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I just found out that someone I was in "contact" with has syphilis. It wasn't much contact, I got away as soon as I felt the sore, but there was some contact. I am actually not in Thailand right now, but will be going in 3 weeks which I understand is just the right time to get an accurate test.

Anyone know the best place for a Syphilis test and treatment (if positive?). What's the turn around time for test results and treatment time?

Thanks for any info on my predicament...


I'll be going to Bangkok.

If I test positive in the country where I am now I will not be able to renew my visa.

Of course health is more important that visa, but for Syphilis I read 2 weeks is as soon as possible to check.


I'll be going to Bangkok.

If I test positive in the country where I am now I will not be able to renew my visa.

Of course health is more important that visa, but for Syphilis I read 2 weeks is as soon as possible to check.

Wikipedia tells that in early stages it can be killed with a one time shot of a simple antibiotics.

So if you have a fancy, difficult Visa you may just take it. I know you shouldn't take antibiotics without reasons, but considering all the people here who eat antibiotics for a flu or a running nose this might be the smallest problem.

Any Doc please advise if I am right

Question is also if a test for Syphilis is made on the the antibodies. Which surely will remain high for some time and keep existing but get lower over time.


I recommend you go to the Red Coss Anonymous Clinic in Bangkok. Best source of completely up to date treatment and at minimum cots. Address and directions are in the pinned HIV thread.


I recommend you go to the Red Coss Anonymous Clinic in Bangkok. Best source of completely up to date treatment and at minimum cots. Address and directions are in the pinned HIV thread.

But he'll loose 3 weeks and if the test is on antibodies and there is not much time till he has to make the test for the visa he might be in troubles (not mention the illegal ways to fake the test results as maybe not allowed in the forum).


I'll be going to Bangkok.

If I test positive in the country where I am now I will not be able to renew my visa.

Of course health is more important that visa, but for Syphilis I read 2 weeks is as soon as possible to check.

Wikipedia tells that in early stages it can be killed with a one time shot of a simple antibiotics.

So if you have a fancy, difficult Visa you may just take it. I know you shouldn't take antibiotics without reasons, but considering all the people here who eat antibiotics for a flu or a running nose this might be the smallest problem.

Any Doc please advise if I am right

Question is also if a test for Syphilis is made on the the antibodies. Which surely will remain high for some time and keep existing but get lower over time.

I would go ahead and take the appropriate antibiotic, making a temporary assumption that you do have the STI you fear. I would only do that if I were confident of my research of the right one and confident that my past history did not suggest a potential allergic or other reaction. A UK STI clinic would do just that (in my experience) - give the antibiotic assuming a negative outcome, while waiting for the culture result. Just don't take a drastically shortened course - 7-10 days at least.

I am not a doctor. I'm just saying what I would personally do on balance of risks. It would of course be better to select an antibiotic under advice of an STI specialist or failing that any general doctor (but I note your practical difficulty with that).


Get it checked close to Cabbages and Condoms, the clinic element.. not the Ran ahan..... they will take care of it.. Really.. they specialize in this type of thang...


Syphillis is a common test here, we all have to have it done for our work permits once a year..

Better hospitals will do it in an hour, cheaper hospitals will make you come back later in the day.

Price difference will be negligible unless a few hundred baht really means something to you.


Listen to Sheryl, forget the rest. Explain it to them as you did in the OP, and follow their guidelines. They are for real.

Glad you're being responsible. Good luck to you.


Just go to any clinic or hospital in Thailand. Or take a course of Amoxycillin from any pharmacy for about 100 baht, or a single pack of Zithromax antibiotic (500 baht) which has specific instructions for syphilis in the package.


Agreed you should get a diagnosis as quickly as possible and nearly all Thai Hospitals can give you a blood test and a result, or you could ask them if they have a lab in the hospital to do the test, which will cut down any delays. As far as I am aware and I am no Doctor, a shot of penicillin is the most common treatment for Syphillis. Good luck.


well, well, well, all those speciallists here....Amoxy from the pharmacy...never heard such a BS before. Syphilis has to be treated with a high dose of penecelin and the treatment is unpleasant as it is intramuscular only. dIn Europe for HIV neg persons it is one (double) shot. In Thailand they do 3 as they are never up-to-date here....so the timing relates to the time of possible infection. The incubtion time to show in the blood is about 3 weeks but on the body it can show after 1 week. So to wait three weeks from time of possible infection is not prob. Please stay away from having sex until clear. Normal test for Syphilis can be done anywhere here if it omes to test for it when you had it before they have no clues here. Hope this helps everybody....


Sheryl & TheKnave have stated already...do what they say.

Treatment for syphilis is easy if detected early, tough if you let it go

to the tertiary stage. Stay celibate from now until the all clear is gven.

Then wait for a while more. Your consideration for others is good.

Syphilis kills.


Yes, please go only to places that specialize in STDs, like the Thai Red Cross.

When you go specify to them what country it was that you were exposed and the nationality/residence of the partner as antibiotic sensitivity can vary in different parts of the world.


With all due respect: Are you really that stupid??? If you even suspect that you may have been contaminated with syphilis, why have you waited this long ... and why would you wait another three weeks to be tested?


well, well, well, all those speciallists here....Amoxy from the pharmacy...never heard such a BS before. Syphilis has to be treated with a high dose of penecelin and the treatment is unpleasant as it is intramuscular only. dIn Europe for HIV neg persons it is one (double) shot. In Thailand they do 3 as they are never up-to-date here....so the timing relates to the time of possible infection. The incubtion time to show in the blood is about 3 weeks but on the body it can show after 1 week. So to wait three weeks from time of possible infection is not prob. Please stay away from having sex until clear. Normal test for Syphilis can be done anywhere here if it omes to test for it when you had it before they have no clues here. Hope this helps everybody....

Despite your sarcasm, your post in not noticeably more acturate than the others.

Here is what happens in the UK:-

The preferred, gold standard treatment is an injection of procaine penicillin into the top of the buttock each day for 14 days. It is in no way upleasant if you are not allergic to penicillin; just tiresome having to attend every day for 14 days. If procaine penicillin is not immediately available treatment may be started with amoxycillin until the injections are available. This will be effective, but a hefty dose is needed to get it right and proper medical advice is needed on this. Until recently at least, infection rates for syph were so low in the UK that the NHS was not holding stocks of procaine penicillin, which would be imported from Europe, taking about 1 week; thus the reason for starting on amoxy.

I believe that in America (and no doubt other countries) where treatment has to be paid for, and daily compliance more difficult to ensure, a single injection treatment can be given, and this can indeed be unpleasant with very painful cramping of the buttock muscle. Also an allergic reaction could be fatal so this would need to be given under expert supervision.

The bit I don't understand in this discussion is that relating to visa status. In 23 years of visiting Thailand the only time I have been asked anything regarding health was for the very brief period, around 2008, when one needed a medical certificate to get a retirement extension. And even then the question related only to tertiary syphilis which takes about 20+ years to develop. This is the stage at which the patient may be blind, crippled and mad. So why does the poster think he would have visa problems if he is having treatment?

PS A delay of 3 weeks will make absolutely no difference in the treatment of the disease and its outcome, and the appearance of a distinctive body rash in that time may make the diagnosis more obvious. Just don't have sex until you know.

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