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Clinton says she opposes boycott effort against Israel

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If you are too thick to understand, that is not anyone's else's problem.

"I'm just curious why there is no BDS campaign against Syria, Yemen, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Russia, North Korea, Somalia or a number of other countries who kill and imprison their own people, never mind the people of their enemies??!! "

Targeting the only democracy in the Middle East when there are so many evil countries around it committing terrible human rights violations has everything to do with it being a Jewish state

Protesters chanted anti-Semitic slogans and threatened to kill Jews outside a South African Zionist Federation event in Johannesburg on Sunday. “You think this is Israel, we are going to kill you!” and “You Jews do not belong here in South Africa!” supporters of the BDS movement shouted in front of the Sandton Convention Centre, where the South Africa-Israel Expo and a federation conference was being held..


So if a BDS movement would start an action against Saudi Arabia you'd call it anti Arabic?
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There is only one tiny Jewish dominated state in the world. There are scads of Arab and Muslim dominated. Obsessing on demonizing Jewish Israel points to Judeophobic bias.


Playing the anti-semetic card is stooping pretty low, wouldn't expect less from the usual suspects on here though..

The vast majority of people against israel, like myself, are against them purely because of their obnoxious actions and behaviour, and couldn't give a toss what religion they follow, what colour their skin is or anything else.


Then why pick on Israel when many other countries doing much worse? Sorry impossible to believe that Jew hating isn't a big part of the absurdly unbalanced attention on tiny Jewish Israel compared to the rest of the world.

Obviously specific criticisms of specific Israeli government policies isn't necessarily Judeophobic but obsessive Israel demonization, anti-Zionism, and BDS only on Israel usually is.


If you are too thick to understand, that is not anyone's else's problem.

"I'm just curious why there is no BDS campaign against Syria, Yemen, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Russia, North Korea, Somalia or a number of other countries who kill and imprison their own people, never mind the people of their enemies??!! "

Targeting the only democracy in the Middle East when there are so many evil countries around it committing terrible human rights violations has everything to do with it being a Jewish state

Protesters chanted anti-Semitic slogans and threatened to kill Jews outside a South African Zionist Federation event in Johannesburg on Sunday. You think this is Israel, we are going to kill you! and You Jews do not belong here in South Africa! supporters of the BDS movement shouted in front of the Sandton Convention Centre, where the South Africa-Israel Expo and a federation conference was being held..


So if a BDS movement would start an action against Saudi Arabia you'd call it anti Arabic?

It ain't going to happen. They hate Jews. Arabs and their terrible record on human rights are of no interest.


If you are too thick to understand, that is not anyone's else's problem.

"I'm just curious why there is no BDS campaign against Syria, Yemen, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Russia, North Korea, Somalia or a number of other countries who kill and imprison their own people, never mind the people of their enemies??!! "

Targeting the only democracy in the Middle East when there are so many evil countries around it committing terrible human rights violations has everything to do with it being a Jewish state

Protesters chanted anti-Semitic slogans and threatened to kill Jews outside a South African Zionist Federation event in Johannesburg on Sunday. You think this is Israel, we are going to kill you! and You Jews do not belong here in South Africa! supporters of the BDS movement shouted in front of the Sandton Convention Centre, where the South Africa-Israel Expo and a federation conference was being held..


So if a BDS movement would start an action against Saudi Arabia you'd call it anti Arabic?
It ain't going to happen. They hate Jews. Arabs and their terrible record on human rights are of no interest.
And again avoiding an uncomfortable question.

To answer your curiosity, I think there is no interest in what is happening in Korea, Russia or Somalia because traditionally there is much more of a connection between westerners and Israel than with those countries.

Over the years the sympathy has shifted from the Israeli to the Palestinians.


To answer your curiosity, I think there is no interest in what is happening in Korea, Russia or Somalia because traditionally there is much more of a connection between westerners and Israel than with those countries.

Over the years the sympathy has shifted from the Israeli to the Palestinians.

"Over the years the sympathy has shifted from Israeli to the Palestinians Hezbollah, Hamas, and Al Qaeda."

Fixed it for ya. thumbsup.gif


I'm enjoying watching the Hilarious Hillary crew squirm and back fill upon Hillary supporting Israel. I could have tole ya so. That's the only thing I

can think of where I like her historic policies. thumbsup.gif


Then why pick on Israel when many other countries doing much worse? Sorry impossible to believe that Jew hating isn't a big part of the absurdly unbalanced attention on tiny Jewish Israel compared to the rest of the world.

Obviously specific criticisms of specific Israeli government policies isn't necessarily Judeophobic but obsessive Israel demonization, anti-Zionism, and BDS only on Israel usually is.

because our governments use our tax dollars to support thugs!


""As you know, BDS seeks to punish Israel and dictate how the Israelis and Palestinians should resolve the core issues of their conflict. That is not the path to peace," Clinton wrote."

Punish. A careful choice of words, no doubt. Punish; "inflict a penalty or sanction on (someone) as retribution for an offense, especially a transgression of a legal or moral code."

Hilary recognises that Israel transgresses and breaks the law.

Her choice of words panders to the Jewish lobby as best as she could. Unfortunately she implies that the BDS is after retribution, when really it is after change.


To answer your curiosity, I think there is no interest in what is happening in Korea, Russia or Somalia because traditionally there is much more of a connection between westerners and Israel than with those countries.

Over the years the sympathy has shifted from the Israeli to the Palestinians.

"Over the years the sympathy has shifted from Israeli to the Palestinians Hezbollah, Hamas, and Al Qaeda."

Fixed it for ya. thumbsup.gif

Like it or not, trying to make a fact ridiculous does not change it.

Israel had sympathy in the western world, still does to a certain extend, but over the years has lost a lot of it.


Then why pick on Israel when many other countries doing much worse? Sorry impossible to believe that Jew hating isn't a big part of the absurdly unbalanced attention on tiny Jewish Israel compared to the rest of the world.

Obviously specific criticisms of specific Israeli government policies isn't necessarily Judeophobic but obsessive Israel demonization, anti-Zionism, and BDS only on Israel usually is.

Multiple wrongs don't make a right.
Some of the other countries you mention need a complete makeover. I think the world focuses on Israel because it's savable.The millions of Jewish immigrants from Europe and USA have brought their shared values with them.Consequently we expect more of Israelis and treat the country like a European democracy.So when they behave badly we criticize them.
You can't save the whole world, but you can save Israel.I would love for Israel to join the family of civilized 21st century nations.
That's why I think Israel will respond to BDS, not just because it will hurt them economically, but because it demonstrates the world's disapproval of the way they treat their neighbors. And Israelis may begin to self criticize. When you label criticism as mere anti Semitism, it simply helps Israelis to dismiss it, rationalize their misdeeds away and maintain their state of denial.

Then why pick on Israel when many other countries doing much worse? Sorry impossible to believe that Jew hating isn't a big part of the absurdly unbalanced attention on tiny Jewish Israel compared to the rest of the world.

Obviously specific criticisms of specific Israeli government policies isn't necessarily Judeophobic but obsessive Israel demonization, anti-Zionism, and BDS only on Israel usually is.


Maybe cuz...

“Since the October War in 1973, Washington has provided Israel with a level of support dwarfing the amounts provided to any other state. It has been the largest annual recipient of direct U.S. economic and military assistance since 1976 and the largest total recipient since World War ll. Total direct U.S. aid to Israel amounts to well over $140 billion in 2003 dollars. Israel receives about $3 billion in direct foreign assistance each year, which is roughly one-fifth of America's entire foreign aid budget. In per capita terms, the United States gives each Israeli a direct subsidy worth about $500 per year. This largesse is especially striking when one realizes that Israel is now a wealthy industrial state with a per capita income roughly equal to South Korea or Spain.”

- John J. Mearsheimer and Stephen M. Walt

"The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy"

*Source: The Congressional Research Service’s report “U.S. Foreign Aid to Israel,” written by Jeremy M. Sharp, Specialist in Middle Eastern Affairs, dated April 11, 2014.

According to this report, the Obama Administration gave $3.1 billion in Foreign Military Financing (FMF) for Israel for the Fiscal Year 2014. In addition, the U.S contributed $504 million to the joint U.S.-Israel Missile Defense Program during FY 2014. If we include that number, American taxpayers give Israel $9.9 million per day.

Over the last 20 years, the U.S. has been slowly phasing out economic aid to Israel and gradually replacing it with increased military aid. In 2007, the Bush Administration and the Israeli government agreed to a 10-year, $30 billion military aid package FY 2009 to FY 2018. In 2012, the U.S. began giving Israel $3.1 billion a year (or an average of $8.5 million a day) and promised to provide that amount every year through FY 2018.

Israel is by far the largest recipient of U.S. foreign military aid (see how other nations compare). According to the CRS report, the President’s request for Israel for FY 2015 will encompass approximately 55% of total U.S. foreign military financing worldwide. According to the CRS report, "[a]nnual FMF grants to Israel represent 23% to 25% of the overall Israeli defense budget."

Contrary to ordinary U.S. policy, Israel has been and continues to be allowed to use approximately 25% of this military aid to purchase equipment from Israeli manufacturers. According to CRS, “no other recipient of U.S. military assistance has been granted this benefit.” Thanks in part to this indirect U.S. subsidy, Israel’s arms industry has become one of the strongest in the world. “Between 2001 and 2008, it was the 7th largest arms supplier to the world with sales worth a total of 9.9 billion.”


Then why pick on Israel when many other countries doing much worse? Sorry impossible to believe that Jew hating isn't a big part of the absurdly unbalanced attention on tiny Jewish Israel compared to the rest of the world.

Obviously specific criticisms of specific Israeli government policies isn't necessarily Judeophobic but obsessive Israel demonization, anti-Zionism, and BDS only on Israel usually is.

Perhaps the amount of criticism aimed at Israel is proportional to the amount of US aid given to Israel?

"Tiny Israel" gets so much from the US, both financially and diplomatically. The "other countries" that are spoken of that also deserve criticism, don't get a fraction of that, if any.

The cries of Judeophobe and antisemite are just more of the pleas-to-pity that Jews are famous for since 1945. Then, it was absolutely justified, but 70 years on, it is not.


The cries of Judeophobe and antisemite are just more of the pleas-to-pity that Jews are famous for since 1945. Then, it was absolutely justified, but 70 years on, it is not.

Of course it is and anti-Semites like the failed BTS movement, radical Muslims and the obsessive Jew/Israel-bashers on this forum are the reason why.


The cries of Judeophobe and antisemite are just more of the pleas-to-pity that Jews are famous for since 1945. Then, it was absolutely justified, but 70 years on, it is not.

Of course it is and anti-Semites like the failed BTS movement, radical Muslims and the obsessive Jew/Israel-bashers on this forum are the reason why.

Ahh, there you go again...Israel-bashers are a justification for cries of Judeophobe and antisemite.......The pro-Zionists just can't distinguish the difference, can they? (Or don't want to).


Interesting how the most obsessed Jew/Israel-bashers never stop trying to deny the obvious. If one pays attention to their hourly posts on Israel, their posts on Jews in general and the posts that they "like" on both subjects, it sticks out like sore thumb that it is not just the Jewish nation that that they detest. whistling.gif


'"As you know, BDS seeks to punish Israel and dictate how the Israelis and Palestinians should resolve the core issues of their conflict. That is not the path to peace,"' Nor is Israel's non-selective militaristic approach. But then, I'm not seeking election in the US.


The BDS movement DEFINITELY is Judeophobic. I've posted evidence about this before. The goal of it's leaders is the end of the one and only Jewish majority nation in the world -- Israel. Clinton will be president and she will definitely be stronger in her support of Israel than Obama.

Now many naive followers may not fully understand the actual agenda of BDS ... so I am not saying that all supporters of BDS are Jew haters.

The BDS movement isn't Judeophobic. The BDS campaign is against the state of Israel and war crimes commited for ages.

If it was Judeophobic, many Jewish companies in Europe, US and elsewhere would also have been targetted by the BDS movement. But they aren't !

Strange that Clinton went to oppose the BDS to the same groups that started a BDS back in 1933...in order to create the state of Israel...but this remains as a diffirent topic.

Anti-Israel doesn't equal anti-Jew. More than 25% of Israeli citizens are Arabs and others. Non-Jews in Israel are not opposing the BDS movement. Only Jews are playing victim as usual quite well without facing the claims of war crimes under Israeli sovereignty...


The BDS movement aims to end Israel and they are for a "one state" solution dominated by Arabs the majority of which intend to kick out all the Jews and murder those who fight that.

Israel, the one and only Jewish majority nation on the planet.

Jewish people (INDIGENOUS people of the Israel region, totally opposite of apartheid era white South African colonialists) have been persecuted for thousands of years which inspired the Zionist movement which led to the creation of the Israeli nation state.

Immediately after that, multiple Arab/Muslim nations attacked the new state. That was their choice. Amazingly they didn't kill Israel there and then, but happily, they lost.

Haters of Jews, haters of Israel ... they want to end Israel and clear eyed people see the obvious, anti-Zionism is racism and the BDS movement is motivated by Judeophobia.

For the BDS activists dedicated to ending Israel, are they also dedicated to ending all other nations with any other dominant ethno-religious group?
Of course they aren't. For them it's ONLY about ISRAEL. The one nation with the Jews. Again, obviously unfairly picking ONLY on the Jews.


There is only one tiny Jewish dominated state in the world. There are scads of Arab and Muslim dominated. Obsessing on demonizing Jewish Israel points to Judeophobic bias.

It seems there's 2 at least and the other one isn't small!smile.png


There is only one tiny Jewish dominated state in the world. There are scads of Arab and Muslim dominated. Obsessing on demonizing Jewish Israel points to Judeophobic bias.

It seems there's 2 at least and the other one isn't small!smile.png

I'm talking demographics / population.

You're talking typical Judeophobic rhetoric exaggerating Jewish power.

Not surprising really. Israel demonization is often riddled with such hateful attitudes.

The holocaust denying leaders of Iran are good examples of this ... with their Death to the USA / Death to Israel chants.

Anyone who actually thinks the BDS movement isn't infected with a severe case of Judeophobic hatred just isn't paying attention.

Yes, Israel, the Jewish people, and supporters indeed have a lot of enemies in the world that wish the worse upon Israel, and BDS is one of them. Right along with Hamas, Hezbollah, ISIS, Iran, etc.


Quote from link :

"The letter was addressed to each of the presidents in the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations as well as Haim Saban, an Israeli-born U.S. media mogul and top Clinton donor who hosted Clinton at a Los Angeles fundraiser in May."

Haim Saban is indeed a top donor of the Clintons. He bought the Power Rangers from Japan and made them famous in the US. He's constantly involved in Israeli political matters and he's also funding the IDF. A true patriot !

US needs more of these kind of Power stRangers...




If you are too thick to understand, that is not anyone's else's problem.

"I'm just curious why there is no BDS campaign against Syria, Yemen, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Russia, North Korea, Somalia or a number of other countries who kill and imprison their own people, never mind the people of their enemies??!! "

Targeting the only democracy in the Middle East when there are so many evil countries around it committing terrible human rights violations has everything to do with it being a Jewish state

Protesters chanted anti-Semitic slogans and threatened to kill Jews outside a South African Zionist Federation event in Johannesburg on Sunday. You think this is Israel, we are going to kill you! and You Jews do not belong here in South Africa! supporters of the BDS movement shouted in front of the Sandton Convention Centre, where the South Africa-Israel Expo and a federation conference was being held..


So if a BDS movement would start an action against Saudi Arabia you'd call it anti Arabic?
It ain't going to happen. They hate Jews. Arabs and their terrible record on human rights are of no interest.
And again avoiding an uncomfortable question.

The answer is that if BDS would start an action against Saudi Arabia -- then it would be a start in gaining some legitimacy instead of their focusing like a laser beam only on Israel thus revealing their true bias.


The question is not "uncomfortable". It is a foolish waste of time. There is not the slightest indication of BDS targeting anyone other than the Jewish nation.. They are hypocrites.


Of course BDS is anti-Semitic. There is no legitimate comparison between Israel and South African apartheid. Good for Ms Clinton for opposing these lying Nazi creeps.

bless ya you see no fault in israel do you....the perfect country in your eyes...

You missed the point. The continued comparison of Israel to South Africa and the claim that it is an apartheid stated is wrong. There is no apartheid in Israel.

Not according to the OP.

"The BDS movement has gained strength on U.S. college campuses and in Europe."

And if it is such a flop, why are Jewish leaders in the US so worried that they have to write a letter to Hilary, crying about it?

Some US campuses have their flavour of the year causes. Occupy Wall Street was popular for awhile. The campuses are not a reflection of main street USA. Mrs. Clinton wrote to the leaders asking for their input. They did not write to her. You show your bias with that comment.

Whatever she really believes - she needs the Jewish vote.

Really? The Jewish population in the USA is assimilated and spread out. With the exception of a few congressional districts I does not represent a voting block. On the other hand, muslim voters who represent one of the fastest growing voting blocks are found in clusters. American Jews and Italian Americans are two of the most intermarried and assimilated of US ethnic minorities. American Japanese are close behind.


The entire "Israel is not like South Africa, thus BDS is simply after the end of the state of Israel" whinge is totally misplaced.

BDS is not comparing Israel to South Africa.

From the OP, "BDS advocates say it is based on the campaign against South African apartheid and is aimed at Israeli policy, not Jews, following two decades of failed peace talks and expanded Israeli settlement of the West Bank and East Jerusalem."

Based on the campaign. The strategy, the tactics, the boycotting, the divestment, the sanctions. That is what BDS is about. It worked against S.A to end apartheid, and with hope it will work against Israel to end the illegal occupation. Put pressure on the country to try to force it to do the right thing and withdraw to the 1967 borders. Some would wish for the 1948 borders (and they have a point), but Palestinian leaders will entertain the idea of 1967 borders, and realistically that's the best they will get.

To go on and on repetitively about "Israel is not an apartheid state" is moot. The boycott of S.A did not try to end the state, and did not result in that...it put pressure on the state to do the right thing.

To whine on and on about "Why don't they boycott other countries" is also a whimpering, diversionary, plea-for-pity. The people who support BDS have chosen the crimes of Israel, for diverse reasons, to protest. That those people don't protest other countries (and who's to say they don't??) is in no way "proof" of Judeophobism or antisemitism. It just so happens that Israel's crimes, compounded with US support seems like an honourable, humanitarian thing to protest.

I have no doubt that genuine antisemites exist in the world. (I do doubt that they are as numerous as the whimpering pro-Zionists claim (reds under the bed.....there's an antisemite at every street corner)), and I have no doubt that some of those antisemite bigots find BDS a convenient outlet for their bigotry, but that does not shape what BDS is about. An end to an illegal occupation that oppresses millions of innocent people.

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