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My problem with Sexpats.


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I dont care if they treat me with respect or not.

If you dont care what whore chasers do why are you posting on this thread?

I suggest you hang around questionable locals if they are in places to see the things you describe. You may want to get a better class of local friends.

By the way, calling the women whores says a hell of a lot about you.

Please enlighten me; what, EXACTLY, does it say about me to describe women who sell their bodies by their profession?

If you describe them collectively as anything but what they do then it would appear that you're a class-A, dyed-in-the-wool hypocrite and you're a hell of a lot more embarrassed about what you do in Thailand than you'd have us believe.

Describing them as "girls" for the folks back home spares you the shame, right??

Nothing wrong with calling prostitutes "prostitutes", but calling them "whores" is derogatory and insulting. Which I guess is what you intend! Rather like calling a police officer a "pig".

Please explain the difference between prostitue and whore.

I was under the impression the both sold themselves for money.

I love these farang saps who try to justify the lifestyle, by saying, its not the same as back home, LOL

Well if it aint the same, why are you paying, do they give it away for free or something? LOL

Thankfully this is Thailand, the PC brigade havent got here yet.

I would have thought my post made it clear. "Whore" is just an insulting term for a prostitute. Nothing wrong with using it, if your aim is to insult.

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I dont care if they treat me with respect or not.

If you dont care what whore chasers do why are you posting on this thread?

I suggest you hang around questionable locals if they are in places to see the things you describe. You may want to get a better class of local friends.

By the way, calling the women whores says a hell of a lot about you.

Please enlighten me; what, EXACTLY, does it say about me to describe women who sell their bodies by their profession?

If you describe them collectively as anything but what they do then it would appear that you're a class-A, dyed-in-the-wool hypocrite and you're a hell of a lot more embarrassed about what you do in Thailand than you'd have us believe.

Describing them as "girls" for the folks back home spares you the shame, right??

Nothing wrong with calling prostitutes "prostitutes", but calling them "whores" is derogatory and insulting. Which I guess is what you intend! Rather like calling a police officer a "pig".

Its derogatory of course but I would guess that the girls have thick skin. A share of the customers are probably using such words during the act.

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Didn't realise that

Not into P4P so . . .

Fair enough; I believe you. Although you certainly seem to enjoy posting on the P4P threads!whistling.gif

I enjoy posting in a lot of threads

Do I have to be into P4P in order to post in threads dealing with that subject matter?

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Didn't realise that

Not into P4P so . . .

Fair enough; I believe you. Although you certainly seem to enjoy posting on the P4P threads!whistling.gif

I enjoy posting in a lot of threads

Do I have to be into P4P in order to post in threads dealing with that subject matter?

Definitely not. I used to be in it but havent done so for years.

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Post #151

"Whore" is just an insulting term for a prostitute

Who says?

Ok lets just call her a rose by any other name.

Could post in Thai on here, but aint allowed,maybe you could rewrite the Thai language to remove any words/phrases that you dont approve of, LOL

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Post #151

"Whore" is just an insulting term for a prostitute

Who says?

Ok lets just call her a rose by any other name.

Could post in Thai on here, but aint allowed,maybe you could rewrite the Thai language to remove any words/phrases that you dont approve of, LOL

I don't speak Thai, but am happy to help out with English.

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7) You will respect fellow members and post in a civil manner. No personal attacks, hateful or insulting towards other members, (flaming) Stalking of members on either the forum or via PM will not be allowed.

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The amount of euphemisms people use around this issue is fascinating - bar girl, naughty boy, pay for play, entertainment zones etc etc.

If it's nothing to be ashamed of, why not call it what it is?

Euphemisms are one of the joys of the English language!

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No one place in particular - and not necessarily 'expat' bars, either.

Thai bars? I'm genuinely interested in where you consider a normal place to "hang out".

I will answer that, at the back of Seacon Square, mix with normal everyday Thai people, office girls, sales clerks, nurses, small business owners etc etc.

Contrary to popular belief, these girls will even buy you a drink as way of thanks for translating their FB messages etc.

Tawana Square Bank Kapi is another, 75 baht per large Leo, a night out can cost me less than 500 baht, give the girl a 25 baht tip and get a wai and a khop khun ka, in lower Suk it would get you a mouthful of abuse in Thai.

Thanks. But they don't really sound like expat hang-outs, which is what I thought SoiBiker was on about. I don't really have any desire to go native!


Give it a try and you might be pleasantly surprised.

Some of these girls drive a car even and before you know it you end up in some curtain hotel, a bag of ya ice magically appears and suddenly it's like three days later and you wonder where did the time go.

Some of these office girls really know how to party.

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The amount of euphemisms people use around this issue is fascinating - bar girl, naughty boy, pay for play, entertainment zones etc etc.

If it's nothing to be ashamed of, why not call it what it is?

Because thats what they are.

Most people try to be polite, others, well...

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The amount of euphemisms people use around this issue is fascinating - bar girl, naughty boy, pay for play, entertainment zones etc etc.

If it's nothing to be ashamed of, why not call it what it is?

Because thats what they are.

Most people try to be polite, others, well...

Why? Who's feelings are they sparing?

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The amount of euphemisms people use around this issue is fascinating - bar girl, naughty boy, pay for play, entertainment zones etc etc.

If it's nothing to be ashamed of, why not call it what it is?

Euphemisms are one of the joys of the English language!

Learn some Thai and their euphemisms, lol

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The amount of euphemisms people use around this issue is fascinating - bar girl, naughty boy, pay for play, entertainment zones etc etc.

If it's nothing to be ashamed of, why not call it what it is?

There is, to some people, a thing called being a gentleman. Women take money for sex. OK we all know that but to remind them of it is crude (in my opinion). I give my wife a car or gold or new house and I expect hot sex. She knows and I know but we are discrete enough not to go on an on about her mercenary interests. I don't do this anymore because I live in Thailand and those are Western experiences but I'm just saying........

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The amount of euphemisms people use around this issue is fascinating - bar girl, naughty boy, pay for play, entertainment zones etc etc.

If it's nothing to be ashamed of, why not call it what it is?

There is, to some people, a thing called being a gentleman. Women take money for sex. OK we all know that but to remind them of it is crude (in my opinion). I give my wife a car or gold or new house and I expect hot sex. She knows and I know but we are discrete enough not to go on an on about her mercenary interests. I don't do this anymore because I live in Thailand and those are Western experiences but I'm just saying........

Not all women take money for sex. We have words for those that do. Why shy away from them if there's nothing wrong with it?

Does a gentleman use prostitutes?

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The amount of euphemisms people use around this issue is fascinating - bar girl, naughty boy, pay for play, entertainment zones etc etc.

If it's nothing to be ashamed of, why not call it what it is?

Because thats what they are.

Most people try to be polite, others, well...

Why? Who's feelings are they sparing?
Will say it again, they are called bar girls, entertainment zones etc because that is what they are.

If you think it polite to call a bar girl a whore then that is a matter for you, good luck with that.

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The amount of euphemisms people use around this issue is fascinating - bar girl, naughty boy, pay for play, entertainment zones etc etc.

If it's nothing to be ashamed of, why not call it what it is?

Because thats what they are.

Most people try to be polite, others, well...

Why? Who's feelings are they sparing?
Will say it again, they are called bar girls, entertainment zones etc because that is what they are.

If you think it polite to call a bar girl a whore then that is a matter for you, good luck with that.

But we could call any girl who works in a bar a bar girl, regardless of what kind of bar it is. A mall containing cinemas, bowling alleys etc could be called an entertainment zone.

These are euphemisms, used so that those in the know understand what is being discussed without having to use terms like prostitute.

Despite many here claiming that it's nothing to be ashamed of or stigmatized over, there's clearly a reluctance to call it what it is.

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The amount of euphemisms people use around this issue is fascinating - bar girl, naughty boy, pay for play, entertainment zones etc etc.

If it's nothing to be ashamed of, why not call it what it is?

There is, to some people, a thing called being a gentleman. Women take money for sex. OK we all know that but to remind them of it is crude (in my opinion). I give my wife a car or gold or new house and I expect hot sex. She knows and I know but we are discrete enough not to go on an on about her mercenary interests. I don't do this anymore because I live in Thailand and those are Western experiences but I'm just saying........
Not all women take money for sex. We have words for those that do. Why shy away from them if there's nothing wrong with it?

Does a gentleman use prostitutes?

Yes of course gentlemen do, men of all demographics and walks of life do. But polite people do not denigrate those that do or those that they do it with.

Though those that denigrate and cast aspersions on people that do it are usually hiding thier own insecurities or just sad with their own lives and want others to be as sad as them.

You rarely hear guys who do take bar girls sitting there talking badly about those that dont. They are too busy enjoying what they do to care about those that have nothing better to dobexcept whinge about others.

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The amount of euphemisms people use around this issue is fascinating - bar girl, naughty boy, pay for play, entertainment zones etc etc.

If it's nothing to be ashamed of, why not call it what it is?

Euphemisms are one of the joys of the English language!

Learn some Thai and their euphemisms, lol

* Hoiboy. A post-opper.

* (H)oi sac mak. The 'H' is not pronounced to veil the Thai euphemism with the Thai exclamation "Oi!" that is also often used for nicknames. We drop the 'k' of the English 'sack' just because it looks good and confuses people, but may be either a derogatory reference to size with regards to the aforementioned euphemism, or possibly it came from the 'hitting' of 'the sack' or 'in the sack', rhyming as it does with the Thai version of 'very' for effect.

* Man men mak. Insult your own race for bargirl approval in such a way as any native speaker of either Thai or English might become confused and presume you're speaking something you are not. Most speakers of either language have a natural ability for achieving the same effects by just opening their mouths.

I'll see meself out, then.

Edited by Squeegee
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The amount of euphemisms people use around this issue is fascinating - bar girl, naughty boy, pay for play, entertainment zones etc etc.

If it's nothing to be ashamed of, why not call it what it is?

There is, to some people, a thing called being a gentleman. Women take money for sex. OK we all know that but to remind them of it is crude (in my opinion). I give my wife a car or gold or new house and I expect hot sex. She knows and I know but we are discrete enough not to go on an on about her mercenary interests. I don't do this anymore because I live in Thailand and those are Western experiences but I'm just saying........
Not all women take money for sex. We have words for those that do. Why shy away from them if there's nothing wrong with it?

Does a gentleman use prostitutes?

Yes of course gentlemen do, men of all demographics and walks of life do. But polite people do not denigrate those that do or those that they do it with.

Though those that denigrate and cast aspersions on people that do it are usually hiding thier own insecurities or just sad with their own lives and want others to be as sad as them.

You rarely hear guys who do take bar girls sitting there talking badly about those that dont. They are too busy enjoying what they do to care about those that have nothing better to dobexcept whinge about others.

How is calling a prostitute a prostitute denigrating or insulting them? It's simply an accurate description of their profession.

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@ post 171,

Despite many here claiming that it's nothing to be ashamed of or stigmatized over, there's clearly a reluctance to call it what it is.

Coz they are looking from a Johns point of view and not a Thai point of view, for the simple reason, they dont speak Thai.

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^^^^, thats what farangs call them or the places they work, learn some basic Thai and learn how the Thais refer to them.

My mrs and the other Thais I know have no qualms about calling them for what they are.

No matter how much you try, you are not Thai.

Must be a barrellmof laughs if thats your idea of fun to denigrate others.

Do you also sit around calling out to fat people, people with one arm or have lost an eye? Surely you must because thats what they are. Do you call black people n*ggers too, surely you must, just to be fair.

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@ post 171,

Despite many here claiming that it's nothing to be ashamed of or stigmatized over, there's clearly a reluctance to call it what it is.

Coz they are looking from a Johns point of view and not a Thai point of view, for the simple reason, they dont speak Thai.

You do realise that Thais use prostitutes too. I'm guessing they speak thai.

But as you are obviously just trolling I dont want to waste time with people that have no social skills so the ignore button is useful fore me now.

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@ post 171,

Despite many here claiming that it's nothing to be ashamed of or stigmatized over, there's clearly a reluctance to call it what it is.

Coz they are looking from a Johns point of view and not a Thai point of view, for the simple reason, they dont speak Thai.

You do realise that Thais use prostitutes too. I'm guessing they speak thai.

But as you are obviously just trolling I dont want to waste time with people that have no social skills so the ignore button is useful fore me now.

Yes I am am well aware that Thais use prostitutes, some speak Lao, some speak Burmese, some speak Cambodian, whats your point?

I dont see the Thais trying to put lipstick on a pig.

I dont see the Thais buying them houses, land and marrying them.

Head up to Ratchada and see how hansum you are, many of the farangs I see on lower Suk wouldnt be let in the front door, never mind.

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