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Thai Education Min mulls changing college uniforms to tackle gang rivalry


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Education Ministry Mulls Changing College Uniforms to Tackle Gang Rivalry
By Khaosod English

Police inspect the scene where a 17-year-old student from Siam Technology College was shot dead in a suspected gang assassination in Bangkok on 17 June.

BANGKOK — Thailand's Minister of Education said he is contemplating universalizing or abolishing school uniforms at polytechnic colleges in an effort to curb gang violence between students.

"The meeting has concluded that fights among students are not caused by personal problems, but by issues between colleges," Admiral Narong Pipattanasai said after a meeting with college directors today.

"So, we had the idea to change the uniform regulations of polytechnic students to be the same across the country. We will choose between two options: either everyone will be able to dress in private clothes, or everyone will wear the same uniform."

Currently, all university students in Thailand are required to wear school uniforms.

For years, education officials have struggled in vain to reduce tension between student gangs at different polytechnic colleges in Thailand.

Full story: http://www.khaosodenglish.com/detail.php?newsid=1435746434

-- Khaosod English 2015-07-01

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Thailand's Minister of Education said he is contemplating universalizing or abolishing school uniforms at polytechnic colleges in an effort to curb gang violence between students.

Such peaceful loving Buddhists, these Thais.

Anyone living around outer BKK will know of the violence that goes down with this Technical College gangs. Often deadly violence with machetes and guns.

Modern Thai society.

Just look at the owner of the Nursing College in Buriram who got his students to attack the town's other Nursing College, in 3 or 4 pick ups full of them in balaclavas with bats and weapons. A security guard shot one of them dead. All of CCTV and in the news last year (google it).

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If they go to a uniform uniform (pun intended) what's to stop the kids from wearing armbands or headbands, to identify with a certain school? And if they're all allowed to wear mufti Street clothes), how soon will they be wearing patched jackets. Oh, and if you can't be identified as being from a certain school, does that make you fair game for anyone to attack you?

It's the same as (for you old geezers like me) West Side Story....which was an adaptation of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet which, IIRC, took place in 13th century Verona (it might have been the 14th - too lazy to look it up now). The good Admiral has a rough time ahead of him. A simple change of clothes will not defuse the tensions among the poly students.

One possibility, although unwieldy, solution would be to transfer students from all the polytechs so that each school has an equal number of members drawn from the existing schools. They would of course form cliques, but it's easier to deal with the cliques inside the school, and get them to see that they're all pretty much the same.

But Wirat, I'll assume you had your tongue firmly planted in your cheek. Imagine the carnage at an inter-poly football match! First on the pitch, then spreading to the supporters.....oh, my, the gross humanity of it all!

edit for spelling

Edited by noahvail
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get rid of the uniforms, conventional street clothes, outlaw patched jackets etc.

Ist offence disobeying the dress code, fighting etc- quick march to the nearest military camp for a 2 year spell under the control of a big nasty Staff Sergeant especially chosen to sort out these idiots.

The message will soon be learnt.

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The solution is pretty easy. Once a month a Duel, the survivor can have the best looking girl from the other college for a night, or forever. Or both.

The good general will decide which weapons they're allowed to use.TV 5 will send them live.

A win- win situation for all.



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How odd that the countries with reputable technical schools don't have these issues? I can't recall this ever being an issue in Singapore, Australia, Japan, Canada, Israel etc. Yes, there are always gang issues, in some areas, but rarely ever when it comes to a place where the students want to be, where the instructors are competent and where the curriculum is valuable.

It might be that the issue is the Vocational schools themselves. They seem to be nothing more than underfunded detention centers for the Thais that are poor or who have been written off by society, or who are not particularly bright. Skilled trades and other technical skills are the backbone of any advanced society. Yet, there doesn't seem to be much emphasis on training competent electricians, mechanics, heavy equipment operators etc. Give the students something to take pride in, give them fair opportunities and treat them like grown ups. Make the vocational educations worthy of respect. Thailand needs skilled workers, not more clerical or service industry workers.

I honestly think every student would benefit for a year's worth of full vocational training in valuable life skills like basic vehicle mechanics, basic home safety repairs, driving skills, advanced first aid, disposal of trash including toxic waste management. It's the only way to correct the ignorant and unsafe practices in Thailand.

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Shut the bloody schools down, sack the directors and change it to a military ran operation with trained teachers. They all wear the same uniform and get an education at the end of it. If a student does anything out of line they are punished under military rules. Beat the cockyness, bullshittery out of them and then maybe they will be decent people after graduation.

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This school rivalry stuff need to get rid asap. It is crazy. They are fighting just for the sake of fighting. No significant purposes. Just because of different school logo?

Just make a standardised uniform for all schools. Since they like to fight against each other, why not create opportunity for them to meet more often?

School activities, sport. Put them in the same team. As time goes, I believe enemies will become friends.

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In the US, we call this "College Football". Uniforms are required, as are helmets and extensive padding. Guys in striped shirts try to control the mayhem. Weapons are banned.

Seriously, if you want to reduce the tribalism, quit promoting tribalism with things like uniforms.

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Yeah. Uniforms are the issue.....has there ever been a country so unwilling to really grasp any problem and do anything about it. Please note thread about fisheries and 90% undocumented fishing boats.

Many years back when I first started to work at a rural uni I told my daughter, who had just graduated from a uni in Scotland, about the establishment, the dress code etc. and she was incredulous " they have to wear uniform ? "

She then laughed and said " if the those rules applied here the universities would be empty. "

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Ouuuuuuuuuuuu do away with uniforms? That would take a chance of reducing the "sheeple" mentality which might lead to more individuality, and then what??? critical thinking? Humnnnnnn

Maybe everyone..... even rice field workers ought to be forced to wear universal uniforms. Hell make the entire population wear them....

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If they go to a uniform uniform (pun intended) what's to stop the kids from wearing armbands or headbands, to identify with a certain school? And if they're all allowed to wear mufti Street clothes), how soon will they be wearing patched jackets. Oh, and if you can't be identified as being from a certain school, does that make you fair game for anyone to attack you?

It's the same as (for you old geezers like me) West Side Story....which was an adaptation of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet which, IIRC, took place in 13th century Verona (it might have been the 14th - too lazy to look it up now). The good Admiral has a rough time ahead of him. A simple change of clothes will not defuse the tensions among the poly students.

One possibility, although unwieldy, solution would be to transfer students from all the polytechs so that each school has an equal number of members drawn from the existing schools. They would of course form cliques, but it's easier to deal with the cliques inside the school, and get them to see that they're all pretty much the same.

But Wirat, I'll assume you had your tongue firmly planted in your cheek. Imagine the carnage at an inter-poly football match! First on the pitch, then spreading to the supporters.....oh, my, the gross humanity of it all!

edit for spelling

Here's a "crazy" idea: How about RULE OF LAW. If criminals are punished commensurate to their crimes maybe the entire society could LEARN something new.

What an idea!!!!!!! lol Whoever thought about this originally must be a genius.

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How odd that the countries with reputable technical schools don't have these issues? I can't recall this ever being an issue in Singapore, Australia, Japan, Canada, Israel etc. Yes, there are always gang issues, in some areas, but rarely ever when it comes to a place where the students want to be, where the instructors are competent and where the curriculum is valuable.

It might be that the issue is the Vocational schools themselves. They seem to be nothing more than underfunded detention centers for the Thais that are poor or who have been written off by society, or who are not particularly bright. Skilled trades and other technical skills are the backbone of any advanced society. Yet, there doesn't seem to be much emphasis on training competent electricians, mechanics, heavy equipment operators etc. Give the students something to take pride in, give them fair opportunities and treat them like grown ups. Make the vocational educations worthy of respect. Thailand needs skilled workers, not more clerical or service industry workers.

I honestly think every student would benefit for a year's worth of full vocational training in valuable life skills like basic vehicle mechanics, basic home safety repairs, driving skills, advanced first aid, disposal of trash including toxic waste management. It's the only way to correct the ignorant and unsafe practices in Thailand.

Great ideas. But unfortunately I don't think this is part of "Thainess."

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Have them all wear very expensive designer uniforms,lets say designed by Hugo Boss ( well known for designing a very natty black uniform ) and then they wouldn't want to spoil them with blood and guts,plus the cost of replacement.

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The first thing that popes in to my head is that it's the rivalry among the schools NOT the students that is the roots to this problem.

If you start looking then you can see that the violence is primarily between private colleges and/or private and government colleges. Why is it that way?

What I have seen working in 3 different colleges under OVEC and 1 private college is that the colleges that are government schools try to work together, they are having student exchanges, sports activities and so on. Among my students (I worked in agricultural colleges under OVEC) there is rather a friendship among the students as there are so much activities where the students from different colleges meet each other like Future Farmers of Thailand, seminars and so on. I have two good examples:
I attended the Rachiva games (sports competition) for northern Thailand last year, Students from 17 provinces and I don't know how many different vocational colleges (government schools) played football, volleyball and so on for 1 week and not a single fight among the students outside the boxing ring (maybe outside the area but nothing reported to us the organizers)!

I have attended two of the national conference for Future Farmers of Thailand where about 2-3000 students comes for seminars and to compete in their vocational skills. Win or lose in the competitions doesn't mater, in the end of the day the students mix and mingle and gets friends from all over Thailand and ASEAN!

While working in a private college all I did see was rivalry between the colleges. No co-working, no joint seminars, nothing. The only thing I did see that falls under "friendly" was some football matches. I guess it's because the private colleges are all about the money.

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I am appalled?

Do away with university uniforms?

(not school uniforms I hasten to add - that's for the pedos)

These rate among some of the best things about Thailand.

I really think they need to rethink this strategy.

What about a compromise, Keep the young ladies uni uniforms...

lock up any of the men in a dark and dingy prison for 10 years if they are even suspected of any link what-so-ever with gang activity.

Problem solved to everyone's satisfaction


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Every school in the country should have the same uniform style. But...the schools rake in a LOT of baht making students buy from the Director's brother, or own business, or whoever is in the food chain....but the uniforms must stay a part of the food chain. How else can a hard-working MOE senior become unusually wealthy?

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These kids are just frustrated and angry, with nowhere to vent. This is spreading throughout the world. With social media bringing awareness of how we've been duped at just about every level, the world is getting angrier and more hostile by the minute. These kids are starting to realize early on that they have little hope of getting ahead unless they get hard, brutal, and illegal. What real career paths are afforded to them? Their schools are the laughing stock of the world, their leaders are locking them up if they voice an opinion, no WONDER they fight.

And on that joyful note, Have a Safe and Happy 4th of July everybody!

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It is not the Uniform that causes these conflict. The uniform only identifies one group from another. Remove the uniform and these same people will look for other identifying mark - probably an ID card, or even a face. Can the Thai Edumacation Min. remove a persons face? I doubt it.

If it is not the Uniform, then it must be something else that these kids are fighting about. It could be a girl friend, bumping into someone from the other group or something ever so minor and blown way out of proportion. Teachers don't give a rat's behind about what happens to their students after classes. Their parents probably have no clue what their kids are doing. Their peers are probably egging them on to fight the other group.

It is a symptom of a dystopian society. These kids are venting their anger in the worst possible way and there is nothing to prevent that from happening.

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These kids are just frustrated and angry, with nowhere to vent. This is spreading throughout the world. With social media bringing awareness of how we've been duped at just about every level, the world is getting angrier and more hostile by the minute. These kids are starting to realize early on that they have little hope of getting ahead unless they get hard, brutal, and illegal. What real career paths are afforded to them? Their schools are the laughing stock of the world, their leaders are locking them up if they voice an opinion, no WONDER they fight.

And on that joyful note, Have a Safe and Happy 4th of July everybody!

Absolute nonsense.

These kids think its macho and acceptable to fight each other. The punishments are pitiful, the schools have non control on their students.

Zero tolerance and public naming and shaming, and strict punishment is the only way. Threaten the principles with losing their jobs if the kids are involved in any of it too.

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