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Quite odd baht bus incident (pickpockets?)


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Next time just put razor wire in your pockets.

Better a wallet with paper wrapped in fish hooks in it, razor wire will cut through to your legs. but you won't have the joy of hearing them screaming

as they won't put their hand in the wallet until they are off the bus and it moves off.

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Since the yelling across the street "Hello Sexy Man" has gone out of fashion (it seems), it must be a new way for the ladies to demonstrate to the Farang that they consider him as "A Sexy Man".

I would start fumbling her right away. If the fumbling is done with true conviction, she might just throw overboard any previous pickpocketing-plans.


Jingthing a sexy man to the ladies?????? Sorry JT, I couldn't resist that.

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There is a team who get on loaded baht busses at Tops on Second Rd/Pattaya Klang.

A friend got done by them a few weeks ago. They tried it the following night and tried to pick his pocket again. He confronted them and got his wallet back.

What about what was in the wallet? That would have been a great excuse to give him a good beating, and you never took it????

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Yes during the actual time I was hit I strongly suspected the driver was in on it.

Not into confronting local crims. My mantra is avoidance. I think asking her to move would be too aggressive.

The pressing up against you is a major part of the game, distracts and gets your body used to contact.

The only time I got hit was on a very crowded #29 bus coming from Yaowarat to Rangsit, after a Chinese New Year celebration. The bus was packed, but I had one of the single seats on the side of the bus. Someone was leaning against me pretty hard, but the bus was packed with standing passengers, so I didn't think much of it.

By the time we got to Rangsit (Merry King, if anyone remembers), the bus was pretty empty. I remember seeing a Thai guy, still standing with a coat folded over his arm, but I just got off. I felt for my camera, realized it was gone, jumped back on the moving bus, having no idea what I was going to do. Of course the culprit had exited long ago, but as my mind processed all this, the bus had gone two more stops, and I had a long, spooky walk back under the expressway to my 4th floor walkup room in a shop house...

Lesson learned.

Glad it was nothing valuable Jing.

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if these pickpockets are upping the ante by working in teams or groups then we need to do the same and become more aware of their methods and how to better recognise them.

I just found this video which describes how to recognise pickpockets from their body language and some of the methodology they use

Secrets Of The Pickpockets


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'You didn't see it coming'.... that actually surprised me.

That is their MO and for some unknown reason, moving around the baht bus following their mark seems natural to them.

They don't see it as suspicious......

Asking the time is good, they spotted the watch, and you had already shown them which pocket to go for.

And as you stated, practised quick fingers need but a moment.

These very much over-priced smart phones everyone must have have revitalised this game.

Edited by jacko45k
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Why didnt you just move again if she moved next to you again. I would ask her to xxxx off.

I should have just gotten off then as my stop wasn't far by that point. I can't answer all these existential questions. But I would avoid confronting a probable Thai crim like that especially with a mate.

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Since the yelling across the street "Hello Sexy Man" has gone out of fashion (it seems), it must be a new way for the ladies to demonstrate to the Farang that they consider him as "A Sexy Man".

I would start fumbling her right away. If the fumbling is done with true conviction, she might just throw overboard any previous pickpocketing-plans.


Perhaps it's just you Swissie.

I am dead sexy, apparently.

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Fortunately I have never been in such a situation.....but while I was in Vietnam for 6 months I could tell you a good number of stories about the pesky pick pocketing gangs on the streets of Saigon.

They never got me ...but I got them back...while they were trying to get me........lol

Also...in the Philippines it is much more common while the Jeepney Bus Squeeze is amongst the most common of the pickpocket scams going on.........forever and ever.

Thanks for the heads up because most people are not even thinking at all about pick pocketing criminals here in Bangkok or any where in Thailand.


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I've had 2 pickpocket attempts. One at the port in Manila, one on the subway in Madrid. The guy in Manila unzipped my cargo pocket and got my wallet. I was talking with some friends and just happened to swing my arm around to point to the exit. Mid swing, I caught his hand, wallet and all. He just let go and walked away...so quickly, I lost him in the crowd. This guy was good. Never felt a thing.

The guy in Madrid wasn't so good. Jacket over hand, he tried to open my zip pocket. I totally felt it and moved away. He didn't give up, came close again for another attempt. Had to literally fend the guy off. Disappeared immediately as the doors opened. People were yelling for the police, but no luck.

I've witnessed many attempts, many were in Paris and Rome. They aren't shy!

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  • 4 months later...

Rather than start a new thread, I'd like to introduce a new (to me) baht bus experience in Pattaya ... pickpocket looking gangs who are borderline MUGGERS.

Here's the setup.

A not very crowded bus with the people (all foreigners) sitting closer to the rear.

Boarding are three rough looking Thais that reek of criminality to one and all.

They also reeked of racism and total disdain towards non-Thais.

One overweight younger woman with big breasts

Another nondescript woman

An unpleasant and unattractive more manly ladyboy type. S/he carried MULTIPLE large bags. Pickpocket scheme 100 percent.

This is what they did upon boarding.

The large breasted lady started SCREAMING at everyone in the bus in a shockingly rude manner: MOVE TO THE BACK! Like four times. Nobody did because it was so stupid as there was a massive amount of room for all of them to board with space to spare.

My theory is this was their modus operandi for a not crowded bus. To corner their marks further into the bus and probably wanting to SURROUND one of them, both sides.

I was sitting right near the exit so one side was not at risk. The horrific ladyboy sat to my right, too close for necessity, and of course I immediately put my hand firmly over that pocket side.

S/he noticed that of course, but what choice did I have, and s/he gave me the look of death and made rude comments in Thai ... to both me and his/her

gang who also definitely were into this scene.

S/he was clearly ANGRY that I noticed exactly what s/he is ... a potentially violent criminal/pickpocket. You'd have to be a moron not to see that but I guess there are enough naive people in Pattaya to feed scum like that.

My theory is they were on the edge of trying to provoke a violent MUGGING right on the bus. Why they didn't, I don't know, maybe I wasn't drunk enough, or maybe they didn't think I'd be a passive enough victim ...

As far as why I didn't just get off the bus, well, of course I should have. It wasn't a good place to get off ... but I still openly admit the threat was serious enough that I should have and would recommend others just get off if you run into obvious aggressive criminal gangs like that.

I'm a little surprised that I haven't seen gangs with more of a MUGGING vibe than a pickpocket vibe before. So there it is.

Edited by Jingthing
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Rather than start a new thread, I'd like to introduce a new (to me) baht bus experience in Pattaya ... pickpocket looking gangs who are borderline MUGGERS.

Here's the setup.

A not very crowded bus with the people (all foreigners) sitting closer to the rear.

Boarding are three rough looking Thais that reek of criminality to one and all.

They also reeked of racism and total disdain towards non-Thais.

One overweight younger woman with big breasts

Another nondescript woman

An unpleasant and unattractive more manly ladyboy type. S/he carried MULTIPLE large bags. Pickpocket scheme 100 percent.

This is what they did upon boarding.

The large breasted lady started SCREAMING at everyone in the bus in a shockingly rude manner: MOVE TO THE BACK! Like four times. Nobody did because it was so stupid as there was a massive amount of room for all of them to board with space to spare.

My theory is this was their modus operandi for a not crowded bus. To corner their marks further into the bus and probably wanting to SURROUND one of them, both sides.

I was sitting right near the exit so one side was not at risk. The horrific ladyboy sat to my right, too close for necessity, and of course I immediately put my hand firmly over that pocket side.

S/he noticed that of course, but what choice did I have, and s/he gave me the look of death and made rude comments in Thai ... to both me and his/her

gang who also definitely were into this scene.

S/he was clearly ANGRY that I noticed exactly what s/he is ... a potentially violent criminal/pickpocket. You'd have to be a moron not to see that but I guess there are enough naive people in Pattaya to feed scum like that.

My theory is they were on the edge of trying to provoke a violent MUGGING right on the bus. Why they didn't, I don't know, maybe I wasn't drunk enough, or maybe they didn't think I'd be a passive enough victim ...

As far as why I didn't just get off the bus, well, of course I should have. It wasn't a good place to get off ... but I still openly admit the threat was serious enough that I should have and would recommend others just get off if you run into obvious aggressive criminal gangs like that.

I'm a little surprised that I haven't seen gangs with more of a MUGGING vibe than a pickpocket vibe before. So there it is.

I am not sure about he "ladyboy" part, but I encountred three pickpockets on the songthao about two months ago--one was short, stocky, fat and ugly. One was a bit bigger, and ugly. The actual pickpocket was not fat, but ugly still. The pickpocket hides her hands with bags or a jacket, and she/he/it wears sunglasses and a cap...this one even had something over her nose and mouth as if she was sick. The pickpocket wants to sit on your right as that is easier for her to steal stuff from you. That is why they wanted people to move inside, so the "mark" could be on her left side. The other two sit near/across from the pickpocket to hide what is going on from people on that side (one of them was actually standing up to block the view). I am assuming that all three exchange, in some code, instructions on what to do. I spotted them immediately because I had an encounter with a different crew earlier. I even told the Thai person sitting to my left to be careful about pickpockets. The pickpockets heard that and started getting very aggressive with me (incredibly stupid as I did not say THEY were pickpockets.......by responding they essentially admitted to it). I did not back down and got aggressive back. We basically had a talking/ staring contest for five minutes. I finally decided that I was going to have to beat the shit out of them if I stayed any longer and made the decision to exit the bhat bus (did not want to have to mess with the police even though I had done nothing wrong). I know that the police have pictures of some of the pickpockets. They should arrest all of them. It is easy for me to spot them; it should be easy for the people who work at the bhat bus cue to spot them (and then tell the police). The three pickpockets in this particular crew are very aggressive and stupid beyond imagination, which is a bad combination. Somebody is going to get hurt, eventually. This is not a "joke" and the police should take this seriously as it poses a serious threat to tourists. The pickpockets like to start their "game" at the bhat bus cue to Jomtien, just down the street from the walking street sign, in front of an elementary school. If any person sits to your right and you can't see her hands, BEWARE, especially if she is wearing sunglasses and a hat to hide her face.

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