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Gunmen kill 27 in attack on Tunisian resort, officials say

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And WHAT, exactly, does this slaughter of innocents achieve?

To contribute to the goal of the Caliphate declared by Islamic State, the Apocalypse, as forecast in the Koran. As the PM of Australia has succinctly described DAESH, a 'death cult'. The rulers of DAESH will in the meantime be enjoying the fruits of the 7th century style of dictatorship.

Tunisians are the largest contingent of foreign nationals fighting for DAESH.

their simplistic aim is the destruction of the "west" and by allowing mass muslim migration they are on their way to fulfill this objective.

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Terror attacks in Kuwait, France and Tunisia echo Isis methods


With regards to Tunisia the head of Islamic State in 2013 called on his supporters to take revenge where…

"a war is being waged against chastity and hijab," and where "infidelity, prostitution and adultery" are widely practiced.

Funny that the IS pig gangs conducting this so called war are themselves rapists, adulterers, and sodomizers. In addition to being kidnappers, murderers and thieves. They are essentially gangsters co-opting religion to legitimize their crimes against humanity. The lowest of the low. Absolute pond scum.

they need to be eradicated in the same way a pest controller comes to the house to get rid of cockroach infestation.


I see that IS has assumed responsibility which is hardly suprising, as their aim is to scare everyone, however, the same number of people are killed on the roads here every day. You start to extrapolate those figures for year on year and you will find that "Thailand's War" is probably the worst in the world, as no one is interested in stopping the carnage. Off topic I know, but just trying to get a little perspective.


I see that IS has assumed responsibility which is hardly suprising, as their aim is to scare everyone, however, the same number of people are killed on the roads here every day. You start to extrapolate those figures for year on year and you will find that "Thailand's War" is probably the worst in the world, as no one is interested in stopping the carnage. Off topic I know, but just trying to get a little perspective.

I can see the analogy...but dont think it fits.


is there IS in thailand, or is it like mers, like to deny for tourism sake?

what is some crazy leader says to muslims to do everywhere for their faith, could it happen in pattaya? phuket ? ...

it is in their koran, that infidels must be slaughtered


....... the general public may rise up into an anti Muslim crusade, the likes of which the world has never seen. And the horrific part is that they may then target all Muslims. It may be the Crusades, part II.

I wouldn't bank on any 'rising up' taking place unless rising up from the sofa to seek some new batteries for the TV remote, considering the general western public today could be said to be the most apathetic and 'me' centric selection of generations the world has ever seen. The public only went for the crusades back in the day because all sorts of goodies (spiritual and material) were promised if they took part. It was a very real call to action for authentic reasons, but the public still had to be convinced / sold to drop everything and go assist the Eastern Christian realms. What will the alluring marketing strategy be today, to get people on board? Free cinema tickets? Authorities are going to have a far harder time when the amount of bread and circus available is plentiful out there.


....... the general public may rise up into an anti Muslim crusade, the likes of which the world has never seen. And the horrific part is that they may then target all Muslims. It may be the Crusades, part II.

I wouldn't bank on any 'rising up' taking place unless rising up from the sofa to seek some new batteries for the TV remote, considering the general western public today could be said to be the most apathetic and 'me' centric selection of generations the world has ever seen. The public only went for the crusades back in the day because all sorts of goodies (spiritual and material) were promised if they took part. It was a very real call to action for authentic reasons, but the public still had to be convinced / sold to drop everything and go assist the Eastern Christian realms. What will the alluring marketing strategy be today, to get people on board? Free cinema tickets? Authorities are going to have a far harder time when the amount of bread and circus available is plentiful out there.


All this inaction regarding this problem makes me wonder more and more....and ask..

What is it, that governments of the Leading Nations.....Are not telling us... What is making them procrastinate on this issue?


How anyone in their right mind can go on holiday to Tunisia (or any other muslim country) is beyond me - CNN interviewed a guest at a Tunisia Hotel and she actually thought that the hotel was a "safe zone" .... Safe zone against inane terrorists ... wow the IQ can not be high ...

Go to muslim countries and gamble with your life for sure - The maniacs are everywhere these days and the job is to eradicate them one by one whereever they may be thumbsup.gif

POTUS and Europe are acting like scared schoolgirls against these rats in Black - wipe them out and if western countries want to survive the scurge of Islam, then kick them out of your country or make it so horrible for them that they want to leave by them self ... Islam is a plague



buddy this is a terror attack in Tunisia it has nothing to do with Obama. Now I can understand that for you that is pretty hard to get the brainpan around anything that does not involve Obama, cause everything does ... However this is just another fun vacation time with euro's in the lands of the religion of peace. Nothing to do with Obama

PS sorry about Jimmy G and the Saints rebuilding. Any idea who they a re going to replace Drew with?


Islam ıs not to blame...Lunatıcs wıth a twısted agenda are.

We have extremeısts ın all relıgıons but then ı wıll say that ı am surprısed that Muslım Scholars have not combıned and come out to condemned these nutters for what they are doıng. ın the name of Islam

Whether you lıke ıt or not the US ıs partly to blame, they want to be the world cops but once the body bags started arrıvıng home they pulled back....come on guys , be real ıt was only a matter of tıme before they came to you as they thought you were weak because you pulled back

Now they are hıttıng soft targets else where, why.... because they can.

It ıs about tıme the so called cıvılısed world combıned and regardless of borders took them out...cut off fundıng...states that covertly support them, publısh proof and let them be seen for what they are...same for ındıvıduals.

Show these nutters we mean ıt...cıtızens who are proved to be wıth these groups...revoke theır passports and let everyone know...ıf you cant make them sıgn ın once a week wıth the local polıce...track them ...monıtor them..stop them.

Eıther way they are not wanted


said. "They don't. Islam is a religion of peace."

You know Western Culture is on its knees when this lie is an obligatory utterance.

Even more grating when a British Prime Minister utters it. What a plank!!!

British Prime Minister? Most Europeans Prime Ministers! sad.png


Islam ıs not to blame...Lunatıcs wıth a twısted agenda are.

We have extremeısts ın all relıgıons but then ı wıll say that ı am surprısed that Muslım Scholars have not combıned and come out to condemned these nutters for what they are doıng. ın the name of Islam

Whether you lıke ıt or not the US ıs partly to blame, they want to be the world cops but once the body bags started arrıvıng home they pulled back....come on guys , be real ıt was only a matter of tıme before they came to you as they thought you were weak because you pulled back

Now they are hıttıng soft targets else where, why.... because they can.

It ıs about tıme the so called cıvılısed world combıned and regardless of borders took them out...cut off fundıng...states that covertly support them, publısh proof and let them be seen for what they are...same for ındıvıduals.

Show these nutters we mean ıt...cıtızens who are proved to be wıth these groups...revoke theır passports and let everyone know...ıf you cant make them sıgn ın once a week wıth the local polıce...track them ...monıtor them..stop them.

Eıther way they are not wanted

Second post and he is already apologizing for Islam and blaming the US.

An auspicious beginning for sure.


After years and years of killings why are Europeans still holidaying in these sewer muslim countries? Are they retarded or something? Seriously, terrorist attacks against civilians - especially westerners - is common and frequent in North Africa and the Middle East. It's just playing russian roulette by even setting foot in muslim land.

If they like beaches just visit the carribean or hawaii or something. But tunisia ? It's like riding a motorbike drunk without a helmet at night in the rain and then they act all shocked that people were killed.


Islam ıs not to blame...Lunatıcs wıth a twısted agenda are.

We have extremeısts ın all relıgıons but then ı wıll say that ı am surprısed that Muslım Scholars have not combıned and come out to condemned these nutters for what they are doıng. ın the name of Islam

Whether you lıke ıt or not the US ıs partly to blame, they want to be the world cops but once the body bags started arrıvıng home they pulled back....come on guys , be real ıt was only a matter of tıme before they came to you as they thought you were weak because you pulled back

Now they are hıttıng soft targets else where, why.... because they can.

It ıs about tıme the so called cıvılısed world combıned and regardless of borders took them out...cut off fundıng...states that covertly support them, publısh proof and let them be seen for what they are...same for ındıvıduals.

Show these nutters we mean ıt...cıtızens who are proved to be wıth these groups...revoke theır passports and let everyone know...ıf you cant make them sıgn ın once a week wıth the local polıce...track them ...monıtor them..stop them.

Eıther way they are not wanted

I said the exact same thing for years. I have stopped apologizing for Muslims. As I stated earlier in this thread:

I am about as moderate as they come, when it comes to Islam. I quite long held the belief that 99% of Muslims are moderate and do not support the extremist monkeys. But, having said that I think we may be heading toward a tipping point. If more moderates in a position of influence and power, such as the great and courageous King Hussein of Jordan, do not start speaking up in a loud and clear voice, against the gang raping, murderous, thieving mafias like the IS monkey clans, the general public may rise up into an anti Muslim crusade, the likes of which the world has never seen. And the horrific part is that they may then target all Muslims. It may be the Crusades, part II.


Thanks to the USA for Arabic Springs and I will pray that Thailand will avoid these cases

Oh dear God, how pathetic can one be. Do you have to make everything about the US? Silly question. Of course you do because you are so jacked up and resentful about US, you use every opportunity to blame everything bad that happens on the US. May be hard to believe for you, but there are just some bad people out there that look for excuses to cause fear and harm to others.

Sorry, I agree, the entire Arab Spring was brought to you by the National Endowment for Democracy, the US State department, Tides Foundation, Open Society, Chatham House, and the CFR. This truth is unassailable. The entire intent was loosely built upon the Brooking s Ins Which Path To Persia Study and the US String of Pearls theory to surround Iran and apply pressure. Indeed, the creation of IS, which Iraqis are now screaming from the individual rooftops, is a total consequence of us meddling, if not direct funding in the case of IS.

When a name, such as the US, comes up so often first resort should not be to protest its frequency rather consider the merits of its uncanny presence in every problem. This will invariably prove the point. The US has significant shat upon this part of the world to act upon both its Iranian containment-bipolar-shia/sunni vision and to counteract Russian influence, It smells so bad because it is a bag of s&5t.

Each time IS or other has hit the news, made progress, etc, Obama has moved the programs out of the black projects bag and into the grey and white by demanding congress also fund, assist, pass bills, to do this, to do that, and ostensibly address the issue of the day. But what has happened is that indirect weapons buildup, training, that was previously US led to AQ in Jordan morphed into DAESH and we provided them convoys, weapons, money, tech, and now directly salaried on us payrolls.

If this were a military command and staff college course this would be the class that counterpoised all the other How To Wage War classes. This fiasco called American involvement in the Middle East cannot even be explained by incompetence or lack of vision. This can only be explained by treason. Statistical probability theory fails to be predictive after so many zeros. That is what would be required to assert that the past 8 years or more of unintended consequences each and all came to pass coincidentally. It is incredulous.

In every single place the US has touched the area is worse off than before; how does this happen. On top of this, every single policy has invariably failed, every initiative, training program, weapons or food delivery, bombings... nothing has worked and a year into this the president conceeds we are still working on a strategy. Really? This massive transfer of power and money and weapons and technology to jihadists all happened unintentionally? This is the biggest fraud in history, right up there with "This Note Is Legal Tender for All Debts Public and Private" fiat money delusion.


Even on an empty stomach.

They probably prayed their little hearts out beforehand thinking their god gave them the go ahead. No words to describe these ppl.

Just bring in more bleeders...


Most of these IS mercenaries are recruited over the internet.

In many cases they are known to police and security services.

The problem is they are not locked up before they commit their atrocities.


I am about as moderate as they come, when it comes to Islam. I quite long held the belief that 99% of Muslims are moderate and do not support the extremist monkeys. But, having said that I think we may be heading toward a tipping point. If more moderates in a position of influence and power, such as the great and courageous King Hussein of Jordan, do not start speaking up in a loud and clear voice, against the gang raping, murderous, thieving mafias like the IS monkey clans, the general public may rise up into an anti Muslim crusade, the likes of which the world has never seen. And the horrific part is that they may then target all Muslims. It may be the Crusades, part II.

It's going to happen!

King Hussein of Jordan was a courageous man. But he died some years ago. His son, Abdullah, is King.


38 confirmed dead...

Of which 15 have been confirmed as British, the number expected to rise...

But Foreign Minister Tobias Ellwood warned the death toll was likely to rise.

He said it was "the most significant terrorist attack on the British people" since the London 7/7 bombings in 2005.



I am about as moderate as they come, when it comes to Islam. I quite long held the belief that 99% of Muslims are moderate and do not support the extremist monkeys. But, having said that I think we may be heading toward a tipping point. If more moderates in a position of influence and power, such as the great and courageous King Hussein of Jordan, do not start speaking up in a loud and clear voice, against the gang raping, murderous, thieving mafias like the IS monkey clans, the general public may rise up into an anti Muslim crusade, the likes of which the world has never seen. And the horrific part is that they may then target all Muslims. It may be the Crusades, part II.

It's going to happen!

King Hussein of Jordan was a courageous man. But he died some years ago. His son, Abdullah, is King.

I stand corrected. Abdullah too, is a very courageous man. He is one of the few voices of reason in the Muslim world right now. Very few are speaking out against the extremists in a loud and clear manner. The West wants to see that. The world needs to know how moderate minded Muslims feel. It is incumbent upon both the masses and the people in positions of authority and power, within the Muslim world, to speak out in a loud manner and be heard. Granted this is not something the Western media seems to want to hear. But there are ways of getting this message out there. The consequences of not doing so may be dire and unprecedented.

Most of these IS mercenaries are recruited over the internet.

In many cases they are known to police and security services.

The problem is they are not locked up before they commit their atrocities.

I suspect the reason for this is the cost of monitoring and locking them up is vast, seeing as they are a tiny minority (sarc on). Even if they are locked up they suck up resources whilst recruiting even more to their cause. The only solution is to deport them en mass, but the liberals would never stand for it.

I am about as moderate as they come, when it comes to Islam. I quite long held the belief that 99% of Muslims are moderate and do not support the extremist monkeys. But, having said that I think we may be heading toward a tipping point. If more moderates in a position of influence and power, such as the great and courageous King Hussein of Jordan, do not start speaking up in a loud and clear voice, against the gang raping, murderous, thieving mafias like the IS monkey clans, the general public may rise up into an anti Muslim crusade, the likes of which the world has never seen. And the horrific part is that they may then target all Muslims. It may be the Crusades, part II.

It's going to happen!

King Hussein of Jordan was a courageous man. But he died some years ago. His son, Abdullah, is King.

I stand corrected. Abdullah too, is a very courageous man. He is one of the few voices of reason in the Muslim world right now. Very few are speaking out against the extremists in a loud and clear manner. The West wants to see that. The world needs to know how moderate minded Muslims feel. It is incumbent upon both the masses and the people in positions of authority and power, within the Muslim world, to speak out in a loud manner and be heard. Granted this is not something the Western media seems to want to hear. But there are ways of getting this message out there. The consequences of not doing so may be dire and unprecedented.
Al Sisi in Egypt is another example, though as he ousted the 'democratically elected ' Muslim Brotherhood leader the U.S disapprove of him. Most depressing of all I suspect Abdullah in Jordan is about to get thrown under the same bus Obama threw Mubarak. Anyone would think it were Western policy to covertly enable ISIS.

I am about as moderate as they come, when it comes to Islam. I quite long held the belief that 99% of Muslims are moderate and do not support the extremist monkeys. But, having said that I think we may be heading toward a tipping point. If more moderates in a position of influence and power, such as the great and courageous King Hussein of Jordan, do not start speaking up in a loud and clear voice, against the gang raping, murderous, thieving mafias like the IS monkey clans, the general public may rise up into an anti Muslim crusade, the likes of which the world has never seen. And the horrific part is that they may then target all Muslims. It may be the Crusades, part II.

It's going to happen!

King Hussein of Jordan was a courageous man. But he died some years ago. His son, Abdullah, is King.
I stand corrected. Abdullah too, is a very courageous man. He is one of the few voices of reason in the Muslim world right now. Very few are speaking out against the extremists in a loud and clear manner. The West wants to see that. The world needs to know how moderate minded Muslims feel. It is incumbent upon both the masses and the people in positions of authority and power, within the Muslim world, to speak out in a loud manner and be heard. Granted this is not something the Western media seems to want to hear. But there are ways of getting this message out there. The consequences of not doing so may be dire and unprecedented.
Al Sisi in Egypt is another example, though as he ousted the 'democratically elected ' Muslim Brotherhood leader the U.S disapprove of him. Most depressing of all I suspect Abdullah in Jordan is about to get thrown under the same bus Obama threw Mubarak. Anyone would think it were Western policy to covertly enable ISIS.

Yes, valid point. The US foreign policy is so fabulously misguided, and lacking any sort of coherent vision toward the future. It feels very reactionary, and very political in nature, and does not have that "vision toward a better world" that some administrations used to render. Kerry is a highly ineffective and feckless secretary of state. Not sure Blundering Barry could have picked a worse candidate. He makes Hillary look like an absolute genius in that position. The US is entirely obsessed with this "election" thing. If you are not elected, you are no good. LOL. For a country that forces so called democracy down your throat, whether you are ready for it, or not, they are awful sensitive over changes that country makes, once it is a democracy. Follow our direction, or we will not like you any more. Sound like men children doing the jobs of men?

It almost feels as if the US objects if you speak out against the extremists. It almost feels as if they prefer that you keep quiet. Is there an agenda at play here? Seems like it.


Ironically we had a mosque here in Birmingham England named the Sadam Husein Mosque, it was only back in 2003 it changed it's name.

Many a building which are being converted to mosques sometimes without planning permission, one such building collapsed a few weeks ago,

Of course our government does not want to offend the Muslim population as 99% are supposed to be anti IS, and very British...

My thoughts are the Muslim community here in the UK needs to do an awful lot more to prove the above, and the Government needs to be thinking of how to intern the entire Muslim population of the UK if need be as we did with the Germans and Italians during WWII.

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