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US should explain its harsh rights report on Thailand, govt says

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Gee, I don't know. I thought the report was pretty clear, concise and directly to the point. What's so hard about understanding that?

As long as you are able to read AND understand English....hence the question for explanation....

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Im my humble opinion the USA has no right whatsoever to judge others. Not until they get their own house in order. If I were Thailand, I would not ask them to explain their position, I would tell them to take it and shove it where the sun don't shine.

Although they have demonstrated that they are no geniuses, I don't think the junta is that stupid and clueless


Gee, I don't know. I thought the report was pretty clear, concise and directly to the point. What's so hard about understanding that?

But is it available in Thai? I am unaware as to whether or not the members of the Junta can read ........................another language?

คุณสามารถพูดอ่านเขียนและเข้าใจภาษาไทย หรือคือกาต้มน้ำหม้อเรียกสีดำเข้าใจไหม How's your Thai?

Actually I can read, write and understand Thai to a reasonable level.

However, I do not understand how this is relevant to the topic, as I am not running the country nor am I asking for an explanation of the report etc.

I also have a sense of humour, a little warped, but it is still fuctioning non the less.

I was having a little dig, no malice. I could see your sense of humour and as you were wondering if others could speak another language, I thought I'd check on your language skills. That's why I asked about the pot calling the kettle black. I knew you'd understand.


Gee, I don't know. I thought the report was pretty clear, concise and directly to the point. What's so hard about understanding that?

But is it available in Thai? I am unaware as to whether or not the members of the Junta can read ........................another language?

คุณสามารถพูดอ่านเขียนและเข้าใจภาษาไทย หรือคือกาต้มน้ำหม้อเรียกสีดำเข้าใจไหม How's your Thai?

All governments have translation depts - it is extremely unlikely that they don't have a good translation.

however why are we back to calling kettles black again? I don't understand the point behind the Thai statement. ca you explain?

Only asking if he could speak Thai. Pot calling the kettle black, I was just asking if he was guilty of something that he was suggesting of another. Checking his language skills, that's all. No harm meant and he answered.


If the party in power did not condemn a coup the other party would thrash it in the eyes of the people (who's lack of knowledge is appalling). It's politics stupid. Sorry, don't mean to insult by the paraphrase.

Very simple really.


The US of A - and indeed many Yankees - wish all the rest of the world to be just like them. Just as the Romans used to ponce about as self-styled cocks of the walk.

God forbid.

The US like all other countries have their own transgressions. Theirs are just scrutinized more because of their position in the world. Like other countries , they view their transgressions in selfish terms as having benevolent and noble intent. And of course they want other countries to buy into what is in the strategic and economic interests of the US. It's been that way forever you know. It's not the objective that's in question, just the means a country uses to achieve it.

I doubt the average American gives the rest of the world a second thought as most are too busy trying to live their own lives


"while also causing more than 900 people to be temporarily detained without charge."

Oh so what about Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp .

779 prisoners have been held at Guantánamo since the prison opened on January 11, 2002.

While this does not excuse any other countries Human Rights abuses - Countries that have worst Human Rights offenses should clean up their own act first before they have the right to criticise others

You obviously know a lot more about the USA than me; maybe you could help me understand. The Congress of the USA gives money to other countries and once a year the State department writes a report on those countries for Congress so they can decide if they made a good investment. Why does the USA need a right to do that?

They spend the money should not they have the right to get an accounting from another agency of the USA government?

Maybe you can explain it to me where they should not have an innate right to find out how and who they are spending their money on?

Post WWII, the United States still had a semblance of a Constitutional Republic, and within Congress you could still find 'statesmen' who retained a moral compass and worked for the betterment of the US people as a whole.

That's a pretty accurate description of where those who control America have taken her between post-WWII and the present. And being a post-WWII kid, I've been alive long enough to see and understand the change.

BTW, have you read much Saul Alinsky. Like most of your type of clones, you strike me as someone who's perused "Rules for Radicals" at least once. Base on the utter lack of intelligence in your inane, asinine, childish comment, I assume you know rule 5:

"Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon. There is no defense. It’s irrational. It’s infuriating. It also works as a key pressure point to force the enemy into concessions.”

Now go home and get your shinebox.

Removed comment on my post and removed other posts.

Brother, this is an exceptionally piercing point- real, valid, concise, and explains well what tools war upon the social fabric.

Anyone who reads Rules for Radicals and related agiprop material will see plainly the hand of such warring upon the US.

(I also believe that the same mechanics infect the vast umbrella of quasi US gov agencies/NGOs that routinely bring us Color Revolutions-

the sickest demonstration that Democracy is a disease, not a liberation).


“As long as one has the material body, the demands of the body for sense gratification will continue. The devotee, however, is not disturbed by such desires because of his fullness. A Krishna conscious man is not in need of anything because the Lord fulfills all his material necessities. Therefore he is like the ocean - always full in himself.” (Shrila Prabhupada, Bhagavad-gita, 2.70 Purport)

Not full of himself.



Actually, in my mind, Nobb, your delusionally imagined killer of innocent women & children, no doubt routinely accomplished more worthwhile in a single day than you have in your entire tiny life.

surely youre not denying it happened?
What I'm "denying" is that some nattering ninny screaming "babykiller" at another member for absolutely no other reason than his service, needs to be taken at all seriously...

Probably written by some wan**r in Washington who doesn"t fully appreciate the situation

Department of State - Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor
Assistant Secretary: Tom Malinowski - http://goo.gl/rDxyfG
Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary: Uzra Zeya - http://goo.gl/2qtE5
Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary: Michael G. Kozak - http://goo.gl/3wpnU
Deputy Assistant Secretary: Scott Busby - http://goo.gl/SrZDJA
Deputy Assistant Secretary: Karen J. Hanrahan - http://goo.gl/SUhZU
Deputy Assistant Secretary: Thomas O. Melia - http://goo.gl/9ZIki
Interim Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism: Ira N. Forman - http://goo.gl/2SLLt
Special Advisor on International Disability Rights: Judith Heumann - http://goo.gl/hKoJS
Now you know who writes it.tongue.png
Tom Malinowski was sworn in as Assistant Secretary of State for Democracy, Human Rights and Labor on April 3, 2014. Previously, from 2001, he was Washington Director for Human Rights Watch, one of the world’s leading independent international organizations dedicated to defending and protecting human rights.
Earlier in his career, Mr. Malinowski worked as a research assistant for the Ford Foundation in 1993, and for the Institute for Human Sciences in Vienna, Austria, in 1992.
And you are going to love this onecheesy.gif He got his Masters at Oxford. What w*ker eh clap2.gif ?
Mr. Malinowski received a B.A. from the University of California, Berkeley, and an M.Phil. from Oxford University, where he was a Rhodes Scholar.

But this is coming from a country which also tramples on the rights of its own citizens, invades other countries on the flimsiest of excuses, detains citizens of other countries without trial and those persons only defenders are appointed by the the US military. Some of those people have been arrested in countries other than the USA and many of them have been awaiting trial for years.

It regularly sends drones to kill people in other countries and worries little if anything about "collateral damage" to that countries citizens.

Civilians in the USA are regularly killed by the police forces within the USA.

It supports freedom of speech but when it comes to Wikileaks it wants to prosecute to the nth degree those people that expose the truth.

It supports dictatorial regimes in some parts of the world.

When you live in a glass house it is not always a good idea to throw stones.

And those transgressions are regularly condemned by other countries who have blood on their own hands. Despite what you think, in this world, the faults of a country do not preclude it from speaking out against those of other countries

Yes indeed and it is called hypocrisy and it is intolerable wherever it raises its head. I think one of the biggest hypocritical groups we know as the current Washington administration should keep the hell out of Thailand's affairs as it is clearly obvious that things have improved no end here since the Junta Government took over last year and which is working honourably for the good of the people of Thailand towards true and proper PR based democracy early next year. They even propose a fair and proper democratic referendum for the free will of the people to prevail and decide about the proposals for true democratic electoral reform to a PR based system. Such a PR system will never again allow a minority elected Governments to take unchallenged power, which is surely far worse and less democratic than anything this current Junta Government can be and often is completely wrongly accused of.

Just remember this peaceful coup last year was borne out of absolute necessity and I think we all feel happier and safer for it too. So Washington can kneb out of it and go screw itself IMHO as they are crass ignorant and arrogant as usual. I am knocking Washington administration and the paymaster lobbyist fat cats who control it, certainly not the ordinary good decent US citizens whose only real sin is apathy, which sadly allows Washington to continue with is corruption and current extreme and dangerous insanity and for it to rape true democracy as it is doing both at home and abroad.


Probably written by some wan**r in Washington who doesn"t fully appreciate the situation

Department of State - Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor
Assistant Secretary: Tom Malinowski - http://goo.gl/rDxyfG
Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary: Uzra Zeya - http://goo.gl/2qtE5
Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary: Michael G. Kozak - http://goo.gl/3wpnU
Deputy Assistant Secretary: Scott Busby - http://goo.gl/SrZDJA
Deputy Assistant Secretary: Karen J. Hanrahan - http://goo.gl/SUhZU
Deputy Assistant Secretary: Thomas O. Melia - http://goo.gl/9ZIki
Interim Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism: Ira N. Forman - http://goo.gl/2SLLt
Special Advisor on International Disability Rights: Judith Heumann - http://goo.gl/hKoJS
Now you know who writes it.tongue.png
Tom Malinowski was sworn in as Assistant Secretary of State for Democracy, Human Rights and Labor on April 3, 2014. Previously, from 2001, he was Washington Director for Human Rights Watch, one of the world’s leading independent international organizations dedicated to defending and protecting human rights.
Earlier in his career, Mr. Malinowski worked as a research assistant for the Ford Foundation in 1993, and for the Institute for Human Sciences in Vienna, Austria, in 1992.
And you are going to love this onecheesy.gif He got his Masters at Oxford. What w*ker eh clap2.gif ?
Mr. Malinowski received a B.A. from the University of California, Berkeley, and an M.Phil. from Oxford University, where he was a Rhodes Scholar.

Despite his credentials, he's still guilty by association...right? thumbsup.gif


One word John Kerry ,,, so out of touch ,,,,,,,,,

Can't say I can argue with that point. He probably should be at home painting Theresa's toenails like a good aging gigalo


One word John Kerry ,,, so out of touch ,,,,,,,,,

Can't say I can argue with that point. He probably should be at home painting Theresa's toenails like a good aging gigalo

John Kerry didn't write the report, just submitted it.


One word John Kerry ,,, so out of touch ,,,,,,,,,

Can't say I can argue with that point. He probably should be at home painting Theresa's toenails like a good aging gigalo

John Kerry didn't write the report, just submitted it.

I'm pretty sure you're right Craigt3365.


Where have I overstated anything here.

Simple yes or no answers please.

Did the USA not invade Iraq using the excuse of "Iraq had weapons of mass destruction"?

How many people were "arrested" by US Forces outside of the USA and transported to Guantanamo Bay and some are still there?

What civilian authority provided their defense lawyers?

Does the USA fly drones over Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen and Syria attacking "targets of opportunity" where innocent civilians are killed.

Are civilians regularly shot in the USA by civilian police forces?

Ask Julian Assange about Wikileaks?

It supports Egypt and Saudi Arabia which are far larger offenders of human rights than Thailand?

Yet with all that and probably a lot more it has the temerity to critisize other countries on how they treat people in their own countries.

Uh....no? Yes? (Are these even yes/no questions?)

You should start a thread about how much America sucks. Oh right....this is a forum about Thailand.

The OP is about the USA's critisism about Thailand. Perhaps you had missed the link about the USA. I am sure if the moderators had an objection about my linking it with the USA they would have removed my post.

Incidentally I responded to someone else whose comments you thoughtlessly removed.


Probably written by some wan**r in Washington who doesn"t fully appreciate the situation

Department of State - Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor
Assistant Secretary: Tom Malinowski - http://goo.gl/rDxyfG
Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary: Uzra Zeya - http://goo.gl/2qtE5
Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary: Michael G. Kozak - http://goo.gl/3wpnU
Deputy Assistant Secretary: Scott Busby - http://goo.gl/SrZDJA
Deputy Assistant Secretary: Karen J. Hanrahan - http://goo.gl/SUhZU
Deputy Assistant Secretary: Thomas O. Melia - http://goo.gl/9ZIki
Interim Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism: Ira N. Forman - http://goo.gl/2SLLt
Special Advisor on International Disability Rights: Judith Heumann - http://goo.gl/hKoJS
Now you know who writes it.tongue.png
Tom Malinowski was sworn in as Assistant Secretary of State for Democracy, Human Rights and Labor on April 3, 2014. Previously, from 2001, he was Washington Director for Human Rights Watch, one of the world’s leading independent international organizations dedicated to defending and protecting human rights.
Earlier in his career, Mr. Malinowski worked as a research assistant for the Ford Foundation in 1993, and for the Institute for Human Sciences in Vienna, Austria, in 1992.
And you are going to love this onecheesy.gif He got his Masters at Oxford. What w*ker eh clap2.gif ?
Mr. Malinowski received a B.A. from the University of California, Berkeley, and an M.Phil. from Oxford University, where he was a Rhodes Scholar.

Despite his credentials, he's still guilty by association...right? thumbsup.gif

He is not guilty of anything. The report was written by Department of State - Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor for the US Congress about nations that are receiving money from the USA.

If Thailand or anyone else wants to read it cool. If not forget about it but don't expect the cash cow to keep giving milk.thumbsup.gif


Yeah , right ! The US owes you an explanation about their actions/authority, like Eli Wallach, in a very old western film who said " we don't need no ----ing badges " !

typical moronic american attitude. i guess that is why americans vote for cowboy actors for president. america is fast becoming a third world cesspit!

America trembles. Your analysis is so sophisticated, so profound, the USA is doomed.


But the fact remains in the US you have a right to speak out against there actions with out fear, and if they fail to heed your voice you can vote them out of office or demand they be impeached. Also if guilty of crimes tried and convicted to serve jail time not moved to inactive post. Even a non citizen is afforded the right of free speech they just can't vote but can buy property and land.

vote them out of office?? lol. america is a one party state. tried and convicted? lol. nixon, north, reagan, bush, all criminals, all untouchable.

You are not even close on this one. RICHMOND, Va. — Former Virginia governor Bob McDonnell, who asked a judge Tuesday for mercy for his wife and himself, was sentenced to two years in federal prison for public corruption.

"Any time an elected official is sent to prison, it sends a message," said the FBI's lead agent in the investigation, Adam Lee.
Of Illinois' last seven governors, four have ended up going to prison. They are: --Rod Blagojevich -- Governor from 2002 through 2009, when he became the first Illinois governor in history to be impeached.
US politicians in prison see below.
Presidents Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton were impeached.
Thousands of US politicians have been thrown in the slammer. You really should google a bit before you post.clap2.gif

two bit governors com and go. the real criminals are the warmongers and they go free.


But this is coming from a country which also tramples on the rights of its own citizens, invades other countries on the flimsiest of excuses, detains citizens of other countries without trial and those persons only defenders are appointed by the the US military. Some of those people have been arrested in countries other than the USA and many of them have been awaiting trial for years.

It regularly sends drones to kill people in other countries and worries little if anything about "collateral damage" to that countries citizens.

Civilians in the USA are regularly killed by the police forces within the USA.

It supports freedom of speech but when it comes to Wikileaks it wants to prosecute to the nth degree those people that expose the truth.

It supports dictatorial regimes in some parts of the world.

When you live in a glass house it is not always a good idea to throw stones.

And those transgressions are regularly condemned by other countries who have blood on their own hands. Despite what you think, in this world, the faults of a country do not preclude it from speaking out against those of other countries

Yes indeed and it is called hypocrisy and it is intolerable wherever it raises its head. I think one of the biggest hypocritical groups we know as the current Washington administration should keep the hell out of Thailand's affairs as it is clearly obvious that things have improved no end here since the Junta Government took over last year and which is working honourably for the good of the people of Thailand towards true and proper PR based democracy early next year. They even propose a fair and proper democratic referendum for the free will of the people to prevail and decide about the proposals for true democratic electoral reform to a PR based system. Such a PR system will never again allow a minority elected Governments to take unchallenged power, which is surely far worse and less democratic than anything this current Junta Government can be and often is completely wrongly accused of.

Just remember this peaceful coup last year was borne out of absolute necessity and I think we all feel happier and safer for it too. So Washington can kneb out of it and go screw itself IMHO as they are crass ignorant and arrogant as usual. I am knocking Washington administration and the paymaster lobbyist fat cats who control it, certainly not the ordinary good decent US citizens whose only real sin is apathy, which sadly allows Washington to continue with is corruption and current extreme and dangerous insanity and for it to rape true democracy as it is doing both at home and abroad.

no WE all dont feel happier and safer. speak for yourself.


vote them out of office?? lol. america is a one party state. tried and convicted? lol. nixon, north, reagan, bush, all criminals, all untouchable.

You are not even close on this one. RICHMOND, Va. — Former Virginia governor Bob McDonnell, who asked a judge Tuesday for mercy for his wife and himself, was sentenced to two years in federal prison for public corruption.

"Any time an elected official is sent to prison, it sends a message," said the FBI's lead agent in the investigation, Adam Lee.
Of Illinois' last seven governors, four have ended up going to prison. They are: --Rod Blagojevich -- Governor from 2002 through 2009, when he became the first Illinois governor in history to be impeached.
US politicians in prison see below.
Presidents Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton were impeached.
Thousands of US politicians have been thrown in the slammer. You really should google a bit before you post.clap2.gif

two bit governors com and go. the real criminals are the warmongers and they go free.

The GDP of Illinois is about the size of Turkey and roughly three times the size of Thailand. The mayor of a town in Illinois is one of the most powerful people in the USA and was responsible for swinging the vote and getting JFK elected.


In terms of death per capita Lincoln has to be the biggest American warmonger.

The governor of Illinois and the Mayor of Chicago are probably more important than most world leaders.

I think all wars are bad. I also think the Presidents that got America involved in WWI an WWII were also warmongers, so I'll agree with you on that part.

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