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I thought his comments about the cover bands were spot on, but I don't get out much now sad.png

Hopefully, this will go viral. Far too many westerners coming here. Much better than those blogs encouraging people to retire here, coz it's so cheap.....

Hire him as the new foreign spokesman for TAT thumbsup.gif

Edited by MESmith
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I do agree if you love Chiang Mai you have lived A sheltered live.But for him to go on ranting on about it is rediculious.

I love Chiang Mai and my life was far from sheltered. You really should get to know some thing about us before you comment.

Suggestion look up the thread the hippy trail. I believe it is about a year old. Myself I lived a far from sheltered life in North America. If the bar scene is your idea of life well I would have to agree with you on that point. Many of us have out grown it Chiang Mai is defiantly not a Pattaya.

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If your life revolves around drinking in a bar (I limit it to once a week), then you cannot complain about your droll existence, and the quality of people you keep company with. I would recommend he search for other hobbies..where he can meet people, in a different setting.

Almost anything you do in your home country, you can do here. Outdoor exercise (bicycles, swimming, walking/jogging, hiking, camping, shopping, sightseeing, fishing..etc). Home activities would be exactly the same (bbq with friends, upgrade your apartment/house, yard work (if you have a yard), researching/learning something new (making and fixing stuff), learn to play a musical instrument.

If you look desperate and lonely, people will run away from you. The people that are content here are relaxed. They smile and chat with the cashiers when they shop...and the cashiers respond positively. People in their neighborhood speak well of them, as they are friendly, and work on their homes. I would recommend renting a home, other than sitting inside a small shoe box apartment (as he has). We hang out in the front yard, and neighbors always stop to chat. I know a dozen ladies who speak some english, and would love to have a foreign man as a boyfriend. Granted, the younger ones are a bit harder to come by...but nothing wrong with having a lady friend closer to your age. You will eventually get what you are looking for. A good tactic is to just try friendships with some ladies...perhaps two or three. Come off as the pleasant, single, foreigner.....and you will eventually start getting referrals from them.

Edited by slipperylobster
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made it about a minute in. dude is a fucktard. there is no helping him.

apparently cant get laid, but has found a great ice supply.

meet my family indeed, he needs a thai visa account.

i cant stop laughng

Edited by HooHaa
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If your life revolves around drinking in a bar (I limit it to once a week), then you cannot complain about your droll existence, and the quality of people you keep company with. I would recommend he search for other hobbies..where he can meet people, in a different setting.

Almost anything you do in your home country, you can do here. Outdoor exercise (bicycles, swimming, walking/jogging, hiking, camping, shopping, sightseeing, fishing..etc). Home activities would be exactly the same (bbq with friends, upgrade your apartment/house, yard work (if you have a yard), researching/learning something new (making and fixing stuff), learn to play a musical instrument.

If you look desperate and lonely, people will run away from you. The people that are content here are relaxed. They smile and chat with the cashiers when they shop...and the cashiers respond positively. People in their neighborhood speak well of them, as they are friendly, and work on their homes. I would recommend renting a home, other than sitting inside a small shoe box apartment (as he has). We hang out in the front yard, and neighbors always stop to chat. I know a dozen ladies who speak some english, and would love to have a foreign man as a boyfriend. Granted, the younger ones are a bit harder to come by...but nothing wrong with having a lady friend closer to your age. You will eventually get what you are looking for. A good tactic is to just try friendships with some ladies...perhaps two or three. Come off as the pleasant, single, foreigner.....and you will eventually start getting referrals from them.

Alas, the idiot didn't come to us seeking sensible advice. I know at least a dozen single guys who have come to Thailand, knowing no one and soon were enjoying a very nice life much as slipperylobster describes.

Edited by NancyL
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Meth is a hell of a drug.

Imagine if you accidentally did meet this guy at a bar of a restaurant and he carried on like this?

He's just a sad, bitter, old man...who apparently hates cover bands and DJ's and surprisingly can't find a 30 year old cute Thai girl.

Best he goes back to wherever he comes from...quickly.

Old fool.

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This guy is so full of pent up anger and strangeness it's frightening and I think that he needs some help before he does something more dramatic than post rants on You Tube.

Reminds me rather disturbingly of Taxi Driver.

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hey Mr American citizen

how can you possibly be surprised that you haven't been invited for lunch with Thai people with your attitude?blink.png

Do you honestly think they would leave that lunch after meeting you feeling good about themselves, their own country

or indeed you?rolleyes.gif

nowhere on earth is perfect. Have you looked at the state of your own country recently?

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It's interesting how people are keying in on him being an American and not that he's decrying being depersonalized and being called a farang. I do give him credit in that I don't think he feels he's somehow special because he's American, he just thinks he should be recognized as a "kon American" and not as "farang". As he says, it's the same as the "n" word to a segment of the Thai people. He's got a point.

He doesn't have a legitimate point in expecting his visa agent to invite him over to her house for a meal. Did his dentist, car mechanic or accountant in the U.S. do the same? I don't think so.

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Not the same guy...different name, different apartment, different length of time in Chiang Mai, different ages, different preferences, not overly similar in photos on other Thai news sites etc etc......

I think linked article is a copy and paste job from a CM Citylife news item yesterday.

I have led a sheltered life....."littered with......tins of rubber cement" blink.png

Edited by mamborobert
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Not the same guy...different name, different apartment, different length of time in Chiang Mai, different preferences, not overly similar in photos on other Thai news sites etc etc......

I think linked article is a copy and paste job from a CM Citylife news item yesterday.

I have led a sheltered life....."littered with......tins of rubber cement" blink.png


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A truly sad individual that is not happy with the decisions he has made, including living in CM... All I can do is wish him good luck on living on $800 per month back in the US, because I have little sympathy for anyone not willing to take responsibility for their own decisions and actions...

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So anyway, let's have it: Who is this dude on Thaivisa? I can think of several candidates. :P

Either way it's something who truly doesn't get video, or communications in general. He manages to stretch out one statment (that isn't even factually inaccurate) to 7 minutes of dribble, quite the achievement:

"The music scene in Chiang Mai sucks, and it's better if you can speak Thai. So I'm still here because it's cheap, however this doesn't stop me from complaining about it."

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I'm still trying to work out where he expected to find a number of venues that has bands that play and sing original material in English in CM.

Of course if he improved his Thai he could see Thai originals but even then that is a tad thin on the ground compared to covers and karaoke, but even Thai covers would be new to him...

Some of the best times I have had here have been in hole in the wall Thai karaoke places with everyone joining in say a Sek Loso number and as a bonus with the romanised spelling of lyrics at the bottom actually picked up quite a few Thai words. I am still not sure there is a great body of work without "rak" in the lyrics somewhere but they do seem to like them.

Good company, beer, improve your Thai, a good feed, cheap regular night out will get you friends quickly. He should give it a go.

Edited by mamborobert
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hey Mr American citizen

how can you possibly be surprised that you haven't been invited for lunch with Thai people with your attitude?blink.png

Do you honestly think they would leave that lunch after meeting you feeling good about themselves, their own country

or indeed you?rolleyes.gif

nowhere on earth is perfect. Have you looked at the state of your own country recently?

This is something that stood out to me, his whining (and it really was whining) that his visa agent didn't invite him for lunch.

A visa agent is like a travel agent and a real estate agent and a hairdresser and a housekeeper; they are someone that you pay to do a service for you. It isn't someone who is going to be so unprofessional to hit on you - their client -and ask you out for a date (which in my opinion is what he was getting at). Even if this was not his meaning, under most circumstances you're not going to expect your hairdresser to invite you to lunch are you? And if he wanted to go out to lunch with them, why on earth did he not ask? We all know that Thai's are much more reserved than us. I invite people for lunch all the time. Men, women, even children sometimes. Picking up the phone or sending a text or email really isn't difficult.

Those who commented on my earlier post are very correct; I hadn't thought it all the way through. We all deserve happiness, but sometimes we have to make an effort to help yourself to get out of whatever situation that is making you sad. Even if there is a mental illness or addiction involved, we still have to make the initial effort to get the help we need.

But I still hope that he manages to find himself happiness.

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It was also reported his room was littered with ladies underwear and tins of rubber cement.

Whoosh. That's the sound of something going over my head. Ladies underwear, fair enough. Tins of rubber cement? Explain like I'm 5.

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It was also reported his room was littered with ladies underwear and tins of rubber cement.

Whoosh. That's the sound of something going over my head. Ladies underwear, fair enough. Tins of rubber cement? Explain like I'm 5.

Sure looks like him. Holed up in a Santitam bedsit huffing glue whilst masturbating to panties stolen from laundromats or clotheslines.

Edited by arunsakda
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At least he is honest. I haven't met a foreigner living in Chiang Mai that isn't miserable about being here. When you first meet a farang, they will tell you how much they like it, and then point towards all of the things they appreciate. Cheap food, hot girls, warm weather, etc... But then, if you keep on talking and listening, you will find they mostly end up complaining about being here. Some must want to be unhappy, as it would be very easy for them to pick up and leave. Other's are a bit more entrenched and don't have an easy out.

It's interesting that so many posters on here are so active, they must not leave their house, or have any social life outside of their e-friends. That is all good and fine, but then again, they are the ones on here saying how much they love Thailand. They are the first to excoriate a person who doesn't find life here particularly great, or has trouble fitting in. When the reality is, you really shouldn't fit in. You're from a completely different culture and place. You will never fit in. Hopefully you won't ever find it hilarious that someone ate kaow suay with a dish they should have eaten with kaow niaow. If you are watching the Thai Soaps, and giggling along, you should leave ASAP. If you don't look before you turn onto the road, you might not be here long. If you think a brown sky in March is AY-OKAY, then you must like cancer. If the social injustices that you see on a day to day basis bring you great joy because it allows for your cheap kaow-pat, then that is great.

I myself have spent a bit more time on this site as I have been a bit laid up with some health problems. It is always funny to see the biggest supporters of Thailand, are also the ones that never seem to leave their computers. They can all tell you so much about integrating in Thailand, and what a fabulous place is. Just don't listen to anything they say. They are miserable, and most of them couldn't break 90 on an IQ test. The highlights of their days involve going to immigration and having all of their i's dotted, and t's crossed, like good little boys. They have Thai wives that they can't communicate with on a level beyond 'i go big c' and 'ok, same same me'. But then , they are the first to tell you what a great relationship they have, and how they 'only send money to her parents once in a while.'

Just look at the tone of the posts in this thread. All so happy to see that someone is struggling. It's their schadefreud sneaking through. They need to see someone else unhappier than they are. They know their own lives were somewhat of a disappointment, that being here isn't everything they tell their friends back home. They brag about their live in maids, and hookers on the side, but, deep down, they wish they were back home smashing beers with their countrymen.. But then they have no friends back home..

I have a small group of friends here. They all will readily admit Thailand isn't for them. They all have plans to leave soon. It's good to hear. It means that they want more from their lives.

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Ok an encore....more mellow temperament .....some good points (really there are....honest like learn Thai and come on a holiday first type stuff).....still crazy as a soup sandwich with all the interpersonal skills of a brick.


and at least he has a new set of friends approaching him (around the 4.15 second mark on following one)


and hey...I actually know the agent socially through my wife.....really nice and charming lady just opened up the business as a one woman enterprise, previously tutored Thai to English speakers and then added on the agent service..


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I think I've sussed out his problem after watching the Coyote Girls YouTube.

28 years ago we left England and went to New Zealand. Everything I saw in shops I converted back to pounds and was amazed and outraged. After a month or so we bought a car and went into an insurance broker's office. I forget how much the insurance was, but after converting it I told him it would only cost X amount, more than half price. He said, very nicely, 'But you're not in England now. You're in Wellington and the price of things is whatever they are. If you're planning on staying in New Zealand, forget how much things cost in England. It's not relevant to you anymore'. That really got to me, as I said he was really nice about it. After that I didn't convert anything back to pounds because it didn't matter to me and my new life. The biggest thing was that after talking to him, I felt a lot more settled than I had been.

On the Coyote Girls video (and on the original post) he's obsessed with money and he's obsessed with converting baht to US$ and comparing prices with what he paid back home. I don't know if everybody does this, but I did for about 4 weeks, totally obsessed with it. He isn't in America any more. He's in Thailand and the prices are whatever they are, although I think he's being ripped off at pharmacies, I pay very little for generic medications, it sounds like he's getting the imported originals, possibly at a 'special' price but maybe not. I find the pharmacy at the entrance to Tops in Kad Suan Kaew outrageously expensive, I've asked for a couple of different things there and been quoted 2 to 3 times what the Pharmacy Choice (I think that's the name) just past the doughnut stalls does - probably generic vs original and what seems to me to be a big mark-up. Of course I didn't buy from him either time, but that little shop always seems to be busy. You get to learn that kind of thing after you've been here a while. And you get to learn that all vitamins and minerals are horribly expensive for some reason; imported, usually, but an awful lot more than you pay 'back home'. It's just one of those things, like the vehicle insurance in New Zealand. If you want it or need it, you'll have to bite the bullet and accept it and pay it.

Until his obsession with money and what things cost compared to 'back home' he won't find his happiness.

He lost me completely when he accused the pharmacies of raping their customers. That was very offensive and very unnecessary. There's a huge difference between overcharging and rape, and I imagine those words will be very upsetting to victims of that hideous crime. I don't care if he finds his happiness now.

He's just a sad, lonely old man sexpat.

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