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Prostitution: Thailand's worst kept secret

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Without prostitution Thailand would easily lose 50% of Tourists.

People who deny this are just liars and/or ignorant.

But it's all about appearances and saving face.

Sorry, I thought you meant 50% of losers.

And the little old feller sitting on a park bench in his home country waiting to die is a winner I suppose. How many times have you been a "loser" in Thailand mate?

Whether you are sitting on a bench in Holmfirth or on a woman in Thailand, you are still the same loser...

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To call prostitutes "sex workers" is an insult to all hard working Thais.

You think they deserve equal respect? 555.

And although their "work" may be temporary, the decision to go after "easy money" is going to color every decision they make in the future.

Read stickman BKK for story after story of people who married whores thinking that she was going to change, because they don't like being whores.

Absurd. The reason they are whores is because they prefer being hookers, rather than working.


If you think selling your body is "easy money" for all the girls you are sadly deluded or you just get all your information from Stickman!

To get an idea of how the woman feels consider this - when a stranger fellates you, they are going through the same mental processes as you would if you were to do the same to me.........


Warning for golfers!

1. Prostitution is illegal on and off the course.

2. Sleeping with a Thai hooker is a bit like playing a round of golf.

You're likely to come across a couple of balls that aren't your's.

No balls yet, but did come across a previous customer's condom. Par for the course?


During my last visit to Thailand in 2013, my cousin and I saved a couple of newby

Europeans from finding out what a lady boy is, in the wrong way. These blokes

thought that they had a couple of real beauties, with nice gowns as well.

We just told them to go ask the lady who ran that bar, and she told them the truth

so they were quite surprised. I am just glad that in my life time I have been able to enjoy some visits to the country as a young single man, and later with my wife and Thai family. I am also very grateful for all the young

and willing women that I met in my past.

Long live the Thailand people!

That's a definite no no and none of your business, it could easily get you into serious trouble.


Oh come on.. they are just friendly ladies, with hearts of compassion, that see you between the holidays.


Prostitution in Thailand - I see no problem generally. But, market the product tastefully & exclude underage girls from the industry.


"...you just get all your information from Stickman!"

Do you know what's the difference between a stupid, smart and wise man?

A stupid man keeps making the same mistakes over and over again.

A smart man makes mistakes and learns from them, not making them again in the future.

A wise man learns from other people's mistakes, so he never has to make them.



I'm new to Thailand, I didn't realize there was prostitution in this country ... it's illegal isn't it ? blink.png


Not to betaken seriously, steven100 has a reputation for stirring and playing the dumb ass on every forum I've noticed

oh come on Linzz, .... just because I voice my opinion on illegal migrants and you don't agree with it doesn't mean I'm not serious ...

I have just as much right to an opinion as you ..... even if you don't agree ...


Its the only reason my colleagues want to hold sales meetings here.

Take away the hookers and Thailand would be empty.

you know what the saddest thing bout your colleagues is?....take away the hookers and THEY"D be empty


I'm new to Thailand, I didn't realize there was prostitution in this country ... it's illegal isn't it ? blink.png


Not to betaken seriously, steven100 has a reputation for stirring and playing the dumb ass on every forum I've noticed

oh come on Linzz, .... just because I voice my opinion on illegal migrants and you don't agree with it doesn't mean I'm not serious ...

I have just as much right to an opinion as you ..... even if you don't agree ...

Really? an opinion is something based on information analysis and rational thought.......so first you have to have one


the main reason it exists is because thai people are way to lazy to work, easy money go to a restaurant in pattaya or patong and ask the owner about hiring staff they cannot get any, girls and men would rather sell their body and risk all sorts of medical or even life threatening problems other than work.thainess 4 ya

This statement is profoundly ignorant and misogynistic, it shows not only a complete lack of understanding as to why prostitution is so common in Thailand, but it also indicates the poster is most probably clinging to these completely nonsensical theories in order to justify his own shortcomings and fears.


the main reason it exists is because thai people are way to lazy to work, easy money go to a restaurant in pattaya or patong and ask the owner about hiring staff they cannot get any, girls and men would rather sell their body and risk all sorts of medical or even life threatening problems other than work.thainess 4 ya

This statement is profoundly ignorant and misogynistic, it shows not only a complete lack of understanding as to why prostitution is so common in Thailand, but it also indicates the poster is most probably clinging to these completely nonsensical theories in order to justify his own shortcomings and fears.

Many posters agree with his comment. It's you that is misguided. Back under your rock for now. clap2.gif


Its the only reason my colleagues want to hold sales meetings here.

Take away the hookers and Thailand would be empty.

Wrong. Take away the hookers and men with shallow hearts and souls would not have anything to do. The country remains rich without the hookers. Your friends and associates do not.


Its the only reason my colleagues want to hold sales meetings here.

Take away the hookers and Thailand would be empty.

I can beleve that. When I was working,the main reason buyers ( from many world wide household names ) came to Bangkok was the Issan hookers..

I am sure this is the same with Japs.


The biggest (yes, biggest) problem Thailand has and most likely will have for a long time, is the TABOO to PROGRESS.

That includes all forms of criticism, skepticism, judgments, questioning, planning, going outside family traditions, untraditional ideas, innovation...

This is why all shops are the same, all houses look the same, built the same way, few innovative Thai products... and it`s why Thai`s are buying hippo-poop products to cure stomach pain, it`s why career-minded educations isn`t wanted among Thais, it`s why Chinese families are doing much better in Thailand than Thais, it`s why buying an expensive car and house comes before a career, it`s why Thailand has so many prostitutes, it`s why HIV is high in Thailand, it`s why so many kids are selling sex but few are arrested... shall I go on?

The Thais progression-taboo is undoubtedly the biggest problem in Thailand, as well as in Thai families, and if I ask you farangs that are married to a Thai probably know very well what I`m talking about, otherwise you`re either ignorant, lying, rich or has an unpopular Thai family.

It doesn`t mean Thais are stupid, no actually it`s rather very normal among all cultures. It shows how toxic beliefs can be and how powerful ideas are.


the main reason it exists is because thai people are way to lazy to work, easy money go to a restaurant in pattaya or patong and ask the owner about hiring staff they cannot get any, girls and men would rather sell their body and risk all sorts of medical or even life threatening problems other than work.thainess 4 ya

This statement is profoundly ignorant and misogynistic, it shows not only a complete lack of understanding as to why prostitution is so common in Thailand, but it also indicates the poster is most probably clinging to these completely nonsensical theories in order to justify his own shortcomings and fears.

Many posters agree with his comment. It's you that is misguided. Back under your rock for now. clap2.gif

"Many posters agree with his comment"

i expect several hundred bar-girls have told you that you were handsome...that doesn't mean it's correct.

PS - I thought only seals ansd mnokeys clapped themsleves?


SiSePuede419 has posted:

"To call prostitutes "sex workers" is an insult to all hard working Thais.
You think they deserve equal respect? 555.
And although their "work" may be temporary, the decision to go after "easy money" is going to color every decision they make in the future.
Read stickman BKK for story after story of people who married whores thinking that she was going to change, because they don't like being whores.
Absurd. The reason they are whores is because they prefer being hookers, rather than working."

You're a sex worker too...you just might not get paid in cash.


The biggest (yes, biggest) problem Thailand has and most likely will have for a long time, is the TABOO to PROGRESS.

That includes all forms of criticism, skepticism, judgments, questioning, planning, going outside family traditions, untraditional ideas, innovation...

This is why all shops are the same, all houses look the same, built the same way, few innovative Thai products... and it`s why Thai`s are buying hippo-poop products to cure stomach pain, it`s why career-minded educations isn`t wanted among Thais, it`s why Chinese families are doing much better in Thailand than Thais, it`s why buying an expensive car and house comes before a career, it`s why Thailand has so many prostitutes, it`s why HIV is high in Thailand, it`s why so many kids are selling sex but few are arrested... shall I go on?

So very true and also the reason why nearly all (even educated city dwelling) thai that know me consider me bplaek because i'm not acting the way they were 'programmed' about farang. it's my little pleasure (obsession, hehe) to amaze and confuse the locals i have to do with, 24/7, in almost every possible situation. call it my natural sport here and contribution to a better world. thumbsup.gif


Not so easy.

"Prostitution" refers to "promiscuity", and there's no clear definition to this.

Occasional sex work wouldn't make promiscuity, so it's not illegal.

Promiscuous behaviour might not be intentional, if a girl's in fact looking for a husband.

"Giving sex for money" would be a bit short-sighted. For me as ATM it makes no difference really if I give cash to a girl or go shopping with her. And if you include buying a lady a drink, then about everything could be considered to be prostitution.


I'm new to Thailand, I didn't realize there was prostitution in this country ... it's illegal isn't it ? blink.png


Not to betaken seriously, steven100 has a reputation for stirring and playing the dumb ass on every forum I've noticed

oh come on Linzz, .... just because I voice my opinion on illegal migrants and you don't agree with it doesn't mean I'm not serious ...

I have just as much right to an opinion as you ..... even if you don't agree ...

Really? So you did not know there was prostitution in Thailand because it is illegal? If you're serious then dumb ass must be true and if not then you were joking which is fine, but you say you were serious! Trying to introduce another off topic like illegal migrants is stirring which is the other thing I said. But you are right in one thing and that is you have a right to your opinion and I never said you didn't. If you read what I wrote, I said your opinion should not be taken seriously. That's because half the time the things you say are so silly I think you are joking but some members think you are serious


I tend to say sex is an intimate affair where authorities should keep out, so legalize prostitution.

The problem would be human trafficking and the image of Thailand in foreign contries.

According to posts here, Thailand really seems to be a sex tourist destination. But taking into account how many couples and families now go to Thailand, I doubt this is a valid description.

One should also take into account the sexual/social therapeutic effect of prostitution.

But most of all, it should be up to the sex workers themselves to tell what they want.


Prostitution in Thailand - I see no problem generally. But, market the product tastefully & exclude underage girls from the industry.

How on earth do you suggest that's achieved? If there is a demand for underage girls (because they're virgins or recently were) then the mafia and the market rules. Rules don't rule, it's money that rules, never mind marketing the "product" tastefully. Your description of people as product is distasteful in itself


Prostitution in Thailand - I see no problem generally. But, market the product tastefully & exclude underage girls from the industry.

How on earth do you suggest that's achieved? If there is a demand for underage girls (because they're virgins or recently were) then the mafia and the market rules. Rules don't rule, it's money that rules, never mind marketing the "product" tastefully. Your description of people as product is distasteful in itself

If you don't like it, go home.


Guess he/she means "behaviour" by "product".

Customers' behaviour is a product, too. Guess not many Farangs would be really happy if they had to watch their own behaviour in Farang TV, or read a report from bar girls' view.

And with the attitude money stronger than law you might find yourself killed within the minute.


The biggest (yes, biggest) problem Thailand has and most likely will have for a long time, is the TABOO to PROGRESS.

That includes all forms of criticism, skepticism, judgments, questioning, planning, going outside family traditions, untraditional ideas, innovation...

This is why all shops are the same, all houses look the same, built the same way, few innovative Thai products... and it`s why Thai`s are buying hippo-poop products to cure stomach pain, it`s why career-minded educations isn`t wanted among Thais, it`s why Chinese families are doing much better in Thailand than Thais, it`s why buying an expensive car and house comes before a career, it`s why Thailand has so many prostitutes, it`s why HIV is high in Thailand, it`s why so many kids are selling sex but few are arrested... shall I go on?

The Thais progression-taboo is undoubtedly the biggest problem in Thailand, as well as in Thai families, and if I ask you farangs that are married to a Thai probably know very well what I`m talking about, otherwise you`re either ignorant, lying, rich or has an unpopular Thai family.

It doesn`t mean Thais are stupid, no actually it`s rather very normal among all cultures. It shows how toxic beliefs can be and how powerful ideas are.

While your general sentiment is generalized but somewhat true, I can tell you that I am married to an Isaan girl and what she wants for her Thai kids is university no less and I am not ignorant, lying, rich and nor is she. Nor has she an unpopular Thai family.


Prostitution in Thailand - I see no problem generally. But, market the product tastefully & exclude underage girls from the industry.

How on earth do you suggest that's achieved? If there is a demand for underage girls (because they're virgins or recently were) then the mafia and the market rules. Rules don't rule, it's money that rules, never mind marketing the "product" tastefully. Your description of people as product is distasteful in itself

If you don't like it, go home.

I am home

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