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Koh Tao: Trial opens for 2 accused of killing British tourists


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You may or may not be who you say but this does not mean you know this case. How long have you been an Investigator in this case?

And your qualifications and experience are? Mine was in law enforcement for 30 years, and when I left I held the rank of Detective Sergeant, was a qualified crash, crime scene, fraud and homicide investigator, after having undertaken the necessary specialist courses. I was also the lead investigator in many, many cases. So I think I have a bit of an idea about what I have stated. If I may, I'd suggest you read my post and understand what the following means.

"Contamination is the introduction of something to a scene that was not previously there. Investigators can even compromise and contaminate the scene with their own footprints." Also this, "the crime scene has been contaminated thus compromising the investigation given what is now known to have occurred there. As such, one could reasonably state that any evidence collected there and possibly elsewhere, has been compromised.

Now I have no problem with someone, who has the experience, knowledge and qualifications critiquing what I have written but when someone, who clearly has no idea of what they are on about, then I suggest you do not enter the debate in relation to crime scene investigation unless you know what you are talking about, which quite clearly, you do not.

As for your examples and the questions asked, I have no intention of fuelling the fire by even contemplating providing an answer to such childish and irrelevant requests. I'd suggest you learn and understand legal definitions and maybe then you won't engage in such written foolishness.

To back your statement just show me one Media Report who says this Crime Scene has been Contaminated!

I'm waiting!

Your wait is over GB - I have JUST ONE:

<<<<26) The Bangkok Post and Phuketwan do not allow quotes from their news articles or other material to appear on Thaivisa.com. Neither do they allow links to their publications. Posts from members containing quotes from or links to Bangkok Post or Phuketwan publications will be deleted from the forum.>>>>

This media report says the crime scene was contaminated. Also, that CONTRARY to media reports, the island was never locked down.

Where do you think the media got the idea the island was locked down? The Police.

You guys keep going on about the media getting the story wrong etc - YES, because the RTP keep feeding them lies and Misinformation.

But I am sure you guys will be able to discredit Phuketwan because they are being sued by the military at the moment, ergo they must be a pack of liars.

Yes you do have a Media Report that says "Contaminated Crime Scene": I will give you that as I have never seen it written that way before.

But as an experience Detective, or as you claim at least, did you notice him quoting some Official or Police Man involved in this case when he made this statement and claim? Because I did not!

So his saying that the Crime Scene was Contaminate was just his own opinion, which we have many here from all different shapes and sizes.

I am surprise as a Trained Investigative Profession of 30 years you never notice something as simple as that.

It was also the opinion of the Chief Forensic Pathologist, Pornthip Rojanasunand, as posted way back when she criticised the way police had handled the case, especially as they had no one qualified to carry out crime scene examination.

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Quote; The Irrawaddy newspaper : "CHIANG MAI, Thailand — One of Thailand’s most well-known forensic pathologists, Dr. Porntip Rojanasunan, has criticized the Thai police investigation that led to the arrest of two Burmese migrants for the murder of two British tourists on Koh Tao last month.

Porntip, who is director-general of the Central Institute of Forensic Science, told the Manager news agency that the investigation into the murders of Hannah Witheridge, 23, and David Miller, 24, on Koh Tao in Thailand’s Surat Thani province, was weak and the results not fully trustworthy as police did not involve forensic specialists at the crime scene".

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When David shakes hand with Number 9 who has not been identified as far as I know ,it is opposite a roti sellers shop would that be the same one as the roti seller ,translator that allegedly assaulted the b2 ?

If so maybe the defence should ask if he knows who number 9 is put him under oath but that probably won't help.

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Confessions retracted when obtained by threats of death and torture should stand ?

Perhaps the B2 were intimidated enough to maintain the confession until they felt comfortable about exactly who they were talking to.

The defence has been able to question selected CCTV footage, some photos and police testimony. IMO there is a lot of evidence either not collected, used up, not checked, or conveniently overlooked. That's not normal and healthy to me.

Good that Khun Pornthip will check DNA samples and testify for the defence. I believe the chain of custody for those samples is weak though, and she can only work with what she's given.

I think that ...
I believe...
In reality you know nothing but you express your opinion as a proven fact. Here's exactly what may be called speculation and gossip.
Edited by happy Joe
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Confessions retracted when obtained by threats of death and torture should stand ?

Perhaps the B2 were intimidated enough to maintain the confession until they felt comfortable about exactly who they were talking to.

The defence has been able to question selected CCTV footage, some photos and police testimony. IMO there is a lot of evidence either not collected, used up, not checked, or conveniently overlooked. That's not normal and healthy to me.

Good that Khun Pornthip will check DNA samples and testify for the defence. I believe the chain of custody for those samples is weak though, and she can only work with what she's given.

I think that ...

I believe...

In reality you know nothing but you express your opinion as a proven fact. Here's exactly what may be called speculation and gossip.

They're stated as my opinions, no claim to facts.

I did question your assertion of accepting confessions obtained under duress, and that this is a normal and healthy trial.

I suspect English is not your first language, and that's okay.

Perhaps you need to consult your colleagues.

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I still think running man was wearing Davids shorts as he moved between the crime scene and (unknown) 2 times for whatever reason (also unknown) as

1. They are very obviously to big for him and possibly look wet

2. If involved in the murders his own clothes were likely heavily soiled with blood and that would have been clearly noticed by people in the street, he was also shirtless

I would also pontificate that out of all the various cctv footage that we have seen from the area - there must be better quality images than the one initially released by police early in the investigation

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Why does CSI LA need to be shut down and prosecuted? For speculation?

We found the Facebook pages administrator might want to destroy the credibility of Thailands judicial process. The page is also linked to a political movement seeking to discredit the government, as reflected by its posts during the Peoples Democratic Reform Committees anti-government protests in the first half, he said.

The general also claimed the page was created by a Thai citizen living abroad but was run by a team in Thailand.

We already know who they are. We cant disclose more information at this stage because were bringing them to be prosecuted under Section 14 of the 2004 Computer Crime act of which penalty is five years in prison or a fine of up to 100,000 Baht"

From the following blog, https://crimesontheblog.wordpress.com/2014/11/01/nomsod-cleared-or-clouded/

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Why does CSI LA need to be shut down and prosecuted? For speculation?

We found the Facebook pages administrator might want to destroy the credibility of Thailands judicial process. The page is also linked to a political movement seeking to discredit the government, as reflected by its posts during the Peoples Democratic Reform Committees anti-government protests in the first half, he said.

The general also claimed the page was created by a Thai citizen living abroad but was run by a team in Thailand.

We already know who they are. We cant disclose more information at this stage because were bringing them to be prosecuted under Section 14 of the 2004 Computer Crime act of which penalty is five years in prison or a fine of up to 100,000 Baht"

From the following blog, https://crimesontheblog.wordpress.com/2014/11/01/nomsod-cleared-or-clouded/

More ridiculous muscle flexing from the Junta. The page is linked to a political movement seeking to discredit the government - oh yeah? Like those 14 students who were also linked to said movement, still haven't heard anything on their phone records and the calls linking them to the red devils.

Just as article 112 is used as a political tool, claiming links to opposing political factions seems to be another favourite tool of the Junta to justify anything they do.

Horses##t is what it is.

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General is worried the page may destroy the credibility of the judicial system.clap2.gif

Enough!! The General doesn't need CSI LA destroying the credibility of the Judicial System, the Police, Prosecution and Courts are managing that very well on their own, thank you.


There is a dude who doesn't know the difference between destroy and expose ;)

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GOLDBUGGY states:-

Quote>You may or may not be who you say but this does not mean you know this case. How long have you been an Investigator in this case?

To back your statement just show me one Media Report who says this Crime Scene has been Contaminated!

I'm waiting!< End quote

Sorry if I've kept you waiting.

Let me suggest that you sit down, take a deep breath and I will explain, as simply as I can, what you seem to have difficulty in understanding but firstly you must ensure you thoughts are not affected in any way by any substances that are mind altering. It doesn't matter one iota if you cannot accept my qualifications and experience, that is you prerogative but at least I know where I am coming from, it is quite evident that you do not, it appears you don't know if you're Arthur or Martha. If you don't understand that, it means confused ok.

No matter what is pointed out to you, you are not willing to learn or accept anything unless it follows you train of thought. Can't you think logically or outside the square? Have you ever heard the saying that humans never stop learning, we will learn something new everyday, it is only a fool who does not.

I know only what I have read, heard and seen, does this not apply to yourself, or have you been observing a different case? I would say that given your question, it appears you are, or at the least you have your head stuck in the sand (No pun intended). What is your reason for continually asking childish, irrelevant and inane questions? I told you before I won't answer these because you well know that you are going from the sublime to the ridiculous. Now for your lesson. But don't worry, I will provide the answers, so you won't have to wrack your brain or look foolish if you fail.

1. The most important role when attending a crime scene is to protect the area. Why?

A. To keep the relevant evidence uncontaminated until it can be recorded and collected.

2. When does the protection of the scene begin and cease?

A. From the time of arrival of the first police officer and ends when police relinquish control of it.

3. Why is it necessary to protect the scene?

A. because a successful prosecution can hinge on the condition of the evidence at the time it is collected.

4. Provide the legal definition of contamination? A hint, do not refer to the dictionary definition.

A. Contamination is the introduction of something to a scene that was not previously there.

5. What did you see in the photographs of the crime scene at the time of Police initially attending and shortly thereafter?

A. Civilians, not involved in the investigation walking about the scene. later many, many spectators also roaming in and about the area.

6. Given what you have seen and learnt, would this be something introduced to the scene, which was previously not there? (multi choice answer, 1. Yes, 2. No, 3. maybe.)

A. 1, yes.

7. Was the clothing placed into a neat pile for photographic purposes, if this occurred what does this indicate?

A. it would indicate that someone has moved it, thus contamination arises and that the evidence was compromised.

8. Was the alleged murder weapon removed and then brought back to the scene?

A. According to police, yes, therefore again contaminated and compromised.

Hopefully this is sufficient for you to understand the situation but given your past responses, I doubt it. Now to answer you last question. I do not need a media report to adjudge that the crime scene was severely contaminated and comprised, I just have to fall back on my experience, see what has been presented by the media and use common sense, the latter unfortunately I can see is not very common.

If you still want to carry on in such an adverse manner, then feel free to do so but it will only highlight that you have no idea of what you are on about and that all you can do, instead of providing legitimate debate, is respond in a manner that shows you have little, if any knowledge of crime scene investigation or what the legal definitions of words are. it also highlights that you are unwilling to learn anything even when shown you still will not accept that someone else can be right,. I can be wrong, and have been on a number of occasions but I learn and try not to make the same mistakes again, something you should try to do.

Oh by the way, I sat and passed the detectives' exam in 1982 and was designated the same year. Can you tell me the year you sat for the TVF detectives' exam and if you were ever designated as a fully fledged armchair detective or did you fail? I think the latter, as you posts give a clear indication of this. Now off you go and if you have learnt something today, say thank you..

PMSL..... Well Ali G your owned... by a Pro. .. lol...

i would call that wiping the floor with you..

Hats of to you for enlightening poor Ali G. He needs help and understanding.

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Yes you do have a Media Report that says "Contaminated Crime Scene": I will give you that as I have never seen it written that way before.

But as an experience Detective, or as you claim at least, did you notice him quoting some Official or Police Man involved in this case when he made this statement and claim? Because I did not!

So his saying that the Crime Scene was Contaminate was just his own opinion, which we have many here from all different shapes and sizes.

I am surprise as a Trained Investigative Profession of 30 years you never notice something as simple as that.

“The problem with today’s world is that everyone believes they have the right to express their opinion AND have others listen to it.

The correct statement of individual rights is that everyone has the right to an opinion, but crucially, that opinion can be roundly ignored and even made fun of, particularly if it is demonstrably nonsense!”

Brian Cox

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GOLDBUGGY states:-

Quote>You may or may not be who you say but this does not mean you know this case. How long have you been an Investigator in this case?

To back your statement just show me one Media Report who says this Crime Scene has been Contaminated!

I'm waiting!< End quote

Sorry if I've kept you waiting.

Let me suggest that you sit down, take a deep breath and I will explain, as simply as I can, what you seem to have difficulty in understanding but firstly you must ensure you thoughts are not affected in any way by any substances that are mind altering. It doesn't matter one iota if you cannot accept my qualifications and experience, that is you prerogative but at least I know where I am coming from, it is quite evident that you do not, it appears you don't know if you're Arthur or Martha. If you don't understand that, it means confused ok.

No matter what is pointed out to you, you are not willing to learn or accept anything unless it follows you train of thought. Can't you think logically or outside the square? Have you ever heard the saying that humans never stop learning, we will learn something new everyday, it is only a fool who does not.

I know only what I have read, heard and seen, does this not apply to yourself, or have you been observing a different case? I would say that given your question, it appears you are, or at the least you have your head stuck in the sand (No pun intended). What is your reason for continually asking childish, irrelevant and inane questions? I told you before I won't answer these because you well know that you are going from the sublime to the ridiculous. Now for your lesson. But don't worry, I will provide the answers, so you won't have to wrack your brain or look foolish if you fail.

1. The most important role when attending a crime scene is to protect the area. Why?

A. To keep the relevant evidence uncontaminated until it can be recorded and collected.

2. When does the protection of the scene begin and cease?

A. From the time of arrival of the first police officer and ends when police relinquish control of it.

3. Why is it necessary to protect the scene?

A. because a successful prosecution can hinge on the condition of the evidence at the time it is collected.

4. Provide the legal definition of contamination? A hint, do not refer to the dictionary definition.

A. Contamination is the introduction of something to a scene that was not previously there.

5. What did you see in the photographs of the crime scene at the time of Police initially attending and shortly thereafter?

A. Civilians, not involved in the investigation walking about the scene. later many, many spectators also roaming in and about the area.

6. Given what you have seen and learnt, would this be something introduced to the scene, which was previously not there? (multi choice answer, 1. Yes, 2. No, 3. maybe.)

A. 1, yes.

7. Was the clothing placed into a neat pile for photographic purposes, if this occurred what does this indicate?

A. it would indicate that someone has moved it, thus contamination arises and that the evidence was compromised.

8. Was the alleged murder weapon removed and then brought back to the scene?

A. According to police, yes, therefore again contaminated and compromised.

Hopefully this is sufficient for you to understand the situation but given your past responses, I doubt it. Now to answer you last question. I do not need a media report to adjudge that the crime scene was severely contaminated and comprised, I just have to fall back on my experience, see what has been presented by the media and use common sense, the latter unfortunately I can see is not very common.

If you still want to carry on in such an adverse manner, then feel free to do so but it will only highlight that you have no idea of what you are on about and that all you can do, instead of providing legitimate debate, is respond in a manner that shows you have little, if any knowledge of crime scene investigation or what the legal definitions of words are. it also highlights that you are unwilling to learn anything even when shown you still will not accept that someone else can be right,. I can be wrong, and have been on a number of occasions but I learn and try not to make the same mistakes again, something you should try to do.

Oh by the way, I sat and passed the detectives' exam in 1982 and was designated the same year. Can you tell me the year you sat for the TVF detectives' exam and if you were ever designated as a fully fledged armchair detective or did you fail? I think the latter, as you posts give a clear indication of this. Now off you go and if you have learnt something today, say thank you..

PMSL..... Well Ali G your owned... by a Pro. .. lol...

i would call that wiping the floor with you..

Hats of to you for enlightening poor Ali G. He needs help and understanding.

I was going to ask if you can't read, because that post is not addressed to me; but seeing that you insist in spelling my username as Ali G I don't think I need to ask after all. :rolleyes:

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Quote; The Irrawaddy newspaper : "CHIANG MAI, Thailand — One of Thailand’s most well-known forensic pathologists, Dr. Porntip Rojanasunan, has criticized the Thai police investigation that led to the arrest of two Burmese migrants for the murder of two British tourists on Koh Tao last month.

Porntip, who is director-general of the Central Institute of Forensic Science, told the Manager news agency that the investigation into the murders of Hannah Witheridge, 23, and David Miller, 24, on Koh Tao in Thailand’s Surat Thani province, was weak and the results not fully trustworthy as police did not involve forensic specialists at the crime scene".

So did Dr. Porntip say the Crime Scene was "Compromised" or "Contaminated"? I don't see where it says either.

Which means you have gone way off on a totally different tangent which is not related to the Poster or the Reply. Just you own threat attached to twist what was said and discussed.

What I said was that "Compromised" does not mean "Destroyed" or "Contaminated". Anyone with a Dictionary can tell you that, yet people continue to argue it is the same. There is nothing I can do if people can't read from a Dictionary and understand what it said. Or stay on topic and what has been discussed and not what hasn't been.

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Koh Tao murder news timeline

We've been doing a bit of house keeping and have created this thread detailing most of the news stories posted to the Thaivisa forum regarding the Koh Tao murders.

Feel free to carry on all related discussion in this existing thread.

However, the timeline might also be a useful reference point and is perhaps more convenient for anyone wishing to look over previous and current stories related to the case.

The timeline is pinned to the top of the Koh Samui news forum and can also be found here.

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Quote; The Irrawaddy newspaper : "CHIANG MAI, Thailand — One of Thailand’s most well-known forensic pathologists, Dr. Porntip Rojanasunan, has criticized the Thai police investigation that led to the arrest of two Burmese migrants for the murder of two British tourists on Koh Tao last month.

Porntip, who is director-general of the Central Institute of Forensic Science, told the Manager news agency that the investigation into the murders of Hannah Witheridge, 23, and David Miller, 24, on Koh Tao in Thailand’s Surat Thani province, was weak and the results not fully trustworthy as police did not involve forensic specialists at the crime scene".

So did Dr. Porntip say the Crime Scene was "Compromised" or "Contaminated"? I don't see where it says either.

Which means you have gone way off on a totally different tangent which is not related to the Poster or the Reply. Just you own threat attached to twist what was said and discussed.

What I said was that "Compromised" does not mean "Destroyed" or "Contaminated". Anyone with a Dictionary can tell you that, yet people continue to argue it is the same. There is nothing I can do if people can't read from a Dictionary and understand what it said. Or stay on topic and what has been discussed and not what hasn't been.

Give it a rest GB. You are making an arguement out of nothing. Go back and you will see a big post in which Si Thea01 breaks it down for you.

To keep it short - if unauthorised people have been tramping through it this already means it is contaminated one way or another. If a tourist came along smoking and dropped a cigarette butt at the scene, that could confuse the scene, thus contaminating it. Compromising will be used interchangeably, but both for the same outcome.

The horse has no flesh left, it is now just a carcass, so put your whip away buddy.

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You may or may not be who you say but this does not mean you know this case. How long have you been an Investigator in this case?

To back your statement just show me one Media Report who says this Crime Scene has been Contaminated!

I'm waiting!

Your wait is over GB - I have JUST ONE:

<<<<26) The Bangkok Post and Phuketwan do not allow quotes from their news articles or other material to appear on Thaivisa.com. Neither do they allow links to their publications. Posts from members containing quotes from or links to Bangkok Post or Phuketwan publications will be deleted from the forum.>>>>

This media report says the crime scene was contaminated. Also, that CONTRARY to media reports, the island was never locked down.

Where do you think the media got the idea the island was locked down? The Police.

You guys keep going on about the media getting the story wrong etc - YES, because the RTP keep feeding them lies and Misinformation.

But I am sure you guys will be able to discredit Phuketwan because they are being sued by the military at the moment, ergo they must be a pack of liars.

Heres a couple more for the mix

They did not seal the island, contaminated the crime scene http://www.dailymail...eak-scared.html

reports described how the crime scene was contaminated, how the police failed to cordon off the island http://thediplomat.c...land-of-smiles/

The Reports said? That is some proof?

Well, I guess it is proof that Reporters have opinions which when reporting a Crime should keep to themselves, and as I said long ago that I am not pleased with reporting here as much of it is based on their opinion instead of actual news.

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You may or may not be who you say but this does not mean you know this case. How long have you been an Investigator in this case?

To back your statement just show me one Media Report who says this Crime Scene has been Contaminated!

I'm waiting!

Your wait is over GB - I have JUST ONE:

<<<<26) The Bangkok Post and Phuketwan do not allow quotes from their news articles or other material to appear on Thaivisa.com. Neither do they allow links to their publications. Posts from members containing quotes from or links to Bangkok Post or Phuketwan publications will be deleted from the forum.>>>>

This media report says the crime scene was contaminated. Also, that CONTRARY to media reports, the island was never locked down.

Where do you think the media got the idea the island was locked down? The Police.

You guys keep going on about the media getting the story wrong etc - YES, because the RTP keep feeding them lies and Misinformation.

But I am sure you guys will be able to discredit Phuketwan because they are being sued by the military at the moment, ergo they must be a pack of liars.

Heres a couple more for the mix

They did not seal the island, contaminated the crime scene http://www.dailymail...eak-scared.html

reports described how the crime scene was contaminated, how the police failed to cordon off the island http://thediplomat.c...land-of-smiles/

The Reports said? That is some proof?

Well, I guess it is proof that Reporters have opinions which when reporting a Crime should keep to themselves, and as I said long ago that I am not pleased with reporting here as much of it is based on their opinion instead of actual news.

Conveniently, only RTP and the prosecutors office have seen actual evidence, and the defense to some degree... You've been more than happy to use these same reports to further your opinion on the matter. Those reports are some of the only things left with crucial video/photo evidence because anything within Thailand appears to have been deleted. If there was no YouTube, Blogs, Forums the B2 would be resting eternally, Curse Social Media! It forces transparency and accountability!


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You may or may not be who you say but this does not mean you know this case. How long have you been an Investigator in this case?

To back your statement just show me one Media Report who says this Crime Scene has been Contaminated!

I'm waiting!

Your wait is over GB - I have JUST ONE:

<<<<26) The Bangkok Post and Phuketwan do not allow quotes from their news articles or other material to appear on Thaivisa.com. Neither do they allow links to their publications. Posts from members containing quotes from or links to Bangkok Post or Phuketwan publications will be deleted from the forum.>>>>

This media report says the crime scene was contaminated. Also, that CONTRARY to media reports, the island was never locked down.

Where do you think the media got the idea the island was locked down? The Police.

You guys keep going on about the media getting the story wrong etc - YES, because the RTP keep feeding them lies and Misinformation.

But I am sure you guys will be able to discredit Phuketwan because they are being sued by the military at the moment, ergo they must be a pack of liars.

Heres a couple more for the mix

They did not seal the island, contaminated the crime scene http://www.dailymail...eak-scared.html

reports described how the crime scene was contaminated, how the police failed to cordon off the island http://thediplomat.c...land-of-smiles/

The Reports said? That is some proof?

Well, I guess it is proof that Reporters have opinions which when reporting a Crime should keep to themselves, and as I said long ago that I am not pleased with reporting here as much of it is based on their opinion instead of actual news.

No you're just being deliberately obtuse and even more childish than usual.

You typed: "just show me one Media Report who says this Crime Scene has been Contaminated!"

You have been provided with several and now you're trying to change the goalposts again. Really silly and now you're just embarrassing yourself..........again.

Join JTJ in the zero credibility bin and leave the debate for the grown ups son.coffee1.gif

(Ahh, I shouldn't have done that! Now JTJ will post yet again some ancient quote from the families and Globby will misquote something else from his misprint of the Esperanto dikshunary and fesorus!) clap2.gif

Edit: added closing comment........

and again....

and again....


Edited by saminoz
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You may or may not be who you say but this does not mean you know this case. How long have you been an Investigator in this case?

To back your statement just show me one Media Report who says this Crime Scene has been Contaminated!

I'm waiting!

Your wait is over GB - I have JUST ONE:

<<<<26) The Bangkok Post and Phuketwan do not allow quotes from their news articles or other material to appear on Thaivisa.com. Neither do they allow links to their publications. Posts from members containing quotes from or links to Bangkok Post or Phuketwan publications will be deleted from the forum.>>>>

This media report says the crime scene was contaminated. Also, that CONTRARY to media reports, the island was never locked down.

Where do you think the media got the idea the island was locked down? The Police.

You guys keep going on about the media getting the story wrong etc - YES, because the RTP keep feeding them lies and Misinformation.

But I am sure you guys will be able to discredit Phuketwan because they are being sued by the military at the moment, ergo they must be a pack of liars.

Heres a couple more for the mix

They did not seal the island, contaminated the crime scene http://www.dailymail...eak-scared.html

reports described how the crime scene was contaminated, how the police failed to cordon off the island http://thediplomat.c...land-of-smiles/

The Reports said? That is some proof?

Well, I guess it is proof that Reporters have opinions which when reporting a Crime should keep to themselves, and as I said long ago that I am not pleased with reporting here as much of it is based on their opinion instead of actual news.

No you're just being deliberately obtuse and even more childish than usual.

You typed: "just show me one Media Report who says this Crime Scene has been Contaminated!"

You have been provided with several and now you're trying to change the goalposts again. Really silly and now you're just embarrassing yourself..........again.

Join JTJ in the zero credibility bin and leave the debate for the grown ups son.coffee1.gif

(Ahh, I shouldn't have done that! Now JTJ will post yet again some ancient quote from the families and Globby will misquote something else from his misprint of the Esperanto dikshunary and fesorus!) clap2.gif

Edit: added closing comment........

and again....

and again....


With respect GB I have not taken any note of what reporters have or have not said and never quote them. But I have seen the pictures published of numerous people in and around the crime scene including a suspect. Also the videos of the police testing for DNA. Finally the three pictures of the clothes scattered and then in a tidy bundle then later arranged to show the media. No reporters needed. All those pictures showed contaminated / compromised what ever you want to call it. I would also add that splitting hairs over wording is a bit silly as any intelligent poster in here knows what's been suggested . That's me finished on crime scene !

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You may or may not be who you say but this does not mean you know this case. How long have you been an Investigator in this case?

To back your statement just show me one Media Report who says this Crime Scene has been Contaminated!

I'm waiting!

Your wait is over GB - I have JUST ONE:

<<<<26) The Bangkok Post and Phuketwan do not allow quotes from their news articles or other material to appear on Thaivisa.com. Neither do they allow links to their publications. Posts from members containing quotes from or links to Bangkok Post or Phuketwan publications will be deleted from the forum.>>>>

This media report says the crime scene was contaminated. Also, that CONTRARY to media reports, the island was never locked down.

Where do you think the media got the idea the island was locked down? The Police.

You guys keep going on about the media getting the story wrong etc - YES, because the RTP keep feeding them lies and Misinformation.

But I am sure you guys will be able to discredit Phuketwan because they are being sued by the military at the moment, ergo they must be a pack of liars.

Heres a couple more for the mix

They did not seal the island, contaminated the crime scene http://www.dailymail...eak-scared.html

reports described how the crime scene was contaminated, how the police failed to cordon off the island http://thediplomat.c...land-of-smiles/

The Reports said? That is some proof?

Well, I guess it is proof that Reporters have opinions which when reporting a Crime should keep to themselves, and as I said long ago that I am not pleased with reporting here as much of it is based on their opinion instead of actual news.

You asked for a media report, I provided you with 2. Here's a little more proof, why do you suppose they cant get fingerprints from the hoe? Ta Ta

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I think the quietness from the crowd when the B2 were paraded was for me the most telling indication for me that something was very wrong.

If that happened in any other country in the world including the UK and it was thought the persons were guilty it wouldn't have made any difference how many police were there there would have been real anger. And bearing in mind Koh Tao as an Island was under the spotlight and people's livelihoods were threatened by bad publicity the silence and lack of anger from usually a very volatile race told a story. It almost seemed that the people present were there to make a statement.

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While I was hanging around a grapevine a little piggy whispered in my ear, something about Andy Hall visiting in UK with attorneys for the B2 there. Interesting if the B2 have representation in England. Let's see what Brit experts can do in the pursuit of justice, other than keeping mum.

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Andy Hall is definitely in the UK. His mothers birthday for one reason . He's a bit like marmite, it seems people either like him or hate him.I don't know enough about him but one thing I will say he's a brave guy. It's not the best place in the world to go against establishment. Fair play to him .

Edited by Nigeone
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I think the quietness from the crowd when the B2 were paraded was for me the most telling indication for me that something was very wrong.

If that happened in any other country in the world including the UK and it was thought the persons were guilty it wouldn't have made any difference how many police were there there would have been real anger. And bearing in mind Koh Tao as an Island was under the spotlight and people's livelihoods were threatened by bad publicity the silence and lack of anger from usually a very volatile race told a story. It almost seemed that the people present were there to make a statement.

Plus the fact that the rtp were directing the reenactment, which I understand is illegal under Thai law.
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Unfortunately, all the indications of a compromised crime scene could play out favorably for Mon and Nomsod if they and their weapon-wielding buddies are ever brought to trial for this crime (which they should, in my opinion). Particularly Mon, as it's clear he was active within the crime scene from the get-go (probably even before the sun came up). Similarly, Thai officials botching up the DNA could be to the Headman's peoples' advantage. Perhaps that's part of RTP/Headman's peoples' plan and would partly explain why they're botching up and delaying scrutiny of the DNA evidence. Officials and Mon aren't as eager to see the B2 found guilty as they are to save their own skins.

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Some people here seem to have the agenda of wasting as much time of others as possible, sending topics round and round. Pretty much no-one is going to change their mind for the foreseeable future that much is clear.

Having stepped back from getting involved in 'discussions' for a few days now I'm able to follow the overall thread somewhat more clearly. The bigger picture shows a few people imo trying to direct / misdirect the thread, keep their opposition as busy as possible, defend NS/family whenever required then move the thread in a new direction etc. even try and say the police have done a good job (that has to be frustrating as impossible to do without losing credibility).

I'd recommend seriously reducing the amount of time wasted and effort spent interacting with certain posters. Keep it short and simple, if at all. If they want a link let them to go find it instead of spending your own time digging back. Whether they get links or not their view will not change, and let's be honest do we even care what they think or say? The few people backing the RTP's version of events and prosecution case will never be turned. They are doing a job. Flag up their misinformation/errors but don't get drawn in and don't waste time on them.

There is no need for any one-upmanship. They are not worth it. Their (official) view will never change. The majority would like to see good policing / investigating, transparency and justice. The few arguing with them do not want all three of those things.

Just saying it how it appears to me.

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