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US Embassy invites PM Prayut to Independence Day celebration

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US Embassy invites PM Prayut to Independence Day celebration


BANGKOK: -- The US Embassy has extended its invitation to Prime Minister Gen Prayut Chan-o-cha to attend its Independence Day celebration at Bangkok hotel.

The prime minister’s secretary general Gen Wilas Arunsri said today that the US embassy has sent invitation card to the prime minister to attend the celebration reception on July 2.

However, he said, the prime minister was unable to attend because he would be busy participating in the Mekong-Japan summit in Tokyo on July 4.

Earlier in the morning, Prime Minister Gen Prayut said he was ready to attend the US Independence Day reception if he is invited.

If it didn’t invite, he would not go, he said.

The prime minister’s remark came as he was asked to comment on the release of the 2014 human rights report which considered Thailand among the most significant setback on human rights and expression of freedom.

The prime minister was upset over the release by the US and asked that it should give details in accusing Thailand in which case it did not make progress.

Last year, the US embassy did not extend an invitation to any key member of the junta to attend its Independence Day celebration.

Washington has discouraged formal associations or celebrations with Thai military officers who were directly involved in the military coup on May 22 to topple the elected governmen

-- Thai PBS 2015-06-26

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I suspect that his dance card is gonna be full for the foreseeable, what with all the deals to be made with Russia and China.

Especially after last years appalling, big pout by the USA ambassador.

Obviously a woman who had heard of diplomacy but didn't actually understand he concept was intended to define her job. Being the US ambassador to Thailand seemed to go to her head and she forgot she wasn't actually running Thailand, merely representing a country who thought they were also running Thailand.

A common delusion which many seem to share. Including ex prime ministers who mistake their face not being in the news for a power vacuum.

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Don't get me wrong - I find these National Day celebrations and dinosaurian relict of the eliterian past which will disappear anytime soon for good.

But here we have the "Great American people" whose official governments have created an absolutely non-democratic havoc in Indochina leaving millions of locals and some 58'000 of their own boys dead. Those preachers of democracy cannot keep their big mouth shut whenever something happens which is not absolutely on America's official line.

Boing - the American National day is around the corner and they invite the non-elected, undemocratic, self-nominated leader of Thailand? Now how pathetic is that; maybe the official US should send its Chargé d'Affaires to protocol-classes.

Before the bashing now starts here - it is the official America I am nailing here; most individual Americans I met can call friends are great people and rather critical of their own country - at times.

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I agree completely with the poster- the American position on Thailand and much of the World is a disaster filled with bluster and a lack of cogency. There is no leadership in Washington or the rest of America- it is filled with politicians who could care less about advancing the actual lives of people. They only think about how much they can make while in office and how to further their own revenue stream when out of office. The daily lives of Americans continue to worsen, people are poorer than ever before and American continues to have a health care system that is the most costly in the World. As an American, I celebrate the 4th of July , not because of any rancour towards the British, but based upon the ideals that were once part of the American dream. This dream is dying and near death. Is there no one who can restore those values and spirit that once made America a great place to live and work?

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I agree completely with the poster- the American position on Thailand and much of the World is a disaster filled with bluster and a lack of cogency. There is no leadership in Washington or the rest of America- it is filled with politicians who could care less about advancing the actual lives of people. They only think about how much they can make while in office and how to further their own revenue stream when out of office. The daily lives of Americans continue to worsen, people are poorer than ever before and American continues to have a health care system that is the most costly in the World. As an American, I celebrate the 4th of July , not because of any rancour towards the British, but based upon the ideals that were once part of the American dream. This dream is dying and near death. Is there no one who can restore those values and spirit that once made America a great place to live and work?

I'm British - but have no problem supporting the ideals that led to the American revolution. Democracy for all only came to Britain last century - many WW1 servicemen fought and died without having the right to vote.

The founders of America, IMHO, were very shrewd in the way they set up the constitution - an attempt to ensure the government could never enslave the people. They had just broken free of one tyrannical oppressive regime and seemed to understand how human nature can sometimes not be trusted to always be fair and do what's right. If you see how much America has given to the world, by providing an environment where so many different people could flourish, then the founders got it right.

But, like all things, safeguards are needed to stop some humans corrupting the ideals. I agree with you, that the world would be a better place of the old American values and spirit was restored. And that's true of many European countries. There just doesn't seem the calibre or quantity of excellent political leaders around anymore.

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Your post is most welcome. It should also be noted that much of the American constitution is based on English common law and America owes much to the British. I doubt that World War II could have been won without the British and the great statesman Sir Winston Churchill. The problem with the United States is that so much of its bluster is based upon this concept of so called American exceptionalism which I find to be an arrogant attitude used by politicians to try and justify everything they do. Unfortunately, many Americans believe this and because they have become so insular and lacking the ability and money to travel do not realise how much the rest of the World has progressed. There are so many great ideas and advances that other countries have invented and prospered with that could improve the lives of Americans, yet politicians reject them because they can't get a piece of them financially or they are so arrogant and ethnocentric they reject them out of hand.

Greed is destroying the American dream and the American business model will eventually implode. Why Thailand continues to copy the current American business model continues to amaze me. The poor will inherit the Earth is not only a statement by a religious leader it is a fact. As more and more people are pushed into poverty, eventually a leader will come forward who will have the charisma to organise a movement that will sweep the current economic system into obscurity. Fortunately, I will have departed the World by then.

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Your post is most welcome. It should also be noted that much of the American constitution is based on English common law and America owes much to the British. I doubt that World War II could have been won without the British and the great statesman Sir Winston Churchill. The problem with the United States is that so much of its bluster is based upon this concept of so called American exceptionalism which I find to be an arrogant attitude used by politicians to try and justify everything they do. Unfortunately, many Americans believe this and because they have become so insular and lacking the ability and money to travel do not realise how much the rest of the World has progressed. There are so many great ideas and advances that other countries have invented and prospered with that could improve the lives of Americans, yet politicians reject them because they can't get a piece of them financially or they are so arrogant and ethnocentric they reject them out of hand.

Greed is destroying the American dream and the American business model will eventually implode. Why Thailand continues to copy the current American business model continues to amaze me. The poor will inherit the Earth is not only a statement by a religious leader it is a fact. As more and more people are pushed into poverty, eventually a leader will come forward who will have the charisma to organise a movement that will sweep the current economic system into obscurity. Fortunately, I will have departed the World by then.


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He's going to Japan that day.

Leaving his gun at home I presume.

I would call it a 50/50 ... There is no limit to the idiocy going on here and most people refuse to learn from their mistakes, esp the hi-so since they are above the law ... blink.png Amazing Thailand facepalm.gif

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Post removed, please read the warning at the beginning of this forum.

Please use discretion in your references to the government. Phrases which can be considered as anti-coup will be removed. Referring to Thailand or the government as a dictatorship, military dictatorship or other such terms will be removed.
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Your post is most welcome. It should also be noted that much of the American constitution is based on English common law and America owes much to the British. I doubt that World War II could have been won without the British and the great statesman Sir Winston Churchill. The problem with the United States is that so much of its bluster is based upon this concept of so called American exceptionalism which I find to be an arrogant attitude used by politicians to try and justify everything they do. Unfortunately, many Americans believe this and because they have become so insular and lacking the ability and money to travel do not realise how much the rest of the World has progressed. There are so many great ideas and advances that other countries have invented and prospered with that could improve the lives of Americans, yet politicians reject them because they can't get a piece of them financially or they are so arrogant and ethnocentric they reject them out of hand.

Greed is destroying the American dream and the American business model will eventually implode. Why Thailand continues to copy the current American business model continues to amaze me. The poor will inherit the Earth is not only a statement by a religious leader it is a fact. As more and more people are pushed into poverty, eventually a leader will come forward who will have the charisma to organise a movement that will sweep the current economic system into obscurity. Fortunately, I will have departed the World by then.

Pardon me if I just edit that a little.

"I doubt that World War II could have been won without the British Americans and the great statesman Sir Winston Churchill knew that "

To quote:

You can always count on Americans to do the right thing - after they've tried everything else.

Winston Churchill

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I suspect that his dance card is gonna be full for the foreseeable, what with all the deals to be made with Russia and China.

Especially after last years appalling, big pout by the USA ambassador.

Obviously a woman who had heard of diplomacy but didn't actually understand he concept was intended to define her job. Being the US ambassador to Thailand seemed to go to her head and she forgot she wasn't actually running Thailand, merely representing a country who thought they were also running Thailand.

A common delusion which many seem to share. Including ex prime ministers who mistake their face not being in the news for a power vacuum.

Yeah, the General needs to teach her what democracy is, right?

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On human rights and expression of freedom..."The prime minister was upset over the release by the US and asked that it should give details in accusing Thailand in which case it did not make progress." Is he serious?

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So What , all leaders of every country where there is an embassy get an invite , whether they attend or able to is up to them , the way this reads the implication is that Prayut- O is the only one invited, in most countries this wouldn't even make the news , perhaps the reason why it makes news in Thailand that Prayut - o is so on the nose with Western Embassy's and the position is not improving, that it came as a shock , No it is just respect for the country, happens every year, with most embassy's on their day of celebrationcoffee1.gif .

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Your post is most welcome. It should also be noted that much of the American constitution is based on English common law and America owes much to the British. I doubt that World War II could have been won without the British and the great statesman Sir Winston Churchill. The problem with the United States is that so much of its bluster is based upon this concept of so called American exceptionalism which I find to be an arrogant attitude used by politicians to try and justify everything they do. Unfortunately, many Americans believe this and because they have become so insular and lacking the ability and money to travel do not realise how much the rest of the World has progressed. There are so many great ideas and advances that other countries have invented and prospered with that could improve the lives of Americans, yet politicians reject them because they can't get a piece of them financially or they are so arrogant and ethnocentric they reject them out of hand.

Greed is destroying the American dream and the American business model will eventually implode. Why Thailand continues to copy the current American business model continues to amaze me. The poor will inherit the Earth is not only a statement by a religious leader it is a fact. As more and more people are pushed into poverty, eventually a leader will come forward who will have the charisma to organise a movement that will sweep the current economic system into obscurity. Fortunately, I will have departed the World by then.

Pardon me if I just edit that a little.

"I doubt that World War II could have been won without the British Americans and the great statesman Sir Winston Churchill knew that "

To quote:

You can always count on Americans to do the right thing - after they've tried everything else.

Winston Churchill

Can I have a go?

I doubt that World War II could have been won (by the Allies) without the appallingly bad decision made by Adolf Hitler (to attack the Soviet Union) and his subsequent catastrophic decision (after Pearl Harbour) to declare war on the USA.

It seems to have been decided, by the Allies, that defeat of Germany was the major and pressing priority, whereas defeat of Japan was only a matter of time.

Without the participation of the Soviet Union and Japan (who brought the USA in) would it have become known as "The Anglo - Reich War"?


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