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Thai-English actress Anna Reese becomes nun after killing cop in car crash

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Do we know why she crashed into the police car ?

Do we know why she refused to be arrested ? Oh, she wasn't ready.

Do we know why the police did not give her an alcohol breath test ?

Do we know how she will communicate with the dead policeman ?

What an absolute "farce" !!!

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In my country if you unintentionally kill someone in an accident and you're not drunk, you're also not sent to jail and the fine is not that high. Most of the expenses will be paid by your insurance.

I believe that's a good thing.

Never think you're perfect - you too can cause a deadly accident,

Not sure of your country but it can be unintentional but still grossly negligent if speeding, reckless or drunk. That will result in jail-time if found guilty. Ever heard of vehicular manslaughter?

In your country would you be able to tell the cops at the scene that you are too stressed to go to the station? Then simply go home and turn up the next day at your own leisure for a breath test and an interview?

Would the police investigate the scene to determine speed of impact? Try to work out why a stationary police vehicle was hit at high speed?


it is vehicular manslaughter. she is 100% at fault.


a driver who causes a death while intoxicated can be charged with first-degree vehicular homicide, a felony carrying up to fifteen years in prison. But a driver who causes a death while committing a moving traffic offense (such as failure to maintain lane position), is guilty of second-degree vehicular homicide, a misdemeanor carrying a maximum of a year in jail.

this does not include civil liability.


BANGKOK: -- Thai-English actress Anna Reese declared herself a Buddhist nun this morning and will be super-devout

Oh, c'mon you guys … she promised to be super devout.

We must believe this, she declared it herself.


7 days and it is absolution for murder. Wonderfull Thailand and Buddhists

murder: the crime of deliberately killing a person

So, you're saying Anna knew the policeman was sleeping in the car and deliberately ran into the back of it to intentionally kill him?

Hyperbolic, much?



it is vehicular manslaughter. she is 100% at fault.


a driver who causes a death while intoxicated can be charged with first-degree vehicular homicide, a felony carrying up to fifteen years in prison. But a driver who causes a death while committing a moving traffic offense (such as failure to maintain lane position), is guilty of second-degree vehicular homicide, a misdemeanor carrying a maximum of a year in jail.

this does not include civil liability.

How do you KNOW she was drunk at the time or is your assumption enough to condemn her?



When this case popped up, I was ready to give her the benefit of a doubt.

I thought the most despicable part, was the police, not doing their job!

Forget that!

Just another hi-so-public stunt!

Thailand and his fake moral and ethics just p1$$ me off more and more each day!

Truly sickening!


I've read of many criminals getting away with premeditated murder and never read the kind of venomous comments I'm reading on this thread. Do any of you actually believe she knew someone would be sleeping on a street, where one poster who claims to have lived said people regularly speed on, and chose to deliberately ram that particular car? The dead policeman wasn't from Bangkok and was purportedly lost and didn't know the danger of the place he chose to pull over and rest. Of all the cars that she could have hit, the one she hit was the only one occupied. What are the odds. I consider what happened to be be 'predestined' or Karma. Get off your moral high-horses.



When this case popped up, I was ready to give her the benefit of a doubt.

I thought the most despicable part, was the police, not doing their job!

Forget that!

Just another hi-so-public stunt!

Thailand and his fake moral and ethics just p1$$ me off more and more each day!

Truly sickening!

When this case popped up, I was ready to give her the benefit of a doubt.

So, the more contrite/apologetic she was and the more she tried to make amends and seek forgiveness, the more you turned on her.

Truly sickening!



This is how it works. Those who have lived in Thailand for a while should know.

I strongly believe that she was under the influence when the accident happened. The erratic behavior that was filmed right after the accident proves that. She felt really guilty and of course she didn't want to harm anyone, but shit happens. By knowing her status, her relatives (parents) begged the cops not to test her for the alcohol. Of course those cops were generously rewarded. Its a big case. Normally in small cases if someone dies they agree about 100.000 baht. I believe in this case it was paid more.

At the moment the advisory team is putting on a public show trying to restore her previous image.

I don't judge her, shit happens. Everyone who drinks drove under the influence until the shit happened. Her case was really unfortunate. That was a lifetime lesson. I bet she will never do it again and if they agree with the deceased family about the money compensation this case will be closed and never spoken again! This is Thailand and they way they do things.


When this case popped up, I was ready to give her the benefit of a doubt.

I thought the most despicable part, was the police, not doing their job!

Forget that!

Just another hi-so-public stunt!

Thailand and his fake moral and ethics just p1$$ me off more and more each day!

Truly sickening!

When this case popped up, I was ready to give her the benefit of a doubt.

So, the more contrite/apologetic she was and the more she tried to make amends and seek forgiveness, the more you turned on her.

Truly sickening!


She killed someone and is joining a monastery for 7 days!


And you think, that is her, begging for forgiveness?

Truly sickening!


I like the way she quietly went away and became a nun without alerting the media about it and turning it into a publicity stunt.

Classy girl.


How predictable.

Becoming a nun, minus the hair cut, for 7 whole days. Make sure the PR maximizes the publicity. The part about communicating with the dead officer and feeling some forgiveness is a real theatrical touch. True Thai soap actress. Next she'll be claiming his ghost is looking after her.

Either she was above the alcohol limit or not; under the influence of drugs or not; speeding or not; driving dangerously whilst racing a large motorbike or not; driving without due care and attention or not.

We shall never know thanks to the corrupt police who regard every situation as an "opportunity", and the convention that says hiso, connected, famous or even semi-famous pay rather than actually have the law enforced on them.

This is the second time an officer has been killed, the driver identified, left the scene and will get away with it. Cost some money, turning up and grovelling at the funeral and some merit making.


7 days and it is absolution for murder. Wonderfull Thailand and Buddhists

Another old codger arriving here without understanding the way it works.


I've read of many criminals getting away with premeditated murder and never read the kind of venomous comments I'm reading on this thread. Do any of you actually believe she knew someone would be sleeping on a street, where one poster who claims to have lived said people regularly speed on, and chose to deliberately ram that particular car? The dead policeman wasn't from Bangkok and was purportedly lost and didn't know the danger of the place he chose to pull over and rest. Of all the cars that she could have hit, the one she hit was the only one occupied. What are the odds. I consider what happened to be be 'predestined' or Karma. Get off your moral high-horses.


Exactly, the sexpats here seem to think that karma doesn't exist. Let's take all the things we like and slag off all the things we don't understand.


Thailand is a wonderful country and most of its people are marvelous... but this aspect of Thai society / culture is sickening. Making "merit" for 7 days !!! 9 times out of 10, taking someone's life here means nothing if you are rich or famous.

Events like this are at the very heart and soul of why Thailand has so many coups.

The elites want to maintain the status quo - one law for the poor and no law for the rich.

The coup and its supporters stand for corruption, inequality, decadence, greed, selfishness, oppression, brutality and worst of all.....heartlessness.

Who in their right mind would consider cutting health care to the poor to buy unneeded submarines????

I hope I am around when these people (PAD, Yellow Shirts, PDRC, Ammart, Generals etc..) all get their just desserts.

Karma's a biatch.


I've read of many criminals getting away with premeditated murder and never read the kind of venomous comments I'm reading on this thread. Do any of you actually believe she knew someone would be sleeping on a street, where one poster who claims to have lived said people regularly speed on, and chose to deliberately ram that particular car? The dead policeman wasn't from Bangkok and was purportedly lost and didn't know the danger of the place he chose to pull over and rest. Of all the cars that she could have hit, the one she hit was the only one occupied. What are the odds. I consider what happened to be be 'predestined' or Karma. Get off your moral high-horses.


Exactly, the sexpats here seem to think that karma doesn't exist. Let's take all the things we like and slag off all the things we don't understand.

All the fuss is not necessarily about the face saving gambits associated with the culture, what is boiling the p1ss of so many who read this story (off the back of a number of other stories regarding this case) is the manner in which this woman is parading herself around the media where it may be unnecessary . It is a slap in the face to the cops family, the police at the scene and the general public subjected to it.

She manipulated the scene (watch the youtube video) with her outbursts, and then manipulated the cops with her assertions she wasn't ready to be arrested, this avoided any chance to document if she had been on the bottle.

She attended the cremation and told the media she was 'forgiven' by the spirit of the deceased, who had possessed another attendee's body.

She now goes to get ordained without the traditional head shaving, and for a mere 7 days, which is perhaps sufficient to convince her critics she has done her penance, but not a very remarkable period of reflection considering what she lets on to be burdened with.

She is full of sh1t and anyone with half a brain can see it, it sends a bad message out. Accidents do happen, and life does goes on. If everyone just sits around discussing 'karma' or 'predestination' when sh1t happens, nothing changes. Countries like Greece are going under because of that attitude, and the Hi-so narcissists can carry on driving around Bangkok like Maniacs.


In my country if you unintentionally kill someone in an accident and you're not drunk, you're also not sent to jail and the fine is not that high. Most of the expenses will be paid by your insurance.

I believe that's a good thing.

Never think you're perfect - you too can cause a deadly accident,

Not sure of your country but it can be unintentional but still grossly negligent if speeding, reckless or drunk. That will result in jail-time if found guilty. Ever heard of vehicular manslaughter?

In your country would you be able to tell the cops at the scene that you are too stressed to go to the station? Then simply go home and turn up the next day at your own leisure for a breath test and an interview?

Would the police investigate the scene to determine speed of impact? Try to work out why a stationary police vehicle was hit at high speed?

The cars management computer will have accessible data from prior to the accident depending on the engine installed and year of manufacture. I'm unsure if the BMW computers have crash detection to avoid over writing the data, as can happen if the ignition is restarted.

Usually the raw sensor numbers from the PIC loops will be available, though someone will need to convert those into RPM and positions.

Without that data the only way they can estimate the speed is the length of the skid marks post slide and post impact slide. There are some models available that can ballpark a figure given decent information and the actual weight of the cars. Some ex-crash investigators might be willing to explain it fully.


7 days and it is absolution for murder. Wonderfull Thailand and Buddhists

You could not buy this kind of publicity. She must have a new movie coming out. Will this help her if she goes to court or reduce the family settlement?


As evidence by his failure to report for 3 warrants an the Thai police's lack of interest in prosecuting him, the Red Bull Ferrari cop killer continues to evade the law an is condoned by Thais.


Thai justice is a mythological spin of fantasy where the elite, be whomever...can do no wrong, even when they stumble, they put on their best humble and rise like a Phoenix....then shrug it off and back to where they were, above us all.


her acting skills are coming into play, acting remorseful, playing the role of a Nun.....Thailand please wake up and start to demand that these people are not above the law. Only you can change Thailand.


I like it. He's dead, can't bring him back, right? It's not as if she is a member of a criminal gang, where punishment would serve any purpose. She's punished enough. If to boot she would privately pay the victim's family some handsome amount, that would be active repentance indeed. I think we could do with a dose of Buddhism in our Western penal systems

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