timewilltell Posted July 28, 2015 Posted July 28, 2015 If this was my home country the case would have been tossed out by the judge already. Just like that. I'm wondering if there's ever a time in Thailand where a judge sees that the prosecution can't prove its case "beyond a (any) reasonable doubt" and dismisses the case out of hand. If that happens the accused can't be charged or tried again. It's up to the prosecution to prove its case and never up to the defendant to prove his innocence. This worries me about Thailand as much as anything. Is there any justice for foreigners which these boys are? We'll see. One thing that a lot of expats are aware of but others may well not be, so bears repeating or saying, is that in general in Asian countries the "justice" system is very heavily weighted towards prosecution. Even in more westernised and modernised Japan something like 99% of trials end in conviction, which is freaking scary if you think about it. There's basically no concept of "innocent until proven guilty," or of reasonable doubt; getting the attention of the authorities, never mind being arrested or jailed, or worse ending up in the situation these two guys are, carries a stigma of guilt beyond what Westerners would, for the most part, ever experience back home. This is one reason why in any Asian country I've spent some time the citizens make every effort to have zero contact with the police--things can easily go south if you do. Unless of course you are a foreign Plaintiff in which case the chances of success are reversed - such is the racism and anti-foreigner sentiment amongst the vast majority involved with a 'so called' Justice system. Unfortunately the principles of justice lie well beyond the mentality of the average person working within the Justice system here.
JohnThailandJohn Posted July 28, 2015 Posted July 28, 2015 It strikes me as a bit odd that the 2 Burmese commit what is turning out to be the crime of the century and having committed 2 gruesome murders go calmly off to bed. In the meantime another local identity who had nothing to do with the crime flees the island in a speedboat in the wee dark hours. Got me baffled. We employed a guy once who was in rehabilitation from being a fairly physical sort of criminal, he told me that when they do the big ones the adrenalin rush is through the roof. The crime is better than drugs were his words, And now we have two midgets who had no practice in the art of murder performing a really big one and calmly going off to bed. Another poster raised the point about their comradeship and dignity since their arrest. It seems no other prisoner has over heard them quarrelling or telling each other they should not have gone so far etc. Its got me baffled. If Sean could get off the island why could the Burmese not get off the same way, they must have known the Thai authorities would punish them for the murders. In addition to your first sentance may i add something i find very odd.. After the most dispicable crime, when they are confessing, they were sloshed drunk.. So, you might think under the horriffic circumstances they would forget certain insignificant details, but yet they thought it significant to mention their smoking and drinking wine. and both these details fit snugly in with the 2 main pieces of evidence. Now i dont about you, but to see poor Burmese on minimum wage drinking wine? (Also the friend was supposed to have gone back to the accomodation to get more beer) So now, they've pulled of the crime of the century, while plastered, able to pull the whole thing off, got home safe and sound on bike, in bed by 5am. then when confessing just happen to casually mention smoking and bottles of wine and..bingo! And as for the running man in the cctv..well he is running quite effeciently for a 5"guy sloshed on beer and wine...doesnt look drunk at all to me If they didn't mention the cigarettes in the confession, the certainly would have been asked about it since police had already stated very early in the case the dna on the cigarettes matched that found in the victim. These guys had also been under suspicion for days and the police also probably had the video of them buying the same brand. So regardless if the volunteered the smoking or not, they would have been asked about it. The vast majority of people who get drunk, don;t have blackouts and it is rare for people to forget what they drank to get to a drunken state. The same comments about the "poor" defendants not being able to afford named brand smokes was stated just like you mention the wine but video shows they did in fact buy that brand of cigarettes. As for wine, there is cheap wine. If they were in bed at 5 AM and they were both "sloshed drunk" as you say then this would explain there going home and passing out. Not seeing anything in your points that would at all indicate proof of anything ... just speculating on insignificant things mentioned. I have no idea what is true when it comes to details as sooo many have been reported inaccurately. None of this is going to matter. The DNA is going to be the case and everything else will fall inline with those results. If the DNA doesn't match then even a direct witness testimony will be ignored but if it does then even more questionable circumstantial evidence will believed in the trial. As for the running guy on the video ... have prosecutors stated it was one of these two? Has either side during the trial stated that person was involved? I am not being sarcastic but don;t know. I thought I heard police played the video in court without much comment being reported. Made me wonder if it might be the friend who is now a prosecution witness but have no clue how or if the running person even fits into the crime ... actually wasn't it reported it was an individual running back and forth between a Burmese camp? Seem to recall something like that being stated in the last couple weeks in the press but again not sure and thought no identity was given.
loonodingle Posted July 28, 2015 Posted July 28, 2015 No idea what you are asking. 3 Friends on the beach. 2 suspects / defendants and 1 Witness. Fairly straight forward. JTJ Witness to what?? Have to wait for the witness to testify to know that, won't we? Only thing we seem to know for sure at this point is he is a prosecution witness in a robbery, rape and double homicide trial. My Take on it was he was a witness to the fact they had a drink on the beach. and then he went to his Loom... In fact that's about the sum of it. Some cctv going in a shop. Could of been u or I. Admission of being on the beach. Well lots more people went there as well. What we really need is Proper witnesses. Like Hannah's friends and David's friends. They knew what went in the preceding hours. They will have had a good idea who Hannah was meeting as she left her phone with one of the girls.... Sorry lady's as they are over 18. Then there's shirt number 9 and the couple walking a few seconds near to the running man. Then the patrons of the AC bar who witnessed an argument it is said. The CCTV from the AC. Witnesses in Bangkok who spent the weekend with NS. Witnesses from the telephone company to detail the movements of NS mobi over those few days. Just to clear up some doubts. Witnesses who had a place at the interrogation. Of course we need them to take a lie detector. In fact we should let the entire lot of them take it inc the B2. That would be something to see hey.. The whole bl00dy lot of them, lets see who is telling porky pies.
IslandLover Posted July 28, 2015 Posted July 28, 2015 The third friend who is a witness against them, where did you pull that one from? I'm assuming you referring to Maung Maung No idea what you are asking. 3 Friends on the beach. 2 suspects / defendants and 1 Witness. Fairly straight forward. JTJ Witness to what?? That they were sitting on a log on the beach, drinking beer, playing guitar, singing songs and smoking fags?
smedly Posted July 28, 2015 Posted July 28, 2015 The running man The running man was seen passing that camera 4 times, twice earlier around 4:44am (running) and again at around 5am walking, highly suspected to be involved police have made 2 claims as to the identity 1a, Nomsod - they released the running man video and announced he was a suspect (early on in the investigation) 2a. Mon clamed it was him ???????? 3a. It was one of the B2, this claim made in court by police, I believe 100% not true, wrong height - no wristbands - clothes don't match Putting David on the beach There is no disclosed evidence to suggest David and Hannah went there together and IMO is highly unlikely, there could be several scenarios that brought David to the beach Considering police claim they have written statements that 2x French girls staying at the resort heard screams from the beach in the early hours - fact 1b. He was walking past and heard a disturbance and went to investigate 2b. He was in his room and heard a disturbance and went to investigate 3b. 3c 5c all plausible and makes no difference as we know he ended up on the beach during, before or after the assault on Hannah but may have influenced the outcome of "rape only" or double murder and rape How did Hannah end up on the beach 1c. walking back to her room she noticed B2 sitting on the log singing so innocently went to join them 2c. went there with someone from the bar possibly Thai 3c. went with David directly from the bar 4c. was followed home and taken there by force 5c. went with David directly from the bar and were both followed 6c. was assaulted somewhere else and taken there Were B2 on the beach same time as Hannah 1d. Police said they have cctv of B2 leaving the beach on a motorbike - critical evidence indicating what time they left the beach 2. 1c Did the accused (B2) commit the rape and murders 1e. 1c 3c (1d confirmation), independently verifiable dna evidence from the victims 2e. no they had already left the beach beforehand Did someone else commit the rape and murders ? 1f. 1e 2c-6c 2f. running man was likely involved 1a 2a 3a 3f. total failure of police investigation either on purpose or pure incompetence 4f. questionable transfer of original police lead investigator
GOLDBUGGY Posted July 29, 2015 Posted July 29, 2015 Another poster raised the point about their comradeship and dignity since their arrest. It seems no other prisoner has over heard them quarrelling or telling each other they should not have gone so far etc. Its got me baffled. If Sean could get off the island why could the Burmese not get off the same way, they must have known the Thai authorities would punish them for the murders. Wasn't one of them arrested after leaving the island or was that the 3rd friend who is a witness against them? On October 12, the Media B.P. conducted an Interview with the Burmese Translator (Thailand Murders Translator Interview) and where you can find that it was alleged that Win had fled the Island to Surat Thani and where he was arrested. Personally I don't put too much faith in this Media Report as I have never seen this confirmed from another source or by anyone else. But it was stated their.
IslandLover Posted July 29, 2015 Posted July 29, 2015 What about checking CCTV to see how Nomsod arrived on the island in the first place. Anything that proves he was there hurts his families credibility. Are you mad??? That island was cleaned top to bottom. All cctv that was Incriminating dissapeared. All facebook accounts of locals cleared out pictures of NS. The word went out not to comment on the case. It was as close to surgi al wipe.down as they could muster. There was a guy Chris who is a British guy works at a dive school who posted he had a beer with Sean McAnna thta night but that dissapeared. Yes and the clearing out of photos and posts from facebook is easily verified, just go to any of the facebook pages of local dj's and all those with connections to AC bar and headmans family. Sept 2015 no longer exists on their facebook. This is a fact. Which is something I've mentioned and still people say "does deleting your Facebook make you guilty?" Well not technically but it's very suspicious! I'd love to find shark tooth ring dudes FB. Happy to oblige https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100002317089934&fref=pb&hc_location=friends_tab&pnref=friends.all
metisdead Posted July 29, 2015 Posted July 29, 2015 When posting updates please stay within the forum rules: 6) You will not post comments that could be reasonably construed as defamation or libel. Defamation is the issuance of a statement about another person or business which causes that person to suffer harm. It does not have to be false to be defamatory. Libel is when the defamatory statement is published either in a drawing, painting, cinematography, film, picture or letters made visible by any means, or any other recording instruments, recording picture or letters, or by broadcasting or spreading picture, or by propagation by any other means. Defamation is both a civil and criminal charge in Thailand. 14) You will not post any copyrighted material except as fair use laws apply (as in the case of news articles). Please only post a link, the headline and the first three sentences. 26) The Bangkok Post and Phuketwan do not allow quotes from their news articles or other material to appear on Thaivisa.com. Neither do they allow links to their publications. Posts from members containing quotes from or links to Bangkok Post or Phuketwan publications will be deleted from the forum. These restrictions are put in place by the above publications, not Thaivisa.com In rare cases, forum Administrators or the news team may use these sources under special permission. Be advised content from CSI LA is not deemed as a credible news source. Posts containing content from CSI LA will simply continue to disappear. There have been requests from other members to post content containing Thai language, this is an English language forum. English is the only acceptable language anywhere on ThaiVisa including Classifieds, except within the Thai language forum, where of course using Thai is allowed.
smedly Posted July 29, 2015 Posted July 29, 2015 I personally don't trust the translator, he is in bed with police and could also possibly be getting huge kickbacks from certain people to fabricate his statements or other peoples statements, in my opinion anything he has said or quoted is highly unreliable JMO - it is also possible that B2 in isolation had no idea what was being released or about their statements (written in Thai) and alleged confessions to the media, don't forget that translation works both ways and they were likely completely in the dark until they got independent council to tell them exactly what was going on - they should have been given legal council immediately upon their arrest - exactly why this investigation cannot stand up to scrutiny or due process which most of us expect in the west It's about time Thailand got their criminal justice and police procedures brought up to date and into this century instead of from the dark ages
thailandchilli Posted July 29, 2015 Posted July 29, 2015 The third friend who is a witness against them, where did you pull that one from? I'm assuming you referring to Maung Maung No idea what you are asking. 3 Friends on the beach. 2 suspects / defendants and 1 Witness. Fairly straight forward. JTJ Witness to what?? Have to wait for the witness to testify to know that, won't we? Only thing we seem to know for sure at this point is he is a prosecution witness in a robbery, rape and double homicide trial. You've got a long wait if you think he's going to come back from Burma to testify against his mates
boomerangutang Posted July 29, 2015 Posted July 29, 2015 OK genuine replies only Does anybody recall or know when and how the allegations of an altercation in a bar between one of the victims and a thai first materialised Interesting question, I hope they did not come from gossip. If I remember correctly a witness told it to a local reporter on the island. I read recently that Muang Muang (the 3rd Burmese lad) claimed he had a tussle with Nomsod in AC bar that night (14th and 15th) and that David showed up to do or say something (pull them apart?). It may be rumor, but it's very likely MM will be a witness - probably for the defense. Even if it appears as rumor, it's the sort of thing RTP should investigate, yet it's the precise sort of the thing the RTP doesn't want to look in to. The reason is obvious: Anything which could implicate people connected to the Headman, is off-limits for investigators. Yes I read that to in the latest Daily Mail article, but I think there are 2 separate Muang Muang's. Person A is Muang Muang - He is a key witness who fled to Burma. He is Rhakine. Person B is Pyo - He is a Burmese DJ at AC BAR Person C is Myo Aung - He is also Burmese. He is a right-hand man of Nomsod's dad. Muang Muang fled to Burma 3-4 days after the incident. He fled to Kawthoung, a border town next to Ranong Province. (above info I cannot verify it was taken from another source) The guy next to C is a Thai, Sun Thampachana, he was pictured right next to Hannah on the Koh Tao Party Bar Crawl the previous evening Thanks Thailandchilli, ....yet more proof that we concerned netizens, are doing a lot more sleuthing than RTP's finest. The guy next to C, Sun Tampachana with square head, is also 'Stingray Man' if I'm not mistaken - the guy who used to show off his sharks tooth ring to everyone who cared to admire it. I think he's also one of the half dozen party guys who posed, slightly grinning, with hoes (not whores) just after the crime. I thought Muang Muang was the 3rd Burmese (who was let off the suspect list by RTP because he didn't scare as easily as the his two buddies), but I could be wrong. Perhaps it's a different MM who says he was in the AC bar that fateful night, and had a tussle with Nomsod, with David peripherally involved. These are the sorts of things that Brit experts would have delved in to but, as we all know, they were specifically barred by the PM from doing any investigating of any sort. All the Brits were allowed to do (for less than 2 days on the island) was listen to their silver-tongued Thai minder. Then the Brits went back to UK, told some social workers who in turn went and told the families that the right suspects are being held. Connect the dots.
boomerangutang Posted July 29, 2015 Posted July 29, 2015 The third friend who is a witness against them, where did you pull that one from? I'm assuming you referring to Maung Maung No idea what you are asking. 3 Friends on the beach. 2 suspects / defendants and 1 Witness. Fairly straight forward. JTJ Witness to what?? ....witness to two guys relaxing at the beach, playing some songs, drinking beer, smoking some cigs. ....hours before the crime. Speaking of 'hours before the crime'..... the only, I repeat the ONLY CCTV footage of the B2 (that any of us have seen thus far) is them on the motorcycle by the shops, .....5 HOURS BEFORE THE CRIME. Can't the RTP dig up anything better than that - for their frame-up? The DNA is trail is hopelessly trashed, so what else do the prosecution have? Oh sorry, almost forgot, they have the confession derived from torture.
IslandLover Posted July 29, 2015 Posted July 29, 2015 Thanks Thailandchilli, ....yet more proof that we concerned netizens, are doing a lot more sleuthing than RTP's finest. The guy next to C, Sun Tampachana with square head, is also 'Stingray Man' if I'm not mistaken - the guy who used to show off his sharks tooth ring to everyone who cared to admire it. I think he's also one of the half dozen party guys who posed, slightly grinning, with hoes (not whores) just after the crime.I thought Muang Muang was the 3rd Burmese (who was let off the suspect list by RTP because he didn't scare as easily as the his two buddies), but I could be wrong. Perhaps it's a different MM who says he was in the AC bar that fateful night, and had a tussle with Nomsod, with David peripherally involved. These are the sorts of things that Brit experts would have delved in to but, as we all know, they were specifically barred by the PM from doing any investigating of any sort. All the Brits were allowed to do (for less than 2 days on the island) was listen to their silver-tongued Thai minder. Then the Brits went back to UK, told some social workers who in turn went and told the families that the right suspects are being held. Connect the dots. Boomer, you have it wrong. Stingray Man and Sun Thampachana are two different people. Aon (the motorbike renter and repairman) likes to pose with a hoe = Hoe Man. Granted, all three characters look similar.
Darkknight666 Posted July 29, 2015 Posted July 29, 2015 Thanks Thailandchilli, ....yet more proof that we concerned netizens, are doing a lot more sleuthing than RTP's finest. The guy next to C, Sun Tampachana with square head, is also 'Stingray Man' if I'm not mistaken - the guy who used to show off his sharks tooth ring to everyone who cared to admire it. I think he's also one of the half dozen party guys who posed, slightly grinning, with hoes (not whores) just after the crime. I thought Muang Muang was the 3rd Burmese (who was let off the suspect list by RTP because he didn't scare as easily as the his two buddies), but I could be wrong. Perhaps it's a different MM who says he was in the AC bar that fateful night, and had a tussle with Nomsod, with David peripherally involved. These are the sorts of things that Brit experts would have delved in to but, as we all know, they were specifically barred by the PM from doing any investigating of any sort. All the Brits were allowed to do (for less than 2 days on the island) was listen to their silver-tongued Thai minder. Then the Brits went back to UK, told some social workers who in turn went and told the families that the right suspects are being held. Connect the dots. Boomer, you have it wrong. Stingray Man and Sun Thampachana are two different people. Aon (the motorbike renter and repairman) likes to pose with a hoe = Hoe Man. Granted, all three characters look similar. Yes and like I just PM boomer... I suspect this guy was involved. He fits the bill of a "bodyguard" what with his shooting range photos and sting ray ring. And yes he is the one posed with a similar hoe with a cocky look on his face.
boomerangutang Posted July 29, 2015 Posted July 29, 2015 As for the running guy on the video ... have prosecutors stated it was one of these two? Has either side during the trial stated that person was involved? I am not being sarcastic but don;t know. I thought I heard police played the video in court without much comment being reported. Made me wonder if it might be the friend who is now a prosecution witness but have no clue how or if the running person even fits into the crime ... actually wasn't it reported it was an individual running back and forth between a Burmese camp? Seem to recall something like that being stated in the last couple weeks in the press but again not sure and thought no identity was given. JTJ, you really stepped in to it, this time. "...running back and forth to the Burmese camp" Gimme a f'in break. That statement was obviously subjective drivel mentioned by RTP. If the judge was an impressionable 5 year old, it might get some credence, but he's not. The CCTV shows a thin young man (not a 45 yr old like Mon), a foot taller than either of the suspects, with mannerisms, body type and gait which perfectly match Nomsod. To say he's going to the Burmese camp is no more bankable than saying he's going anywhere else on the small island.
Darkknight666 Posted July 29, 2015 Posted July 29, 2015 I'm still going through it but I don't see any photos of that infamous ring so far.... Hmmmm.
Darkknight666 Posted July 29, 2015 Posted July 29, 2015 Actually, looking again I can't tell if "Hoe Man" has the same birthmark on his forehead.. Man those guys look alike to me.
boomerangutang Posted July 29, 2015 Posted July 29, 2015 Thanks Thailandchilli, ....yet more proof that we concerned netizens, are doing a lot more sleuthing than RTP's finest. The guy next to C, Sun Tampachana with square head, is also 'Stingray Man' if I'm not mistaken - the guy who used to show off his sharks tooth ring to everyone who cared to admire it. I think he's also one of the half dozen party guys who posed, slightly grinning, with hoes (not whores) just after the crime.I thought Muang Muang was the 3rd Burmese (who was let off the suspect list by RTP because he didn't scare as easily as the his two buddies), but I could be wrong. Perhaps it's a different MM who says he was in the AC bar that fateful night, and had a tussle with Nomsod, with David peripherally involved. These are the sorts of things that Brit experts would have delved in to but, as we all know, they were specifically barred by the PM from doing any investigating of any sort. All the Brits were allowed to do (for less than 2 days on the island) was listen to their silver-tongued Thai minder. Then the Brits went back to UK, told some social workers who in turn went and told the families that the right suspects are being held. Connect the dots. Boomer, you have it wrong. Stingray Man and Sun Thampachana are two different people. Aon (the motorbike renter and repairman) likes to pose with a hoe = Hoe Man. Granted, all three characters look similar. I'm glad at least some people are taking a close look at those questionables. That's surely more than RTP detectives are doing - or, if RTP find they're implicated, they're hiding/trashing the evidence. RTP should have a 'situation room' with a large bulletin board on the wall. Mug shots of all persons of interest, particularly those tough guys who hand at AC bar and have a history of (pick one or more of the following) date-rapes, guns, fights, dealing drugs, posing with hoes, etc. .....to try and gauge who was involved with the crime - when, how, where, etc.
IslandLover Posted July 29, 2015 Posted July 29, 2015 I'm still going through it but I don't see any photos of that infamous ring so far.... Hmmmm. This picture was posted on 22 June 2014. It is on his right hand. Some of the more obvious photos seem to have been deleted. I wonder why?
Darkknight666 Posted July 29, 2015 Posted July 29, 2015 I'm still going through it but I don't see any photos of that infamous ring so far.... Hmmmm. This picture was posted on 22 June 2014. It is on his right hand. Some of the more obvious photos seem to have been deleted. I wonder why? Ouch, how did I miss that. Also all of 2014 is private, wonder why? So many wonders we need to keep in the discussion until actual justice is delivered. I know its not t funny, but LEO's in other countries looking at this case must have a hard time keeping a straight face when looking at the RTP's "case". It's so sad.
Darkknight666 Posted July 29, 2015 Posted July 29, 2015 Somebody tough had to look after the bodies while somebody connected went to gain access to transportation off the island before the cops were called. Hmm, boat keys anyone?
IslandLover Posted July 29, 2015 Posted July 29, 2015 Thanks Thailandchilli, ....yet more proof that we concerned netizens, are doing a lot more sleuthing than RTP's finest. The guy next to C, Sun Tampachana with square head, is also 'Stingray Man' if I'm not mistaken - the guy who used to show off his sharks tooth ring to everyone who cared to admire it. I think he's also one of the half dozen party guys who posed, slightly grinning, with hoes (not whores) just after the crime. I thought Muang Muang was the 3rd Burmese (who was let off the suspect list by RTP because he didn't scare as easily as the his two buddies), but I could be wrong. Perhaps it's a different MM who says he was in the AC bar that fateful night, and had a tussle with Nomsod, with David peripherally involved. These are the sorts of things that Brit experts would have delved in to but, as we all know, they were specifically barred by the PM from doing any investigating of any sort. All the Brits were allowed to do (for less than 2 days on the island) was listen to their silver-tongued Thai minder. Then the Brits went back to UK, told some social workers who in turn went and told the families that the right suspects are being held. Connect the dots. Boomer, you have it wrong. Stingray Man and Sun Thampachana are two different people. Aon (the motorbike renter and repairman) likes to pose with a hoe = Hoe Man. Granted, all three characters look similar. Yes and like I just PM boomer... I suspect this guy was involved. He fits the bill of a "bodyguard" what with his shooting range photos and sting ray ring. And yes he is the one posed with a similar hoe with a cocky look on his face. For the umpteenth time, Stingray Man, Sun T and Hoe Man (Aon) are all different people! Here's Hoe Man https://www.facebook.com/aonkohtao.thailand?fref=pb&hc_location=profile_browser And for good measure, here's Sun T https://www.facebook.com/sun.thampachana?fref=pb&hc_location=friends_tab&pnref=friends.all And here's Stingray Man. He is easy to identify due to the prominent birthmark across his forehead. https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100002317089934
Darkknight666 Posted July 29, 2015 Posted July 29, 2015 Thanks Thailandchilli, ....yet more proof that we concerned netizens, are doing a lot more sleuthing than RTP's finest. The guy next to C, Sun Tampachana with square head, is also 'Stingray Man' if I'm not mistaken - the guy who used to show off his sharks tooth ring to everyone who cared to admire it. I think he's also one of the half dozen party guys who posed, slightly grinning, with hoes (not whores) just after the crime. I thought Muang Muang was the 3rd Burmese (who was let off the suspect list by RTP because he didn't scare as easily as the his two buddies), but I could be wrong. Perhaps it's a different MM who says he was in the AC bar that fateful night, and had a tussle with Nomsod, with David peripherally involved. These are the sorts of things that Brit experts would have delved in to but, as we all know, they were specifically barred by the PM from doing any investigating of any sort. All the Brits were allowed to do (for less than 2 days on the island) was listen to their silver-tongued Thai minder. Then the Brits went back to UK, told some social workers who in turn went and told the families that the right suspects are being held. Connect the dots. Boomer, you have it wrong. Stingray Man and Sun Thampachana are two different people. Aon (the motorbike renter and repairman) likes to pose with a hoe = Hoe Man. Granted, all three characters look similar. Yes and like I just PM boomer... I suspect this guy was involved. He fits the bill of a "bodyguard" what with his shooting range photos and sting ray ring. And yes he is the one posed with a similar hoe with a cocky look on his face. For the umpteenth time, Stingray Man, Sun T and Hoe Man (Aon) are all different people! Here's Hoe Man https://www.facebook.com/aonkohtao.thailand?fref=pb&hc_location=profile_browser And for good measure, here's Sun T https://www.facebook.com/sun.thampachana?fref=pb&hc_location=friends_tab&pnref=friends.all And here's Stingray Man. He is easy to identify due to the prominent birthmark across his forehead. https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100002317089934 Yes thanks I'm looking at these on my phone and thought I saw the birthmark on his forehead.
IslandLover Posted July 29, 2015 Posted July 29, 2015 Thanks Thailandchilli, ....yet more proof that we concerned netizens, are doing a lot more sleuthing than RTP's finest. The guy next to C, Sun Tampachana with square head, is also 'Stingray Man' if I'm not mistaken - the guy who used to show off his sharks tooth ring to everyone who cared to admire it. I think he's also one of the half dozen party guys who posed, slightly grinning, with hoes (not whores) just after the crime.I thought Muang Muang was the 3rd Burmese (who was let off the suspect list by RTP because he didn't scare as easily as the his two buddies), but I could be wrong. Perhaps it's a different MM who says he was in the AC bar that fateful night, and had a tussle with Nomsod, with David peripherally involved. These are the sorts of things that Brit experts would have delved in to but, as we all know, they were specifically barred by the PM from doing any investigating of any sort. All the Brits were allowed to do (for less than 2 days on the island) was listen to their silver-tongued Thai minder. Then the Brits went back to UK, told some social workers who in turn went and told the families that the right suspects are being held. Connect the dots. Boomer, you have it wrong. Stingray Man and Sun Thampachana are two different people. Aon (the motorbike renter and repairman) likes to pose with a hoe = Hoe Man. Granted, all three characters look similar. I'm glad at least some people are taking a close look at those questionables. That's surely more than RTP detectives are doing - or, if RTP find they're implicated, they're hiding/trashing the evidence. RTP should have a 'situation room' with a large bulletin board on the wall. Mug shots of all persons of interest, particularly those tough guys who hand at AC bar and have a history of (pick one or more of the following) date-rapes, guns, fights, dealing drugs, posing with hoes, etc. .....to try and gauge who was involved with the crime - when, how, where, etc. What an ugly bunch of mugshots they'd make too
smedly Posted July 29, 2015 Posted July 29, 2015 As for the running guy on the video ... have prosecutors stated it was one of these two? Has either side during the trial stated that person was involved? I am not being sarcastic but don;t know. I thought I heard police played the video in court without much comment being reported. Made me wonder if it might be the friend who is now a prosecution witness but have no clue how or if the running person even fits into the crime ... actually wasn't it reported it was an individual running back and forth between a Burmese camp? Seem to recall something like that being stated in the last couple weeks in the press but again not sure and thought no identity was given. JTJ, you really stepped in to it, this time. "...running back and forth to the Burmese camp" Gimme a f'in break. That statement was obviously subjective drivel mentioned by RTP. If the judge was an impressionable 5 year old, it might get some credence, but he's not. The CCTV shows a thin young man (not a 45 yr old like Mon), a foot taller than either of the suspects, with mannerisms, body type and gait which perfectly match Nomsod. To say he's going to the Burmese camp is no more bankable than saying he's going anywhere else on the small island. it was reported that police in court claimed running man was one of the accused, how many times do I have to repeat this ? and equally it is very obviously not one of the accused for a number of reasons which I am not going to repeat over and over, wrong clothes - no wristbands - taller, these are facts and very obvious observations to anyone with an IQ slightly higher than a buffalo
smedly Posted July 29, 2015 Posted July 29, 2015 Stingray Man compelling and very hard to account for these wounds other than that ring
IslandLover Posted July 29, 2015 Posted July 29, 2015 Stingray Man The two upper pictures are the ones that have disappeared from his fb. Suspicious much?
JohnThailandJohn Posted July 29, 2015 Posted July 29, 2015 The third friend who is a witness against them, where did you pull that one from? I'm assuming you referring to Maung Maung No idea what you are asking. 3 Friends on the beach. 2 suspects / defendants and 1 Witness. Fairly straight forward. JTJ Witness to what?? ....witness to two guys relaxing at the beach, playing some songs, drinking beer, smoking some cigs. ....hours before the crime. Wasn't he also a bartender where the two were last seen? At minimum, based on reports, he would put them at the scene smoking around the time of the murders and where police said from early on they found butt(s) with DNA that matched DNA from the semen found in the victim and the later confirmed this was their DNA. This is significant would be important testimony anywhere in a similar case as it not only adds credibility to the prosecution case but also provides means to commit the crime as well as giving insight into what may have transpired as opposed to just presenting the DNA evidence, especially given he was friends with the two.
thailandchilli Posted July 29, 2015 Posted July 29, 2015 Stingray Man We know this guy shark tooth man has previous allegations against him. As a side note rape in an Island like KT would not be considered a serious issue due to a lack of effective reporting and investigative procedures on the Island and so I'm sure it happened quite often. Earlier this year Phi Phi was highlighted as a major concern for unreported rapes by a Norwegian Consulate PHUKET: A major leap forward has been taken to bring Koh Phi Phi rapists to justice, following concerns raised by the Norwegian Honorary Consul regarding jurisdiction issues which led to island rape cases failing to be fully investigated. “We want to see police treat rape as a serious crime. We want police to bring rapists to justice. We want to ensure that police are determining whether or not an alleged victim was sexually assaulted. We want police to pursue every rape case to an end,” said Royal Norwegian Honorary Consul Pornphan Sittichaivijit http://www.phuketgazette.net/phuket-news/Phuket-police-slash-red-tape-Phi-Phi/57978
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