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Will Condo Prices In Bangkok Go Up Or Down?

Condo prices in BKK, 2 years outlook  

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Midas what defines a luxury condo? why are you targeting the smallest percentage of condo ownership when in fact the majority live in non luxury so please define a price tag for us so I know if I'm in big trouble :o

20+ million baht

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Midas what defines a luxury condo? why are you targeting the smallest percentage of condo ownership when in fact the majority live in non luxury so please define a price tag for us so I know if I'm in big trouble :o

20+ million baht

woooohoooo IM a winner!!! no where near that amount.

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i wonder if u really understand how the economy works?


if u don;t know the answer - i offer clues in past posts

Shochu, do you know the name of Adolf Hitlers Alsatian? also a simple question. Make your statement or move on

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as i expected. come on a hard sell like u can do better than this!

PLEASE LEAVE the advice on condos in bangers to people who do not have a stake in parting innocent retirees with their investments!!

I suspect your a school teacher and your question was condescending, best saved for the 10 year olds you teach. Simple either contribute with an informative post or move on.

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that response took u quite a long time.

i dare not ask another question as it might make u have a stroke!

4 posts and still nothing to contribute. My thoughts on the the topic are expressed and even though I dont agree with Midas at least he has a point of view right or wrong. Stop being a pussy and say something or leave the thread, good night.

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now, now - why can't u answer a SIMPLE question - my query above - since u have tried to tell everyone here how u r CONVINCED that u KNOW where the markets r headed.

one would think someone who has an understanding of the markets can relate to my simple query?

how can we be convinced u know anything about stocks, condos when u don;t understand simple economics??

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shochu, I will be the first to admit that I am no financial expert. Real estate and economics are interesting to me and I try to learn what I can from all those willing to discuss these matters. This includes the extreme views posted by midas, bingo bongo and you as compared to those posted by the other extreme by hhgz, palm, and zorro1.

This bickering amoungst all of you is getting very petty and not helping anyone. As far as I can tell, you have asked two completely different questions:

1. What is the single common denominator in every recession/depression?

I believe the answer to be a decline of GDP for 2 or more quarters.

2. What was the main cause of the recessions/depression in every case?

I don't know the answer to this question. Perhaps you would be so kind to tell us what this main cause is? Here is what I came up with when looking for this answer:

"Causes of recessions

The precise causes of recession are the subject of fierce debate among academics and policy makers. For example, Keynesian economists, Real business cycle theorists, and Monetarists would all disagree about the precise cause of the business cycle, but most would agree that purely exogenous factors like the price of oil, weather conditions, or a war could by themselves cause a temporary recession, or, conversely, short term economic growth."

From this link

And this:

"What causes an economic depression?

This question has been a difficult one to answer for both historians and economists. There has been no definite conclusion amongst all of the economic viewpoints. There are various explanations coming from all of the different groups, but no one has been able to determine conclusively why depressions occur."

From here

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1 and 2 r the same

it is not conventional thought and not what u will read in the papers but i can say fairly confidently THAT it is a deliberate act by those in control to reduce the ##### ######.

just think of all those bailouts and what they r really doing - where is it going? or is it just mopping things up so that the excess is being eliminated from the system and thus there is less to go around and since we have reached our mathematical limits on many levels - just think about this for a minute and then ask urself - what the solution is?? or better yet - is there a solution???

well there is a solution - but it is painful - so i think it will be a natural default after many aborted attempts. it is possible to inflate the bubble again for a little while longer BUT, BUT, (see above) it is a deliberate attempt to ...

when u can figure this out - then u will know what u have to do!

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Midas what defines a luxury condo? why are you targeting the smallest percentage of condo ownership when in fact the majority live in non luxury so please define a price tag for us so I know if I'm in big trouble :o

I don't agree with tb86 :D

Condominium prices in Bangkok are referred to on the basis of x,ooo thb per square metre

because as we all know sizes and layouts differ dramatically.

You could get a 30 square metre luxury studio fitted out with absolutely everything

where they ask over 200,000 thb a square metre - why is it incorrect to

class this as luxury? It's a luxury studio condominium?

And another thing. Just because the journalist has used the word luxury in this article

you can't automatically assume it means luxury according only to " farang " standards?

This article was written by a Thai having interviewed Thai people so how do you know

they don't mean in relation to Thai salaries and Thai affordability?

When you consider the kinds of monthly salaries for professionals how much

would they be able to afford ?

Average Salary in Thailand - Job and Sector Comparison.

Job Gross Monthly Average Income Weekly Hours

Airline Pilot average salary 48,036 bahts 39

General Physician ave salary 41,358 bahts 52

Engineer average salary 32,655 bahts 48

Dentist average salary 31,325 bahts 42

Accountant average salary 26,562 bahts 44

I put it to you that even to an airline pilot- a 7 or 8 million baht condominium could be regarded as luxury

if it had the appropriate fitout - never mind the number of square metres involved . :D

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1 and 2 r the same

it is not conventional thought and not what u will read in the papers but i can say fairly confidently THAT it is a deliberate act by those in control to reduce the ##### ######.

just think of all those bailouts and what they r really doing - where is it going? or is it just mopping things up so that the excess is being eliminated from the system and thus there is less to go around and since we have reached our mathematical limits on many levels - just think about this for a minute and then ask urself - what the solution is?? or better yet - is there a solution???

well there is a solution - but it is painful - so i think it will be a natural default after many aborted attempts. it is possible to inflate the bubble again for a little while longer BUT, BUT, (see above) it is a deliberate attempt to ...

when u can figure this out - then u will know what u have to do!

Can I have a stab at the quiz ? I would like to suggest the missing words are MONEY SUPPLY ? :D

And then we know the economics textbooks ( which zorro says I shouldn't read :o ) says the subsequent stages are likely to be

A fall in the level of asset prices, a still greater fall in the net worth of business precipitating bankruptcies,

fall in profits, reduction in output and employment, loss of confidence, hoarding of money which we are seeing

with the Times newspaper in London saying there has been a 25 percent increase in the number of people

buying home safes in the UK to stash away their money. They are taking it out of the bank's right now. :D

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Midas what defines a luxury condo? why are you targeting the smallest percentage of condo ownership when in fact the majority live in non luxury so please define a price tag for us so I know if I'm in big trouble :o

I don't agree with tb86 :D

Condominium prices in Bangkok are referred to on the basis of x,ooo thb per square metre

because as we all know sizes and layouts differ dramatically.

You could get a 30 square metre luxury studio fitted out with absolutely everything

where they ask over 200,000 thb a square metre - why is it incorrect to

class this as luxury? It's a luxury studio condominium?

Because one measure of luxury would be space..

My last master bathroom was close to 30 sqm !! Thats not a condo its a storage room.

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Midas what defines a luxury condo? why are you targeting the smallest percentage of condo ownership when in fact the majority live in non luxury so please define a price tag for us so I know if I'm in big trouble :o

I don't agree with tb86 :D

Condominium prices in Bangkok are referred to on the basis of x,ooo thb per square metre

because as we all know sizes and layouts differ dramatically.

You could get a 30 square metre luxury studio fitted out with absolutely everything

where they ask over 200,000 thb a square metre - why is it incorrect to

class this as luxury? It's a luxury studio condominium?

Because one measure of luxury would be space..

My last master bathroom was close to 30 sqm !! Thats not a condo its a storage room.

As you say only one measure and we don't know which measure the

journalist had in mind i.e. space or facilities within the condominium?

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so in 10 pages its a 50/50 split on the voting then. Be honest no one really knows :o

You are actually correct ! but why should anyone rush in and buy right now ?

Who is to say that it will not be an even better " buyers market " in 12 - 18 months

time than it is today ?

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The biggest drops are going to be in the condos around sukumvit, so many Japanese familes heading back now.

Yes but they liked to be in a community and always seemed to congregate around the Thonglor area mostly ?

Or are they in other areas as well ?

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many do, but money is an issue for all people and, i'm sure as u know the japanese - although being known for their group mentality r just as well known for their individualistic characteristics - have reasons for being elsewhere.

i see them living in other up and coming areas.

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The biggest drops are going to be in the condos around sukumvit, so many Japanese familes heading back now.

Yes but they liked to be in a community and always seemed to congregate around the Thonglor area mostly ?

Or are they in other areas as well ?

Suk 24 as well - many Japanese. I think Suk 24 is going to be a disaster personally when/if all those condos are built... It's already a main thoroughfare between Rama4 and Suk... and with all the new traffic, god help us.

LivingLOS, I sent u a pm, u never answered... so I'll ask again on the board since I see you posted here not long ago... Do you still have your E31 CSI? Color?

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Will Condo prices in Bangkok go up or down , how much ?

Answer is down , by how much ,please go to link


River along with other projects discounted ,this is a major player in the market ,so we can stop all the Arguments about where the Condo market is going ,the answer is DOWN ,

Might as well close thread now

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The thread started in 2006, why stop now, especially since people now stand a chance of being correct after 3 years.


This has been ongoing since 97. The major problem we have here is trying to MAKE Bkk fit into the mould. A square peg in a round hole and some posters don't seem to think its fair that property hasn't gone down the gurgler! The USA is going down the gurgler its knock on effect is diminishing. Midas must be American he thinks BKK is in Europe or Iceland . Check out his link to Iceland and its knock on effect back to BKK :D , as someone posted "to much time on his hands"

He also doesn't get the connection between the stock markets and and its link to how the world is shaping up. Here is a news flash NYSE had another horror day -300 last night. How does the ASX respond ? a measly -1.5% the first ordinary day in weeks. Aussies will do much better than the yanks ,so will BKK.

After all of these posts not one bit of proof that the pricing is spiralling down. :o

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so in 10 pages its a 50/50 split on the voting then. Be honest no one really knows :o

You are actually correct ! but why should anyone rush in and buy right now ?

Who is to say that it will not be an even better " buyers market " in 12 - 18 months

time than it is today ?

Or worse and this is the point we dont know. I personally feel a massive world war coming on maybe I am too extreme, I hope so.

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well just went to my favourite website and here we go, this article just realead 1 hour ago, proves my theory about USA knock on effect is seriously diminishing. They are going DOWN DOWN .BKK will do even better zero subprime !!! Any case its to late for most of you unless you hold US dollars going to cost you another 30%. You should have bought last year whilst everyone said rent rent rent :o




Australia 'well-placed for downturn'


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Edited by zorro1
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Will Condo prices in Bangkok go up or down , how much ?

Answer is down , by how much ,please go to link


River along with other projects discounted ,this is a major player in the market ,so we can stop all the Arguments about where the Condo market is going ,the answer is DOWN ,

Might as well close thread now

it proves nothing 1 company offering discounts on the most expensive projects out of reach to most folk anyway. Try seing what u can get off a 1-2 million priced condo which is where most people will be buying as most buyers are Thai.

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I just read - and I'm sure bingobongo and Midas noticed - that a development on Rama 4 is now offering a 20% discount on the 40 or so unsold units. The project is planned to be opened in July, 2009. Not surprisingly, the discounts are due to the worldwide recession, and not the "notoriously defective condo law" or the "junta".

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