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UK's Cameron promises wide, long-term response to terror


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UK's Cameron promises wide, long-term response to terror

LONDON (AP) — Prime Minister David Cameron on Monday pledged a wide response to extremism, describing Britain as being united in grief over the beach massacre in Tunisia.

Fifteen Britons are confirmed dead, but officials have warned that could rise as high as 30, making it the worst terror attack on U.K. citizens since the July 7, 2005, London transport attacks that killed 52 commuters. Cameron insisted the nation would not be cowed.

"To our shock and grief we must add another word: resolve. Unshakeable resolve. We will stand up for our way of life," Cameron wrote. "So ours must be a full-spectrum response - a response at home and abroad; in the immediate aftermath and far into the future."

Some 600 British counterterrorism police — one of the force's largest such deployments in recent years — have been deployed as part of the investigation into Friday's attack at the Imperial Marhaba Hotel in the beach resort of Sousse. Officers have also been deployed at airports to meet and support travelers and to help identify witnesses.

Home Secretary Theresa May is traveling to the north African nation for talks on the extremist threat and to offer condolences for the slain tourists. A Royal Air Force transport plane is also being deployed to bring stranded families home. Cameron told the BBC that the government is working as fast as possible to give families information.

Cameron described the Islamic State group — sometimes called ISIL — as using ancient barbarism and combining it with propaganda — using social media as its primary weapon.

"We must look at how we can work with countries like Tunisia to counter this online propaganda," he wrote. "We must also deal with it at its source, in places like Syria, Iraq and Libya, from where ISIL is peddling and plotting its death cult."

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-06-29

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After the 7/7 bombings in London Blair promised to get tough on terrorists and then did absolutely nothing. After terrorists hacked off the head of soldier Lee Rigsby on the streets of London Cameron promised to get tough on terrorists and again did nothing. If anyone thinks they will do anything after British tourists getting shot on the beaches of Tunisia they are delusional. How this man can stand there on TV and make out he means business when he allows British judges using EU rulings to stop a dangerous terrorist suspect from wearing a tracking device because it breaches his precious human rights is laughable, or would be if it were not so serious.

As long as spineless and gutless politicians continue to keep calling Islam a religion of peace when it is the exact opposite then they may as well run up the white flag of surrender.

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uksomchai you were reading my mind ... I might add - how can any member of any government stand by and debate whether or not a citizen can go off and fight for IS and come back and be allowed back in and not strip that person of citizenship? It boggles the mind.

I hear a blurb on BBC the other day .. .some in the U.K were threatening to prosecute some men who had gone off to fight with the Kurds against IS. WHAT? There was a 40 minute long narrative about one fellow who did just that.

Almost every day there is something in the news about the discussion on fighting IS or how to do it that causes me to think I am in an Alice in Wonderland fantasy -- politicians have gone down the rabbit hole and down is up and up is down...

The degree of denial of reality about IS on the part of many politicians in the U.S. the U.K. and the EU is staggering to observe.

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Islamists know full well that the mindset in western governance goes along the lines of - "we cannot stoop to their level, therefore we must respond in every other possible way, none of which work". It means they don't fear us in the slightest. Knowing that if you do happen to be tracked down it will be an instant painless death you won't even know about as the drone missile hits, what is there to fear? Knowing that you'll be given three square meals a day, access to a prison prayer room, educational courses and other Islamists to hob nob with in a British prison, what is there to fear? Sisi in Egypt knows these people like the back of his hand (and said as such) to know that they actually do 'respect' the wrath of someone like him when he has death sentences issued to them without years of prolonged court cases and human rights tribunals at tax payers expense. Currently this Islamist scum see us here as nail biting lambs to the slaughter.

Muslim raiders were terrified of the Greek fire which the Byzantines unleashed upon them. Following one raiding attempt, their leader actually pleaded with the Byzantines to allow the remaining men to leave safely, it was that horrific a defeat. Damn right. Make these bastards beg out of terror about us. Until we manage to instill those feelings in them, every individual killer on a north African beach is going to continue to 'laugh' as they gun down people on holiday, our mothers and fathers.

Once their internet fan club see videos of their humiliated 'heros' severed heads stuck on spikes in western capitals as a warning, or paraded in shackles on television with each of their idiotic 'allah pointing' fingers cut off, I suspect the laughing may continue.

Am I suggesting a return to the middle ages? Let's be clear, if we don't recognise that we're being attacked with middle ages methods and respond in kind, then they will never respect nor fear any of our responses to what they do to us. David Cameron is not the man for this job. Currently, nobody on offer is the right man for this job.

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If the Brits are sending their best, and there is no doubt that they are, these barbaric murderers can expect a very long and cold and bitter winter, no matter how hot the desert becomes, and no matter how long the sun shines.

ISIL, ISIS, IS (whatever you moronic psychopaths are calling yourselves this week)...every member of the UN Security Council that has clout, being Britain, France, the US, Russia and China are diverting important and valuable resources to deal with you.

Please make a note of it. You are doomed.


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If the Brits are sending their best, and there is no doubt that they are, these barbaric murderers can expect a very long and cold and bitter winter, no matter how hot the desert becomes, and no matter how long the sun shines.

ISIL, ISIS, IS (whatever you moronic psychopaths are calling yourselves this week)...every member of the UN Security Council that has clout, being Britain, France, the US, Russia and China are diverting important and valuable resources to deal with you.

Please make a note of it. You are doomed.


You are so funny !

These guys are sponsored and armed by the WEST to do what they do ... it's a never ending war and exactly what the western Governments

[especially the UK and the US] want !!!

... your government takes your freedom and you are happy about it.

[wake up and get your facts straight - it's all pretty easy to find]

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Translation: The West will keep on losing just slowly enough to erode what remaining liberties are left, then replace that resultant fiasco with a camp fire islamic sing along society.

...long term response means your life will continuing losing gravity; your culture will continue being eviscerated, and the stalking horse of jihad- that we invite into the homes of every western citizen- is here to stay!

For FangFerang: It is not your fault. There is no guilt in still believing- in something. However, your naivete is dangerous. Your government is doing this to you- they are creating the very problem they assert they are now best

equipped to fix.

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Forget who it was that said that not all Muslim are Terrorist, but all Terrorist are Muslim, and that video shows why. Someone please tell me why Allah says it ok to gun down innocent holidaymakers, behead and burn men and boys rape and murder and marry girls as young as 8.....but not dare buy a ham sandwich!!!!!!!

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It's not often I agree with Owen Jones, but here he is right, the West are deeply compromised trying to placate the buyers of munitions and expensive London real estate by putting up a ridiculous facade.

Foreign funding of Mosques and religious groups should be stopped forthwith and all Mosques should be closed until vetted to check what they are teaching, only then opened under license and surveillance.

Alas instead of focusing on energy independence we have allowed mass immigration to prop up a debt based economy. So many things need to change, but none of our politicians have either the will or vision to deal with it.

Anyway it makes a change to read something in the Guardian other than 'Muslims fearing backlash', though no liberal solutions are offered because there are no liberal solutions to this problem.

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Islamists know full well that the mindset in western governance goes along the lines of - "we cannot stoop to their level, therefore we must respond in every other possible way, none of which work". It means they don't fear us in the slightest. Knowing that if you do happen to be tracked down it will be an instant painless death you won't even know about as the drone missile hits, what is there to fear? Knowing that you'll be given three square meals a day, access to a prison prayer room, educational courses and other Islamists to hob nob with in a British prison, what is there to fear? Sisi in Egypt knows these people like the back of his hand (and said as such) to know that they actually do 'respect' the wrath of someone like him when he has death sentences issued to them without years of prolonged court cases and human rights tribunals at tax payers expense. Currently this Islamist scum see us here as nail biting lambs to the slaughter.

Muslim raiders were terrified of the Greek fire which the Byzantines unleashed upon them. Following one raiding attempt, their leader actually pleaded with the Byzantines to allow the remaining men to leave safely, it was that horrific a defeat. Damn right. Make these bastards beg out of terror about us. Until we manage to instill those feelings in them, every individual killer on a north African beach is going to continue to 'laugh' as they gun down people on holiday, our mothers and fathers.

Once their internet fan club see videos of their humiliated 'heros' severed heads stuck on spikes in western capitals as a warning, or paraded in shackles on television with each of their idiotic 'allah pointing' fingers cut off, I suspect the laughing may continue.

Am I suggesting a return to the middle ages? Let's be clear, if we don't recognise that we're being attacked with middle ages methods and respond in kind, then they will never respect nor fear any of our responses to what they do to us. David Cameron is not the man for this job. Currently, nobody on offer is the right man for this job.

So you think remotely-detonated IEDs, aircraft highjacking, social media recruitment, assault rifles and suicide vests are "middle ages methods" and that we should "respond in kind"?

PS: More of Cameron's oratory here (Latest Tunisian attack article)

Edited by MaxYakov
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Islamists know full well that the mindset in western governance goes along the lines of - "we cannot stoop to their level, therefore we must respond in every other possible way, none of which work". It means they don't fear us in the slightest. Knowing that if you do happen to be tracked down it will be an instant painless death you won't even know about as the drone missile hits, what is there to fear? Knowing that you'll be given three square meals a day, access to a prison prayer room, educational courses and other Islamists to hob nob with in a British prison, what is there to fear? Sisi in Egypt knows these people like the back of his hand (and said as such) to know that they actually do 'respect' the wrath of someone like him when he has death sentences issued to them without years of prolonged court cases and human rights tribunals at tax payers expense. Currently this Islamist scum see us here as nail biting lambs to the slaughter.

Muslim raiders were terrified of the Greek fire which the Byzantines unleashed upon them. Following one raiding attempt, their leader actually pleaded with the Byzantines to allow the remaining men to leave safely, it was that horrific a defeat. Damn right. Make these bastards beg out of terror about us. Until we manage to instill those feelings in them, every individual killer on a north African beach is going to continue to 'laugh' as they gun down people on holiday, our mothers and fathers.

Once their internet fan club see videos of their humiliated 'heros' severed heads stuck on spikes in western capitals as a warning, or paraded in shackles on television with each of their idiotic 'allah pointing' fingers cut off, I suspect the laughing may continue.

Am I suggesting a return to the middle ages? Let's be clear, if we don't recognise that we're being attacked with middle ages methods and respond in kind, then they will never respect nor fear any of our responses to what they do to us. David Cameron is not the man for this job. Currently, nobody on offer is the right man for this job.

So you think remotely-detonated IEDs, aircraft highjacking, social media recruitment, assault rifles and suicide vests are "middle ages methods" and that we should "respond in kind"?

I have mixed thoughts about this as well as I revisit the values i thought were universal. I have a me part and military part. My military part informs me that lissos is correct, though not specific in his conclusion. The nature of any defensive war seems to be fought primarily in the battle space of popular opinion first and foremost, rather then the survival space of land and the ability to project power/threat. If they kill citizens, we should inform them we will bomb them with carpet munitions from the N latitude 0 degrees north, W longitude 0 degrees... or such. Yes, many will die. But the real projection is in military long term thinking. What does one actually think will come to pass in both the short and long term vision of the present military strategy?

If the West continued on this course the scenario I mention will come to pass irrespective of delay. Strikes like this will be executed. At a certain point, after losing the war for only so long, others sick and tired will take over and regardless of the progress made my jihadists, there will still be unbearable fight left in the west- they will strike in such manners. They will eventually discard the fancy but empty accouterments of the World They Would Believe Exists and actually conduct a war of survival. It will happen sooner or later the only difference being if sooner, more of "them" die, if later, more of "us" die innocent needless deaths.

At issue is really whether or not Western values, as practiced, are really our Western values, and restraint? Are these the measures of our modern self we seek to behold irrespective of how beholding such modern values of the conduct of war are becoming the tool or our own demise? When does having a value become a suicide pact whereby we do not water-board or strike the enemy as they do as because we are signed on to some moral imperative? What is this moral imperative? Is it Kantian? Did we vote for it? Is it really that which can be extended to be true for all people in all times? If so, why are there nuclear weapons, cluster bombs, willie pete? Why are there nerve agents, mustard gases, and experimental viruses piggybacking other viruses past human immunize system detectors? If we have such moral imperatives that the conduct of our war must be different than those who attack us why do we hold out this morally excepted category? Clearly, if there are exceptions to moral war there is no moral law!

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Forget who it was that said that not all Muslim are Terrorist, but all Terrorist are Muslim, and that video shows why. Someone please tell me why Allah says it ok to gun down innocent holidaymakers, behead and burn men and boys rape and murder and marry girls as young as 8.....but not dare buy a ham sandwich!!!!!!!

Cause its not a religion, its a sickness ....bah.gif

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After the 7/7 bombings in London Blair promised to get tough on terrorists and then did absolutely nothing. After terrorists hacked off the head of soldier Lee Rigsby on the streets of London Cameron promised to get tough on terrorists and again did nothing. If anyone thinks they will do anything after British tourists getting shot on the beaches of Tunisia they are delusional. How this man can stand there on TV and make out he means business when he allows British judges using EU rulings to stop a dangerous terrorist suspect from wearing a tracking device because it breaches his precious human rights is laughable, or would be if it were not so serious.

As long as spineless and gutless politicians continue to keep calling Islam a religion of peace when it is the exact opposite then they may as well run up the white flag of surrender.

To be fair, British politicians and governments this century have passed more and more draconian laws that inhibit the British public in defending themselves.

So they have done something. Created a state where you can't have a gun (almost impossible apart from shotgun, or black powder and then very strictly controlled), carry a knife (unless it's a non locking folder with a blade less than 3 inch in total); use any kind of weapon to defend yourself or risk prosecution, use anything as a weapon to defend yourself or risk prosecution.

You must rely on the undermanned, slow responding, CCTV reliant police services to protect you.

A complete joke (but not funny), turning the law abiding masses into easily controlled "sheeple"; and easy prey for any who want to attack.

US citizens don't realize who lucky they are to have the second amendment - put in by very wise leaders who had just got rid of one tyrannical power.

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Ultimately, islam is the means, not the end. However, this will not turn out as the turtle imagines. Perhaps its the complacency of this modern age or the willful result of public education but there is zero that is happening in the world or our own countries that is unprecedented. Indeed, its hardly surprising. Sheeple is very good imagery because we must then consider who are the shepherds? We know the wolfs, or think we do. But do we know the wolves? I am pretty certain the reason islamic jihad is able to gain traction at all in the west is because of the vacancy left by the radical left's progressive, unrelenting assault on all things meaningful. Up is down, work is freedom, wrong is right, and what feels good is legitimate. All values are relative, all cultures are relative, and citizens are sheeple, alone, confused, isolated in a world of nonstop social discourse. The cognitive dissonance is deafening and we look toward opportunistic threats, like islam, of itself no power but viable because of our own self loathing, and wonder what the hell is going on? Its actually evident all around you. No conspiracy. It is right out in the open.

[They] want to take this world and "remould it nearer to the heart's desire." It is that simple.


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Some 600 British counterterrorism police — one of the force's largest such deployments in recent years — have been deployed as part of the investigation into Friday's attack at the Imperial Marhaba Hotel in the beach resort of Sousse.

Wonder how many of them speak Arabic?

Typical non productive British police over reaction to any terrorist action. After an IRA dustbin bomb in Ealing there were seemingly hundreds of police milling around uselessly while they blocked major roads and caused more problems than the bombing itself.

Then after the London tube bombings there were police standing around doing nothing in the tube stations for a few days and then they all left.

And who can forget Blair sending a tank to park outside Heathrow after an incident as if the terrorists were going to mount a full frontal attack.

Stupid and pointless actions that achieve nothing just so some politician can look like they are doing something.

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After the 7/7 bombings in London Blair promised to get tough on terrorists and then did absolutely nothing. After terrorists hacked off the head of soldier Lee Rigsby on the streets of London Cameron promised to get tough on terrorists and again did nothing. If anyone thinks they will do anything after British tourists getting shot on the beaches of Tunisia they are delusional. How this man can stand there on TV and make out he means business when he allows British judges using EU rulings to stop a dangerous terrorist suspect from wearing a tracking device because it breaches his precious human rights is laughable, or would be if it were not so serious.

As long as spineless and gutless politicians continue to keep calling Islam a religion of peace when it is the exact opposite then they may as well run up the white flag of surrender.

How to stay popular with the sheeple make really extreme promises that you cannot keep. Your the shepherd and the sheeple are getting restless.

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Ultimately, islam is the means, not the end. However, this will not turn out as the turtle imagines. Perhaps its the complacency of this modern age or the willful result of public education but there is zero that is happening in the world or our own countries that is unprecedented. Indeed, its hardly surprising. Sheeple is very good imagery because we must then consider who are the shepherds? We know the wolfs, or think we do. But do we know the wolves? I am pretty certain the reason islamic jihad is able to gain traction at all in the west is because of the vacancy left by the radical left's progressive, unrelenting assault on all things meaningful. Up is down, work is freedom, wrong is right, and what feels good is legitimate. All values are relative, all cultures are relative, and citizens are sheeple, alone, confused, isolated in a world of nonstop social discourse. The cognitive dissonance is deafening and we look toward opportunistic threats, like islam, of itself no power but viable because of our own self loathing, and wonder what the hell is going on? Its actually evident all around you. No conspiracy. It is right out in the open.

[They] want to take this world and "remould it nearer to the heart's desire." It is that simple.

I'm about to visit the UK, and will probably arrive in London just in time for the minutes silence noon Friday. Whenever I return the feeling of dislocation is greater. People knew who they were when I was young and probably were even more keenly aware of their identity during WWII. Nowadays identity is no longer a subject that seems to be discussed, partly out of political correctness, partly due to the mental stupor brought on by decades of gaslighting.

You are partly correct in blaming mainly liberal progressive policies for eating away at the national identity from within, nobody is blameless though. The Conservatives are so cap in hand to Qatar and Saudi Arabia for economic reasons that they too are hamstrung when it comes to meaningful action. The current discourse is similar to a line manager sympathizing with the workers but blaming the managing director for imposing conditions he can do little to change.

To get rid of the M.D in the above example leaving the E.U and reducing energy dependency would at least be a step in the right direction. The illiberal measures which will be needed to combat the current rot would then at least be somewhat easier to achieve.

Edited by Steely Dan
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British government to get tough on Islamic terrorists- heyyyyyy I just saw a pig fly past.

Yes very tough ! But Cameron say's could everyone please stop calling them " Islamic State " terrorists as it is upsetting the other Muslims and we can't be doing that now to the religion of peace !

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So you think remotely-detonated IEDs, aircraft highjacking, social media recruitment, assault rifles and suicide vests are "middle ages methods" and that we should "respond in kind"?

I refer to the psychological aspect. Entering a market place or mass gathering not knowing if you're going to be maimed by a suicide attack, or shot at a beach resort while on holiday plays on the mind and the techniques they are using are secondary. Psychologically, I don't think our opponents fear us. Their mantra goes something like - "you love life and fear death, unlike us". Thus, we need to make them fear life, a limbo land which will not be the 'peace' of martyrdom.

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If the Brits are sending their best, and there is no doubt that they are, these barbaric murderers can expect a very long and cold and bitter winter, no matter how hot the desert becomes, and no matter how long the sun shines.

ISIL, ISIS, IS (whatever you moronic psychopaths are calling yourselves this week)...every member of the UN Security Council that has clout, being Britain, France, the US, Russia and China are diverting important and valuable resources to deal with you.

Please make a note of it. You are doomed.


You are so funny !

These guys are sponsored and armed by the WEST to do what they do ... it's a never ending war and exactly what the western Governments

[especially the UK and the US] want !!!

... your government takes your freedom and you are happy about it.

[wake up and get your facts straight - it's all pretty easy to find]

For somebody telling someone else to get their facts straight, that is one hell of a post.

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