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Ideas for an electrical feature project?


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It's been a while since we did a forum project, something along the lines of this http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/671221-build-a-low-cost-semi-automatic-generator-transfer-switch/ which may be of interest / use to our members.

I'm short on ideas right now, so if anyone has a bright spark, let us know here. Doesn't have to be pure electrical, maybe something alternative energy based.

Any and all thoughts welcomed, I need some brain stimulation!

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OK sure, how about an off-grid, closed loop, 100% solar garden / security lights project with auto on/off at sunset/sunrise?

It could be based on 12V or 220V LED lamps - but, ideally, it would support 20x 7W lamps, so it would perfectly suit my garden tongue.png

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I believe Demark the other day had strong winds, and during that period it generated 140% of its electrical needs from wind.

What size of project are you considering?

Personally I've been interested for a while in producing hydro electricity with a vortex tube. As I read it, it will get more power from the water than straight drop, as it accelerates the water, and also cools it a little, so it's colder at the bottom than the top, and that's where the extra energy comes from (the heat removal), with the optimal temperature being 4C before it starts to expand again.

Another thing I'd be interested in is using a fresnel lense to focus sunlight on something like Magnesium Chloride Hexahydrate, which is extremely hygroscopic, so it could pull humidity out of the air when there is no rain, and solar heat could evaporate it off and be collected. I've tried this on a tiny scale, but never set up a serious rig.

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Children's motorcycle safety helmets with built in social media headsets.

If they wear the helmets they can chat to their friends via bluetooth.

Maybe they will wear helmets because they want to rather than being told to?

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Children's motorcycle safety helmets with built in social media headsets.

If they wear the helmets they can chat to their friends via bluetooth.

Maybe they will wear helmets because they want to rather than being told to?

Ideas for an electrical feature project????????????????????????

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I'm a software engineer who also designs the hardware it runs on. I've been mulling over the possibility of a climate control system for growing things in a green house.

You know the sort of thing : humidity sensors + water sprays, temperature sensors + fans, maybe monitor CO2 and open shutters.

Plus of course have it remotely monitored at a laptop in the house so you know everything is good. Plus remote monitoring over the internet I suppose ...

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Children's motorcycle safety helmets with built in social media headsets.

If they wear the helmets they can chat to their friends via bluetooth.

Maybe they will wear helmets because they want to rather than being told to?

I would rather see a mandatory 7 day prison sentence for allowing a child to be carried on a motorcycle without a helmet, and seizure of the motorcycle. Then we would suddenly see 100% compliance.

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Children's motorcycle safety helmets with built in social media headsets.

If they wear the helmets they can chat to their friends via bluetooth.

Maybe they will wear helmets because they want to rather than being told to?

I would rather see a mandatory 7 day prison sentence for allowing a child to be carried on a motorcycle without a helmet, and seizure of the motorcycle. Then we would suddenly see 100% compliance.

While I do agree that Bluetooth electronics might not be the sort of electronic project the OP is looking for and there are issues with any project that includes an item like a safety helmet.

You are not going to see a mandatory prison sentence as there are not enough police or prison places to enforce it. Even in the UK that has strict helmet laws there is a stepped system, first offence gets you a fine. But with such a high number in Thailand ignoring the current law then very little will change if you tightened the law.

My idea is to get kids to wear helmets because they want to.

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I'm a software engineer who also designs the hardware it runs on. I've been mulling over the possibility of a climate control system for growing things in a green house.

You know the sort of thing : humidity sensors + water sprays, temperature sensors + fans, maybe monitor CO2 and open shutters.

Plus of course have it remotely monitored at a laptop in the house so you know everything is good. Plus remote monitoring over the internet I suppose ...

Do people use greenhouses/ polytunnels in the North of Thailand? I ask because it can be quite cool there.

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Here are 3 ideas, listed in increasing levels of complexity, cost, & craziness.

1. Solar water heater system. A black hose draped across the roof of your house will get bloody hot,...a temperature sensor could turn on a pump to move the heated water into a storage container, but only if the water in the storage unit is cooler than the water on the roof. This eliminates the need for electric water heaters (& requires additional plumbing); not a big deal or much of a gain,... but could be an enjoyable project.

2. A "Segway" made for Thailand's rough terrain. "Segways" or "Ginger" are two names for those two wheeled, all electric vehicles which a single person stands on to ride. Depending on the terrain you plan to ride on, you may want to increase the diameter and the width of the wheels. Big battery, two drive motors, motor drive electronics, and similar electronics used to "balance" a quadcopter would constitute the basic components.

3. Solar thermal electric generator. The basics: heat from sunlight is used to boil an organic working fluid, which powers a turbine or piston engine, which spins an appropriately sized electric generator/alternator to produce electricity. This will be an expensive and complex project....any takers??

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2. A "Segway" made for Thailand's rough terrain. "Segways" or "Ginger" are two names for those two wheeled, all electric vehicles which a single person stands on to ride. Depending on the terrain you plan to ride on, you may want to increase the diameter and the width of the wheels. Big battery, two drive motors, motor drive electronics, and similar electronics used to "balance" a quadcopter would constitute the basic components.

Already done:

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2. A "Segway" made for Thailand's rough terrain. "Segways" or "Ginger" are two names for those two wheeled, all electric vehicles which a single person stands on to ride. Depending on the terrain you plan to ride on, you may want to increase the diameter and the width of the wheels. Big battery, two drive motors, motor drive electronics, and similar electronics used to "balance" a quadcopter would constitute the basic components.

Already done:

Now that's a pretty cool little mil-spec treded skateboard,...certainly has no need for an electronic balancing system like a Segway. On the other hand, I'm not sure many TV readers (mostly retired, and 60+) would feel all that comfortable riding a powered skateboard in that sideways skateboard stance. Still, it's something the OP might want to consider.

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Some interesting ideas, please do keep them coming.

But also please remember I'm going to be funding these, they have to be useful to at least one other member and I don't have infinite time or resources :)

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Tesla style powerwall alternative... scalable from few cheap batteries to sustain a whole house/office in an outage. Mains/solar/alternative powered with auto switchover based on current supply.

Would love a big system like this to replace multiple small ups at work with standard plugs on backup, but imagine the same concept could also be scaled down to a very affordable working proof of concept.

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But also please remember I'm going to be funding these, they have to be useful to at least one other member and I don't have infinite time or resources smile.png

Guess there goes my H2 fuel cell thoughts. Lot of experience with them but not cheap and a tad dangerous. wink.png However biogas is a viable energy source to consider.

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How many of you have seen a motorbike coming down the road at night with no head light? Headlight is actually "on" but blocked by cargo placed in the add-on front basket.

So how about an "add on" head light tthat attaches to the front of the basket? Maybe we could even market it and make a few bucks. Hardware bracket would be easy to design and all that's left is addingf a simple wire and connector to the main headlite. Design a flat panel "LED" light array instead of using a filiment lamp.

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How about a project that's able to measure, display and log the energy usage of selected/all circuits in a consumer unit? i.e. stop guessing how much one AC uses over another, or how much energy all your fridges actually use, or how much money you might save by going to solar hot water etc.

Yes, there are wall wart loggers, but they're useless for everything that's hard wired like lights, water heaters, AC's etc.

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Here's another one, but more limited by how many people might be able to use it..

Solar direct power for a pool pump and chlorinator (SWG). No batteries or grid-tie needed - the pump and SWG only need to run when the sun is out anyway (i.e. when chlorine is burning off) - the only thing it would need to do is have enough PV panel "over spec" so that it could generate usable 220V for say 6-8 hours/day.

Yes, solar direct pumps have been done before (Lorentz brand), but the pumps are way overpriced, and the system is not able to run the SWG as well, so it's only a half solution. Additionally, if you have swimmers at night, you normally want to be able to run your main pump at the same time - something the Lorentz pumps can't do, but a custom solution using regular 220V pumps could.

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Some interesting ideas, please do keep them coming.

But also please remember I'm going to be funding these, they have to be useful to at least one other member and I don't have infinite time or resources :)

Crossy, maybe you could have a virtual project, where you costed out everything and explained it, but never did it. That way cost would not be a factor, and the input from you would be time and expertise, but not baht.
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Here are 3 ideas, listed in increasing levels of complexity, cost, & craziness.

1. Solar water heater system. A black hose draped across the roof of your house will get bloody hot,...a temperature sensor could turn on a pump to move the heated water into a storage container, but only if the water in the storage unit is cooler than the water on the roof. This eliminates the need for electric water heaters (& requires additional plumbing); not a big deal or much of a gain,... but could be an enjoyable project.

2. A "Segway" made for Thailand's rough terrain. "Segways" or "Ginger" are two names for those two wheeled, all electric vehicles which a single person stands on to ride. Depending on the terrain you plan to ride on, you may want to increase the diameter and the width of the wheels. Big battery, two drive motors, motor drive electronics, and similar electronics used to "balance" a quadcopter would constitute the basic components.

3. Solar thermal electric generator. The basics: heat from sunlight is used to boil an organic working fluid, which powers a turbine or piston engine, which spins an appropriately sized electric generator/alternator to produce electricity. This will be an expensive and complex project....any takers??

Nr.1 I made here, I used copper tube in a closed, isolated box covered with a sheet of glass. I have a storage tank from 750 liters. We use around 40 liters warm water daily (bit depending on water temperature in the tank) When water in tank is hot, and we have a few days no sun (like now, finally the rain starts to come) the tank is not filled. (filling and circulating only happens when water in the solar collector is warmer then water in the tank).

When the storage tank is complete empty, and we have the first hot day, in 3-4 hour the tank is full with water from 60 degrees Celsius. Next days with sun the water heats up to 65. I do not know why, but it never gets warmer then 65.


Arjen, where did you find copper tubing in Thailand?? Also, if you solder the copper tubes to a piece of flat sheet steel, then dye or paint the tubes & flat metal flat black, you should get even hotter. If you can pull a partial vacuum inside the box, that will help too.

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Arjen, where did you find copper tubing in Thailand?? Also, if you solder the copper tubes to a piece of flat sheet steel, then dye or paint the tubes & flat metal flat black, you should get even hotter. If you can pull a partial vacuum inside the box, that will help too.

Copper tubing is readily available at air conditioning places and usually the large hardware outlets such as Homepro/Global House.

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