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An Upcoming Webinar for EFL/ESL Teachers

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Hey TVers,

I'm leading a professional development webinar for ESL/EFL teachers worldwide this Wednesday, July 15th, at 3pm GMT - which is, if my calculations are correct, 10pm Thailand time. If you're interested, come join in.

Easy, free sign up is here: http://fluencymc.wiziq.com/online-class/2960148-ten-tiny-tweaks-with-outsized-impact-by-matthew-noble



If you can't make it to the live session but still want to check it out, sign up and you'll have access to the recording. These webinars are typically attended by a variety of English teachers from all over the planet. The hosts presenting my session are Jase AKA Fluency MC (http://www.colloandspark.com/) and Chuck Sandy (http://www.eltnews.com/features/interviews/2003/04/interview_with_chuck_sandy.html)



Presented by Gallery Teachers and iTDi

Hope some Thailand EFL teachers end up joining in. smile.gif


Some images from previous webinars:




(THIS webinar is a stand-alone session and they'll be no pre- or post-task...though an optional follow-up Google Form feedback survey etc. may very well be a thing linked to at the end).

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That went well. Just FYI, you can still click through, join up, and view the recording. There will be an associated online activity posted through Google Forms to engage further with the content. Cheers


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