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Hey all,

I bought a bl-wn152ah LB-Link High Gain USB wifi adapter today,

On the box it says it is mac compatible however it comes with a CD and of course macbook airs have no cd drive!

I have then gone onto the website to download the driver and they only have the windows driver http://www.lb-link.cn/index.php/download/view?cid=200

I cannot take it back to the shop as I stupidly ripped open the box and its a fair treck away anyway....

Anyone know of anything I can do about this? I was looking at .exe to .dmg convertors but I am told reality its not possible, wondering if any of you guys use this adapter on a mac and what you did?

The adapter itself is pretty sweet as it has two high gain antennas and is 802.11 b/g/n so when on the move its usefull to grab top signal wifi...

Long shot but thought i would ask for some advice?



Someone on an apple discussions board recently wrote they had this device.

genergabasaMay 31, 2015 10:03 PM
Re: B-Link USB Wireless adaptorin response to glennkelly

Hi, I have the same USB WiFi Dongle. Here's the driver for it http://www.mediatek.com/en/downloads/mt7610u/

While the link now goes 404, you can do a search of the mediatek website for mt7610u, then select


V5.0.1.22 MAC 10.7/10.8/10.9/10.10


Fill in the form, download and see if it actually melts your keyboard (unlikely).

The packaging says it has an RT3070 chipset. You can try doing a google search for that + osx driver to see if there's a driver for your specific version of osx.



Thanks alot for your info appreciated, so I downloaded the driver, installed it and it asked me to restart my mac which I did, now I am a bit confused where to go from here? obviously I am using my macs inbuilt wifi but as I have no software for this I do not know how to switch it to use this adapter?

Dont suppose you know,

Thanks again


p.s the wifi adapter is flashing often like it is in action, but i still feel like its using my inbuilt wifi in my mac, i really want to disable that and use only the external adapter if that makes sense, thanks


All sorted, I ended up downloading the 'BearExtender Wireless Utility Version 5.4'

I then disabled my mac wifi and just using the Utility App I know I am only using my external wifi adapter, plus I can already tell as about 20 new wireless networks are available which tells me my range is way better.

Thanks alot for helping me out your a life saver,


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