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Will you find the trap? (bar girl...)

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Will you find where is the trap?

I met a bar girl (but not in her bar).

Day one - Short Time

Day two - Short time again... And then we chatted a lot, I mean huge messages. And she speak very good English although she is 18 years old... (ID card checked...)

Day Three - I spent all day with her, but just for relax (no boom boom I mean). She paid all... Chat again later...

Day Four - Same than Day Three

I showed her that I have only 4000 baths in my Kasikorn account, and about 20.000 per month of revenue.

But she still say that she likes me so much and wants me to go with her in Sisaket, where stay her family...

Where is the trap? I really don't understand here. Because she knows I don't have any good money...

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It's against the law for a prostitute to be under 20.

The bar is breaking the law and may be punished by a huge fine.

You too.

And that's the trap, her family will have you arrested, and blackmail you for a huge amount of money to be let out of jail.

It's amazing how fast a poor foreigner can find 250,000bht when being held in a Thai jail.


Why would you show her your financial status after 4 days...are you daft man ? never show a Thai woman anything about your finances !

You've paid her for sex and she is 18 years old.......yes she will be your true love forever....you found a gem !


I don't see a trap although their could be one later on. If you're 60 or more then watch out but I suspect you're much younger. So go to Sisaket with her and enjoy yourself.


I don't see a trap although their could be one later on. If you're 60 or more then watch out but I suspect you're much younger. So go to Sisaket with her and enjoy yourself.

I'm 22


They will kidnap you and sell your internal organs.whistling.gif

You must have similar genes to Sherlock Holmes.

Given this scenario, what other motive?


You've known this girl 4 days and are about to meet her parents to discuss the arrangements of your marriage........or do you think you're just going to say hi?


Maybe she thinks you have rich parents.

But really, you have sex with a working girl & then you tell her about your finances, after a few days?

Use some critical thinking here......


I felt the same when I did it with a 25 and I was 17 but it's just silly. I know that people have to make a living somehow and there are genuinely nice girls in bars but at the end of the day you will be in the same exact scenario a hundred more times.

The trap is there in your face. 18 years old? That's illegal in Thailand, unless you ask her parents for permission, and if they don't give permission, then...Thai visa forum won't be able bail you out, buddy.

Additionally, your monthly income is not enough to support comfortable living for one person let alone TWO. Just forget anything happened and move on with your life.


Once the "groom" appears in Sisaket, and the "Family" realizes that the 22 year old "English-Teacher" pulls in only 20 K a month, they will loose interest quickly.

Never mind the "groom".

It's the girl I am worried about. The "Family" will send her back with the strict order: Next time bring a "big fish". (Big Fish = Big Wallet, age is of no importance).

Puts a lot of pressure on an 18 year old girl. But then again, she is not the only one.........



Alex, go for it.

You'll see many big beautiful houses upcountry and you could build one too.

As previously posted, internal organs sell well up there also.


It's against the law for a prostitute to be under 20.

The bar is breaking the law and may be punished by a huge fine.

You too.

And that's the trap, her family will have you arrested, and blackmail you for a huge amount of money to be let out of jail.

It's amazing how fast a poor foreigner can find 250,000bht when being held in a Thai jail.

The legal age for prostitution is 18, no risks at all for the customer.

see the Prostitution suppression act:


Regarding the legal age for working in a bar, please provide an official legal source.

It would be nice if posters could try to stop spreading myths and urban legends about the illegality of prostitution.

When stating something is illegal, please include a reference to the relevant article(s) of a Thai Law that currently is in application.


If an Isaan girl brings a farang to her village it's a big deal and more than a visit. It's almost the equivalent of announcement to get married. The girl and family lose a lot of face if nothing comes of it.

Let go of this before you get hooked.


judgemental old farts, the guy is 22, he closer agewise to this girl than 95 percent on here are to their women.

contrary to popular belief, bargirls are people too and do form attachments.

they are near the same age if she enjoys hanging with him, so be it. as long as he keeps his head about him why shouldnt he have fun.

you lot may find it hard to believe there is no angle, but thats because you are well past it.

at 22 he certainly isnt


Don't worry. You are 22 and she is 18. The comments about prostitution, ripoffs and all that nasty stuff do not apply to you. Your relationship is no different that what any other young person can or will experience. In the west, young people go to bars to hookup and have quickies. The situation you experienced isn't that much different. The girl probably is happy she has met someone "normal" who is different than the usual loser she comes across. If you have the following characteristics, you most likely are appealing to the typical 18 year old girl's lust;

- The hair is on your head and not your back or arse;

- You can maintain a very firm erection without need of viagra or other drugs, and can copulate multiple times;

- You do not snore

- You have some fashion sense and do not look like those elderly twits with their fat guts in too tight shirts and varicose vein revealing capri pants.

- Your idea of fun is something more than getting drunk and smoking too many cigarettes

- If you go to a dance club, you can actually dance

- When you are together, it looks normal and not like some girl taking a customer out for a quickie or a nurse with her patient

- You have a decent body and your fat belly does not hide your feet or penis

- You do not need to trim your nose or ear hair

- You do not have ill fitting dentures or rotten teeth and bad breath

- You don't complain about everything, especially how dumb Thais are, or that the food is too spicey or your ex wife, or how your kids hate you, and you don't ridicule everyone you see such as ladyboys, homos, asians, Thai customs etc.

- If you go to the beach or a pool, people will look at you because you are cute and not because you are a fat old man in a thong

- If you have a healthy relationship with your parents/family and actually call them or send them emails.

- You know how to use a smart phone, have a vine or twitter/or snap chat or FB account

Relax. Have fun. Use a condom. Keep in touch with your family. Play safe,be polite and respectful. Use common sense. Avoid druggies, drinking and driving. Smile a lot. Stay calm and you will be fine.


A little confused. If Prostitution is actually illegal in Thailand. Then how can there be a legal age for it?

it isn't - the act of selling sex for money privately is not illegal - it's the rest around it that is illegal, such as solicitation done in a way indisposing the public, procuring, pimping, promoting or otherwise benefiting from someone else's prostitution.


There isn't necessarily a trap, it's just that she has no other options. You're the main option at the moment, and since you're a foreigner you have more POTENTIAL income, even though now you're broke.

So the trap / financial commitment and security might come later, she isn't losing anything by having you around. She will still sleep with other guys for money while you're in the picture, during working hours, for now. But they don't need to do that much to get by, they don't spend much.

I wouldn't go to the village yet, I'd make excuses or say sorry I want to get to know you better first.


you're nothing more than an insurance policy until something better comes along. you haven't got what it takes to build a house, buy a car or build a house. she is in the bar for a reason. when someone with more potential happens along, you're history.


20k is better than nothing it's a step in the right direction for her, but the obvious stands out here short time x 2 = well you know as we all know, i wan't this you buy me that, you might be lucky with this fish from the great ocean and i wish you all the luck with her but buy more bait for that rainy day that is fast approaching us.


They will kidnap you and sell your internal organs.whistling.gif

Don't be stupid, they will fry them up and eat them


I'll admit, I am assuming you are beyond 2 years of age...maybe way beyond. ( your profile does not list your age )

I must ask, if you are serious or if this is another troll post?

You are paying to play with a child!

If your post is a serious one, she is playing you.

Did you know the human brain does not fully mature until about 222 years of age???

You should grow up and find a woman.

Leave the children alone.

If not, you will get exactly what you deserve.

P.S. How can you justify paying a child or anyone for sex if you only have 4000 to your name?

With an income of only 20,000 per month, you will barely have enough money to survive in Thailand..and you are spending it on an 18 year old "starfish"??

You are well on your way to becoming one of those sorry expats we see sleeping on a Bangkok sidewalk in broad daylight.

Go home, earn some real money , save for your future and come back when you can afford to live here.

Again, grow up!


You are 22 and riding an 18 year old hottie...the trap is about half way between the ground and the top of your head. Just a suggestion but 22 year old doesn't really need to be scoring with brothel workers. There are many, many more places to pick up and finances won't be included in the foreplay.

As stated above going to Issan to visit the family is a big deal. It isn't like visiting your GF's mum and dad back home, you will need cash that you are willing to share with strangers and seeing as you don't have any, it will probably end badly.

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