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Bangkok traffic cops told to respect bosses' privilege


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Because of the hierarchy system that the Thais have had ingrained in themselves since birth. This insolent behavior does not have any impact on the publics thinking. The public is trained that the elite are afforded these indiscretions without any recourse. This in itself will always keep Thailand in the lowest echelon of progress in the modern world. So sad that these people will forever lack the morals and intelligence that the rest of the world can achieve. They don't even recognize what the issue is, similar to the North Koreans not knowing the state their country is in. Ignorance truly is blissful.

More a feudal system.

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"They must speak politely, he said. "They have to be gentle with people. As for selecting which car for alcohol test, we will judge by the clothes, manner, and the way they talk. For example, some people use too much perfume to hide alcohol smell, this will a factor that will merit an alcohol test."

Some days I just despair.

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Is this guy living on this planet. What a load of BS. Bosses' privileges. They are law enforcement officers but because they hold a superior rank they are above the law. No wonder this police system is corrupt as it is, they really set a fine example for the troops. Who gives a toss what rank they hold, they need to abide by the rules as does every other citizen.

So for the volunteers, this was a mistake and now all cops have to know the faces and registration details of these untouchables' cars so they are not stopped in the future and that if they told something, they have to accept it. Now the volunteers will be required to be tested to see if they are qualified and they must speak politely and be gentle with people. I'd suggest that this idiot should put the commander through a similar course so he will learn the laws and is subject to them the same as others are. Yes, I know, I'm whistling Dixie. whistling.gif

I thought these were random breath tests, not tests that are brought about by the clothes someone wears, their manner or the way they talk as well as the amount of perfume one wears. Just test everyone, not come up with this BS. It's about time some of these so called adults started acting like one instead of someone that has never grown up. I wouldn't say acting like children because I think the children would have more sense in one bone than half of these idiots would have in their entire bodies.

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So don't bother to remember numbers off all the drug runners and killers on the loose, just remember whose butt you need to kiss!!cheesy.gif

I want to know if he took the test when he got out off the car to tell the guy who he was??

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What's really terrifying about this story is that, for him to so vehemently refuse to be breathalyzed, the lieutenant general presumably feared he would fail said test. So not only was one of Bangkok's most senior police officers driving while drunk, but he also thinks so little about it that he doesn't fear publicizing the fact!

Discover Thainess :)

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So this is the end result of the promise to clean up the RPT from P.M. Prayut - O it is alright to refuse a breathalyser for some but not for others , whilst the senior police officers are out driving their cars Prime Minister they are no longer a protected species, they are just another member of the public , like it or lump it , no wonder the public are getting pissed of with the upper crust in town and the Junta. coffee1.gif

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When's the revolution?

I've no wish to incite one, but you have to wonder when the Thai people have had enough of these idiots. Social media will play a large role.....

Edited by MESmith
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The roadside alcohol-test is not aimed exclusively at people who are drunk, it can be used randomly for anybody, and rightly so. So the "I wasn't drunk" is irrelevant, these tests were intended originally as a constant net system, to randomly catch drunk-drivers and gradually lower the numbers of road fatalities and injuries.

The VIP factor is also irrelevant, and even more so. If a VIP crashes drunkenly into me, will my injuries be less serious than if a common washerwoman had crashed drunkenly into me?

I have lost several friends due to reckless drunk drivers, it is a terrible and senseless way to lose somebody, it is very hard to find closure when you know your friend died just because somebody got drunk and didn't call a taxi. I think that for many drink-drivers, it is all fun-and-games until they crash and end up in hospital, or in an accident that kills other people. But that stage is called the "too late" stage, and the whole purpose of road-safety Laws is to prevent that tragic final stage, as often as possible.

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Why are we surprised at this? Elite class still reigns free. Sanctioned government corruption blatant. Sad state of affairs.

It surprises me because they bring their corruption in public. Even in the newspaper.

Soon we might have a list of all Thai who are above the law.

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I am sorry to say that Thailand needs a revolution, something like the French revolution.

Correct, the pussy footing coups that thailand has is like re - arranging the deck chairs on the Titanic to avert disaster, completely useless.

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Crazy to the extreme I bet everyone agrees.. pro junta .. pro Thaksin.. everyone with half a brain agrees that this is stupid.

Its a first, but I agree with you100%. Now forget Thaksin/Redshirts/PTP, this has to be a big chance for Mr Prayuth to show how serious he is about stamping out corruption. I mean this guy is the top traffic cop and it's incredibly corrupt to instruct your underlings to break the law by exempting the brass from being breathalysed. C'mon Mr P, prove to us that you aren't all gas and gaiters.

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I used to go out with a police woman who hadn't long left the force, one night we arranged to meet at a club in my home town, she was in

her car and I was in mine.

At the end of the night when we were parting, (she had a drink but was not drunk) she was going to drive herself home, I advised her not to,

she said if the police stopped her they would know her and just let her go.

I drove her home then picked her up the next day and took her for her car. I had met her at a club the previous week, so that was our first date.

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"I have instructed all volunteers and police officers to memorize faces, names, and license plates of their commanders well, so that this mistake will not happen again," Pol.Maj.Gen. Thanapon said.

Alzheimer? How could he forget to mention family members, friends and neighbors, and their favorite fortune tellers and som tam hawkers?

I wonder If he already passed the name list to judges in court and handed out badges for those in the club of untouchables above the law?

So a volunteer doing his job taking breathalyzer tests without distinction of a person is making a mistake? Which species was quoted with the words: "all animals are equal?"

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I think I can understand the outrage in this topic, but not the surprise. A while back, I saw someone write that Thailand is a 3rd world country. full of 3rd-world people with 3rd-world educations. Why would you really expect anything else but exactly that?

Any psychologist worth his or her salt would tell you that Thais never really progress beyond the level of a 12-14 year-old in the developed world - hence the over-reliance on face and self-esteem. They would also tell you that a prevailing opinion among people who *do* have a good education and would know the difference, is that a large percentage of Thais are narcissistic - for a good example of that, you won't have to look very far - Thai TV will show you everything you need to know about Thailand and its ruling classes.

Thailand isn't the way Thailand is because the majority of its people are honest, well-educated and industrious, so why be surprised when they demonstrate that they're not? Most ex-pats are in TL precisely because Thailand is what Thailand is, for good or ill, so perhaps we collectively shouldn't moan but keep out own counsel, after all, This have nothing to learn from any other country or any non-Thai, as has been said frequently - in spite of the obvious western influence in Thailand, and it's obvious benefits to Thais. Corruption is a way of life in TL and permeates from the village head-man right to the top levels of government - same as yesterday, same as tomorrow, next year and for as long as TL takes to be an officially recognised failed state - because I suspect that will happen and it will likely have to happen before meaningful change can be made. Maybe it is possible after all, for a soldier to accumulate 600m million baht on a soldiers salary and still end his career journey by appearing not to be taken seriously by anyone.

*Shrug*, It is what it is and it isn't going to change. It may not get any worse but there's no evidence all all that it might get any better, none that I can see anyway. Even allowing for the fact that Thailand escaped having to pay war reparations by the skin of their teeth after WW2 it had pretty much the same opportunities to be another success story, like Singapore, rather than a laughing-stock, like - well, like Thailand really.

Somewhere along the way, the people that Thais were, and evidently still are, prepared to put their faith in, managed to foul it right up.

Like most ex-pats who ever spent time in Thailand, I am merely a flea on the back of my dog of choice. But in Thailand, the fleas fight and kill each other to decide who owns the dog. It's all a but silly really, but every country that ever became a meaningful democracy had to go through the same process, Thais are just a little bit slower at it than many, but then maybe not so many people will have to die as in many other cases around the world, so perhaps that could be a silver lining.

Edited by Down the rabbit hole
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Prayut, this is your chance to show the people of Thailand that you are more than just a talking head on a Friday nights and that the police are not above the law and will be treated equally.


...and while you at it, how about the Police Chief that refused to cancel Thaksin's police rank?...we haven't forgotten.

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I used to go out with a police woman who hadn't long left the force, one night we arranged to meet at a club in my home town, she was in

her car and I was in mine.

At the end of the night when we were parting, (she had a drink but was not drunk) she was going to drive herself home, I advised her not to,

she said if the police stopped her they would know her and just let her go.

I drove her home then picked her up the next day and took her for her car. I had met her at a club the previous week, so that was our first date.

From personal experience, that attitude prevailed in Oz 45 years ago, and likely much later. But at least it was more discreet.

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Next time you're driving down the highway and some jerk in his Benz runs you off the road, don't get mad and chase after him, he might be a high ranking cop and blow your head off and walk away because he can. Many times this has happened and the wife always says "Mai pen rai" maybe he is big shot and he shoot you for sure. There diffinetly is a class pecking order here in Thailand .

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