his neck etc

I don't think the police officer was sitting in the car. Looking at this story, he was more likely lying across the two front seats while sleeping.

Also above a certain speed it might not matter any more if a seat belt was worn or not, especially when the stationary car is entirely torn apart. As seen here: a 200km/h speeding car crashing into another waiting at a traffic light.



There is in thailand pal!

You're mistaking "Excuse" for "accident".............pal!

I did like her acting but it was let down when she was draped over the corpse and "tidied her hair back with her hand"


Just saw on the news that she has finally been alcohol tested and it turns out she is not over the alcahol limit at this time. So thats all good then, just an accident, lets all move on shall we?

There is no such thing as "just an accident"

You and your Dad need to have a heart to heart talk.


Fact :

#1 : She didnt do a runner like most people do here - good for her

#2 : She actually look like she is grieving about the dead man - remember the untouchable hi-so biatch that killed 9 people and then updated her FB

Man was a sleep in his car .... - too drunk to drive ... ? Since he was a RTP I Automatic think the worst and they asked for it them self but after all



Fact :

#1 : She didnt do a runner like most people do here - good for her

#2 : She actually look like she is grieving about the dead man - remember the untouchable hi-so biatch that killed 9 people and then updated her FB

Man was a sleep in his car .... - too drunk to drive ... ? Since he was a RTP I Automatic think the worst and they asked for it them self but after all


According to BP she is was charged with reckless driving and fleeing the scene of the accident - apparently she didn't hang around after her relatives showed up.

As for the grieving bit, clearly she could well be distraught after what happened but that does not absolve her of responsibility since she was the one driving the car. It also is worth mentioning that this is a professional actress so appearances can be deceiving.

Your suggestion that the real victim here might have been drunk is baseless and pathetic - there is nothing to suggest anything other that he was tired and parked up at the side of the road for a kip. The actress is claiming she swerved to avoid a motorbike which is why she hit him.


This is actually the routine Run to Singapore like the Heir to the Red Bull fortune did a runner. Vorayuth Yoovidhya, remember him . He killed a cop and ran to Singapore before they

could get their hands on him

Now hes in hiding hoping they will forget about it . I will not forget it and I suspect she will do the same Run from the authorities And to think that the Prime Minister has a real opportunity to show

just how Thailand is changing and request that Singapore hand him over to Thai Authorities. This is easy so why don't they do it ? Show they will not tolerate a cop killer

I think I know the answer to your question.. Could it be that Red Bull family are one of the sponsors of the General and thus are telling him what he can and can't do?


"The actress is claiming she swerved to avoid a motorbike which is why she hit him."

I suppose that's possible, but then... (a drum roll please) her brakes failed!


Just reported on the news. She admitted to not being drunk but admitted to being off her tits on drugs. The drug was unspecified. My guess, cocaine.

Pay the cops family and all will be OK in the LOS again. blink.png


Sorry but I have no sympathy for the police in Thailand, nor the one in Japan now, nor the Thai legal/justice system, pay the family and go home.


Can someone enlighten me on the following:

Say the country is UK or Europe

A car is parked illegally on the side of the street and hazard lights are off

Street lighting is either dim or non existent

Said car gets hit from behind by another vehicle

Occupant of said car gets injured

Can the occupant of said car sue the driver of the other vehicle, considering that in the first instance, the occupant of the said car is committing a traffic offence?


By now she probably has a one way ticket to Singapore in her name waiting for pick up at the counter. What is the slogan again? Here, everyone can fly?


Every day another accident - or more. Same story. Same 'This is Thailand' replies.

It is a shame people want to record and share the grief, no need for such film to dramatize the event. Lets just keep to the facts.

Everyone wants to point fingers and attribute blame. Rather than stand back and try to avoid such situations in the first place.

TiT - cars - even police cars, lorries and Coaches will stop in stupid places and even drive against the traffic.

TiT - People will drive too fast for the conditions.

TiT - Many road users are under the influence of alcohol.

TiT - Accidents like this will continue to happen every day until some big changes happen.

The choice is to make change happen or live/die with the current situation.

No surprise - no accident.

Wow! A Thai road expert. Incidentally, how long have you lived in the Kingdom and how many miles have you done on Thai roads?


Every day another accident - or more. Same story. Same 'This is Thailand' replies.

It is a shame people want to record and share the grief, no need for such film to dramatize the event. Lets just keep to the facts.

Everyone wants to point fingers and attribute blame. Rather than stand back and try to avoid such situations in the first place.

TiT - cars - even police cars, lorries and Coaches will stop in stupid places and even drive against the traffic.

TiT - People will drive too fast for the conditions.

TiT - Many road users are under the influence of alcohol.

TiT - Accidents like this will continue to happen every day until some big changes happen.

The choice is to make change happen or live/die with the current situation.

No surprise - no accident.

Wow! A Thai road expert. Incidentally, how long have you lived in the Kingdom and how many miles have you done on Thai roads?

He is telling it as it is...... Does not matter how long someone has lived here, look at the facts or stand at any road side and observe, or if you are brave enough try crossing the road.......


Every day another accident - or more. Same story. Same 'This is Thailand' replies.

It is a shame people want to record and share the grief, no need for such film to dramatize the event. Lets just keep to the facts.

Everyone wants to point fingers and attribute blame. Rather than stand back and try to avoid such situations in the first place.

TiT - cars - even police cars, lorries and Coaches will stop in stupid places and even drive against the traffic.

TiT - People will drive too fast for the conditions.

TiT - Many road users are under the influence of alcohol.

TiT - Accidents like this will continue to happen every day until some big changes happen.

The choice is to make change happen or live/die with the current situation.

No surprise - no accident.

Wow! A Thai road expert. Incidentally, how long have you lived in the Kingdom and how many miles have you done on Thai roads?

Sorry? What point are you trying to make here?

Please attack me all you wish if it makes you feel better.

Cannot change the facts.


The BP article says that she has been charged with basically everything minus drink driving (unless the 7 day alcohol blood test results say she had no alcohol in her blood 2 days after the crash).

She went to her family's house to treat a wounded arm and as a result of that she is deemed to have fled the scene. Appalling however this is dressed up. She should not get bail just because of the amount of charges she is facing, seems pretty wrong, but again TIT


Something fishy here. What is a cop doing in a cop car away from the station? Unheard of.... Worse come to worse can always get a sore throat and go to Singapore for quality medical care


why did she not just do the "driver fled the scene" thing, she would have been all free now in the humongous city of "driver fled the scene", no way they can find her there.


Every day another accident - or more. Same story. Same 'This is Thailand' replies.

It is a shame people want to record and share the grief, no need for such film to dramatize the event. Lets just keep to the facts.

Everyone wants to point fingers and attribute blame. Rather than stand back and try to avoid such situations in the first place.

TiT - cars - even police cars, lorries and Coaches will stop in stupid places and even drive against the traffic.

TiT - People will drive too fast for the conditions.

TiT - Many road users are under the influence of alcohol.

TiT - Accidents like this will continue to happen every day until some big changes happen.

The choice is to make change happen or live/die with the current situation.

No surprise - no accident.

Wow! A Thai road expert. Incidentally, how long have you lived in the Kingdom and how many miles have you done on Thai roads?

Sorry? What point are you trying to make here?

Please attack me all you wish if it makes you feel better.

Cannot change the facts.

Police cars and lorries driving against the traffic? Nope, not seen that yet

Driving too fast for the conditions? See this in UK and Europe as well

Many road users under the influence of alcohol? Many? On what do you base this? Just you and your friends are not a representative sampling.

Accidents like this will continue to happen? Most accidents do not involve a vehicle ramming into the back of another stationary one.

Any other "facts" you would like to share based on your limited experience on Thai roads?


Every day another accident - or more. Same story. Same 'This is Thailand' replies.

It is a shame people want to record and share the grief, no need for such film to dramatize the event. Lets just keep to the facts.

Everyone wants to point fingers and attribute blame. Rather than stand back and try to avoid such situations in the first place.

TiT - cars - even police cars, lorries and Coaches will stop in stupid places and even drive against the traffic.

TiT - People will drive too fast for the conditions.

TiT - Many road users are under the influence of alcohol.

TiT - Accidents like this will continue to happen every day until some big changes happen.

The choice is to make change happen or live/die with the current situation.

No surprise - no accident.

Wow! A Thai road expert. Incidentally, how long have you lived in the Kingdom and how many miles have you done on Thai roads?

He is telling it as it is...... Does not matter how long someone has lived here, look at the facts or stand at any road side and observe, or if you are brave enough try crossing the road.......

I ride bikes in downtown Bkk traffic as well as touring the country. Is that brave enough?


The Thais are the most undisciplined drivers I have ever seen ... I am surprised that not thousands more die on their roads...!!!!


Every day another accident - or more. Same story. Same 'This is Thailand' replies.

It is a shame people want to record and share the grief, no need for such film to dramatize the event. Lets just keep to the facts.

Everyone wants to point fingers and attribute blame. Rather than stand back and try to avoid such situations in the first place.

TiT - cars - even police cars, lorries and Coaches will stop in stupid places and even drive against the traffic.

TiT - People will drive too fast for the conditions.

TiT - Many road users are under the influence of alcohol.

TiT - Accidents like this will continue to happen every day until some big changes happen.

The choice is to make change happen or live/die with the current situation.

No surprise - no accident.

Wow! A Thai road expert. Incidentally, how long have you lived in the Kingdom and how many miles have you done on Thai roads?

Sorry? What point are you trying to make here?

Please attack me all you wish if it makes you feel better.

Cannot change the facts.

Police cars and lorries driving against the traffic? Nope, not seen that yet

Driving too fast for the conditions? See this in UK and Europe as well

Many road users under the influence of alcohol? Many? On what do you base this? Just you and your friends are not a representative sampling.

Accidents like this will continue to happen? Most accidents do not involve a vehicle ramming into the back of another stationary one.

Any other "facts" you would like to share based on your limited experience on Thai roads?

Maybe you should review a few facts - a few years old but would still think it is relevant



I suspect gweilo that the poster was suggesting you try to cross the road as a pedestrian rather than on a bike, much easier if you are on a bike.

The overall point is that by one major measurement Thailand has the second highest road toll in the world and that is a problem which will not be going away in the near future.


Sorry? What point are you trying to make here?

Please attack me all you wish if it makes you feel better.

Cannot change the facts.

Police cars and lorries driving against the traffic? Nope, not seen that yet

Driving too fast for the conditions? See this in UK and Europe as well

Many road users under the influence of alcohol? Many? On what do you base this? Just you and your friends are not a representative sampling.

Accidents like this will continue to happen? Most accidents do not involve a vehicle ramming into the back of another stationary one.

Any other "facts" you would like to share based on your limited experience on Thai roads?


All facts I have posted have been confirmed by Thai friends. Some of whom are Thai Police officers. Also they are well recorded all over the place.

Maybe if you did some research you could find the evidence for yourself?






Ah! Another garbarge luk-kreung. I hope they lock her up and throw away the keys! A lot of these luk-kreungs have such low moralities and think that they are god's answer to everything in Thailand without looking into their backgrounds .Anyway, its good to see that thais are finally waking up and seeing that these garbage are nothing except the lower educated and poor country bumkins who still view them with awe.

Confused here... are you just showing off that you know a little Thai language ...

Or are you really a racist?

And to save everyone the trouble. luk khrueng (Thai: ลูกครึ่ง, literally "half-child") is a colloquial Thai term referring to a person whose parents are of different nationalities.[1] It is mostly used for people of mixed Thai and white origin.[2][3] (Wikipedia)

Speaking as the father of a Luk khreung daughter I would concur, he is a very nasty rascist. I hope he crawls back into whichever dark slimy place he normally lurks.

Would suggest he would be in the wrong area in a dark slimy place, the discharge from a sewage treatment plant on its way to the settling ponds would be more in order.

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