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ate at a fairly busy roadside restaurant on monday at about 11am, that afternoon returned home and had a slight fever and felt lethargic, had no appetite that evening but ventured to the 711 for an ice cream, about an hour after eating the ice cream i vomited whilst in the shower at about 8pm. Felt slightly better after that and went to bed

i woke twice during the night with explosive diarrhea that i could not control, in the morning i went to the chemist to get electrolyte, charcoal tablets and was given ciprofloxacin 500mg to be taken once in the morning and once at night.I ate a plain crossaint from 711 in the morning, i spent that day in bed, drinking electrolyte and resting. I went to the toilet maybe 10-15 times through the day but could hold it if necessary yet bowel movements where completely liquid,that evening i drank a protein shake with milk just to get some calories in,

wednesday was much the same, around ten trips to the toilet and bowel movements still liquid, i felt fairly good by the afternoon and ate a late dinner that night although i didnt have much appetite and assumed i was now out of the woods. at dinner i noticed some tiredness/weakness across the back and front of my shoulders, through the night i woke up to a dull ache in my right shoulder - quite painful - at times, and have been awake most of the evening into this morning. Still frequent trips to the toilet and still bowel movements are liquid, its dark green if that matters.

from reading other threads on here about possible food poisoning its seems i have followed an appropriate course of action, it is however the joint soreness which is worrying me now as it has persisted since yesterday evening into today, only in the right shoulder.

- i vomited only once monday night and have not vomitted since, had uncontrollable diarrhea monday night - since then all bowel movements have been liquid and frequent but i can control them

has anyone experienced similar?

i may venture to a hospital or clinic today - should i go to hospital or a clinic?

thanks for your help, may just be a case of waiting it out a couple more days which was my intention until the issue with my shoulder arose


Best go see a doctor if symptoms are worrying you.

I have just gone through something similar, but no vomiting. Stayed in bed all day yesterday, drank only water, and ate nothing for 24 hours, then last night some plain rice soup and a loperamide tablet. This morning eaten some porridge oats made with water and feeling better today.

I personally wouldn't drink milk or ingest any dairy products (croissants contain butter). Stick to plain old water. Just my opinion.


I dont like mixing activated charcoal with an anti biotic. No milk either. Electrolytes are a must. dry crackers and if the spasms are bad an anti spasmodic will help. Also I double the first dose of cipro. to 1000mg.


is the joint pain anything to be worried about? is that common with food poisoning? i read sometimes ankle and knee pain can come from food poisoning but saw no mention of shoulder. Dry crackers - would rice cakes be ok? my stomach today is kinda bloated, overall i feel average, its the joint pain which is the worst


Shoulder / Back strain could be self induced from the force of frequent vomiting or even from the 2 days of lounging around if you're usually active. If in doubt, see a doctor.

If you're going on 72 hours and still having bowl troubles, time to see a professional.


You got food poisoning from ice cream at 7/11.

Than you go to the 7/11 and eat a crossaint?

You are a slow learner.

stop eating....drink only water, eat 20 coal tablets and than every 20 min another 5-10 for 1-2 hours.

When it doesn't get significant better in say 8 hours go to the doc.


Shitting like a racehorse 15 times in a night you should be in hospital

Well hospitals would be full if everyone goes for that in the hospital.

I had that a couple times but it always was significant better after 12 hours.


What you describe sounds like classic food poisoning and while I personally would not have advised self treatment with an antibiotic, the rest if the management sounds fine. If you can get some "real" yogurt i.e. non-sweetened plain stuff - Lalida brand is good and pretty easy to find, or Villa and Foodland have a good range. It will help restore the normal but flora which the cipro will have affected. (but having begun the cipro, continue for a full course).

As for the shoulder - could be many things, but I think not directly related to the food poisoning. If it persists then once the food poisoning has subsided then an ortho workup is indicated. But give it a chance first to go away on its own. If it is due to prolonged time in bed in a position that strained the shoulder then through trial and error you should be able to find exercises or postures that help. I often get shoulder problems as a result of tending to sleep on my side with upper arm bent or stretched, or prolonger driving or computer use. I find that leaning backwards against a large yoga ball or other support helps. But do not do exercises or other things that seem to worsen the pain...see if you can find something that slightly hurts in stretchy sort of good way, if you know what I mean.

If it does persist and such things don't help -- or are painful to do -- then cause may be either a shoulder problem or a cervical spine problem. Would help to know your age and have a fuller description of the pain -- location and what positions/movements seem to make it worse.


What you describe sounds like classic food poisoning and while I personally would not have advised self treatment with an antibiotic, the rest if the management sounds fine. If you can get some "real" yogurt i.e. non-sweetened plain stuff - Lalida brand is good and pretty easy to find, or Villa and Foodland have a good range. It will help restore the normal but flora which the cipro will have affected. (but having begun the cipro, continue for a full course).

As for the shoulder - could be many things, but I think not directly related to the food poisoning. If it persists then once the food poisoning has subsided then an ortho workup is indicated. But give it a chance first to go away on its own. If it is due to prolonged time in bed in a position that strained the shoulder then through trial and error you should be able to find exercises or postures that help. I often get shoulder problems as a result of tending to sleep on my side with upper arm bent or stretched, or prolonger driving or computer use. I find that leaning backwards against a large yoga ball or other support helps. But do not do exercises or other things that seem to worsen the pain...see if you can find something that slightly hurts in stretchy sort of good way, if you know what I mean.

If it does persist and such things don't help -- or are painful to do -- then cause may be either a shoulder problem or a cervical spine problem. Would help to know your age and have a fuller description of the pain -- location and what positions/movements seem to make it worse.

im 29, its just a dull ache in the joint which can be quite painful. No specific movements seems to set it off its just been a constant ache since about 3am last night, although i did notice a tired feeling in my upper back /front of shoulders last night. Most of my symptoms had abated by mid afternoon yesterday, i had energy back and a mild appetite - such that i ate dinner last night. It was only upon waking at about 3am i have had the pain in my shoulder since, ive had several bowel movements today all of which where liquid and my stomach feels slightly bloated. I scanned several other threads on thai visa dealing with food poisoning and followed the recommendations. All seemed to be going well until the joint issue, which no threads mention, however some google searching did bring mention of a condition called 'reactive arthritis' which can follow food poisoning, obviously i may have just strained it laying in bed for so long. I was just wondering if anyone else had had joint issues following food poisoning


there are some perils to OTC antibiotics, Cipro is actually a high powered antibiotics, if you had/have salmonella, recall eating something raw or undercooked at the roadside? taking cipro before ? the general rule is if it's not going the right direction get help, of course, your symptoms seem to have been severe to begin with, is there any fever ? try rice water , and bananas or if you must lomotil , though may slow the clearing of whatever it is you have , cipro possibly could cause arthalgia /joint pain, it is listed as "common"

Common Reactions
  • nausea
  • diarrhea
  • vomiting
  • abdominal pain
  • headache
  • dyspepsia
  • dizziness
  • restlessness
  • lightheadedness
  • vaginitis
  • insomnia
  • photosensitivity
  • pruritus
  • rash
  • anxiety
  • agitation
  • confusion
  • tendinitis
  • arthralgia

What you describe sounds like classic food poisoning and while I personally would not have advised self treatment with an antibiotic, the rest if the management sounds fine. If you can get some "real" yogurt i.e. non-sweetened plain stuff - Lalida brand is good and pretty easy to find, or Villa and Foodland have a good range. It will help restore the normal but flora which the cipro will have affected. (but having begun the cipro, continue for a full course).

As for the shoulder - could be many things, but I think not directly related to the food poisoning. If it persists then once the food poisoning has subsided then an ortho workup is indicated. But give it a chance first to go away on its own. If it is due to prolonged time in bed in a position that strained the shoulder then through trial and error you should be able to find exercises or postures that help. I often get shoulder problems as a result of tending to sleep on my side with upper arm bent or stretched, or prolonger driving or computer use. I find that leaning backwards against a large yoga ball or other support helps. But do not do exercises or other things that seem to worsen the pain...see if you can find something that slightly hurts in stretchy sort of good way, if you know what I mean.

If it does persist and such things don't help -- or are painful to do -- then cause may be either a shoulder problem or a cervical spine problem. Would help to know your age and have a fuller description of the pain -- location and what positions/movements seem to make it worse.


The shoulder pain just sounds like you slept in a bad position, or hurt it doing exercise. It's something I suffer from if I overdo the weights. It is incredibly annoying. So you need to stop doing anything that provokes it. if you go to a clinic, they would likely check it out, give you counterpain and a painkiller like declofenic.

The food poisoning is classic. The treatment about right.

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