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ITD says hoarders of seafood could face 7-year in jail

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ITD says hoarders of seafood could face 7-year in jail


BANGKOK: -- The Internal Trade Department warns operators of cold storages not to hoard seafood otherwise they could face up to seven years in prison and a fine of 40,000 baht.

The warning came as the ITD director-general Boonyarit Kalayanamitr led a team of officials to inspect Talay Thai market, the country’s largest seafood market in Samut Sakhon province today..

The team inspected the seafood market and surveyed the prices of fresh and processed seafood there.

The inspection revealed that the majority of the seafood sellers at the market have continued to sell their goods at the same prices as before, except for the prices of squids and deep sea fishes, which have seen a rise in their prices by about 20-50 baht, as the fishmongers are charging higher prices for them.

The team also inspected several cold storages in the province and operators assured they would not hoard the seafood even though fishing trawlers have stopped fishing.

The business sector further assured that this situation would not cause a shortage in seafood among consumers for the next 1-2 months.

As for the price control of the seafood, the director-general confirmed that the department would let market mechanism to decide the prices and would not impose any price control on the seafood as their prices depend on the daily prices the sellers were able to purchase from the fishmongers. However, the department has asked seafood traders to sell their goods at reasonable prices.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/itd-says-hoarders-of-seafood-could-face-7-year-in-jail

-- Thai PBS 2015-07-03


Every body hoards, specially when a price rise is in the offing, I just hope that they will not

hoard and keep it for years like the recent case in China where a 40 years old meat was

found in the market being offered for sale....


I just hope that they will not hoard and keep it for years like the recent case in China where a 40 years old meat was found in the market being offered for sale....

I love air dried beef.


I just hope that they will not hoard and keep it for years like the recent case in China where a 40 years old meat was found in the market being offered for sale....

I love air dried beef.

How do you know it's beef? I wouldn't be surprised if it was rat, cat, panda, or female child flesh.


This story stinks,

Suggesting the market would dictate prices and no-one is going to attempt to profit from a shortage.

Give up seafood for the foreseeable or else get out today and stock up your freezers.

(but don't hoard)


Having a boat in my own country and getting out to catch 'fresh' fish I'm afraid I wouldn't touch the fish in Thailand..not sure how old where it's come from what it's been fed or added to the water along with the cooking methods leave me unimpressed.

Everyone to there own though but it's not for me and certainly not in the next few months..

Also what's with the disproportionate fine 40,000 baht and 7 years..don't understand that why not make it 200.000 baht these suppliers won't bat a eyelid at 40.000 bht


I just hope that they will not hoard and keep it for years like the recent case in China where a 40 years old meat was found in the market being offered for sale....

I love air dried beef.

How do you know it's beef? I wouldn't be surprised if it was rat, cat, panda, or female child flesh.

because panda or female child flesh would be surely fetch a higher price....


I have 2 x 2kilo bags of prawns in the freezer, am I in danger of arrest? Please advise.

Don't worry, they won't go after shrimps. It's all those people with cases of crabs that should be worried.


I don't eat much seafood but I would gladly stop altogether if it means someone else can get their regular supply. wink.png


I don't eat much seafood but I would gladly stop altogether if it means someone else can get their regular supply. wink.png

Ditto! Most of what people rave about in seafood is simply wasted on me. I like a nice bit of sea bass, gurnard, trevally or snapper etc, and prawns are OK too I guess, but I wouldn't cross the street for them. Other seafood, I either plain don't like the taste, can't be bothered with (crab) and I simply cannot understand what people rave about in bland tasting lobster. As for the yellow stuff in lobster heads, so loved by seafood connoisseurs ................ that makes me just want to throw up!!!!!!!!!!! I am always telling people to cook me a sausage or a chicken breast etc & keep the seafood for themselves.

Sorry kids, I know that you don't like fish-fingers, but that's what you're getting until Dad's emptied this bulk-pack of them, you wouldn't want him to go to jail, now would you ! laugh.png

Or am I safe, I mean everybody knows that fish don't have fingers, so this can't be seafood, now can it ! facepalm.gif


All the talads have less now, seafood IS being hoarded.

They may face charges and seven years in jail, there may be elections, and there may be a new constitution which the next junta will tear up.

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