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Where should I buy a baby carseat in CM?

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My intense and irresistable manliness has apparently caused a new life to be created (please - hold your applause). Assuming they're more punctual than the old man, should be here in a few months time.

Where should I buy a carseat so we can get around? Ideally some place that will either install it for me or provide good instructions as to how to do so. It's for a Ford Festiva (tiny lil' plasticy thing that looks like it was bought in a department store).

I'm not tremendously worried about getting the best possible deal - just want to get something safe and somehow prevent the idiot I occasionally turn in to from ballsing up the installation. :)




Robinson have the highest quality, and prices.

We got a CoolKids pushchair/baby car seat combo from there. The push chair is still going but the car seat was too small after 10 months.

Then we got a full size car seat for age 1-6 from the baby shop behind Big C Extra on the Super Highway. Forgotten the name, but exit the rear of the car park, straight over the cross roads and its on the right, 2nd floor, security guard operates the 8 or so parking spaces outside. More choice at a lower price there (about 5000B as opposed to 20000B at Robinson).


Yes, Central - Robinson Airport Plaza has some good ones. You will want an imported one. Japanese imported car seats are very popular in Thailand. Thai brands = poor quality and dangerous. As naboo stated, you will need one that is the right size until the baby is about a year old or so, then another that will be good until the child is about 6 years old or 20+ kg. Our child outgrew his seat when he was 5.

We used the Aprica brand which is sold in Bangkok http://www.apricathailand.com/Shop.html (and possibly Robinsons Airport Plaza) They sell for between 9K-25K Baht. The wife was able to find a demo model fully warranted for about 6,900 Baht, a few years ago. They are also sold second-hand on the Internet.


Installation of a car seat is not difficult...

If you are not 100% certain go online and look at a few videos to avoid the common mistakes many make.

I personally trust myself and my own attention to detail with my Son's safety rather than a sales assistant etc.

My Son is now 19 months old: He's had 3 car seats.... After doing plenty of research I chose the following.

1) Maxi-Cosi Pebble: This stage 0 seat (up to 9 kgs) clipped into an Iso-Fix base and also onto a pushchair base... it was easy to transfer the little chappy in and out of the car and onto a pushchair.

2) Clek-Foonf: (In Thailand) A larger rear facing seat, possibly the safest 'next stage' (9-22 kgs) car seat... Iso-Fix, Rear (or forwards) facing. Based on the latest research its much safer to keep your child rear-facing at least until 4 years old.

3) Britax Dual-fix: (In the UK) - this is the seat I use in the UK when I visit (it remains at my parents place): This 'stage 0-I' (0-18 kgs) seat is possibly the best option.

In summary: I've owned all of the above seats: the First two in Thailand: Group 0, then moved up to a Group 1.

For convenience (and so that I didn't have to travel with a car seat) we also purchased a seat in the UK (the Brtiax).

There are many brands out there, some do slightly different things i.e. form part of a pushchair travel system, are seatbelt only, or ISO-Fix only, or Seatbelt & Iso-fix (such as the Maxi-cosi).

Ideally - look for what you want, then see if you can find it in the shops.



When your kid is small you need a different car seat. Britax has a stroller / car seat combo where the car seat clips into the stroller, and clips into a base that you install in the car. Amazing... Never have to wake the kid up when they are sleeping - As any parent will tell you they always fall asleep just as you pull into the driveway! not sure if anyone has it here, but you may want to look for something similar like some other posters have mentioned.

Like This http://www. walmart.com/ip/Britax-B-Agile-3-B-Safe-35-Travel-System-Black/40146956?sourceid=csesh016381e9b269da474dbb0465ca39917525&wmlspartner=shoppingcom&affcmpid=1963334675&tmode=0000&bcfg=e1eae9ab1a1fbbd5759eeeec89449629&veh=cse

Now that our little one is no longer little, we purchased a car seat at IS Baby shop behind Big C Extra in the business park. It was only 3000 baht. But this is for big kids.

Also - If you do end up buying stuff at Robinsons (like I did before I knew about the other stores) Make sure you BARGAIN with them. Ask and ye shall receive. No askie, no discount.

Good Luck



These posts got me going with some google terms and I think I'm on top of the issues now. Particularly helpful was "isofix". I actually didn't realize the anchor points were standard these days, I thought you might have to add them yourself the way I remember my stepfather doing for some sibling many decades ago. :)

I've also learned you don't really need anchor points at all, it is possible to secure an infant carseat using just the seatbelt. Although that kind of feels wrong to me. So ima go with an isofix one.

I really apreciate everyone's help!

Thanks again,



These posts got me going with some google terms and I think I'm on top of the issues now. Particularly helpful was "isofix". I actually didn't realize the anchor points were standard these days, I thought you might have to add them yourself the way I remember my stepfather doing for some sibling many decades ago. smile.png

I've also learned you don't really need anchor points at all, it is possible to secure an infant carseat using just the seatbelt. Although that kind of feels wrong to me. So ima go with an isofix one.

I really apreciate everyone's help!

Thanks again,


Check that your Fiesta has IsoFix fittings... easy enough to do...

Have a look on google at where they should be located and do a physical check of your own car.


Something which I found useful: An Infant Car Seat which can be installed with either IsoFix or Seatbelt... Thus when travelling to other areas (by flight) we can take the seat with us and Pop it into a hire-car, a Taxi (which has rear belts), a Mini-Van (lap belt), a friends car etc... (the IsoFix base is heavy and you may not wish to travel with it).

Additionally: when flying I found that many times there were 'spare seats' available... Thus we could carry our Infant Car Seat as hand Baggage (its light enough) and use it on the plane. This secured our child who was more comfortable sleeping in his car seat than on our laps.

[infant car seats need to be FAA approved. Most are these days].


Possibly you could check one of the local Facebook groups for quality used Kids stuff?

I see many young families lately, surely there a plenty of kids growing out of carseats, cribs and the like.


Possibly you could check one of the local Facebook groups for quality used Kids stuff?

I see many young families lately, surely there a plenty of kids growing out of carseats, cribs and the like.

Indeed - We'd sell ours... But the Op is in CM.

Additionally: When it comes to the safety of their kids not many are willing to go the 'second hand' route.

On the off chance anyone is interested feel free to PM me.

MaxiCosi Pebble:

IsoFix Base (to Fit Maxi-Cosi Pebble:

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