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Why Do I Feel Ripped Off?


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I would not have gone to see the doctor. As long as you knew what was going on, there was no need to see the doctor. 600 baht is very steep. I come to Thailand every year for 5 to 6 months. Last year I had a huge floater in my left eye and went to see an optamologist. His fee was 200 baht and this was in a for fee hospital that I have been going to since 1978. Will have to admit that now that foreigners are willing to pay and Thais have health insurance, fees have gone up.

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I always feel ripped off when I visit a private hospital in Thailand. As I have insurance, I notice that the hospital always charges up to the maximum that the insurance will cover. I check the bills and they seem to just randomly bump up certain items to make the amount, like paracetamol for 490 baht and so on. No idea how they get away with it and why the insurance companies don't kick up a fuss.

Last month, I needed to get a medical check up called a PERF to get a visa for China. I went to Sikarin hospital and I was totally ripped off. The bill even read 'Payer Group: Foreigner'. Hope that makes the OP feel betterthumbsup.gif

I can tell you why the hospital will max things out to the insurance company. It's because no matter what they bill the insurance company the insurance company is going to pay a lower amount. This happens all the time. I worked in the medical industry for years and insurance companies never pay what is billed.

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Just think, you could have done the same thing without the extra doctor visit in the Western world and it would only have cost you 5x as much...

As mentioned above, pharmacists are great here - rare that i have needed a doctor especially for meds when I can go direct to the pharmacist and some are very knowledgable… great system that allows you the oppt to skip the doctor…

So, since you did not end up at a Western Doc back home - where are you going to spend the big savings?

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I was recently given some antibiotics by a pharmacist - for a sinus infection. I asked "This means no alcohol for 5 days?" The response was "Wait for two hours after drinking before you take the antiobiotics". I would not dream of going to any other pharmacist.

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Sometimes you have to way up the pros and cons and the urgency.

I had a crown come loose that was fitted in the UK some years ago.

Went to the local government dentists department, where all the seats were occupied and people standing around inside and outside. Quoted around 200 baht.

I took one look and decided on a visit to a private dentist.

Full clean, scrape and polish on top of refitting the crown, 500 baht.

Immediate service, in and out 30 minutes. It was a no brainer for me.

The girlfriend thinks I was ripped off.

In the UK it would have cost 500 baht by the time I'd said Sawadee Khrap!

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When I go to see a doctor here I expect to pay.

The hospitals here (like most other businesses) like to overcharge and to add on completely unnecessary items in order to inflate the bill and I try and make sure that they only do the necessary things. They also like you to buy medicine from their pharmacy at obscenely over-inflated prices (I've seen up to 8 times the regular price) and I always like to just get the prescription and buy elsewhere.

But what I dont expect to pay for is a follow-up visit to the doctor where he just gives me a prescription that a nurse could have given me. I would not pay for that back where I lived in Europe (where all medical treatment was paid for) and I wont pay for it here. In fact back in Europe they would not be shameless enough to even try to charge for a follow-up visit. The initial payment for consultation and tests and treatment should cover everything, unless they actually do more things on the follow-up visit which doesnt seem to be the case here.

In the same way if I get my car repaired I pay the bill, but I dont expect to be charged a second time for the mechanic to give me the keys when I go and pick the car up after they have finished.

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Sounds like an extortionate amount to me.. last (private) hospital visit I had was under 300 for a 15 min consultation with a specialist, an xray, analysis of it, and a medical report.

HA! Ha! When was it 300 baht! Not in the last 5-10 years sorry!

But I think "redmann" was taken advaantage of, being charged a consultation just for results, I personally have not had that before and might have queried or argued that cost.

Whilst there are many problems etc with Thai hospitals though, I think its normally the overpricing of meds etc that are the issue, rather than the Doctors consultation charge.

Better luck next time!

Edited by Pdavies99
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They had to have you see the doctor. It is policy. The nurse who gave you your results (glad nothing serious by the way) was just the 'messenger'. As for what it cost you... actually it does not seem that high by Thai standards. I would put it down to location and the hospital. But seriously, back 'home' it would be far more.

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They had to have you see the doctor. It is policy. The nurse who gave you your results (glad nothing serious by the way) was just the 'messenger'. As for what it cost you... actually it does not seem that high by Thai standards. I would put it down to location and the hospital. But seriously, back 'home' it would be far more.

No, it wouldn't for the reasons I gave. "Back home" they dont charge for follow-up visits where you just collect a prescription.

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You were charged, 600 baht ($17) (£11) for a medical test, personal phone call from the hospital, doctor consultation and medication drugs, and this you consider a rip off? Unless you mean, charged 600 baht just for the doctor consultation? Otherwise; are you for real?

When you first had the test, a doctor had to analyse the results and prescribe the appropriate treatments prior to your consultation.

Out of interest, how mush would you expect to pay for this medical care?

No, I already paid nearly 3000 baht for the doctors consultation, tests, etc at my last visit. It is their choice to phone me - not my request. I was simply noting that today, when all I needed was the prescription as a result of the tests (already paid for) that I considered the additional doctor's consultation and fee unnecessary. BTW, it wasn't even my doctor that saw me - but another one in the clinic that I've never laid eyes on before.

In my home country, we pay 50 euro to see the doctor. Tests are free and when the results are back, if you only need medication you don't see the doctor, but just pick up the prescription. That is why I was surprised by today's events.

I see the usual rich, I love Thailand knowall crowd jumped on your back without knowing the full story.Don't hold your breath for an appology.Sounds like they have more money than sense.

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Sounds like an extortionate amount to me.. last (private) hospital visit I had was under 300 for a 15 min consultation with a specialist, an xray, analysis of it, and a medical report.

9 US-Dollars for a consultation, an x-ray with most probably the analysis of a radiologist? please, gimme a break! dry.png

Right....At home it's 50 Euro just to visit a doctor, and then the perception on top of that, and then the actual cost of the medicine on top of that again at the pharmacy. At my hospital (Sirikit in Sattahip) foreigners pay twice what a Thai pays, have signs up showing that. I would be glad that it was only around 600 Baht.

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Sounds like an extortionate amount to me.. last (private) hospital visit I had was under 300 for a 15 min consultation with a specialist, an xray, analysis of it, and a medical report.

HA! Ha! When was it 300 baht! Not in the last 5-10 years sorry!

But I think "redmann" was taken advaantage of, being charged a consultation just for results, I personally have not had that before and might have queried or argued that cost.

Whilst there are many problems etc with Thai hospitals though, I think its normally the overpricing of meds etc that are the issue, rather than the Doctors consultation charge.

Better luck next time!

18 months ago. Taksin hospital in Surat Thani.

- 15 minute chat with doctor regarding a previously broken humerus and the need for a medical certificate to say it had fully recovered

- 5 minutes in x ray

- 5 minute chat with the same doctor looking at the xray of a perfectly healed humerus and writing up a certificate

I was surprised myself at the time at the cost, but given the incredulity expressed here by more than one poster I just feel lucky now.

Of course I could be making it up, because there are massive kicks to be gained from bragging about how little one once paid for a hospital bill blink.png

Edited by rwdrwdrwd
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Did you pay for the original testing? I see only the 600 bht charge, nothing for the first day you went to the hospital. A well know hospital and a 'clinic' called you to tell you what was needed? Is clinic and hospital the same place?

The way I read the OP, 600 baht for test, doctors consultation, resultsl, not bad price altogether.

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Right....At home it's 50 Euro just to visit a doctor, and then the perception on top of that, and then the actual cost of the medicine on top of that again at the pharmacy. At my hospital (Sirikit in Sattahip) foreigners pay twice what a Thai pays, have signs up showing that. I would be glad that it was only around 600 Baht.

In France I think it's EUR25 for a doctor exam which includes simple tests and any prescription written. A follow-up would normally be free. And medicines are sold at an official government tariff that is exactly the same wherever you buy them. Hospital pharmacies are not allowed to charge extra, and of course charging foreigners extra because they are foreign would be a serious crime regardless of how many signs they might put up.

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Did you pay for the original testing? I see only the 600 bht charge, nothing for the first day you went to the hospital. A well know hospital and a 'clinic' called you to tell you what was needed? Is clinic and hospital the same place?

The way I read the OP, 600 baht for test, doctors consultation, resultsl, not bad price altogether.

The OP clearly stated that he originally paid 3000B for an initial consultation plus tests etc.


The 600B appears to be just a charge for collecting a prescription, which I think is inexcusable (though par for the course for a Thai business).

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You were charged, 600 baht ($17) (£11) for a medical test, personal phone call from the hospital, doctor consultation and medication drugs, and this you consider a rip off? Unless you mean, charged 600 baht just for the doctor consultation? Otherwise; are you for real?

When you first had the test, a doctor had to analyse the results and prescribe the appropriate treatments prior to your consultation.

Out of interest, how mush would you expect to pay for this medical care?

No, I already paid nearly 3000 baht for the doctors consultation, tests, etc at my last visit. It is their choice to phone me - not my request. I was simply noting that today, when all I needed was the prescription as a result of the tests (already paid for) that I considered the additional doctor's consultation and fee unnecessary. BTW, it wasn't even my doctor that saw me - but another one in the clinic that I've never laid eyes on before.

In my home country, we pay 50 euro to see the doctor. Tests are free and when the results are back, if you only need medication you don't see the doctor, but just pick up the prescription. That is why I was surprised by today's events.

»In my home country, we pay 50 euro to see the doctor. Tests are free and when the results are back, if you only need medication you don't see the doctor, but just pick up the prescription. That is why I was surprised by today's events.«
Yes, in your European home country, to where you probably pay tax and social security, but you are in Thailand, and you are a foreigner – only covered by private insurance or your own money. If a Thai apply for Visa to Europe (Schengen), a health insurance is normally mandatory, as the European’s more-or-less free health programme does not cover Thais. When a foreigner enters Thailand, a health insurance is not mandatory – however, that has been discussed – so if you decide to enter without one, you need to pay the bill yourself.
And yes, private hospitals may charge foreigners a bit high – that has also been an issue in the Thai news feed – they are a business, and their medicine is often overpriced (factor 2 or 3). Best way to avoid being irritated over high health bills is to have a health insurance that covers all – or use the public hospitals if you pay yourself; they are normally fair priced, even for foreigners.
Just for comparison, 50 Euro equals around 2,000 baht – which you would pay in Europe, anyway – and if you on top should pay for test, prescription and medicine, what would the price then be in Europe…?
If this is your only need of health care in Thailand – then smile a be happy for all the money you just saved, not paying for an all-inclusive health insurance...smile.png
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in my opinion, some hospitals would even dare to give you surgery you don't need

my wife was told she needed surgery for a liver problem, as it would cause cancer

2nd opinion in even more expensive hospital : there is a leasion that cannot become cancerous & it would be dangerous to cut it

internet doctor : leasion is not cancerous, will not turn cancerous, best to wait and see if it grows

hospital one is fairly famous and have several branches

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Less than $18 usd for a doctor's visit, what did your prescription cost? Let me guess , another 100 baht?

In the USA you would pay over $100 usd to see the doctor before you could even talk to a pharmacist about a prescription, even if you know you only need an antibiotic, and then probably another $100 usd for the drugs!

In most cases in Thailand you can skip the doctor's visit if you have a good idea of what your problem is and go directly to the pharmacist, again for usually about 100 baht or $3 usd.

and you feel ripped off?

Just curious, how much do you spend on alcohol?

The medical system in Thailand is very inexpensive for everyday needs!

Well, I felt kind of ripped off the other day. Took one of my children to see a private doctor, consultation Baht 100, cheap enough. One standard blood test, some infection (parasites), medication given for one week. Since his sister had the same symptoms, I took her to see the same doctor. No exam, no blood test, injection for pain, and medication for one week. Total bill: THB 3,360. More medication needed for both for a further three weeks (don't yet know the cost). I felt though that the bill was rather steep and will probably find a new doctor.

PS: Maybe I should add my children are dogs...

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You were charged, 600 baht ($17) (£11) for a medical test, personal phone call from the hospital, doctor consultation and medication drugs, and this you consider a rip off? Unless you mean, charged 600 baht just for the doctor consultation? Otherwise; are you for real?

When you first had the test, a doctor had to analyse the results and prescribe the appropriate treatments prior to your consultation.

Out of interest, how mush would you expect to pay for this medical care?

No, I already paid nearly 3000 baht for the doctors consultation, tests, etc at my last visit. It is their choice to phone me - not my request. I was simply noting that today, when all I needed was the prescription as a result of the tests (already paid for) that I considered the additional doctor's consultation and fee unnecessary. BTW, it wasn't even my doctor that saw me - but another one in the clinic that I've never laid eyes on before.

In my home country, we pay 50 euro to see the doctor. Tests are free and when the results are back, if you only need medication you don't see the doctor, but just pick up the prescription. That is why I was surprised by today's events.

Ok, I wasn`t sure if you meant 600 baht for the whole Caboodle or just for the quicky doctor consultation..

Now you have explained, yes, it appears you have been ripped off good and proper. Quite frankly, I would have argued the point regarding the doctor fee. I have experienced similar at certain hospitals in the past, always make a protest if I considered some fees were too extreme and have won.

Unfortunately you should had queried the fee while on the scene and prior to paying it, but it`s too late now. At least it`s an experience and you will be more savvy for the next time.

You were ripped off. That Doctor is the duty of the day doctor. His only job is to pass on what you already know and charge a fee for it. I had the same experience when I had a sonogram. After the procedure the Dr who had performed it sat me down and told me all about the results. Then sent me back upstairs to reception where the Duty Doctor took me to an exam room and told me exactly what the other doctor had just told me. When I paid the bill I found that I had been charged for the 'consultation' as well. In other words charged twice. I consider it a lesson learned and paid for. It may still be cheaper than your home country but so what? Being swindled is the same no matter what the amount.

Edited by williet98248
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Recently went to a well-known hospital for small problem and told I needed test. No problem with that. Today the nurse in the clinic phoned me to give me results. As expected nothing serious but I need a course of antibiotics. Nurse asked me to go in today - I assumed to pick up prescription. When I got there I was ushered straight into the doctor's office where I sat down for all of 45 seconds while he repeated what the nurse had told me earlier by phone. Of course, the next stop was the cashier's office where I was charged not only for my antibiotics, but also for the doctor's consultation. Now we're not talking a lot of money here, but I still feel ripped off to the tune of 600 baht (doc's fee and "Other medical charges") on top of my medication costs.

I don't know if I could have refused to see the doctor and insist on only picking up a prescription. I'm not a regular to the doctor, thank goodness, so not sure whether I had other options.

Oh, and the REALLY bad news ... absolutely no alcohol for the duration of the course of treatment. sad.png

Look op it is how it is done here in Australia you have to go back and see the doctor for the test results and it cost more but not much more like 800 thai baht cheers ps you have not been rep off

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Less than $18 usd for a doctor's visit, what did your prescription cost? Let me guess , another 100 baht?

In the USA you would pay over $100 usd to see the doctor before you could even talk to a pharmacist about a prescription, even if you know you only need an antibiotic, and then probably another $100 usd for the drugs!

In most cases in Thailand you can skip the doctor's visit if you have a good idea of what your problem is and go directly to the pharmacist, again for usually about 100 baht or $3 usd.

and you feel ripped off?

Just curious, how much do you spend on alcohol?

The medical system in Thailand is very inexpensive for everyday needs!

Well, I felt kind of ripped off the other day. Took one of my children to see a private doctor, consultation Baht 100, cheap enough. One standard blood test, some infection (parasites), medication given for one week. Since his sister had the same symptoms, I took her to see the same doctor. No exam, no blood test, injection for pain, and medication for one week. Total bill: THB 3,360. More medication needed for both for a further three weeks (don't yet know the cost). I felt though that the bill was rather steep and will probably find a new doctor.

PS: Maybe I should add my children are dogs...

tell me about it. same here! dry.png

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... Out of interest, how mush would you expect to pay for this medical care?

30 baht a year like a thai people tongue.png

or maybe zero baht like a soldier in Thailand clap2.gif

seriously if you go to a public hospital the bill is never steep , even you take the drugs there; at the hospital pharmacy .

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They had to have you see the doctor. It is policy. The nurse who gave you your results (glad nothing serious by the way) was just the 'messenger'. As for what it cost you... actually it does not seem that high by Thai standards. I would put it down to location and the hospital. But seriously, back 'home' it would be far more.

No, it wouldn't for the reasons I gave. "Back home" they dont charge for follow-up visits where you just collect a prescription.

But the point is that you are not "back home". I am also sure that the meds would have been far more cost wise. I am just saying. But again I am glad that there was nothing of a serious nature for your visit in the first place.

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