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26 suspected conmen from African nations rounded in Bangkok

Lite Beer

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I can remember when I first visited Thailand about 13 years ago.

No (or very few) Nigerians, Arabs, Indians, Chinese.......ahhhhh, those were the days!

When I came here 14 years ago, seen plenty of the above mentioned, so you were blind, blind drunk or so engrossed in the hookers you never noticed...thumbsup.gif

the indians/chinese have been entrenched here for multiple dog years, some claim a mafia based on country of orgin has been a part of this part of the world for long time. indian businesss in fang area for 20 plus years can be. nasty little devils. i am not counting native american indian, most of them are still celebrating the arrival of white man.........smiley

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The Q is how these "dark skinned folks" enter Thailand and what visa they have to stay here ... ? Maybe CIB should investigate into that also so some Immigration-staff can be transferred .... whistling.gif

Maybe they should investigate how some of the "whitey's" manage to remain in Thailand long term as well as regards their visa's...thumbsup.gif

or bugger it, just increase the visa prices and financial requirements for every one ?

An excellent idea. Will also cut down the numbers of white trash coming to the country.

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The Q is how these "dark skinned folks" enter Thailand and what visa they have to stay here ... ? Maybe CIB should investigate into that also so some Immigration-staff can be transferred .... whistling.gif

"Dark skinned folk"?

Is that the new phrase to express colour prejudice in polite company/appear funny to like minded "folk"?

I was the first to use "dark-skinned" in this thread, sure that it couldn't offend anybody, except perhaps you. Here is a link to at least 50 perjorative terms for "dark-skinned" people, and others. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ethnic_slurs_by_ethnicity

Let us know which you prefer to "dark-skinned". Or should we go for IC3 and hope everybody watches The Bill?

The phrase is a nasty, spiteful little one obviously coined to offend and express prejudice.

Either that or maybe the users suffer from that bizarre anger some feel at not able to use offensive language at will. The misconceived perception that the fact it is unacceptable to use abusive, callous, offensive language is "PC gone mad".

The people arrested were African so why describe them thus?

Unless of course, deliberate offence was intended by using the phrase "dark skinned folk".

Now I'm sure that isn't the case, eh.

Edited by Bluespunk
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Can we guess what African country most or all of them were from?

you a colonial cousin ?.....do you even know were Africa is ?...let me give you a hint, its not next door to Texas

No need to get your panties in a twist as the OP referred to them as African...

Lots of dark-skinned folks in Texas... Does that make them all African?

Perhaps we need a daily news-feed to advise the current term to use to describe a race or nationality of people because the politically correct bullshit has become so thick it is impossible to refer to a "person of color" without offending someone...

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Can we guess what African country most or all of them were from?

you a colonial cousin ?.....do you even know were Africa is ?...let me give you a hint, its not next door to Texas

No need to get your panties in a twist as the OP referred to them as African...

Lots of dark-skinned folks in Texas... Does that make them all African?

Perhaps we need a daily news-feed to advise the current term to use to describe a race or nationality of people because the politically correct bullshit has become so thick it is impossible to refer to a "person of color" without offending someone...

Not getting my panties in the a twist in the least, mealy making a point that its perfectly acceptable for one group of self-righteous people to slag off whole countries or a whole continent of people, as this thread illustrates, but when they they get slagged off they are the first ones getting their panties in a twist, colour has nothing to do with it

If I had said lets deport all Americans from Thailand cos they are all fat, gobby and and are eating all the food...there would be howls of protest and I would be branded Anti-American...whistling.gif and would be told to stop making generalisations

Lots of dark-skinned folks in Texas... Does that make them all African?

Genetically yes, unless they are not humans, but of alien decent ...wink.png

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The Q is how these "dark skinned folks" enter Thailand and what visa they have to stay here ... ? Maybe CIB should investigate into that also so some Immigration-staff can be transferred .... whistling.gif

Maybe they should investigate how some of the "whitey's" manage to remain in Thailand long term as well as regards their visa's...thumbsup.gif

or bugger it, just increase the visa prices and financial requirements for every one ?

An excellent idea. Will also cut down the numbers of white trash coming to the country.

One of the problems with that idea is the fact that many members of the elite "white trash" are well cashed up from their nefarious enterprises in their home countries, making a new life in Thailand an easy proposition with a few well placed brown envelopes.

Quite often the average decent retired pensioner wants nothing more than a bit of peace and quiet in the country with his Thai wife and family.

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I was the first to use "dark-skinned" in this thread, sure that it couldn't offend anybody, except perhaps you. Here is a link to at least 50 perjorative terms for "dark-skinned" people, and others. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ethnic_slurs_by_ethnicity

Let us know which you prefer to "dark-skinned". Or should we go for IC3 and hope everybody watches The Bill?

The phrase is a nasty, spiteful little one obviously coined to offend and express prejudice.

Either that or maybe the users suffer from that bizarre anger some feel at not able to use offensive language at will. The misconceived perception that the fact it is unacceptable to use abusive, callous, offensive language is "PC gone mad".

The people arrested were African so why describe them thus?

Unless of course, deliberate offence was intended by using the phrase "dark skinned folk".

Now I'm sure that isn't the case, eh.

I saw a man who had dark skin. I didn't speak to him, and I have no idea where his family lives or his genetic ancestry.

Please inform what term you think is politically correct enough to satisfy you to describe this person.

Edited by halloween
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I was the first to use "dark-skinned" in this thread, sure that it couldn't offend anybody, except perhaps you. Here is a link to at least 50 perjorative terms for "dark-skinned" people, and others. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ethnic_slurs_by_ethnicity

Let us know which you prefer to "dark-skinned". Or should we go for IC3 and hope everybody watches The Bill?

The phrase is a nasty, spiteful little one obviously coined to offend and express prejudice.

Either that or maybe the users suffer from that bizarre anger some feel at not able to use offensive language at will. The misconceived perception that the fact it is unacceptable to use abusive, callous, offensive language is "PC gone mad".

The people arrested were African so why describe them thus?

Unless of course, deliberate offence was intended by using the phrase "dark skinned folk".

Now I'm sure that isn't the case, eh.

I saw a man who had dark skin. I didn't speak to him, and I have no idea where his family lives or his genetic ancestry.

Please inform what term you think is politically correct enough to satisfy you to describe this person.

No idea unless I saw them.

However I would describe someone I saw in terms that do not carry the nasty snide undertones that prejudiced individuals use because of their paranoid obsession that somehow the "madness of PC" is all around them.

When in reality all that has happened is society has moved on from the bitter world they inhabit by taking away the social acceptability of using hate speech.

Edited by Bluespunk
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I was the first to use "dark-skinned" in this thread, sure that it couldn't offend anybody, except perhaps you. Here is a link to at least 50 perjorative terms for "dark-skinned" people, and others. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ethnic_slurs_by_ethnicity

Let us know which you prefer to "dark-skinned". Or should we go for IC3 and hope everybody watches The Bill?

The phrase is a nasty, spiteful little one obviously coined to offend and express prejudice.

Either that or maybe the users suffer from that bizarre anger some feel at not able to use offensive language at will. The misconceived perception that the fact it is unacceptable to use abusive, callous, offensive language is "PC gone mad".

The people arrested were African so why describe them thus?

Unless of course, deliberate offence was intended by using the phrase "dark skinned folk".

Now I'm sure that isn't the case, eh.

I saw a man who had dark skin. I didn't speak to him, and I have no idea where his family lives or his genetic ancestry.

Please inform what term you think is politically correct enough to satisfy you to describe this person.

A man.

Thank you for your advice. i shall now strip my vocabulary of all adjectives, lest they offend.

If I had said tall, would that have offended the short height challenged?

Edited by halloween
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I was the first to use "dark-skinned" in this thread, sure that it couldn't offend anybody, except perhaps you. Here is a link to at least 50 perjorative terms for "dark-skinned" people, and others. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ethnic_slurs_by_ethnicity

Let us know which you prefer to "dark-skinned". Or should we go for IC3 and hope everybody watches The Bill?

The phrase is a nasty, spiteful little one obviously coined to offend and express prejudice.

Either that or maybe the users suffer from that bizarre anger some feel at not able to use offensive language at will. The misconceived perception that the fact it is unacceptable to use abusive, callous, offensive language is "PC gone mad".

The people arrested were African so why describe them thus?

Unless of course, deliberate offence was intended by using the phrase "dark skinned folk".

Now I'm sure that isn't the case, eh.

I saw a man who had dark skin. I didn't speak to him, and I have no idea where his family lives or his genetic ancestry.

Please inform what term you think is politically correct enough to satisfy you to describe this person.

No idea unless I saw them.

However I would describe someone I saw in terms that do not carry the nasty snide undertones that prejudiced individuals use because of their paranoid obsession that somehow the "madness of PC" is all around them.

When in reality all that has happened is society has moved on from the bitter world they inhabit by taking away the social acceptability of using hate speech.

The only "snide undertones that prejudiced individuals use" are in your mind. By describing a person by using his most distinguishing characteristic (on a street in Samui) I am using hate speech? That is simply insane.

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I saw a man who had dark skin. I didn't speak to him, and I have no idea where his family lives or his genetic ancestry.

Please inform what term you think is politically correct enough to satisfy you to describe this person.

No idea unless I saw them.

However I would describe someone I saw in terms that do not carry the nasty snide undertones that prejudiced individuals use because of their paranoid obsession that somehow the "madness of PC" is all around them.

When in reality all that has happened is society has moved on from the bitter world they inhabit by taking away the social acceptability of using hate speech.

The only "snide undertones that prejudiced individuals use" are in your mind. By describing a person by using his most distinguishing characteristic (on a street in Samui) I am using hate speech? That is simply insane.

I never said you were using hate speech. i was referring to those who blame PC because society finds certain words and terms offensive and does not accept their usage.

However the phrase 'dark skinned folk' is a snide one with nasty undertones of prejudice, maybe not hate speech but used by those capable of it. I'm not saying you are such a person [and to be honest don't think you are], but you are using a phrase that they enjoy.

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The Q is how these "dark skinned folks" enter Thailand and what visa they have to stay here ... ? Maybe CIB should investigate into that also so some Immigration-staff can be transferred .... whistling.gif

"Dark skinned folk"?

Is that the new phrase to express colour prejudice in polite company/appear funny to like minded "folk"?

No, that would be "negro", and if there is any prejudice directed to people like those that were arrested and the rest of their type they deserve it.

Edited by Sviss Geez
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The Q is how these "dark skinned folks" enter Thailand and what visa they have to stay here ... ? Maybe CIB should investigate into that also so some Immigration-staff can be transferred .... whistling.gif

"Dark skinned folk"?

Is that the new phrase to express colour prejudice in polite company/appear funny to like minded "folk"?

No, that would be "negro", and if there is any prejudice directed to people like those that were arrested and the rest of their type they deserve it.


You think there is only one prejudicial term available to those inclined to intolerance?

People arrested for crimes deserve punishment under the law.

There is no need to used prejudicial, bigoted terms to describe them, especially as those inclined to prejudice will not differentiate between criminals and the innocent.

Edited by Bluespunk
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"Dark skinned folk"?

Is that the new phrase to express colour prejudice in polite company/appear funny to like minded "folk"?

No, that would be "negro", and if there is any prejudice directed to people like those that were arrested and the rest of their type they deserve it.


You think there is only one prejudicial term available to those inclined to intolerance?

People arrested for crimes deserve punishment under the law.

There is no need to used prejudicial, bigoted terms to describe them, especially as those inclined to prejudice will not differentiate between criminals and the innocent.

It is not nonsense at all, it is my opinion. And of course I know lots of other derogatory terms but so what?

If I am prejudiced, intolerant or bigoted towards these people, that is my prerogative. If you are tolerant of criminal of the type referred to in the OP then that is your entitlement also, wrong though you may be. The offensive types that were arrested do nothing to deserve anything but prejudice and bigotry and if you had met any of this type (I have) you would understand my opinion.

There is no need either for you to be dictating what other members do or think nor to suggest that I may be unable to distinguish between the criminal element and others.

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