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Gen Prawit: Kamronwit will be dealt with in accordance with the law

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I wouldn't be at all surprised if this DOES go further as there's no love lost between the Military and the Police ... and the "PM" is making lots of changes ... an easy way to get rid of a paid lackey of the wrong side and then move someone else into his place.

Maybe Thaksin sent word to Prayut that he will keep a low profile for a couple of months if Prayut lets his flunky avoid prosecution. Worse deals than that have been made before.


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The hardest thing to swallow about this (and other similar occurances) is that it is so sickening that the entire top echelon of Thailand continues to patronize the entre populous by stating such BS. Knowing full well that most of society is naive and gullable enough to accept anything they say and print.

The difference being that expat residents understand this................and Thai nationals never will.

No Thai bashing intended at all. It's just the way this society is manipulated and kept in their place in the societal hierarchy.

The hardest thing to swallow about this (and other similar occurances) is that it is so sickening that the entire top echelon of Thailand continues to patronize the entre populous by stating such BS

I expect that from Thailand.

What really disappoints me is Japan. They have refused to prosecute a sure fire case of smuggling a weapon and ammunition into Japan, knowingly possessing a weapon and ammunition while in Japan as proved by his moving it from his checked luggage to his carry-on luggage (he said it was in his medicine bag; I use my medicine every day and I would see a gun there), and then attempting to bring a loaded gun into the cabin of a commercial passenger plane through Japanese airport security. Each of these crimes bring guaranteed multi-year prison sentences for you or I if we did that.

Have we heard any justification from Japanese officials why they didn't prosecute Kamronwit?

Did they even confiscate his gun?

What is the reaction in the Japanese press to his release?

Have the Japanese people no opinion?

Why haven't ABAC or NIDA conducted polls on what the Thai people think of this?

There is some very serious monkey business going on here.



Where is the evidence he took the gun through Swampy? Newspaper reports are not evidence.

Where is the gun now?

Where is the evidence that he had an unregistered gun while in Thailand?

Yes, he'll be dealt with according to the law....and as there's no evidence available, he will be let off.

Maybe there's DNA evidence whistling.gif


I wouldn't be at all surprised if this DOES go further as there's no love lost between the Military and the Police ... and the "PM" is making lots of changes ... an easy way to get rid of a paid lackey of the wrong side and then move someone else into his place.

He has no place he is retired, he is a former police chief.

I thought he had simply been moved to a position in Chiang Mai last year, or am I out of date?

It was stated when the story first broke that he had retired about two months after being transferred.



"The fact that Camronwit admitted the gun was his has raised doubts he might have carried the weapon through Suvarnabhumi Airport, as he left Thailand on the way to Tokyo."

The gun was teleported to Japan using principles from quantum entanglement. Everyone knows that.


if Thailand is serious about their image overseas as they seem to frequently go on about.

Their falling over themselves trying and take the spotlight off the farcical Koh Tao trial

So we can expect, he will find the full weight of the law coming down on him.


" In accordance with the law " ? Which law -- the one where I would be behind bars now or the other " Law for the Connected " whereby

the scanners and, maybe, America, will shoulder the blame and the Officer will be compensated for stay in Japanese jail ?


Gen Prawit said authorities concerned namely the police, the Airports of Thailand and the immigration police would have to discuss what to do with the former Bangkok police chief.

Naive as I am- I thought this would be the task of a court...


Im surprised that in a Thai twisted logic he is yet to sue the airport for not discovering the gun and thus causing him all this grief.


This is gonna be another kick in the ba11s for the common people that can hardly survive while these Fat Cats steal and bleed the poor dry ... bah.gif What a disgusting society that actually support these thiefes sad.png


After a lot of talk about following the law he won't be prosecuted. Somyat protects his people.

Agree. Usual smoke and mirrors, slight of hand. Might be told off, but no prosecution.

They'll be some bluster then all go quiet as usual, apart from a re-assurance as to the quality of security at the airport.


I wouldn't be at all surprised if this DOES go further as there's no love lost between the Military and the Police ... and the "PM" is making lots of changes ... an easy way to get rid of a paid lackey of the wrong side and then move someone else into his place.

He has no place he is retired, he is a former police chief.

I thought he had simply been moved to a position in Chiang Mai last year, or am I out of date?

It was stated when the story first broke that he had retired about two months after being transferred.

Ah, I missed that then ... thanks for the update ... so they've already got rid of Thaksin's paid lackey and now he's not got the protection he once has (I would assume). Maybe we'll see some jail time for once.


Gen Prawit said authorities concerned namely the police, the Airports of Thailand and the immigration police would have to discuss what to do with the former Bangkok police chief.

Naive as I am- I thought this would be the task of a court...

They have to decided whether to charge him first. The the prosecutors must decide to prosecute (and we see how "keen" the OAG can be) then the courts can decide on the evidence presented.

I doubt he'll get prosecuted. They waffle he didn't actually break any laws here. Some crap about intentions like the Japs used.


1 - did he leave Thailand with a gun yes or no - charge him (if in hand luggage )

2 - why did airport security (if he did) not find it - prosecute airport and him

3 - why when it was "registered" (son flew out with documents alledgely then found out not registered) - prosecute him

4- did he bring the gun back? - if so Japan not so smart


The key words are "according to the law"

If he is guilty of breaking the law arrest him...

As has been shown recently the Junta certainly adhere to the law and in fact have been held accountable because of it (Peace TV). So this current situation replicates their stance on this one principle of democracy where others have failed.

Well done to the Junta..... and if the suspect is proven innocent under Thai law them I will respect that. I will not burn effigies of the Judges or throw shi&t at them..Becuase that would be undemocratic.


I wouldn't be at all surprised if this DOES go further as there's no love lost between the Military and the Police ... and the "PM" is making lots of changes ... an easy way to get rid of a paid lackey of the wrong side and then move someone else into his place.

I think you may have overlooked alleged links between the gunslinging general and the brother of the person quoted. He was also a Thaksinite police chief.

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