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Clinton says she opposes boycott effort against Israel

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I think common sense will prevail and the movement will gain traction, as it has been doing in the US and Europe.

Common sense is already prevailing. BDS is a failure as were the boycotts against Israel before it.

Why the BDS movement is such a colossal flop


The failures of the Israel boycotters

The various campaigns by British BDS groups have been noisy and sometimes messy, but in practical terms, they have been a complete failure


The BDS movement is failing.

The BDS campaign (boycotts, sanctions and divestment) against Israel represents a malevolent, reactionary political force which is antisemitic in effect if not intent, in that it singles out Israel (and only Israel), the worlds only Jewish state and the state in the region with the best human rights record. Additionally, despite claims in the media to the contrary, prominent BDS leaders support violence and openly oppose the continued existence of the Jewish state within any boundaries.


If BDS is such a failure why is Clinton being so outspoken in attacking it?

The same reason that people speak out against the KKK, neo-Nazis, skinheads and Al Queda. These hate groups are not successful in the Western world, but is always better to be safe than sorry. You can't ignore evil.

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I think common sense will prevail and the movement will gain traction, as it has been doing in the US and Europe.

Common sense is already prevailing. BDS is a failure as were the boycotts against Israel before it.

Why the BDS movement is such a colossal flop


The failures of the Israel boycotters

The various campaigns by British BDS groups have been noisy and sometimes messy, but in practical terms, they have been a complete failure


The BDS movement is failing.

The BDS campaign (boycotts, sanctions and divestment) against Israel represents a malevolent, reactionary political force which is antisemitic in effect if not intent, in that it singles out Israel (and only Israel), the worlds only Jewish state and the state in the region with the best human rights record. Additionally, despite claims in the media to the contrary, prominent BDS leaders support violence and openly oppose the continued existence of the Jewish state within any boundaries.


If BDS is such a failure why is Clinton being so outspoken in attacking it?

The same reason that people speak out against the KKK, neo-Nazis, shinheads and Al Queda. These hate groups are not successful in the Wester world, but is always better to be safe than sorry.



BDS against Israel is a failure. The failed boycott campaign against Israel

“An intellectual hatred is the worst.” — Yeats

When university professors, stewards of knowledge for the next generation of thinkers, propose to fence off all contact, all mental commerce, with others of their kind, they lose the right to be called professors. When they selectively embrace a boycott of a single country’s academics and institutions, they reveal themselves as activists. Not professors but propagandists.



BDS against Israel is a failure. The failed boycott campaign against Israel

“An intellectual hatred is the worst.” — Yeats

When university professors, stewards of knowledge for the next generation of thinkers, propose to fence off all contact, all mental commerce, with others of their kind, they lose the right to be called professors. When they selectively embrace a boycott of a single country’s academics and institutions, they reveal themselves as activists. Not professors but propagandists.


It's an opinion.

I'm sure I don't agree with it, though.

For one thing, I don't see why professors can't have an opinion, and why they can't profess it.

I suggest that they are not propagandists, but on the contrary, they are anti-propagandists when it comes to supporting the BDS movement which faces a tirade of propaganda from the scared Israeli lobby.

There were many professors who supported the boycott of South Africa....by extension, you and the writer must also think the same about them. Odd if you do....for one thing, the boycott worked, and for another, it helped get rid of a terrible regime.

It's odd, too, that academics are criticised for their thinking. They are, after all, academics and by definition, their thinking is supposed to be of pretty good quality....better, I daresay than the opinion-piece writer.


"Israel is a vibrant democracy in a region dominated by autocracy, and it faces existential threats to its survival"

Like Hillary probably feels, I think that anyone who tries to compares South African Apartheid to Israel is not only hateful and stupid, but dishonest - including far-left academics. Israel is a democracy where ALL citizens have the vote and the same rights. There is no legitimate comparison.


"Israel is a vibrant democracy in a region dominated by autocracy, and it faces existential threats to its survival"

Like Hillary, I think anyone who compares South African Apartheid to Israel is not only stupid, but a liar. Israel is democracy where ALL citizens have the vote. There is no legitimate comparison.

I don't see the connect between your quote and your rant. "Like Hilary"? Where did she say "stupid" and "liar"?

Would that be a blatant lie that you've posted?

Nonetheless, there IS a legitimate comparison between the two boycott movements. They both intended/intend to put economic and emotive pressure on regimes that needed/need to have their horns clipped.


Decry, denounce and object in no uncertain terms, and maybe it will be believable, other than that,

it's only election's talks....

I must have missed something. I was under the impression that she was running for the President of the US.


Well, that does it! I used to like Hilary as the best option of anyone running, but she's just lost my vote.

Of course it's just pandering to the Jewish lobby. She's not dumb. She knows full well that the BDS movement is not anti-semitic and that it is attempting to bring about what her husband failed to do; Peace and justice in Israel/Palestine.

"Well, that does it! I used to like Hilary as the best option of anyone running, but she's just lost my vote."

Your threat is insignificant.

You are a self proclaimed Aussie. You have no vote to lose.

No kidding, Einstein?

Thanks for the advice.thumbsup.gif

You posted a blatant lie and, when you are called on it, answer with sarcasm and a silly emoticon.

That's certainly adult.

Now post your next immature retort and, I promise, I will not respond to it, regardless how inane it will be.


Whatever one may think of Mrs. Clinton, she has a great deal of knowledge and experience in the foreign policy arena. She also has some of the most experienced people in the field around her.

Politics and votes aside, there is very little chance that the Palestinians are going to agree to much of a peace deal. The Palestinians will not go away and they will likely not be forced out, but if concessions are made by Israel, it may be the very end of the Jewish State and with it one of the major players in the ME.

The US would be up a creek without a paddle without Israel. In the scheme of things the Palestinians offer nothing in the area of safety and security for the region.


Whatever one may think of Mrs. Clinton, she has a great deal of knowledge and experience in the foreign policy arena. She also has some of the most experienced people in the field around her.

Politics and votes aside, there is very little chance that the Palestinians are going to agree to much of a peace deal. The Palestinians will not go away and they will likely not be forced out, but if concessions are made by Israel, it may be the very end of the Jewish State and with it one of the major players in the ME.

The US would be up a creek without a paddle without Israel. In the scheme of things the Palestinians offer nothing in the area of safety and security for the region.

Safety and security? We have killed several million in the last 15 years and we will kill more today. Whom are you thinking might be safe and secure?


Would that be a blatant lie that you've posted?

You'll have to ask Hillary. Please post her reply.

Well, you stated it. Don't ask me to prove you didn't lie, that's your job.

Care to show us the quote that Hilary said "stupid" and "liar" about comparisons to S.A?


I see some baiting, bickering and flaming. I also see some suspensions headed your way.

I suggest you stop. Now.


As simple as this otherwise innocent little thread night appear; for me it is the entire story regarding the relationship between the US and Israel. Heaven help us if we cannot get those 5 million Jews to vote for the right person. After all, they are an overwhelming 1.5% of the population. Call this anti-semetism if you like, it is really sad that this is what we have come to. Hilary is after the vote of those 1.5 million Jews?


As simple as this otherwise innocent little thread night appear; for me it is the entire story regarding the relationship between the US and Israel. Heaven help us if we cannot get those 5 million Jews to vote for the right person. After all, they are an overwhelming 1.5% of the population. Call this anti-semetism if you like, it is really sad that this is what we have come to. Hilary is after the vote of those 1.5 million Jews?

Call yourself whatever you like, no reason to go there, but the truth is that the majority of the American voting public do support the right of Israel to exist, defend itself, and continue to be a beacon of democracy in the Middle East. The BDS movement is a clear and direct threat to the continued existence of Israel and yes the USA will continue to be on Israel's side in combating this threat as well as many others.

Yes, politicians do some stuff for votes, some stuff because they actually feel it is the right thing, and sometimes happily both at the same time. I think this is such a case of both. Hillary Clinton will be president and she will restore better relations with Israel which have indeed been degraded under Obama. Obama has tried to do good and I don't think he's actually actively anti-Israel as some do (perhaps a lot of it is about a real personality clash with Bibi) ... but it's all relative.

Just to add, Jewish Americans generally vote overwhelmingly democratic party anyway as they are overwhelmingly liberal. A democratic nominee would have to be EXTREMELY and EXPLICITLY anti-Israel to take a lot of the Jewish American vote away from the democrats.

Even with what has happened with Obama and the souring of the Israel relationship, IF it was possible to run for a third term (it isn't) Obama would still get the majority of the Jewish American vote, but clearly somewhat less than the last two times.


I'm just curious why there is no BDS campaign against Syria, Yemen, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Russia, North Korea, Somalia or a number of other countries who kill and imprison their own people, never mind the people of their enemies??!! Any ideas???

And the current BDS campaign against Israel has nothing to do with anti-semitism???????


I'm just curious why there is no BDS campaign against Syria, Yemen, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Russia, North Korea, Somalia or a number of other countries who kill and imprison their own people, never mind the people of their enemies??!! Any ideas???

And the current BDS campaign against Israel has nothing to do with anti-semitism???????



I'm just curious why there is no BDS campaign against Syria, Yemen, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Russia, North Korea, Somalia or a number of other countries who kill and imprison their own people, never mind the people of their enemies??!! Any ideas???

And the current BDS campaign against Israel has nothing to do with anti-semitism???????


It's pretty simple really.Except, arguably, for Russia, none of those countries is occupying another people's lands.

Besides....citing other countries does not take any of the guilt away from Israel. Why shouldn't humanitarian people choose to take whatever stand they want or feel that they have time for?

The victim card is getting very boring and most people ignore it nowadays.


As simple as this otherwise innocent little thread night appear; for me it is the entire story regarding the relationship between the US and Israel. Heaven help us if we cannot get those 5 million Jews to vote for the right person. After all, they are an overwhelming 1.5% of the population. Call this anti-semetism if you like, it is really sad that this is what we have come to. Hilary is after the vote of those 1.5 million Jews?

This isn't about votes. This is about campaign donations.


"As you know, BDS seeks to punish Israel and dictate how the Israelis and Palestinians should resolve the core issues of their conflict."

I am constantly amazed at how many average citizens (with too much time on their hands) know better than Israel how to handle their affairs...

"You can not fix stupid!"


I'm just curious why there is no BDS campaign against Syria, Yemen, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Russia, North Korea, Somalia or a number of other countries who kill and imprison their own people, never mind the people of their enemies??!! Any ideas???

And the current BDS campaign against Israel has nothing to do with anti-semitism???????

Because the hypocrites in the BDS movement could care less about anything besides destroying the only democracy in the Middle East, by any means at all. The BDS campaign against Israel has everything to do with anti-Semitism.


With every new college semester, the BDS grows stronger and the number of US citizens informed about Israeli atrocities multiplies. The demographic numbers don't lie: young people aren't nearly as naive as their parents when it comes to Israeli propaganda. thumbsup.gif

The fear coming from the occupiers and their apologists is palpable. giggle.gif


I'm just curious why there is no BDS campaign against Syria, Yemen, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Russia, North Korea, Somalia or a number of other countries who kill and imprison their own people, never mind the people of their enemies??!! Any ideas???

And the current BDS campaign against Israel has nothing to do with anti-semitism???????

Because the hypocrites in the BDS movement could care less about anything besides destroying the only democracy in the Middle East, by any means at all. The BDS campaign against Israel has everything to do with anti-Semitism.

And again no explanation why it is anti Semitic. This is the usual defense when anything crytical of Israel comes up: just shout hard it is anti Semitic and don't even consider the alternative.

If you are too thick to understand, that is not anyone's else's problem.

"I'm just curious why there is no BDS campaign against Syria, Yemen, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Russia, North Korea, Somalia or a number of other countries who kill and imprison their own people, never mind the people of their enemies??!! "

Targeting the only democracy in the Middle East when there are so many evil countries around it committing terrible human rights violations has everything to do with it being a Jewish state

Protesters chanted anti-Semitic slogans and threatened to kill Jews outside a South African Zionist Federation event in Johannesburg on Sunday. “You think this is Israel, we are going to kill you!” and “You Jews do not belong here in South Africa!” supporters of the BDS movement shouted in front of the Sandton Convention Centre, where the South Africa-Israel Expo and a federation conference was being held..



With every new college semester, the BDS grows stronger

With every new college semester, numbers of useful idiots increase you mean.

Young people aren't nearly as naive as their parents when it comes to Israeli propaganda.

Young people who soak up youtube anti Israel radicalisation hit jobs like a sponge with little to no cross referencing and likely zero on the ground experience of the region itself and the multitudes of complexities there, are brainwashed by insidious recruiters who infiltrated campuses and charities. It is a fashionable bandwagon to jump on while on campus, a popular outrage circus. One day they are going to be highly embarrassed of any documented links to it.

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