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Koh Tao: Trial opens for 2 accused of killing British tourists


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and BTW the whole yaba thing is utter nonsense, I have to admit that the level of intellect on this forum is disturbing, people dreaming up this absolute nonsense ...................give it a rest guys seriously

if anyone was on drugs that night they'd have been spaced out and not giving a s.......t

This rape and double murder was Brutal, Brutality is given out by brutal people, who ever did this thinks they are powerful when in reality it has been one of the most cowardly acts I have come across for a long time, as I'm sure a lot of people think the same as me - I will gladly unpower them....put me in a room please with these cowards

I hear cocaine is readily available on KT, not that the B2 would be able to afford it. Cocaine is the drug of choice for the likes of ISIS who go on to commit vile atrocities when high on it. Likewise the Tunisian terrorist who murdered 38 tourists recently.

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Since these murders occurred on 15th September, I have read every article/forum/blog about the situation including, I believe, every post on TV and I would like to say something. First I would like to acknowledge that corruption goes on everywhere and murders happen everywhere, but I want to say something about this particular crime and the people in charge of this particular so called investigation.

It goes without saying that the people who committed these murders are depraved scum.

The people who have investigated these murders and certain other people in authority who have allowed things to proceed as they have, in my opinion, are the lowest of the low, they have no moral compass they are disgusting slime and a blight on the planet.

I hope I have not broken any forum rules....apologies if so.

It's long been my opinion that whoever did these crimes has done it before and will almost certainly do it again, and again, etc.

I tend to agree with you. This case doesn't look like the first time to me either. But only my opinion and I am not a professional investigator. But anyway this is why I hope they caught the right people, and not release them until it is proven with reasonable doubt they didn't do it. If that be the case.

So now it is up to the courts to decide. But I think we both can agree that many don't get caught the first time, otherwise there would be no Serial Rapists or Murders.

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"Police say both men then took turns raping Hannah while alternately smoking. Then Wyn allegedly smashed her head repeatedly with the same hoe which he threw away. It was found next morning."


you missed "Tonight the Burmese community on Koh Tao claimed three close friends of the suspects were beaten and tortured by Thai police to implicate Saw, Wyn and third man Mau"

your selective cherry picking speaks volumes...


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"I'm not accusing here, but playing devil's advocate "-

"So why did it take the police a week to 'find' him then? or why did he not go to the police and say 'here I am'?"

Well, to be honest I don't know nor do I know that Nomsod didn't go to the Police first. Obviously he would have been easy to find. But if you want my opinion I will give it to you. If you do not, then read no further.

Was the initial statement saying he was evading police for a week a true one made by a media report, or a false one? I don't know as I didn't see the link provided to prove that this statement was even made. But at any rate media reports that came out September 24th, contradicts this evading story anyway.

The report indicated he wasn't hiding at all. Which makes sense as even my Grandmother knew where he was by then. They questioned him and was cleared on his alibi. Which of course he came in later and did the DNA Test anyway even though it wasn't required.


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David Miller's Missing Mobile Phone.


interesting wording from same article "“None of the witness testimonies included anything that could implicate [Win Zaw Htun and Zaw Lin] as the murderers. It’s starting to appear that it wasn’t them,” said Moe Wai"


Edited by missexpat
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"Police say both men then took turns raping Hannah while alternately smoking. Then Wyn allegedly smashed her head repeatedly with the same hoe which he threw away. It was found next morning."


you missed "Tonight the Burmese community on Koh Tao claimed three close friends of the suspects were beaten and tortured by Thai police to implicate Saw, Wyn and third man Mau"

your selective cherry picking speaks volumes...


I provide the full link for people to read and believe or not. I did not cut out one small piece that fit some agenda people think I have. The whole thing is their. So this is not being selective.

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Dont worry about it, he gets easily confused, he may post some links of other Burmese getting caught with yaba in Bangkok next. But to some of those Thai DJ's in KT here's a prime example of what they get up to with tourists, this is a one named DJ Love:

Holy $hit! Is that (suspicious looking) white powder I see on her stomach?

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"Police say both men then took turns raping Hannah while alternately smoking. Then Wyn allegedly smashed her head repeatedly with the same hoe which he threw away. It was found next morning."


you missed "Tonight the Burmese community on Koh Tao claimed three close friends of the suspects were beaten and tortured by Thai police to implicate Saw, Wyn and third man Mau"

your selective cherry picking speaks volumes...


Oh Yeah! I didn't miss it. I read this full media report, unlike many here.

If I was going to be selective I would not have posted it here.

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I rented a workshop for seven years surroended by attached rooms which were rented to workers from Myanmar. Judging by the 3 monthly police raids some of them were here illegally. They would be taken away and usually back in a few days. I was warned that it was a bad idea to set up my workshop in such close proximity as they were desperate and highly likely to steal stuff from me. I talked to them and asked their head if he would call me if he ever heard any break ins etc while I wasn't there. In short in seven years I didn't have one problem. In fact they would run and help putting stuff away when havy rainstorms etc. I often left valuable stuff around and they would take care of it.

One poster on here wants to generalise and is saying Burmese workers are more likely to take yaba. I can only speak from my own experience of 2,536 days been in the midst of approx 120 Burmese workers and never coming accross a bad person. On the contrary they often invited me to join them and chat. Good conversations!!!

Sadly this is the way a great deal of Thais see the Burmese, there's not a lot of compassion lost there. Tony121 seems vehemently determined to further push that unfavourable image of them.

Similar to Kev, although I was seriously threatened once inside Myanmar, I live full time near an enclave of Burmese in Thailand and my own experience is that they are the nicest of people underscored by the further fact they must keep their heads down which they do. I was always interested in the fact they all speak much better English than the Thais do which is an off topic remark, I know.

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anyway here is another link about yaba and who are typical users funny Hiso rich kids are not on it.


Read the post I responded to and you'll see the reason I posted the photo of DJ love who actually works in the AC bar KT, but just so you are clear here's another of his poses. Regards your link to yaba no thanks I have no need to read whether HiSo rich kids are likely to take it or not as that was also not being discussed nor does a report that obviously states the obvious.

Wow another photo that proves nothing 2 people holding an air rifle and a bb Gun,


Well, at lest they are not holding a beer and are drinking apple juice.

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The young edgy DJs ? don't think so

not the Thai PM in disguise are you?

And who do you think is more likely to take Yaba - The 'cool' and edgy DJs, fire dancers, tough guys, or a couple of migrant workers having a singsong and a beer on the beach. You say because they had a beer then maybe they have also had Yaba. Well does that not apply to he aforementioned DJs, tough guys etc. Do you think they don't touch a drop of alcohol or drugs?


I've looked at the link. I'm not sure how that rules out the 'cool' guys who worked in the bar? You know, the ones into Western women, posing with guns, wearing jewellery that doubles as weapons etc.

Do I really need to find 10 posts about Thais getting busted with thousands of Yaba pills? I doubt it, I'm sure you've read about some. Not that that has anything to do with this case or even the hypothesis that whoever carried out these crimes might have been under the influence..

Dont worry about it, he gets easily confused, he may post some links of other Burmese getting caught with yaba in Bangkok next. But to some of those Thai DJ's in KT here's a prime example of what they get up to with tourists, this is a one named DJ Love:

Sorry I don't see what point you are making with the photo is he on Yaba ? looks like it could of been taken in maguluf

anyway here is another link about yaba and who are typical users funny Hiso rich kids are not on it.


Sorry I don't see what point you are making with the photo is he on Yaba ?

Try cocaine .... but I agree with you on one thing - these young tourists on KT behave like they are in Magaluf.

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Out of interest.. if he was innocent, why did Nomsod's family send him off to do a bit of Monk time?

It is not demanded of him but for every Young Thai Man his age, or younger sometimes, it is requested to the point of requirement by the family. Sort of like a Christian being Baptized.

Perhaps with all the rumors going on, he may have dropped out of school for the rest of this term. I don't know. But I do know has the time now to fulfill his obligation. It is not a 1 day affair. .

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Dont worry about it, he gets easily confused, he may post some links of other Burmese getting caught with yaba in Bangkok next. But to some of those Thai DJ's in KT here's a prime example of what they get up to with tourists, this is a one named DJ Love:

Holy $hit! Is that (suspicious looking) white powder I see on her stomach?

Could be salt to go with tequila and lemon?

Edited by bunglebag
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Who says all the CCTV were out of action. Is it just because the Police has not told everyone everything they have as Evidence?

Which Police Force is the West discusses an ongoing Murder Trail? Would I be close if I say Zero!

The Prosecution still has about 62 Witnesses to call. Do you now who they are? Do you know what they are going to talk about? Do you know what evidence they may present? The Defense Team as about 20 Witnesses to call. Who are they and what are they going to say or present?

You are jumping to conclusions. Lets see how it all unfolds by the end of September, if it goes this long.

In countries with a functioning criminal justice system, the prosecution is obligated to disclose to the defense all evidence that they intend to present at trial. A failure to do so renders such evidence inadmissible. Further (although I admit this is not always followed in practice) the police are supposed to respond to any reasonable request from the defense for access to materials that might exonerate their clients. Keeping everything that happened on Koh Tao that night a secret, and trying to ambush the defense at trial is not normal.

I am not a Lawyer and I don't make the rules in Thailand. When I do come here I try to follow them.

From what I understand the Prosecution is not obligated to give the Defense Diddly Squat. Zero! Nothing! But I think that a Judge ruled in Favor of the Defenses and now they have some, if not all.

In no country I know of do the Police work with the Defense. They work for the Prosecutor. In the same way as if the Defense discovered something that shows there client guilty, they are protected by law to keep it to themselves. The Police would turn that over to the Prosecutor for him to decide.

I think the rules are the same anywhere you my go outside of your country. Either obey the Laws of that Land, or of you don't like them, then don't go their.

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I rented a workshop for seven years surroended by attached rooms which were rented to workers from Myanmar. Judging by the 3 monthly police raids some of them were here illegally. They would be taken away and usually back in a few days. I was warned that it was a bad idea to set up my workshop in such close proximity as they were desperate and highly likely to steal stuff from me. I talked to them and asked their head if he would call me if he ever heard any break ins etc while I wasn't there. In short in seven years I didn't have one problem. In fact they would run and help putting stuff away when havy rainstorms etc. I often left valuable stuff around and they would take care of it.

One poster on here wants to generalise and is saying Burmese workers are more likely to take yaba. I can only speak from my own experience of 2,536 days been in the midst of approx 120 Burmese workers and never coming accross a bad person. On the contrary they often invited me to join them and chat. Good conversations!!!

Sadly this is the way a great deal of Thais see the Burmese, there's not a lot of compassion lost there. Tony121 seems vehemently determined to further push that unfavourable image of them.

See now you are twisting what I am saying I know plenty of good burmese people I Know plenty of good thai people, you all make out there isn't a bad burmese person in thailand and im proving you wrong. Your all saying on the night of the crime there is no way possible they could have taken yaba ? your wrong simple (yaba (meth) explains the murder scene)


And here you're arguing that the reason for the heinous and gross crime is a drug fueled attack? Wow. After admitting you don't know much about Yaba... You're saying you're sure the drug was a motivating factor in this attack? Again, Wow.

Let me tell you something about tweakers,, they're easily the least capable at any kind of function outside of mingling with other tweakers and not being able to stop picking their faces and generally just being out of their minds. I rate it less than 50% chance anyone involved was on anything other than alcohol.

It is abundantly clear now that you're narrative is intended to muddy the facts and draw attention away from anyone who isn't the B2. There are only 2 of you now, which I take to be a good omen. Out of all the people posting here less than 5 are cnuts.... And it's more likely to be you and GB.

We see through your sharade.... And will continue to do so. Now, anything important to add other than the effects of methamphetamine on different nationalities? No?, then piss off clown.

I see you are still attacking people and name calling just because their Opinion is different than yours.

You have contributed nothing here except attacking people you disagree with. Your constant attacks and to the point of sicking already. You want to control this site and discontinue free speak here.

If you don't agree with someone fine. But for God's Sake's Man simmer down! Nobody is on trial here except the 2 accused. If you have proof that it is different then present it to the Defense Team.

So you lived with 120 Migrant Workers. Big Deal! Myanmar has been a hotbed of sectarian violence for a long time now. You comparing 120 Myanmar Workers is like comparing a piss to and ocean. They are not crime and violet free, just like any other nation in the world.


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Do you realize that 99% of the stuff written on these +122 Pages is not based on any facts at all but merely speculation? That when the FACTS are reported and linked to the Media (which is the only source of information we have whether it is true or false) it is shot down as nobody believes it as it does not fit into their mind set?

But do you attack any of them? No!

You attack someone who you don't agree with and called them a liar when you have zero FACTS to back that up. Just another Hypocrite.

You want FACTS, well here is one for you.

Drugs are in FACT related to many serious crimes.

So you can stick that in your pipe and smoke that to.

Sorry you're so confused, GB. The one 'fact' you offered in the above post, is a generalization.

Tony121's fixation on drugs may or may not have a bearing on finding who the real criminals are. They do serve a function though: to divest from the topic and waste peoples' time and calories responding to their suppositions clad in figments of imagination.

RTP have purposefully not mentioned drugs (zero mention of yaba) in this case, other than the Burmese guys were drinking alcohol.

RTP have not said a peep about....

>>> whether the mafia punks deal or are involved with drugs at their beach bars

>>> whether Sean has a drug dealing connection with Thai drug dealers at the bars (there's at least on FB entry alluding to that)

>>> what, if any, drugs the two victims were doing. RTP stated on the 2nd day of the investigation that they would not release that data (if they even tested for it or had it?) ....in respect for the victims' families.

....so let's let sleeping dogs lie, and try to focus on issues which relate to the crime.

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To GB this was posted by Tony 121 While you were asleep. (quote) See now you are twisting what I am saying I know plenty of good burmese people I Know plenty of good thai people, you all make out there isn't a bad burmese person in thailand and im proving you wrong. Your all saying on the night of the crime there is no way possible they could have taken yaba ? your wrong simple (yaba (meth) explains the murder scene)

So you see when you call me a knave you are incorrect.

I am not spreading gossip I am answering to a previous post. As usual you attack without doing your resarch.

I have no problem with you posting stuff with a differing opinion I have stated previously this makes for a healthy discussion. You really shouldn't take it upon yourself to defend everything others in your camp say. At least not before checking what they have said . Ref :- the last few words in his post

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"Comparing his features to images captured on CCTV, police were able to ascertain that he was one of the three men in the footage.He had recently dyed his hair black when originally his hair was dyed blond. Some blond strands of human hair were found at the scene and were kept as evidence. Police are awaiting DNA test results to confirm their case."


For starters, Asians who try to dye their hair blonde, wind up with a variation of brownish-orange.

Secondly, both the bumbling RTP representative and his top cop boss said last week, the hair was lost. beatdeadhorse.gifviolin.gifbeatdeadhorse.gif

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I rented a workshop for seven years surroended by attached rooms which were rented to workers from Myanmar. Judging by the 3 monthly police raids some of them were here illegally. They would be taken away and usually back in a few days. I was warned that it was a bad idea to set up my workshop in such close proximity as they were desperate and highly likely to steal stuff from me. I talked to them and asked their head if he would call me if he ever heard any break ins etc while I wasn't there. In short in seven years I didn't have one problem. In fact they would run and help putting stuff away when havy rainstorms etc. I often left valuable stuff around and they would take care of it.

One poster on here wants to generalise and is saying Burmese workers are more likely to take yaba. I can only speak from my own experience of 2,536 days been in the midst of approx 120 Burmese workers and never coming accross a bad person. On the contrary they often invited me to join them and chat. Good conversations!!!

Sadly this is the way a great deal of Thais see the Burmese, there's not a lot of compassion lost there. Tony121 seems vehemently determined to further push that unfavourable image of them.

Similar to Kev, although I was seriously threatened once inside Myanmar, I live full time near an enclave of Burmese in Thailand and my own experience is that they are the nicest of people underscored by the further fact they must keep their heads down which they do. I was always interested in the fact they all speak much better English than the Thais do which is an off topic remark, I know.

Agreed in full. All Burmese I know working in Thailand are fully aware of their untermensch-status and therefore choose to spend as much of their time working and doing OT, save money (eg. one guy I know works 9H during the day and then another 4H at night, his wife too). The Burmese community is very aware of their vulnerable scapegoat position. There are Burmese criminals and killers, sure, but as written above, I'd also feel safer with a bunch of Burmese workers around me than with a pack of Thai teenage boys. Aliens tend to sympathise with eachother ;-)

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Typing error on (now) post #2852 above. Didn't see what went into snip box. Apologies.

But as long as I'm here, according to this report, there are five separate families on Koh Tao alone.:

Spend any time living on the island or speak to long termers under normal circumstances and they will speak of the “five families” that inhabit the island. Three of these key families inhabit and control the main Sairee beach, while the other two have more power on the Chalok side of the Island.

These families, in typical Thai fashion, tend to be incredibly jealous of each other, and highly competitive for every tourist dollar


So the notion that there is just one big KT family that will in lock-step protect any member of that family come hell or high water, according to this report, does not hold. One of the other four families might just be happy to turn the kid in for causing them all this unnecessary bullsh-t.

I wonder what family Prasit belonged to, the taxi driver who claimed the RTP beat him and tried to bribe him to be a witness. Mon was certainly not very happy with him and made it public on his facebook page, the post is still there but I cant give the link as its a Thai page

It was reported that the taxi driver sought the protection of another island family headman after this incident. That's how the story ended up in the press.

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I rented a workshop for seven years surroended by attached rooms which were rented to workers from Myanmar. Judging by the 3 monthly police raids some of them were here illegally. They would be taken away and usually back in a few days. I was warned that it was a bad idea to set up my workshop in such close proximity as they were desperate and highly likely to steal stuff from me. I talked to them and asked their head if he would call me if he ever heard any break ins etc while I wasn't there. In short in seven years I didn't have one problem. In fact they would run and help putting stuff away when havy rainstorms etc. I often left valuable stuff around and they would take care of it.

One poster on here wants to generalise and is saying Burmese workers are more likely to take yaba. I can only speak from my own experience of 2,536 days been in the midst of approx 120 Burmese workers and never coming accross a bad person. On the contrary they often invited me to join them and chat. Good conversations!!!

Sadly this is the way a great deal of Thais see the Burmese, there's not a lot of compassion lost there.

Bpamaa: communit (sic), antalaay, sokkaprok, min, bpen aid (sic), etc.

Tell me about it...

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Who says all the CCTV were out of action. Is it just because the Police has not told everyone everything they have as Evidence?

Which Police Force is the West discusses an ongoing Murder Trail? Would I be close if I say Zero!

The Prosecution still has about 62 Witnesses to call. Do you now who they are? Do you know what they are going to talk about? Do you know what evidence they may present? The Defense Team as about 20 Witnesses to call. Who are they and what are they going to say or present?

You are jumping to conclusions. Lets see how it all unfolds by the end of September, if it goes this long.

In countries with a functioning criminal justice system, the prosecution is obligated to disclose to the defense all evidence that they intend to present at trial. A failure to do so renders such evidence inadmissible. Further (although I admit this is not always followed in practice) the police are supposed to respond to any reasonable request from the defense for access to materials that might exonerate their clients. Keeping everything that happened on Koh Tao that night a secret, and trying to ambush the defense at trial is not normal.

I am not a Lawyer and I don't make the rules in Thailand. When I do come here I try to follow them.

From what I understand the Prosecution is not obligated to give the Defense Diddly Squat. Zero! Nothing! But I think that a Judge ruled in Favor of the Defenses and now they have some, if not all.

In no country I know of do the Police work with the Defense. They work for the Prosecutor. In the same way as if the Defense discovered something that shows there client guilty, they are protected by law to keep it to themselves. The Police would turn that over to the Prosecutor for him to decide.

I think the rules are the same anywhere you my go outside of your country. Either obey the Laws of that Land, or of you don't like them, then don't go their.

Hey GB " if you do not like the laws do not go there".

Your problem is that Thailand does not have laws. Have you ever been to Thailand and just stood for two minutes by a stop or traffic light. The colour red is the same here as in other countries, but has a totally different meaning because Thailand does not have laws. Have you noticed that it is not against the law to overthrow the government? If Thailand had laws that would be an illegal act.

No Sir Thailand does not have laws or a criminal justice system ( refer the badly dented Ferrari in BKK ). Therefore that sentence of yours " If you do not like the laws etc" cannot apply to those of us who actually like it here in spite of the lack of laws.

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I wonder if it would be possible to be able to find some actual news about this case without trawling through 30 odd pages (since the last actual news) of useless speculation and innuendo by the same posters about the same topics. Over and over every thread about this ends up the same. It would be nice to just be able to read some facts about this, now everyone will have to search through all this same old c#@p being churned over endlessly before they can actually read some real facts about this.

Maybe some of you should give it a rest?

How about a strictly news topic following the court case? No speculation.

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I wonder if it would be possible to be able to find some actual news about this case without trawling through 30 odd pages (since the last actual news) of useless speculation and innuendo by the same posters about the same topics. Over and over every thread about this ends up the same. It would be nice to just be able to read some facts about this, now everyone will have to search through all this same old c#@p being churned over endlessly before they can actually read some real facts about this.

Maybe some of you should give it a rest?

How about a strictly news topic following the court case? No speculation.

That is what Google is for ... https://www.google.co.th/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&rlz=1C1CHFX_enUS582US582&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=koh+tao&safe=off&tbm=nws

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I wonder if it would be possible to be able to find some actual news about this case without trawling through 30 odd pages (since the last actual news) of useless speculation and innuendo by the same posters about the same topics. Over and over every thread about this ends up the same. It would be nice to just be able to read some facts about this, now everyone will have to search through all this same old c#@p being churned over endlessly before they can actually read some real facts about this.

Maybe some of you should give it a rest?

How about a strictly news topic following the court case? No speculation.

I would like to stay updated, but don't have the patience to go through all the comments. A strictly news thread would be great for this.
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Do you realize that 99% of the stuff written on these +122 Pages is not based on any facts at all but merely speculation? That when the FACTS are reported and linked to the Media (which is the only source of information we have whether it is true or false) it is shot down as nobody believes it as it does not fit into their mind set?

But do you attack any of them? No!

You attack someone who you don't agree with and called them a liar when you have zero FACTS to back that up. Just another Hypocrite.

You want FACTS, well here is one for you.

Drugs are in FACT related to many serious crimes.

So you can stick that in your pipe and smoke that to.

Sorry you're so confused, GB. The one 'fact' you offered in the above post, is a generalization.

Tony121's fixation on drugs may or may not have a bearing on finding who the real criminals are. They do serve a function though: to divest from the topic and waste peoples' time and calories responding to their suppositions clad in figments of imagination.

RTP have purposefully not mentioned drugs (zero mention of yaba) in this case, other than the Burmese guys were drinking alcohol.

RTP have not said a peep about....

>>> whether the mafia punks deal or are involved with drugs at their beach bars

>>> whether Sean has a drug dealing connection with Thai drug dealers at the bars (there's at least on FB entry alluding to that)

>>> what, if any, drugs the two victims were doing. RTP stated on the 2nd day of the investigation that they would not release that data (if they even tested for it or had it?) ....in respect for the victims' families.

....so let's let sleeping dogs lie, and try to focus on issues which relate to the crime.

I totally agree it is pure speculation. I also agree that drugs has no bearing as far as who committed these crimes. Who gave them a drug test that night to see what condition they were in? Or for that matter a breathalyzer? So if on one hand we are going to discredit drug use then we also have discredit their statement they were drunk as well. AS neither can be proven.

Also no talk about mafia involved with drugs or any of that on the Island. But there have been posts made here with claims they are readily available on the Island. I don't know as I have never been their, but if they are then someone must be selling them.

Personally, and as I said, this drug thing has merit with me. I can't speak for anyone else or John, but I just have a difficult time believing someone could do such a horrible thing like he did with two these 2 Victims, dead sober, or not high on drugs. Who ever it may be. I am sure it happens, but I am just having a hard time believing it.

As mentioned it was pure speculation, which personally I have see a lot here without someone getting attacked for it. If a person doesn't agree then this can open an interesting discussion. But when people start attacking others just because they don't share the same opinion, then start calling them names, this is where all this wasted time has gone. I don't think anyone here wants to see post after post of nothing but arguments. If people don't want to hear some else's different opinion then go to a blog where everyone is on the same page, and where nobody different.

The Ignore Option is always available for anyone to use. Nobody is forcing anyone here to read what they write. Nobody is on Trial here.

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What's a hippie?

(especially in the 1960s) a person of unconventional appearance, typically having long hair and wearing beads, associated with a subculture involving a rejection of conventional values and the taking of hallucinogenic drugs.

synonyms: flower child, Bohemian, beatnik, long-hair, free spirit, nonconformist,dropout

Except for the beads, that's me. wub.pngblink.pngcrazy.gifunsure.pngcowboy.gifguitar.gif

That's me as well, except nearly 50 years later, I'm a different kind of hippie, or should that be hippo? giggle.gif

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David Miller's Missing Mobile Phone.


interesting wording from same article "“None of the witness testimonies included anything that could implicate [Win Zaw Htun and Zaw Lin] as the murderers. It’s starting to appear that it wasn’t them,” said Moe Wai"


Cool. I am glad you are happy with my Links.

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