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World Jewish population nears pre-Holocaust level: Report

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I wonder when he goes to the hospital if he asks for Moishe or Muhammad to be his doctorgiggle.gif

What the hell is a moishe????

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I wonder when he goes to the hospital if he asks for Moishe or Muhammad to be his doctorgiggle.gif What the hell is a moishe????

You will know once you old enoughthumbsup.gif


BTW, is the assertion of global Jewish population in the OP actually accurate?

Well ...

It’s complicated
Worldwide Jewry nowhere near pre-WWII numbers, says foremost Jewish demographerContrary to reports that the Jewish population is approaching, and may even have passed, pre-Holocaust numbers, it actually falls more than two million short, says Prof. Sergio DellaPergola. Maybe try again in 35 years


This is another way at looking at these numbers, probably even more revealing of the true situation:

Another way of conceptualizing the population figures is as quantified per 1,000. Prior to the Holocaust, for example, Jews were about eight per 1,000 people worldwide. After WWII, Jews dropped to four per 1,000. Today, it’s slightly below two per 1,000.

And no thanks to any one in particular, if it was up to so many haters, bigots and hypocrites people

of this world, those figures will be going in reverse, if it wasn't for the Jews and Israel being capable

of protecting them selves, the outcome would have dire in deed...

Perhaps there is a both collective and reflexive (hitpa'el) variant of your name that could be coined.


Seriously? We are comparing numbers now? "My genocide is worse then yours"? For the victims there is probably no difference.

But I see this difference (as mentioned before in this thread): when there is a report about the mass murder of Armenians or Ukrainians, no one will show up and claim that that was either somehow their own fault or that it was not that bad or that others had to suffer even more. Only when it comes to the holocaust, people offer these disgusting "opinions".


DNA, Schmee-N-A.

Dudes, we're not going to definitively solve the "Who Is a Jew" question on this thread.

As long as there are Jews (and Judeophobes) this will be discussed,

Here you go though for those sincerely interested in some background:


Here is a good example for the DNA, race obsessed.

I have a relative born of two ethnic Jewish parents, and all Jewish ancestors going back as long as anyone knows.

This relative converted to Christianity, has nothing to do with the religion, identifies as a Christian, and totally rejects any kind of Jewish identity.

To Nazis, he would be a Jew without any doubt whatsoever.

But he would not be counted as a Jew in this study and as a practicing Christian would not be considered a Jewish person eligible for the right of return to Israel.


The only way to beat them at there own game is for a few billion people to convert to Judaism.

Then they would have no more advantage, as they would have to compete against each other.

How is it that one changes his/her ethnicity by changing their religion?

Would you mind to explain what Jewish ethnicity is. As far as I know, they are not a self developed race...


Numerous off-topic, inflammatory, troll posts and replies removed. The topic is about Jewish population worldwide.

Continued off-topic, baiting posts will result in suspensions.


The only way to beat them at there own game is for a few billion people to convert to Judaism.

Then they would have no more advantage, as they would have to compete against each other.

Dear friend, NoBrainer.

Congratulations on solving the greatest mystery of life! It is not Religion that gives Jews advantage (you said it, not me).

There are more non-religious Israelis in Israel than the religious types.

As a matter of fact Judaism is the only Religion that has no missionaries and doesn't try to 'convert' people.

So, we will have to find some other way to beat them at their own game.

I don't think that loosing my foreskin or you loosing negative prefix in your name would help much either.

I'm afraid we will have to try harder...


The only way to beat them at there own game is for a few billion people to convert to Judaism.

Then they would have no more advantage, as they would have to compete against each other.

How is it that one changes his/her ethnicity by changing their religion?

Would you mind to explain what Jewish ethnicity is. As far as I know, they are not a self developed race...

Race and ethnicity are not the same thing.

Thus, your post is absurd.

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